Who here takes Kratom?

Who here takes Kratom?

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6-9 grams of Bali

Pretty high dose. Every day? What do you take it for? How's your tolerance?

I take loginol

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Used to, illegal in Indiana since 2011 or 12.

I go though a KG every two weeks or so. I'm guessing that's huge. Not proud of it

That's like 70 grams a day, holy shit

You didn't stock up or anything before the ban?

I have to take like 3 huge teaspoons every 4 or 5 hours or I get withdrawal symptoms.

What were you originally taking the kratom for? You think of trying to taper down?

So I spend about $240 bucks a month on it, been going on for 3 years now

I was an alcoholic. Helped me quit but now I'm even more addicted to kratom

I keep telling myself to taper off but I'm too weak and depressed

~10 grams of Maeng Da daily

order from Craving Kratom, they do like 10-20% monthly. I got around 8oz's a month from them, roughly 225+ grams

usually around 34 dollars after coupon

Oh and another cool thing about that place, they give out free samples all the time. They gave me 1oz of white and 1oz of Extract this month

On 2 opms kratom shots, a shot of vodka a couple weed hits and 15mg addy

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>pretty high dose
Not really.

I never go above 4.

I take 1 teaspon of Red Vein Bali every night. Helps me sleep.

How long have you kept this dosing schedule for? You've never had to raise the dose or anything from tolerance?

>opms kratom shots

what are these like

Really strong and kick in fast and feel almost like Percocet, they are way pricier tho at 15 per shot at my headshop.

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Not very long. Maybe about a month.

I've only ever bought kratom once, I bought 50gs of green elephant and 50gs of red maeng da. I found that it was not nearly as strong as I thought it would be. Largest dose I took was 13gs of the red. I took 5gs followed by another 7 half an hour later and it still didn't really help me sleep. The feeling reminded me of cannabis edibles.

If I needed to do any household chores I would have 5gs of the green followed by a strong cup of filter coffee, I found the effects very mild.

Anyone tried the gold strains?

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Be careful with this stuff Yea Forumsrothas, I had a seizure taking a shit load before my math lecture. I was very sleep deprived though and was abusing other drugs to combat my depression.

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How big of a dose?

I take 4 grams of green maeng da, wait a day, then take 4 grams of white maeng da. Red bali has to be my favorite though---I've been on 0.5mg of clonazepam for 10 years (it stopped working years ago so now I'm just on it because the withdrawal would be too brutal and I'm not ready to take it), and the red gives me a benzo-like sense of calm.

I've got a really addictive personality, so I'm only sticking to every other day. I've got severe depression and anxiety, and kratom really helped me with the withdrawal after getting off SSRIs. I keep looking for stories of people who've been able to keep up a good quality of life with a regular low dosage, but I'm afraid it'll just lose its magic one day and I'll become hopelessly dependent.

A couple of handfuls of .5 capsules wish I could remember, but a lot. I was also on my daily meds Prozac, buspirone and had just taken 2 days off a 2-week daily nitrous episode of 25-50 whips per day.

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A word to the wise, don't take this stuff too often. The withdrawal symptoms can get horrible. If I don't take a heavy dose three times a day, I get sweaty, can't sleep, anxiety...

Lmao what a pussy, fuck you you pathetic piece of shit get a life and stop using mommys cred. Looks like summers still lingering

So how many times did you uncle rape you up the ass as a toddler, and at what point did you start enjoying it?

what's your dose per day

I'm the guy who goes through 1kg every two weeks roughly no joke. Works out to around 70g a day

How is he a pussy for not wanting to get addicted to a hard drug? Most people are too pussy to try kratom.

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>had a seizure taking a shit load before my math lecture.

>taking a shit load

So don't take so much next time you fucking retard

If you want to kick kratom start taking smaller doses but more regularly. I use a rounded teaspoon 5x a day for pain relief. The shit is NOT good for partying but it does have its uses. Withdrawls are unpleasant, even at 25g per day. I have been told using the extracts actually HELPS you kick it if you ween off, something about extracts being non-full-spectrum or something. I mix mine with water and lemon juice and take it as a shot.

