
You are the universities.
You are the major news outlets.
You are big tech.
You are hollywood.
The majority of the worlds billionairs share your agendas.

How are you not the status quo?

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Because they're delusional, sensational manchildren that rely on feefees, not facts and logic.

We are.
Reactionaries always spring up like a polyp at each stage of progress, and always implode under the weight of their own stupidity.

>> doesn't even know what status quo is

probably because we keep getting our brains pecked out on collage floors it's a good question though

You mean the corporate elite, dumbass.

4 years of a presidency is the status quo to you?

They run the media, generally, so it isn't immediately apparent how tired people are of their shit. But trust me, people are very tired of it.

+1. it just so happens that the corporate elite likes to agree with the audible mayority becuase it makes them more cashmoney

We chose to be honorable. Big mistake.

>How are you not the status quo?

Because of how the political system is designed.

If this country was a pure democracy, Democrats would've won the past 5 presidential elections.
Then there's the gerrymandering issue that tipped the scales towards Republicans, then the whole issue of every state getting 2 senators no matter the population sizes of then. California with its millions of residents has the same senate weight as Delaware with its 5 people living in it.

Liberals ARE the majority. Dont let politics fool you otherwise.

>You are the major news outlets.

Fox News is BY FAR the most watched news outlet in the USA, how the fuck is this "liberal controlled media" meme still alive?

Even before Trump was president, he got billions of dollars more worth of media air time than any Democrat. The number of minutes covering Trump's empty podiums and endless babbling, compared to the number of minutes Bernie spent talking about his platform, was a night and day difference.

universities teach facts, im sorry those have a "liberal" bias in your view, but a few gender studies programs doesnt constitute a leftist hegemony in higher thought
who the fuck watches cnn or reads the times anymore lmfao
big tech benefits from deregulation and low corporate taxes so they aren't "politically left"
hollywood liberalism doesnt affect politics, politics aren't downstream of culture and having more darkskin people getting oscars doesnt affect mass incarceration, who gives a fuck about liberal representative idpol
billionaires in the US are funding tucker carlson, crowder, and shapiro

liberals arent leftists, consensus is neoliberal, there's functionally no difference between bill clinton and ronald reagan economically or in terms of structural critique or effects on the market in the long run

>California with its millions of residents has the same senate weight as Delaware with its 5 people living in it.
yeah, but that's what the House is for.

medicare for all, marijuana legalization, shifting the tax burden toward wall street, etc. are all supported by the majority of americans
bernie is not a radical, his policies just make "establishment democrats" and "liberal centrists" who value "compromise" afraid


>>How are you not the status quo?

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This is fucking stupid. Billionaires do NOT share liberal philosophies, they simply cash in on them. See the Panama Papers for clarification.

Spoiler alert because the Looney libs are a device to scare people into thinking they have a choice. So we all get together and vote for another trump thinking we just fucked up the system that is taking advantage of us when in reality this is just a renewal for people to be complacent again for the next 20-30 years

you should try stepping out of your echo chamber and thinking about how democratic electoral strategy basically amounts to "we dont have to campaign because trump is overwhelmingly unpopular"
nobody who did not vote for trump has been convinced by his term thus far and we don't have 20-30 years of complacency to spare

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The US have a serious representation problem. I'm amazed the Dems never even tried to tackle this shit during the first Obama term, that would have prevented the current shit show and killed the republicunts nuts long term.
I mean, republicunts are still gonna die long term, as the white trash becomes a minority, but in the meantime they are already trying every dirty trick to stay in charge. You see voter suppression, gerrymandering, collusion with ruskies, and it's gonna get worse, they will cheat their way into office without thinking twice.

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>how the fuck is this "liberal controlled media" meme still alive?

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>"liberal controlled media" meme

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>"liberal controlled media"

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The fact that any of these morons get elected is the status quo.


Go back to YouTube ben

>elect people who hate your country
fukkin legit nigga

You are the sheep

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gerrymandering is only an issue when the other guy wins.

>says someone who's never listened to either of them speak
die in a fire

very true.

You mean hell on earth

All those things are centrest at best, they just pay lip service to the left on social issues. So the Progressives vote for them
Its like how Republicans do things that hurt small businesses and their workers while boosting massive corporations. But they talk about god here and there so the people getting fucked vote for them.

News outlets are corporatist
Big tech is corporatist
Hollywood is corporatist
Billionaires are almost all corporatist.
Universities are probably the only thing on that list that isn't center right, but there are still for profit schools.

The Democrats are the status quo, and the Democrats are not Liberal.

Also, in the last 25 years, the Republicans have controlled congress for 19 of them. And the senate for 17.
What makes you think you guys aren't the status quo too?
What happened to draining the swamp?

>Conservatism as a counter culture.

This too shall pass.

I'm a University professor, I'm very right-wing.
I know that a lot of staff here are lefty liberal scum with a few communists thrown in, but there are several staff members here who are like me.

Just so you know, I teach Astronomy and planetary science. The curry-munchers, the chinks and the whites all get it quite easily... other minorities* lack the intelligence.

(*You know the ones I mean!)

>not facts and logic

Believes in flat earth theory
Thinks global warming is a hoax
Believes trickle down economics actually works
Thinks the white race is the superior one despite science proving otherwise
Thinks the educated base their facts on emotions

Ummm ok sure thing retardo

I'm a professional Larper, otherwise if I am legit then I should be fired for not being intelligent enough to teach at the university level.

Because the 700, 000 hillbillies in North Dakota get the same 2 senate votes as the 40 million people of California. We need to unfuck our democracy.

You play the Larp professionally?


Hillbillies are from Tennessee, I'd probably call North Dakotans Yokels if anything.

Confirmed for retard

Dude, do you even English?

Are you new to this site, you retarded white trash boomers are literally illiterate pieces of shit. Fuck off back to LReddit.

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When did this site become a fucking news comment board. All of you fucking brain dead political faggots need to go away. It’s all bullshit and both sides with their shitty ideologies are buying into it. Eat dicks

keep on crying liberal snowflake

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16,000 people make over $20 million a year in the US; they decide the tax code, they own all media (movie, television, communication companies), they own liberals and conservative politicians, they pit the two groups against each other, and they don't give a shit about politics or your political affiliations. You and everyone on 4chins are their subjects, you follow the agenda fed to you by them. Some of them are in politics and some not.

Do you even read you fucking mong? I am def not liberal. Fucking idiot

Goo goo gaa gaa :3

2006 oldfag here you fucking little Mongoloid fuckwit.
Why don't you go back to servicing the cocks of the truckers that your mother rents you out to every night, you know if you're really good she might tell you which one is your dad.

They do, just give them time.

I’m not sure thought out opinions are welcome here

>You are the universities.
Nope. It's just that when people get educated and exposed to different people, they tend to become liberal.

>You are the major news outlets.
Some, but most are owned by rich conservatives. And don't forget about newspapers, radio, and crackpot websites are mostly conservative.

>You are big tech.
Mostly true.

>You are hollywood
Yep, again mostly true.

>The majority of the worlds billionairs share your agendas.
HAHAHAHAHAHA oh fuck your ignorance, man.

>How are you not the status quo?

1) Gerrymandering.
2) Electoral college.
3) Corrupt, centrist Dem leadership.
4) Successful fearmongering from GOP.
5) Stupid attempts to reach across the aisle instead of just fucking doing it.