Fuck all of you who post in r/Yea Forums

Fuck all of you who post in r/Yea Forums.

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I dont use reddit at all.

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Lying won't change the truth.

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what is /r ??

Unironically never used it. I came to Yea Forums during the fappening. I have spent a total of 5 minutes on reddit within the past 4 years because I clicked on some links.

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ur so fucking cool bro
fuck me
get over here and fuck me

fuck all you faggots who say havent even been on reddit for a minute. i use reddit all the fucking time. its a great place to find information on video games.

put me in the reddit screenshot

grow up user

As if Yea Forums will ever come close to r/dragonsfuckingcars

>haha wow guys look at this subreddit about dragons fucking cars, isnt that craziest and most random thing you've seen?

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totally wacky fuckin out of this world bro. just fucking crazy what these internet people come up with amirite?

wow guys look at this website where we spread hate and treat people like trash because our meaningless unfulfilled lives leave us bitter, racist and homophobic! Don't you just love wallowing in a cesspool rather than working on self improvement?

To be fair I’ve been visiting /b for about 9 years and it’s mostly fap wwyd fur bullshit threads nowadays. There’s nothing left here to defend.

again with the depressing images

I agree op and Yea Forums are gay and retarted.

did I strike a cord with that image? don't take everything you read on the internet up the ass redditor

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>i use reddit all the fucking time
go back

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You should use other sites. Except for reddit, which is the epitome of cancer

>I came to Yea Forums during the fappening.
You're just as bad.