Mostly take white veins since energy drinks and coffee fuck up my stomach. Only about 3mg of white bali a day. Sometimes it's a little too euphoric and i can's focus so I balance with a red vein.

I heard green veins are a nice balance, but I got a good routine going.

I plan to wean myself off. When I think about what I could do with an additional $240 a month...

The only problem is, it's so much fun and cures all anxiety/makes you not give a fuck about anything

Yeah, kratom isn't the best for polydrug users, especially if you fuck with extracts or unscrupulous vendors. When people were cutting it with that tramadol analogue it fucked several people over, but that was mostly in Sweden iirc.

Hearing about the withdraws SUCK. Because it helps me sleep so much better than anything else and I don't wake up in a fog.

>2 weeks
>50 chargers/day
I feel sorry for your brain

lol you kraton fuckers should just use cannabis,

The green strains are quite pleasant with coke, seems to make the high last longer and smoother.

why not both?
I take it for chronic pain instead of opis now, MMJ is great, but it needs a little help and kratom doesn't leave me as foggy during the day

I use it with weed too. I used it while on a break from weed. I took a 6 month break to reset my tolerance, and all it took was two smoking sessions to get back to where I was. Fucking waste of time.

Finally a thread for me! I've been a daily kratom user for year now. I've wanted to stop taking it and have tried over and over but the withdrawal suck and I guess im just a pussy. The high's godo though but Im at a point with the withdrawals are worse than the high is enjoyable. Its SOOO COOOLLL

taper down and take calmag
that or get hooked on h and try real wd

This is me.

Reading on here there are withdraws. had no idea. just googled kratom withdraws and sure enough i've totally experienced all of them when I take it heavy one day for work and very little the next day. Thought they were from bad night of sleep. That's kind of scary.

Been there done that my dude. I don't drink or do other drugs now just krato
Ill look up calmag though I've not heard of that

it's just calcium + magnesium
helps relax the muscles a bit
that and exercise were all I need when I quit

How do you feel during the withdrawal?

Dude I really feel you. I've been on this train for so long. I love kratom but if you keep it up it will start to affect your short term memory. I can't remember shit and it's too a point that people point it out or comment on it. I dont know how long you've been using but I thought you should know. Im going on 2 years now

Same. High only last like an hour maybe. Not worth it anymore

Over 3 years and it's DEFINITELY affecting my memory

Any of you Yea Forumsros take kratom before doing exercise, like going for a jog or lifting weights? I find it makes me strong as fuck and definitely helps with endurance.

I tried these and didn't think they worked at all. Seemed like a ripoff for how much you pay for the shit

Well Im glad it's not just me. It really bothers me some days because I know I would be so much sharper if I didn't take this shit

Absolutely. Also I don't eat because I can't take it on a full stomach so I've lost about 25 pounds. About once a week I'll accidentally take too much and few things worse than kratom sickness

Nauseous, vision all fucked up

Anyone tried blue lotus?

For sure, helps with DOMS too

A few times, trying to make my own and using extract, never did anything much for me

6g a day sometimes more

Its called drug addiction dumbass, I didn't just try it for the first time and do that. I have been addicted to drugs since 16 this happened at 20. Currently 22 and am doing way better.

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I was so depressed that I didn't care what happened would not recommend and I defiantly do not do that anymore.

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Yeah, I was wondering if did anything by itself. I've only ever smoked it in changa mixes.

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I do. It doesn’t do as much as I hoped

Blue lotus the egyption flower that you brew into a tea? If so then yes and it didn't do shit. I bought a lot and just brewed it all up. It tasted really bad and I didn't notice any effects unfortunately.

what are the benefits/effects of kratom?

Anyone use the white strain?

