I accidentally discharged my 410 shotgun at home

I accidentally discharged my 410 shotgun at home
>i live in the city
>police showed
>they said neighbors reported me
>they said a search warrant is coming so I should let them in
>i didnt let them in
>that was 20 minutes ago
>i opened every window to air out smell
>did this to my wall
>please comfort me

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Just say you thought the safety was on.
As long as you have the paperwork. They got a warrant to see if you actually murdered anyone.

Ya you fucked up
I want to say hide your gun but I'm not sure if there's a good enough point

If all you did was discard a weapon in the city relax. Shit happens when you're "cleaning" a weapon. Most that will happen is a ticket. Just let them in and make up an excuse.

serves you right you retarded hick trash. now face the consequences of having an illegal firearm

Fucking auto correct

I feel like they could enter with probable cause.

Really your neighbors called the cops?
Do you live in an apartment?
I fire my 9mm and 22lr into my back yard at night sometimes when I'm bored and the cops never showed up, and I live in the suburbs (kinda)

You didn't do anything illegal so you'll be fine

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I don't even know what I'm looking at, but it sure as hell isn't drywall damaged by a 410.

discard body in the river
clean up blood with bleach
make the hole in hole bigger and put shotgun shell and shot all around room.
casually act like you are still cleaning up mess when they arrive and you'll be all good.

open the fucking door you downy

He plastered it

Consider suicide nigger

in most cities and states its illegal to discharge a weapon within city limits

>I accidentally discharged my 410 shotgun at home
>>they said a search warrant is coming so I should let them in
>>i didnt let them in
>>i opened every window to air out smell
So many bad choices, and you still own a gun. Just let them in.

tell them you got angry at a videogame or something which was embarrasing that the police showed up and flung your computer mouse at the wall as hard as you fucking could while shouting

I hope its not a felony to discharge a weapon within city limits where youre at. Good Luck.

They have other shit to do besides fucking with a search warrant.
Also you Should tell them you heard on tv that the democrats said not to let anyone in your house specially cops

>doing any of this
Saying or doing the crazy shit you just described is you guarantee that they follow up on the search warrant.

Your feelings are not the law. Fuck off with your faggoty feelings, lowlife.

You’re good dude.

You’ll get a noise complaint, disorderly conduct, nothing serious if your shit checks out. Idk what kind of state you live.

If they were dicks they’d get wreckless endangerment but that would get dropped in court.

Until they find out he's a white nationalist that visits imageboards and has a stockpile of weapons.

Shotguns are legal everywhere. As long as you are not on probation or parole, you should be okay. Just tell them it went off accidentally, but it was inside. I don't even think the Discharge Within City Limits laws apply if it's inside.

This. Hide your nazi flag op

Fuck you and all you irrresponsible gun owners who treat guns like toys.

I’m in favor of repealing all gun laws in the United States, and replacing them with one single law - the ability of police to confiscate guns from people are criminally violent or irresponsible - people like you who give responsible gun owners a bad name.

Guns to not “accidentally” go off. NEGLIGENT gun owners break the cardinal rules of gun safety and risk the lives of those around them. This isn’t a “shit happens” situation. This is a “I acted in a dangerously irresponsible manner that threatened the lives of my neighbors” situation.

I have no pity for people like you who treat deadly weapons like toys and refuse to take responsibility for your actions.

It was a cleaning accident, relax. Your left side is hanging out.

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>I kept it loaded while I was cleaning it!

Fucking retard, you deserve to have it repossessed

Hey wine aunt, your cats hungry, go feed the pieces of shit

Lmao, see you on the news tomorrow OP.

Yes, it was a cleaning accident. A negligent, dangerously irresponsible cleaning accident that might have killed someone, and could have easily been prevented had you exercised bare minimum firearm stewardship.

Here it is illegal to fire a gun within several miles of the city. If you do get caught, they take your guns and won't be able to buy anymore.

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...just as bad as the accident itself is your adamant refusal to take responsibility for your actions, which, if your post is to be believed, is about to seriously bite you in the ass.

Fuck that, never let cops in unless you actually want them to. Open your front door, step outside, shut door behind you and talk to em outside.

>.410 shotgun
>endangered the lives of my neighbors
Lol, no. He endangered the squirrel living in his attic.

Why did you have a loaded 410 in the city at home?

Home defense? So you can dent someone like that wall?


Get a real shotgun ya puss

They won't be back. Dont do it again, dumbass.

An ND isn't a criminal act, they cant get a warrent.
But if a report of a firearm discharges in a house, they would have PC to enter.
So you're just LARPing.
>Yea Forums porn, pasta, and LARP threads only

The left
>cops need to confiscate guns, only cops should have guns, if you need protection call the cops
Also the left
>cops are murdering crooks who kill innocents dail

>cant into buckshot or slugs

are you fucking stupid? why would you ever let cops in for anything in any situation? they're not on your side. ever

why not just let the cops in and explain what happened? Ooooh because you're not supposed to own a weapon because you're a criminal.

Anyone with a weapon is a criminal

Otherwise they wouldn't need a weapon.

Should of put your gun back up (in a gun safe preferably) lied to them and said you heard it too. Let them in if they asked, but don't let them in the safe. If they get you to open it they WILL confiscate your weapons.

>are you fucking stupid
Are you? If the cops rolled up on OP, they probably saw him open his window. He was stupid enough to have a shotgun to discharge
and so I doubt he'll make any smarter decisions, than letting the cops take it away from him before he blows off his own toe.

OP is too stupid to not discharge his weapon accidentally and too stupid to not own a weapon when he probably has a previous felony and it's illegal for him to do so.

At least you're getting practice for all the big nibba dick you're going to get in prison white boi, because you're fucked.

Why didn’t you take this to k?
Because you knew you’d be yelled at for acting like a fucking momo

what vodka and wine to you buy? or is the price that high where you live? in germany a gallon costs 27€ which is like 30$ :D
wine is 5,52€ per gallon which is like 6$ haha
but gas is nearly the same as wine

Well pictured is a half gallon of Smirnoff blue label (100 proof).
But even in the states I can get a half gallon of vodka for $10