Alright Yea Forums my power went out twice, I'm on phone so wtf I do now?

Alright Yea Forums my power went out twice, I'm on phone so wtf I do now?

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Do you have a gas stove? Make some food if you do

Have sex with a tree.

fuck off nigger

Buy a generator

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jerk off

Turn it back on?

Hang yourself

pray for once in your miserable life

no u

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based yui poster

is he fuckin an avocado skin

nice yui, stolen


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mmmmmmm fuckin da acovoda skin oh yeah, omega 3's on my massive cokc oh yyeeeeeeah smooht

OP here power went back again idk if it's gonna shutdown for the third time but I've got enough water and ice to last for a while, I think the power grid to the town I live prob got overheated or some shit, it's prob the entire town that's dealing with it too

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does ye have more, perchance?

Oh fuck, sorry user. Sounds like your city's in a planned brownout or some shit

Only lewds left lost my folders when drive died

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aw. that conflicts with my yellowposter allegiance so post them on /h/


Where u at?