That's the one, happened to see it for sale on the site where I get my kratom. I guess it's a waste of time then.

Not much tbh

Depends on the strain. Green is energy and a nice warm body high. It makes hanging out with people more fun and eases social anxiety. When I first started taking it it reminded me a bit of a really low dose of adderall. There white, red, and some other mixes and they have different effects. Mind you it really depends on your physiology and Kratom won't effect everyone the same.

Glad you're being kinder to yourself anyway, user

I also fell and broke my chin 0/10, not trying to hate on kratom just don't believe everything the fags say on r/kratom their full of shit

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It was in my experience but I bought the whole flower and brewed it. Can't speak to extracts or other products.

Can any recommend drugs analogous to Kratom? Im not talking about pills or h I mean something I can buy legally. I've been on Kratom for years and I wanna try something else

Thanks, user I had a rough time my first year of college, nowadays I look back and get angry for not appreciating all the positives in my life and things I have going for me

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I've+ heard you can order poppy seeds online and get high.

That's a joke right...

No srs look it up if you don't believe Me. Some artistic kid IRL that's really smart told me about it too never tried though or researched.

Well google says you can so I believe. I wish bluelight forum was still around... I can't find a recipe or how to guide :(

Oh for fuck's sake you retard, weed isn't the answer to everything. I kicked weed the day after starting kratom, made me realize that that shitty fucking plant was making me lazy and depressed as fuck

The FDA warns that using Kratom causes death by shotgun blast to the face!
The DEA must outlaw this deadly substance immediately!

Does anyone cycle kratom with anything? Like you take kratom one day and something else the next to keep tolerance down but have a similar effect?

I have chronic neck and back pain from many surgeries and on opiates all the time. I've never had kratom to try and help it. Can you please give me a rundown on where to buy it online and what kind?

This weed is so overrated I still smoke it though before I go to bed every night.

i used to take a minimum of 20g a day. i tried to stop but soon as that dose started to wear off I'd have bad panic attacks, fucking horrible and i never had them in my life. other opiates didn't even do that and ive detoxed from a lot. i went back to hydrocodone then eventually made the change to suboxone, which i only take .5mg sub now, will jump after i get to. 25 every other day for a couple weeks

I take it daily, currently on Bali. Not sure what I’d do without it, it’s perfect for stimulant comedowns and crushing loneliness.

Until it pulls a gun on you that is!

You're just another sad excuse for a drug addict

You're not alone. I take 70-120g a day. I get terrible RLS if I stop. If you're reading this, don't let it become a bad habit. If you're using it too ween off another addiction, use cautious

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Take it to get through my shift. Two 4 gram doses.

Kratom has always been good with stimulants and one shot of alcohol never hurt anything, but addy with weed has never been ideal.

That was me silly

oh no, you sure told me.

no shit I'm a fucking drug addict, never said I wasnt. My life is still better than yours could ever be. I'm wealthy, my wife and i purchased a big ass house a little over a year ago, have both our cars paid off, I'm the boss at my job, and will be having a son soon, which is why i decided to taper off subs. again, I'm indeed addicted to a drug still, subs are strong, but you'd kill to live like me, loser.

What does it do?

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I go through kilos, I wish I never started.

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I am also rich and a drug addict, it doesn't buy happiness.

IMO similar to hydrocodone. Don't start I'm the guy bellow your post spending hundred on addiction

My stomach felt that picture

I've been taking kratom for 10 years. I wish I never started

I took Kratom for a while but had to stop because it ended up giving me pitting edema in my legs. Went away a bit after I stopped thankfully.

Honestly, people just need to take CBD if they live in the USA... absolutely no reason to take Kratom.

Legal hydrocodone in high, low hydro/Adderall in lower doses.

I don't know what hydrocodone does either lol.
Is it like a stimulant like coke or a mellow chill like weed or neither?
I think I heard Joe Rogan talk about it years ago saying it gets people of opioids or something. I don't know shit about drugs.

