My wife just adopted a black kid without asking me first. What do Yea Forums?

My wife just adopted a black kid without asking me first. What do Yea Forums?

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treat him with love.

Learn how adoption works before posting dumb bullshit

Ask her if she still has the receipt.

Post her nudes

Love the kid no matter what. Raise him.


be a role model for him and treat him as if he was biologically yours

>1. pinch self
>2. wake up in moms basement
>3. oof! what a scary dream!

OP you're a faggot

i recommend swallowing a few tide pods

Put it in the refuse bin

something like daisy's destrution

This is pasta but yeah, this.


Dude, she's a baby!

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That's not even possible.

Go back to drawing board user.

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Incorrect. Not how it works. No one believes you. You are alone, entirely alone. You are so alone you have made up a fake wife, and even in your imagination, she treats you like shit. Why do you hate yourself so much?

This reposted shit is cancer

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