Moving to a Spain soon

Moving to a Spain soon.
What should I expect?

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Other urls found in this thread:

apparently bulls roam the streets

We fuck tomatoes here

niggers, feminist and cucks

People walking in circles, sky in the ground, and Pizza of paella.
Trust me: i'm from Spain

Which Spain are you moving to? Choose well. One of them is bad. Very bad.

There is a lot of difference between the regions of Spain. Where are you going?

Seville, Malaga, or Valencia.

Spain is blue pilled
Go to Italy

Seville or Valencia are the best options

I'm from Sevilla. It's a nice place to live but not the greatest to work. If you already have a work or if you have money, then great.

Topless girls in beaches. Pubs are open all night. Alcohol is cheap. Pickpocketing gypsies everywhere.

Whatever you do, don't BUY a fucking tapa.


Tapas in Andalucy are technically dishes in quantity

What country are you from amigo?

Born in Mexico, grew up in the United States brother

why not? is just one euro delicasy

vete a tu país, tiraflechas, que aquí ya nos llegan demasiados monos por el mar

They are gonna treat you like shit, at least if you don't have a job, you will be another panchito living from the government.

>a Spain

The quality of the tapa changes in every restaurant, they can be magnificent or shit depending of the bar

I’ve heard Spaniards can be pretty arrogant and look down on people from former colonies, so good luck.

metete un balaso maricon

Shit food and unbathed generaly fuckable women.

sure your country has better women and food, kek

Niggers and shitskins.

No le eches cuenta a esta gente. Hay gilipollas racistas, como en cualquier lado, pero son la minoria.

Otro puto sudaca que quiere paguita
Vuelvete a tu agujero. Ya nos gastamos todo su oro


It’s a very nice town but there is too much light.

Depends on the city

Me duelen hasta los ojos de leer lo que acabas de poner: menos mal que te salvan esos dubs, que si no...

Para el OP:
Si al final vas a Sevilla o a Valencia prepárate para el calor, porque en verano los 45 se cogen fácil. En especial en Sevilla, y en el sur de Valencia (provincia)


Big cocks. Get rdy to suck'em.
I would.

are you the guy from the other thread? :o

Because you are supposed to get them for free.

Mi madre es española pendejo

Which other thread?

Also this
Spain gay community is indeed big.
If you are a fag you would probably have a god time


Valencia is cheaper than Seville, also less gypsies.
And in no particular order: Paella, Template weather (summer is striking hard, but ask Sevillanos), cheap drugs and endless horde of drunken tourist to fuck.


His post says the spaniards aren't racists with south americans.

wasted quads m8 :(

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1, 2, 3. Counting shouldn't be this hard, user.

Tell that to Yea Forums. They can't ever count to 10 right.










Valencia, all jokes aside, is a (relatively) technologically advanced place.

It's the HQ for Mercadona (very common spanish supermarket chain) and apparently there's been an uproar in personal transport (e-scooters, ride sharing, etc)

So I'd say you'll be fine, and as a pro-tip if you do decide on valencia:

Learn some Catalan besides Spanish, you'll be glad you did


no te queremos aqui, como vengas te apuñalo el cuello

que tenga la nacionalidad no la hace española payaso. sólo vas a españa a tocar los huevos como todos los sudakas (me da igual si de méxico como de suramérica, todos sudacas)

>Learn some Catalan

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And why are you leaving murica? have the criollos/ half spaniards stopped being the master race in america??

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Probablemente soy más blanco que tu pinche negro

Todos mis antepasados son de españa culero, solo nací en Mexico

Isn't age of consent there like, 14?

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a lotta puta

que suerte, pues quedate en mexico o te mato

It used to be 13, but it was rised recently to 16. Fucking gay, I know...

Así que hablas pocho.

Lots of ham, some strange people and lots of sea food like in UK

realmente no, pero como digas sudaca

y no te quieren en USA que tienes que dar por culo en España? pégate un tiro sucio sudaca. Ojalá un MENA te reviente el culo cuando estés por aquí mientras violan a tu madre la "spaniard"

Cierra tu ano, probablemente eres un pinché refugee homosexual de Africa que ni sabe avalar ingles.

Yeah, but they also shot a porno on Francisco Franco's grave.

aprende español amigo, tu corrector es una puta mierda como tu país

como odio a los sudacas, es que me estan entrando ganas de apuñalar a cualquier mena que me encuentre por la calle

Learn English you miserable fucking faggot. I bet you’re getting gangbanged by niggers as I type this sentence

Todo al revés.

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Fucking retard

Can't read numbers and can't read Spanish. You must be a muriKKKan!

Noisy people, men with earrings, crazy women

i know english but the conversation was in spanish... so I win because u r a nigga faggot

The Noise... The fucking noise of their Chatter. Would drive me up the wall.