Hydrocodone is Vicodin aka an opioid.

Think of the feeling of warmth throughout your bodys muscles, eyes slightly heavy and you mood lowered with slight euphoria

My ex did. She'd do spoon fulls in her drink about three times a day.
She had Lupus, so her whole body was almost always in pain. She took Kratom to help remedy the pain without turning to prescription drugs. She swore by it.

If people are feeling constant physical pain, I suggest Kratom, despite its tendency to be abused by idiots.

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holy shit
find better vendors if you have to take kg every 2 weeks, that's nuts

I've been taking it 10 years from getting off heroin. If you can recognize the BB bag i showed above. 76$ a kilo

The price isn't terrible, but I've been taking it for years post opiate addiction and never hit those levels
At my worst I'm hitting a kg/month, but I have to be in serious pain for that
Only the first dose of the day even does anything for me anymore though, with t breaks

I want to tamper off but I got a super serious job that I can't just leave. I hope my wife gets a good job and I can just taper and quit. I didn't want too get this high ever. Never was my intention

I believe you, bud. I'm sure you can do it, maybe start with a very slow taper. Or try dropping your last dose of the day.
Substitution therapy works best for me, I find it easiest to smoke a bowl at night and just lose that last dose of the day entirely.

Ah ok. I did smoke heroin once with a bunch of my junkie ex-friends and had a similar feeling of dipping into a warm bath but coming from my head down through my body. It was kind of underwhelming for what I was expecting but I could immediately tell how nefarious and sneakily I could have been addicted to it had I made it anything other than a "one-time thing to try". I wonder if Kratom is something like that.

I wish I can check myself in for some help too but not even HIPPA can protect you from loosing some things :/

I get it, good luck to you at any rate.

*raises hand*

How long does this stuff last?

I'm happy though. my life is fine. I've been through a ton of shit, taking a small sub everyday isnt shit. I have too much going on to be unhappy about anything in my life.

Lol JESUS!! I just go to Georgia state where they home-grow it themselves. I been buying half a kilo or 500 grams for less than $100 (It was $89 last I bought about 45 days ago.)

I never got addicted to Kratom but I also didn't take it for years. I would advise against it honestly.

You should try CBD if you wanna feel good without being high.

It’s got a half life of around 4 hours but most effects will usually disappear after a meal

Oh I've no interest in trying anything friend. Was just curious is all.

Kratom > weed

yeah......... probably. But with the way the political wind is blowing in America, it looks like Kratom will quickly become the new "weed" (a highly misunderstood substance that's unjustly criminalized throughout the country and demonized)

THC/weed makes me feel really good (way better than Kratom) but it destroys my memory.

Kratom made me feel good/high but also gave me pitting edema in my legs.

CBD has annihilated my anxiety, depression, joint pain, and I just feel better in general.

Been on high doses of CBD for ~9 months and absolutely no problems.

CBD oil is pretty decent. Ejuice form of it is pretty sweet and convenient.

If you were really happy, you wouldn't feel the need to take drugs when you have kids. Not trying to be a dick, but there is always something behind addiction, whether it's your brains chemistry being altered by the drugs or other mental problems and stresses associated with life.

Does Kratom show up in an oral drug test?

Most places don't test for Kratom but there's no way to know for sure until you have the test.

I use sublingual. I never tried vaping just smoking... and smoking shit just isn't for me.

I see a lot of people praising CBD and recommending it as an alternative. CBD is great for anxiety and racing thoughts but does jack shit for generalized anxiety and depression. Kratom helps with that.

Kratom has only very recently begun to show up on any form of drug test. Thankfully, almost NONE of them are administered by any businesses due to the drug test being expensive to include kratom testing. Unless you did something illegal and are being punished by the government for a crime, I feel very confident that you will be fine and have nothing to worry about. If it's a drug-screen for probation however; I wouldn't feel so sure... they only have kratom reading drug tests if it's a 15-panel drug test.

