Have you ever been so depressed you can't even masturbate properly?

Have you ever been so depressed you can't even masturbate properly?

What the honest fuck.

Attached: dd.png (620x398, 446K)

frequently actually

You've reached rock bottom. The last joy in your life is gone, time to anhero.

ironically or apathetically?

I think so, man. People are selfish though, and for some reason they think I need to live.

Think I'm dying of organ failure somewhere anyways- maybe- hopefully, amiright?


have you tried using a circular saw to help?

So masturbate improperly and quit bitching about it

Nah, it's not turning me on either.

It's people like you that I actually like

but fuck you imma bitch cause imma bitch

Yea. It just means I have to wait a lot longer for a good fap.

check the breakers

But then how do you sleep? I feel like I have to do it to sleep...is that bad?

You sound like you might have BPD, obviously this is just a guess based on your few messages, but the depression and hypochondria are very pathologically striking.

At least I find humor in all of it. Like, I'mma grower- so I'm just sitting here bitching being depressed, all while I'm just palming this fucking vienna sausage.


Last time I took the trash brain to the doctor it was Depressive Bipolar- thats kind of a BPD, right?

I actually do believe I have organ failure though, I assume its something in the digestive track. Food passes through me very quickly :(

do you fall asleep immediately after you fap?!?!?!

Yeah, I'm out like a light with my deflating cock still in my cum covered hand

Nah, but Im at a point where youtube can lull me to sleep

quite a bit lately.

Your organs have no impact on peristalsis and if you had organ failure you would know about it, not guess it. As for your brain, I'm not sure because I'm not a professional, go see one again and try to get a second opinion.