Yo te avalo

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I can’t understand what the fuck you’re saying kike

I can already tell you speak pretty shitty English

Yeah we do. Subhumans deserve subtreatment, so what

Otro puto mono....

Si pendejo pero mis papás son españoles

Tus patatas son españoles?

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antes has dicho que solo tu madre lo era, y dudo mucho que si quiera ella lo sea, eres u puto simio mas, y como vengas te apuñalo el cuello

I’m sorry what exactly are you saying?
Can you say it in this language so that I can understand your stupid ass?
Ok retard

Eres un sudaca, hablas como un sudaca, hueles a sudaca y traes tu mierda de cultura sudaca.
Quedate en tu puto pais caramierda

Fuck off Eurofag, at least I was born in North America you fat fucking cocksucking worthless ball of ugly flesh

hahahah i can tell you have been to spain
that's like the worst thing about it

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pero soplapollas, si has escrito en español tu primero, y no pienso hablarte en otra lengua que no sea el español, que no violamos a vuestras hermanas y os lo dimos para nada
te reitero, como vengas te apuñalo el cuello

Hottest and most entitled waifus of EU

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Déjate de mamadas del Yea Forums y vete a forocoches a aprender la verdadera españa de VOX, Edu Ginés y el señor Pérez Reverte... Aquí sólo hay sudacas que van de americanos y pajeros domingueros como yo. VIVA ESPAÑA!

Eres un puto mono, que no se te olvide.
Vuelvete a tu puta selva


you get them for free if you ask for a caña

I think you’re the bigger mono here if you can’t reply to this in decent English

come mierda y muérete, hijo de puta

Sadly, it isn't

>north america
Please go and die in a mass shooting.

Fucking cringe

>aprender una futura lengua muerta
visc a valencia


Protip: This works best in a gay bar.

a los espaniolitos quejandose sobre las "sudakas"... esos por lo menos son gente que saben trabajar y no quieren chupar la polla a franco. eso a mi como extranjero me cae bien

La Reddit de España. Not even once.

Es este el thread de España?

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he was saying north america as the continent, he is a fucking mexican, ashamed of it and thats why he doesnt say it

la verdad es que me tiraba a pocahontas, pero por todo lo demás... bárbaros, bárbaros, seres inhumanos

Nah, still waiting on a terrorist attack to end your miserable existence

>> "trabajar..."
Trabajan en trabajos que sólo harían los monos

yeah, but there are lots of waifus

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como no, un sudaca que esta a favor de los sudacas, te voy a apuñalar

>itt spainiards crying and bitching
Get fucked eurocucks.

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Tell me about Portugal pls people. I must learn of my people

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mira como el involucionado resorta a insultos debido a su handicap cerebral

Todos los que escribimos aqui sabemos ingles puto retrasado. Te escribo en español para que no te pierdas que veo que eres un poco corto.

Un pais subdesarrollado, lleno de putos enanos y regordetes botijos. Retrasados y anormales, sois la peor lacra de este puto pais con vuestras mierdas de bandas, lenguajes y putos ghettos que apestan desde el otro lado de la ciudad.

Naciste siendo un ciudadano de segunda, en un pais tercermundista y seras el primero en darte cuenta si llegas a tocar suelo español.

Metetelo en la cabeza puto mono. Eres. Un. Mierda.


we are not crying, we are just letting you know that you are not welcome here and if you move here you will be stabbed

pff y tanto

el otro lo ha espameado un machupichu con logsix, asi que sí

>implying i want to move to the EU

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Lovely country. Great people, great women and great food.

Hay que encontrar la forma de esquivar a ese hijo de puta.

thought you were one of the sudacas trying to move here

basado i rojopildoreado

Miren al /pol/aco Españolito este.

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en vez de españita, corona de castilla

Okay you disgusting fucking brainlet, just hope you’re aware all my genetics are from your country. Your argument makes no sense, you’re an edgy tryhard wannabe cuck who was born to do nothing but bitch and complain like a little girl about “Muh precious españa”
Fuck off out of here. Please reply to me in your broken, underdeveloped English that your inferior brain can probably hardly process.

>Impliying you could be able to

always keep in mind that spanish people don't really speak english. just the Yea Forumsros here speak it. their eduction system is pretty bad and they also think they are the best country in the world so they don't want to learn another language

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I like girls from portugal are like spanish girls, but they all want to get married very soon

Vamos a intentarlo, a ver si hay suerte

There's something very wrong with you, son. You sound like a gringo.

>their education system is pretty bad
Can confirm. Same with the english level in general. Quite embarrassing


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>i owe u my genetics
>ur rarted

You should worry more about the middle east immigrants raping young women than a fucking mexican looking for a job to be honest.