I'm gagging just looking at that. I can't believe people recommend mixing that shit with fruit juice as an alternative to tossing and washing. I've thrown up from both methods. I just do the capsules---all the stuff they say about capsules taking longer to set in or not being as strong is bullshit.

For people who take Kratom every other day or every couple days, is there an alternative you take on those off days to help keep tolerance at bay?

Absolutely wrong. I have schizoaffective with bipolar, severe anxiety, severe depression, suicidal thoughts, etc.

I was able to completely stop my anxiety and depression meds after going on 100mg CBD 4 times a day.

I'm not "fixed" but my life went from a 1/10 near suicide to a 5/10 acceptable.

Well, It was for Amazon Fulfillment center.

It was Pre-employment with an Amazon warwehouse.

I feel like CBD is modern-day snake oil I have never noticed any very noticeable or positive effects just a way for sandnigger head shop owners to scam.

yea its called stop being a drug addict for a gay drug like kratom

Then you either:
A. Took too little.
B. Bought it from a local shop, which scam people.

if you get it from a head shop, its usually shit, so yes you won't notice much

I mix about 10-13g in warm water and as it's stirring a chug it

I understand. I used to vaporize nicotine ejucie but recently stopped. Now I vaporize 1000 milligram CBD oil which is mildly above average. I heard the highest dosage you could do in the open market is 8000mg and 3000mg itself I heard is really fucking strong... It can be expensive since a vial at my local headshop sells for about $50 but it lasts a good long while and since it's not addictive like nicotine ejuice; I can make it stretch a couple months on end. It REALLY helps when I'm smoking a bowl of actual marijuana and I start to feel anxious. I just puff on my CBD and it makes me come down from my "bad trip" but also extends the duration of my weed trip making it a long-lasting pleasant trip. It definately enhances it. I also have a vaporizer box for my marijuana herb and I like to drip a few drops of CBD oil on top of my bud to enhance the flavor and to add CBD to my bowls. Pic is of my vape box rig for marijuana bud.

It comes with a long glass tipped hose where you pack it then place it over that center pipe you see that heats up to several hundred degrees. Very cheap new box costing a mere $50

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I genuinely feel 95% sure you will be fine. It's only if you break the law in your state that they will administer such a stringing drug screening test. I know that most websites actually list the type of drug test that they are administering. If you feel anxious about it I am almost certain you can look it up to find out. I would however be genuinely shocked if amazon would be willing to pay that kind of extra unneeded money to test for something as trivial as kratom. I would only worry about it if it's government-type work.

Jesus Christ, how much money do you spend on that shit? How do you even stay awake during the day?


I dont think you can comprehend how I'm fine with my life, or just didn't read thoroughly. I'm probably have 3 weeks left on subs. I also do not have kids. I said I have a son on the way. and no, I've done drugs off and on because I like being fucked up. there is nothing more than that, and people just dont understand it. it's fun to me. I've never been depressed or have anything more than that being a reason. trust me, I'm 31 and have done shit off and on since i was 14, just for the fun of it. i can go years without as well. even when i detox I'm not down in the dumps like some. ever. with no sleep, sweating my ass off at work, cold sweats, aching bones, I still go to work laughing and having fun. never been anything but upbeat. compare that to others i know that called in for a week and was all dragging as from no hydrocodone. you'd just have to have my brain to understand.

High levels of heavy metal poisoning in most Kratoms coming into the states. (Nickle/Lead/Cadmium)

Theorized to be from ww1 era milling equipment used to mill down the leaves into powder.

> 30 grams a day starts to get dangerous, more so if you dose daily multiple times a day.

Take a chelation agent along with your dose or some activated charcoal after it kicks in to snag all that nasty shit.

Also probably safer ordering leaves than powder.

Yes, I think all the stuff I have tried including my friends were from headshops. How can all of the around various and wide variety of products be bunk though? What would yall recommend what CBD brand/product?

