Just officially got noticed that I passed and got my Master's

Just officially got noticed that I passed and got my Master's
I have no friends or family to tell
Can I get a congrats or something Yea Forumsros?

In return here's some titties

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Good job bro. You worked hard and it paid off. Hope you get the job you want and start the career you wished for

Hey dude. Good job no shot. Went back and finished my bachelors at 28 last year. Feelsgoodman.

Congrats. What's your major?

Nice job op, congrats.

What master did u passed?

congrats yuppie, i hate you

Comgratz op you should fuck the diploma

Grats on the debt.

Congrats Yea Forumsro, here's some titties right back atcha

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Great job mastersfag. Have some cake, yes?

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Way to go bro!
It will pay off. Go out and celebrate!
Meet new people

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That’s awesome dude, use it wisely. Whether or not you get your dream job, having that is something that a lot of people don’t get, I’m gonna start working on mine soon too, be proud

Nah I already got a job in my field and it's shit. I really only finished the degree because I already started and paid for most of it so I might as well

I'd prefer not to say
It was embarrassingly easy content-wise though, just a lot of work

Decent I appreciate it

Damn not OP but those are gorgeous tits

I’m not saying congrats till I know the major because if it’s gender studies then all you did was star in a cuck porn for your thesis

Hey man, I don't know you but I am legitimately proud of you for your accomplishments.

And you should be proud of yourself, external validation isn't necessary. You did good. Carry on and keep being outstanding.

contrats, plz more of her

I'm guessing it's lesbian dance theory


I’m 29 getting ready to go back to college and work full time as a electrician. One thing I learned is friends don’t last for ever. I have a wife and kids and that’s all I need. Congrats op be proud hold your head up high. Today op wasn’t a fag.

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congrats on nothing, now go be a good lazy liberal go back to working at starbucks and protesting lives that don't matter

It's not a made up meme degree, like I said I'm already employed in the field, which means the field actually exists
I know I said it's shit but at least it's not useless

Sorry I don't have any

Congrats fucker

have some premium pussy, user

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I'm a construction consultant after being a carpenter for 12 years. My job is to look at engineer's plans and tell them whether its humanly possible to build or not. Youd be shocked by how often I'll look at a set of prints and make them go back to try again


A winrar is you

no, that's all I have

>Tfw not having a stem master

You cant ask for congratulations over a task you are ashamed of. OP is a faggot, as always.

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Nice job user, now get that money

Congrats! Grad school can be a slog and a half. Gonna continue on to a PhD, or has this cured you of wanting to be involved with academia any more?

I'm not sure. I much prefer being in school to working, but I have little interest in my field so a PhD would have to be in something else, so idk probably not
At this point I'm just sort of waiting around to die

no congratulations until you state your connection to those titties.

if that's an ex, then I gotta question why you got a Master's Yea Forumsro.

Psh I fucking wish
I don't have an ex anywhere near close to that attractive
She's just some rando in my fap folder

Waste of human being, living over your parents wealth.
Pls die already.

No one cares about your liberal arts degree op, go back to fapping to gay trap anime porn

a hearty congratulations to you, sir! huzzah to your acocmplishments!

It's not unheard-of to go laterally between fields, although they might shunt you into a combo masters/doctoral program if it's far enough away from your first master's. (For at least some of the engineering and science programs, they explicitly structure it so that the research done in one directly feeds into the next, so you don't have to go and plead to your to approve your areas of study all over again.)

gay trap.... "oh you think you're gay and you're getting off to this guy? well guess what.... those are just fucking massive labia that you THOUGHT was the outline of a cock in her panties. Guess what Yea Forumsro you're STRAIGHT."

Not your personal army.

gratz Yea Forumsro, get yourself a whore, you earned it

with his new masters degree and a good job, he will be able to attract pussy like this.

I can't afford it

get a job, save up money. get nice apartment, attract a nice girl to bewife. go from there (dont settle for a bitch just because she is attractive, get one that is sweet, you will be happier in the long run).

how old are you ?

I have a job
All my money goes to loans
I don't attract any girls let alone nice girls
I'm 29


when will the loans be paid off ?
anyways, the 2nd round girls are much easier, they are in the 35 age range and already have a kid or two, divorce, and pretty easy to hook up with. most of them are down for more kids, just to feel loved (if you want kids).


I just threw up in my mouth a little
I'll just die alone

>when will the loans be paid off ?
literally never

Congrats! What is your field of study?

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Barely high school grad here. My team has 2 masters and 2 ivy league grads. Im in sales and not even complicated stuff really. I got lucky early for sure while these guys were in school, but imagine you have an econ degree from harvard and have to ask my drunk ass for a day off (sort of)? I want these guys around so they get close to perfect freedom but still...

>I just threw up in my mouth a little
was just being realistic...
- you can also try online dating, but you will need money to pay for dinners etc for that. and it is harder to weed out the sweet ones.

>literally never
sucks, how much you in for and how much you earn a month ?




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Don't get the phd

Earn about $2k a month, student loans (if I wasn't on income-driven repayment) are about $1250 a month

cant you get a better paying job with a master degree in your area?
i live somewhere in europe, have 2 bachelors (Some computing stuff), after i was done with the 2nd i got my first real job. paid about 4k, that is 13 years ago. changed jobs like half a year later, got 4.7k in the new one to start with. still that place and make 8.8k/month now. there are of cause insane taxes at like 40% but healthcare etc is paid through them. all i am saying is the future is brighter, get a good job and hang in there user

Probably not. The masters doesn't improve my employability any
I would obviously be in way better shape if I was in Europe because college wouldn't have cost a house and I wouldn't have to pay out of pocket for healthcare

Holy shit those are the most perfect looking tits ever

sounds like youa re in for a sucky life

hitler is hot


Congrats fag!

congrats dude, I know that's a lot of work. I was so stoked when I got mine.

Congrats OP and here’s a little kernel to make you feel good, because you did it all alone you had to work 10x harder, everyone else had support to help them along the way. Humans are social animals, so doing things alone doesn’t get nearly enough credit as it should, especially for long periods of time. You now have the tools that a lot of people never get, no matter what happens you can function without the emotional support so many people take for granted.

Nice one dude

I forgot I was going to give you some tits back. For some reason Yea Forums prefers “amateur” porn but hope you enjoy homie.

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It was education k-8 right?

Well done b-ro.
Now get some beers down, light a cigar, fap and chill

>that ass will never release directly into your mouth

Congrats OP, now you just gotta find a small, cute femboy waifu to suck your dick, and you'll be set for life.

Indigo white

An user rising above the chaff of this site and getting something as real as a Master's is indeed something to applaud. You don't need our accolades even if you are on your own, just know that you rose above and you did it all on your own. Excellent work, user.

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>I passed and got my Master's

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