My girlfriend is pregnant and she throws up sometimes. She threw up this morning and I guess she ripped her lip...

My girlfriend is pregnant and she throws up sometimes. She threw up this morning and I guess she ripped her lip? For some reason it’s looking really bad and we are curious as to what you guys a Yea Forumsro out and I may return the favor...
>insert winky face

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fuck off larping faggot

I am larping?

idfk but post pictures of her naked or go away


no one on Yea Forums has a girlfriend m8

Looks like a canker sore. Can be super painful but it’ll go away. Nothing dangerous.

Who does she suspect the father is?

That’s what we thought. She was brushing her teeth and then it made her throw up she then split her lip somehow throwing up then this formed...

Looks exactly like a herpes outbreak. It sucks but if this is her first ever outbreak, go get some oral acyclovir. It's not the worst thing in the world but shes gonna feel like a troll for a week or so.

Oh and dont believe that shes out kissing other dudes or anything either, it's super easy to get herpes even just from sharing drinks with someone who has it.

congrats you have herpes
ditch da bitch asap

That’s what we thought. She was brushing her teeth and then it made her throw up she then split her lip somehow throwing up then this formed...

Yeah but herpes looks more like a crater right?? This doesn’t look like that...

post pictures of her vomiting or gtfo

the crater comes when the herpes infested cells explode and create a big bloody bubble that heals bad.

Can you show us her butt?

Now that’s helpful advice
Hers a reward

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Please. I wanna jerk off to her ass

She looks like white trash. Your child is the child of a whore

she looks really young to be pregnant.
are you a pedophile?

Instead of herpes cremes, you should try a heat based treatment. Something like HerpoTherm.
It's basically the same as BiteAway.
Herpes virus can only survive below certain temperatures. Applying heat will kill it.
My wife always had problems with occasional outbreaks. But since she does this heat thing, she can usually stop the outbreak before she gets blisters on her lip.

Expect a black baby with herpes on their genetalia in a few months.

Attached: oh no.jpg (123x126, 5K)

If she hasn't tried it yet, see if ginger tea helps with the nausea. That and remind her that it's not always for the whole duration of the pregnancy.

Go back to r9k, young incel.

Dude I'm a alcoholic and probably have thrown up hundreds of times more than her, this has never happened to me. That's herps bro

But I kiss her all the time and I haven’t gotten any outbreaks...

You can have herpes for many years without ever having an outbreak.

She doesn't look young to me, looks more like chubby white trash

You're fucked bro lmao and the mother of your child is a fucking white trash whore