Nope. Just the warehouse work. I live in Georgia, If that matters. They did an Oral swab thing.

Holy shit this. I take 3.6g every day, I tried a bunch of the Rx that the VA threw at me but either didn't work well or really messed me up. The last one I tried caused an irregular heartbeat.
Main reason I take it is for PTSD/anxiety but it also helps with my permanent headache, knees, shoulder and back.
It doesn't fix everything but it gets me to the point it's manageable.
I've been taking it for just over a year and a half, quit for two weeks in June to see if I would have any problems. All that I noticed was that all my old problems came back.

With anything, don't abuse it. Conservative number for people that die from abusing Tylenol per year is 150. Anything can be dangerous if you overuse.

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get checked for heavy metal poisoning.

Nickle, lead, cadmium.

Costs me ~$160 a month because I get 60% off at the place I buy it from. CBD doesn't really make me tired.

Every person I've known who has bought CBD from a local shop has been scammed. I buy mine from Lazarus Naturals. If you're low income or disabled you get 60% off too.

I really need some tips to help quit this shit

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Never took Kratom. What does it feel like?

I am extremely confident that you're fine. You're also a lucky fucker because Georgia is like the california of kratom. It's the only state that actually home-grows their kratom making it much much cheaper then every other state that has to pay an importation tax. It's also fresher. I buy half kilos from that state for less than $90 (half kilo is 500 grams. That's like buying a quarter pound of extremely dank weed)

i'm to the point it just makes me feel like shit but feel even shittier without it

Like doing opiates except you're not actually doing opiates.

Not as addictive?

thankfully haven't quite hit that point yet. I'm sorry for your negative drug experience. On a positive note, I know it's not quite as shitty as doing actual opiates. I think you can work your way out of this rut. Just do NOT do actual opiates for the love of god. If you're going to be an addict, at least stick to kratom.

Use to take it for opiate withdrawals. Was addicted to H, oxy, etc for 3+ years. All clean now for 4 months and tapered off subs even. Life is good! AMA

Unless you're taking like 15g to 20g a day or constantly redosing it shouldn't be an issue. I take about 6g to 6.5g a day after work and the times I stopped like when I had to travel I felt zero withdrawal symptoms.

Still addictive but only a fraction as much addictive as the "real stuff". The premise of kratom is it's a healthier alternative to real opiates. Don't be fooled though. It's still addictive though only mildly when compared to real opiates.

Also grows in FL and part of CA. Maybe some other states with controlled conditions. Problem is that they produce very little in 7-Hydroxymitragynine
N. America, so it's mostly, if not entirely, mitragynine if grown in the US.

Why go off the SSRIs?

I dunno.... you're likely correct but I've had some pretty fucking damned good Red Bali from Georgia... shit knocks me on my fucking ass. Maybe I'm just not as high-toleranced as others but that shit makes me throw up if I take too much just like the Indonesian imports everyone else gets. (kratom is banned in Thailand despite being natively grown there because stupid drug laws)

They were following the same cycle for 10 years. Give me a boost of energy and normalcy, crash after two weeks, strengthens after a month, crashes again and leaves me feeling hopeless and hostile. Made my moods cycle. I just couldn't go off them because the withdrawal and the rush of bad memories was too strong. I'm three months off now.

well, you do sound better.
> t. certified rehab

started a year ago and I'm up to taking about a kilo a month. I really need to start measuring my doses and obviously take less

Yeah man, get a scale. Or order some capsules from Amazon. I got 000 size capsules, lets me put a gram in each.

Thanks Yea Forumsrotha lol what do you mean bout the greentext?

The fresh stuff definitely feels different, especially if you chew leaves straight from the tree, but the metabolite profile is different. I'm sure we'll figure out what part of the mix we lack here and compensate for it eventually, but testing is expensive. There's some good research being done on it in the states though. I notice the difference between "fresh" stuff outta S.E. Asia and fresh stuff the S. US personally, but I do have a tolerance from being a long term user.

