I'm going to be dropping one and a half tabs of acid in about a week from now...

I'm going to be dropping one and a half tabs of acid in about a week from now. I've heard it can totally change you and how you think about life. I was just wondering if anyone here ever took acid and afterwards it changed them. Stories would be appreciated.

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made me realize everything's connected and ultimately nothing matters.
can't really explain it in words, it's an experience.
just make sure you spend the next week taking out your emotional garbage, texting friends and catching up with family.
turn off your phone and any social media when you trip, you dont want to be looking through facebook and suddenly feel nostalgia. LSD is a mood ENHANCER.
if you feel happy and one with everything, you'll feel it times a million on acid.
if you're sad, depressed, miss your ex or start regretting something stupid you said to someone you'll feel worse times a million.

One 1.5 tabs you wont need a sitter, but having the tripsit chatroom open is never a bad idea. it's like an IRC full of other anons who are tripping, chilling, linking music to each other. heavily moderated so no-one acts like a cunt to ruin anyone's "vibe".
If you need help you can ask for help in any channel and an experienced trip sitter will private convo you. they're legit, helped me during my first trip when I was feeling a bit panicky and tense.

dont overthink the trip. dont have crazy high expectations. I say go in with a positive mindset with 0 expectations other than to just relax and have a good time.
try to keep yourself occupied, its when you're bored sitting around with your own thoughts that you'll do stupid shit like reminisce.
put on good music. have some juice, soda or light beers to sip and maybe queue up a favorite movie or anime.
if you're a musician maybe play the guitar a bit.
same if you're an artist, drawing stuff on acid is fun as fuck.
it's also fun to keep a "trip diary" open (like a word document or a piece of paper) and write down your thoughts at different stages of the trip.
I do this every time I trip now and it makes for fun reading years later.

The main thing with acid is the trip is so LONG and with effects like time dilation you feel like you've been tripping forever.

Thanks for the advice user

most acid around these days is total shit.

if you smoke weed, there are 3 approaches
>smoking at the start during the come-up can help "ease" you into the trip if you're nervous
>smoking during the peak will intensify it, but add a sort of randomness and scatterbrain-ness to it (wouldn't recommend for newbies to be honest)
>smoking after the peak makes the already comfy acid come-down even comfier. get a blanket and melt into your couch like pic related

Honestly if you can avoid it, I wouldn't smoke weed the first time. If you do, wait until after the peak is done (about 5 or 6 hours in). Then rug up and watch a movie.
Alcohol is fine, just sip light beers like 3% or 4%. A little buzz is fine. Your alcohol tolerance goes heaps up when you're tripping so you'll drink 8 beers and feel nothing, but you DONT want to get drunk.

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Bro acid is just a 6 to 12 hour shin dig if fun, innocent thoughts of positivity.
Then you sober up and you're still you.
You gotta do alot, be receptive to abstract thought and also find your own beat.
I am not one of those people, after it's over I just kinda reflect, reminisce and move on with my day or night.
Have fun, wear a sweater or something soft and warm if it's cold.
Be safe my dude.

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If you want, mix the acid with popper, that shit is amazing

Yes, it can give you some good insights, but people exaggerate it and 90 percent of the time you don't even remember your most of your thoughts on it. You don't see pink elephants and shit like that unless you're taking a 10 strip. Take the tabs with some alcohol it basically makes it impossible to have a bad trip if your drunk in my experience.

>it can give you some good insights, but people exaggerate it and 90 percent of the time you don't even remember your most of your thoughts on it. You don't see pink elephants and shit like that unless you're taking a 10 strip
the movies or people make out like you see crazy wild colors and it's all 1960's Beatles movie crazy shit.
At 1.5 tabs you'll have some visuals but it's not like that. just distorted reality. objects might "breathe", patterns might move or flow, shit like that.
like this guy says you wont remember most of your thoughts, which is why I write down shit at different points during my trip.
and yeah sipping a few beers makes the trip great.

Smoking all depends on how one reacts to weed when sober and experience with the substance. You do want to be drunk it helps so much with the anxiety of the whole experience it's very hard to get bad vibes when drinking cause that's what alcohol does is just not make you give a fuck.

I won't be smoking or drinking, I just want the pure lsd experience. I was just mainly curious if afterwards it changed how you thought about life or some other shit. I've talked to some people and they told me that afterwards it kinda changed how they were and their whole outlook on life.

Damn. I've read some trip reports about people like talking to "spiritual entities" and shit like that. I'm guessing 1.5 tabs won't be enough for that, but how much would u have to take for that or something like ego-death?