Knowing I have Kratom around for depressive episodes takes a huge weight off my shoulders. This is coming from a guy who exercises, eats healthy, meditates, but still can feel absolutely down for no reason at all. If I’m going to a social event, I take 4 grams of either green or white and talk a mile a minute and feel great. People who do the “you should just go for a jog, quit your job, travel the world” shit can suck on an uzi. I like having control over my life for once.

15 grams a day for the past 5 years or so

every time i take kratom i get yellow eyes, my shit gets really bright an my piss dark,nearly like blood for about 2 weeks. anyone with similar effects?
sorry for my bad english

there is a small percentage of people who's livers can't metabolize kratom and your one of them you best not take it

I have severe PTSD and can be crippled by even one intrusive thought of my abuse, notwithstanding all the therapy I get and heathy lifestyle choices I make. After the billionth person recommended weed to me—which did nothing but INTENSIFY those awful memories and make me too depressed to function then next day—I picked up some Kratom, and it gave me the urge to make changes in my life. Even in short bursts, I had the energy to apply for jobs, reach out to friends, and do some exercise. I’m not relying on it every day or anything, but it gives me hope in such a time of darkness.

>After the billionth person recommended weed to me—which did nothing but INTENSIFY those awful memories


3.5 years clean of coke

Took 3g a day for a couple years until it gave me pancreatitis. I’m sure it was the kratom because I went off it for a couple months then reintroduced it, and the pancreatitis came back. Switched to CBD, and although the effects are smaller it’s working out well.

it wasnt like that all the time. a few years ago i had no problems. is it possible that the reason is because my liver is really damaged because im an alcohol? i have a liverfibrose

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That makes sense. Thankfully I live a 1.5 hour drive from Georgia. Makes it convenient for me. I usually just stock up on the 250g containers or the half kilo's 500g. They do sell an entire kilo for $135 where I live at. That's the highest and it's pretty much a fucking bucket of the stuff. LOL. I'm sorry, you just simply can't compete with those insane prices. That's why I call this state the California of kratom.

i'll bet being an alcohol has a lot to do with it



Kratom can cause effects similar to both opioids and stimulants.

Two compounds in kratom leaves, mitragynine and 7-α-hydroxymitragynine, interact with opioid receptors in the brain, producing sedation, pleasure, and decreased pain, especially when users consume large amounts of the plant.

Mitragynine also interacts with other receptor systems in the brain to produce stimulant effects.

When kratom is taken in small amounts, users report increased energy, sociability, and alertness instead of sedation.

However, kratom can also cause uncomfortable and sometimes dangerous side effects.

Oh fuck yeah do you work in a rehab facility, or just clean what lead to you quitting?

I take it most days. I use it to stay off alcohol, cocaine, and pain pills. Comfy stuff.

All of you high dose daily users are going to be in hell when/if you ever decide to stop taking this shit. Be warned!

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>When kratom is taken in small amounts, users report increased energy, sociability, and alertness instead of sedation.
Sounds pretty cool.

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Just need to ween off. Not that bad.

I weened off after being a high dose user for years for pain management for my migraines.

i take it, but cant afford any rn

thanks user

Quitting Kratom and Support group on Face book check it out.

>side effects
Like shotgun blasts to th face?
Fuck off you corrupt little shill

I quit alcohol for weed then quit weed for kratom
Kratom > Weed > Alcohol

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As someone who doesn't do drugs, I have no fucking clue what Kratom is. Not even gonna google it. Looks like powdered catnip in capsule form

Stick to the safe stuff. Whipits and cough syrup

Check out the Quitting Kratom and addiction support group on face book. Also look into Memantine, Agmatine , and DLPA to help with a taper :)


Because some people can't smoke in the position their in now, e.g. drug tests, so something that isn't a classified prohibited substance in the law, and also mellows you out, is a great alterative in my opinion to cannabis n dabs, but y'all have your own thoughts on it.