Yes, it has helped me a good bit, I've tripped 20 plus times on psychs not counting dissociatives. It allows you to get look at life through a new perspective and gain insights you could never without psychs.

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The most I've taken is 3 tabs I might have had ego death Idk haven't researched it enough my friend looked like a Picasso painting and we couldn't even talk to each other because we kept forgetting what we were talking about.

Make better life decisions

I have an obsession with the song Tom's diner by Susan Vega, listened to it while very high, i don't remember how much I had been given but I did become a part of sentient putty that consumed the universe and I had to then reshape my friends outta putty and become them so that I wouldn't be lonely

You too scared to try it pussy

I took acid once when I was 15 (95mg) on a lonely summer night

>11:30ish took the tab
>about 30 mins in start feeling it
>get a terrible stomach ache, and one of the worst panic attacks I’ve ever had in my life
>I remember repeating out loud “I shouldn’t have done this” and “bad idea” and such
>keep having to piss nonstop
>to help calm my nerves I put on pic related
>fall in love with the music, absolute bliss
>end up staying up all night listening to Pink Floyd
>the only light I had on in my room was a lava lamp and it looked trippy asf all night
>I remember looking at my room and it all looked fake, as though it was made out of plastic
>I think I had an extraordinary breakthrough but I must’ve forgot about it

In all, if you want to enjoy it just put on some music and know any discomfort will quickly fade. Also, don’t do what I did, make sure you turn off all the lights and close your eyes so you can get some nice CEVs

I remember the best part about acid is all your animalistic needs fade (the need to eat, sleep, drink, reproduce) and all you’re left with is the beauty of your consciousness

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>hey it's my first time drinking guys, should I just do like 10 tequila shots straight up?
No. Your first time you only want to take 1.5 tabs. First 2 or 3 times you'll be looking at 1.5 or 2 tab doses.
You'll need 4 tabs to start getting into that sort of territory. Google "LSD by dosage" and you'll find a R****t post that breaks down the different effects you can expect at 150ug, 200, 250, 350, 500 etc etc.
Read it. Trust me.
If you haven't already read about LSD on psychonauts wiki. Learn about "set" and "setting".

If you go 4 or 5 tabs as a newbro you WILL freak out and you WILL lose your shit. You need to get a feeling for how LSD is, kind of how the first time you drink alcohol you dont start chugging a bottle of Jack Daniels straight.
On 4 or 5 tabs you'll basically NEED to have a dedicated and experienced trip sitter watch over you so you dont freak out and become a danger to yourself.

Dont feel like 1.5 tabs isn't gunna be enough. LSD is a very wonderful and powerful drug.
Even on 1 tab and a small puff of weed a cat will basically look like pic related. Objects will move, you'll see shadows dance and play tricks on you in the corner of your eyes.
My last trip was only 1.5 tabs and when I went out to have a smoke, I looked down at my feet. Every time I breathed in all the snow and ice looked like it was building up around my feet. Every time I breathed out it looked like it all melted.
A leaf-less tree in the back yard looked like it's branches were dozens of hands waving around in the air. A pine tree in the neighbors yard had never-ending endless fractals of pyramid shapes on it, all rotating and spiralling up to the top.

Your time to talk to spiritual entities, otherworldly beings and to experience ego death will come. Dont rush it.

Also bonus tip here, you cant sleep on acid so I drop like 2 or 3pm so I'm not awake all night. Also so I can see the sunset as I start peaking.

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great advice.
also fapping in the shower on LSD is the fucking greatest. You feel like a giant jizzing into a jungle waterfall as you see amazing CEVs of endless colorful patterns pulsating inside your eyelids.

Already have but you can keep thinking that shit makes you cool I don't really give a shit

Poop before you drop.
Shitting on acid sucks, you feel like you're turning to stone as 1000s of years pass around you.


I meant to write 95 mcg, totally forgot to double check my writing

I'm waking up early with my friend and dropping. We're gonna be outside all day tripping

Why has there been so many lsd/weed/drugs in general threads recently?

Usually Yea Forums never gets this many

Imploded on myself like a dying star, everything looked like a fractal mosaic and like I couldn't remember anything during it

the awakening is next year brother wya

nice man, sounds like a fun time.
where are you going? the beach? lake? park? forest?

there's always at least one weed/drug thread up, and every 2-3 nights there's someone with questions about LSD

Have fun op, if you can get some edibles eat them as you're coming down off the acid, it's fucking awesome.