>just hope you’re aware all my genetics are from your country
Esto ya lo has dicho, pero has dado 2 versiones, una vez has dicho que ambos d etus padres son españoles y en otra ocasion tan solo tu puta madre(que realmente ninguno de tus padres son ni medio españoles)


Feelin good about my blood, thanks user

Im 27 and havent had sex in like 4 years. Im ok with that at this point. Not a full on neckbeard but these California girls are either too far left, ridden with herpes, or fat and dumb around here. My only option is getting rich af out here.

in spain the sudacas are more problematic than moors, and you are a sudaca yourself


Are you of portuguese family or were you born in there? Because if you've never been in the country, you should. The south is beautiful, is like Andalucia. And Lisbon is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

Why move somewhere with so many people that already dont like you though? Honestly

user, esto no es verdad.

Nice larping, faggots! in order to obtain a university degree you must have a B1 or B2 degree in a foreign language

Nope, false statement friendo
I do live in spain and i can guarantee you that the worst are the jungleniggers, then the sandniggers.

>las bandas latinas no existen

Yo tengo el B1 y tengo un buen nivel, mucho mas alto de lo acreditado. Pero la mayoría de la gente es malisima con el idioma.

Vaya nivel tiene el debate jajajaja en fin...

Both my grandparents on my mothers side came from portugese families but I think even their parents were born here in US. So im basically just "generic white american" at this point. But I do know for sure i have quite a bit of Portuguese in me.

Is it cheap to travel there? Im unemployed right now but i have about $7000 in the bank to play with and live off.

Pls go back to /pol/

I live in Spain, and my 1st question is..

- WHY? -

"debate" en Yea Forums...


En mi universidad la gente que era pésima con el inglés hacia un curso intensivo de italiano y les funcionaba bastante bien, kek

Yo aprendi ingles viendo videos de Britney Spears y mi nivel es top.

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ahhh ok i understand, that makes my point invalid (irony off)
but seriously imagine being in your country only with english... speaking with the landlord or police in english... NEVER EVER

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you can grow ur own weed there legally

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thats nice! how about smoking joints in the cities? police say something?

ya ves, yo lo aprendí viendo pelis en inglés subtituladas, hice el examen de Cambridge y lo aprobé con merits y todo. Ahora me dedico a forear en Yea Forums para no perder el hilo

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It's a cheap country, along the lines of Spain, maybe a bit cheaper.

Eso esta bien. Tambien se aprende cultura en Yea Forums.

I heard they eat barnacles though

Nice titties

El mono ya se ha ido chavales

> time to post tits

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Barnacles are expensive. At least in Spain, they are

ehh, learn Spanish, or Italian, or Portuguese...

La Pedroche pide un hatefuck pero de cuidao

if you're non-white yeah lmao. Sudaca scum

Come to Valencia my dude. I live there, it's good. Beach is near and it's not as hot as Sevilla.

micco mono de mierda lol cara platano

And the girls are incredibly hot.

If u are tall, u will be god there. Portuguese people are so tiny and small. Women are adorable..
Like being around 6'0 makes u a giant.

>Nice Trips
bueh, pues quien es vuestra waifu preferida, darme nombres para mi colección

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Good people: they always say "obrigado". But gasoline are more expensive than Spain, and you must pay for principal roads, unlike in Spain, which re free (here we call it "autovias"and i don't know if there are in the USA too)

They just seem so gross

lmao eres un idiota tio

im like 5'10 175. Thats enough?

I've never eat them. They do seem gross but they are a sort of delicacy in here. We eat snails in Spain too.

La Sofi es buena candidata. 10/10

Castillita thread aqui

In america we pay for public roads through taxes but at the same time you can live in an area with shitty roads because the money went to roads in a better part of the city. Then again i do live in the capital.

Mexicans are taking over here lul. My uncle returned to valencia with his wife and my cousin. I am about to take a page from that book and say fuck you U.S.

Valencia capital?

lmao miccos son la majoridad de Estados Unidos y de los Americas.

no soy el OP comepinga, pegate un tiro blancito

lmao los miccos sudaca nunca responde a abusos como tira flecha o cara platano y micco sudaca mierda lol etc. etc.,

A quién se le ocurre decirle que España "it's a nice town", si town es pueblo? Ni que viviéramos todos juntos en una comuna...

tsk tsk tsk micco mierda cara platanos.

same here

Es cierto que a los Españoles no les gustan las gordas?

lo que no nos gustan son los sudacas tontos y estupidos como tu

It is the greatest country on earth. To be Spanish is to belong to a race of God-like Yea Forumseings. Eat shit monkey jungle

It's Valentian, not Catalan, you stupid moron

Yep, and since it's the capital there's a lot of transfered students and lots of hot tourists. God bless.

A mi no me gustan, pero hay mil gordas con pareja que podrian aspirar a mucho mas, asi que no se

Except everyone in Europe looks down on you

>lo que no nos gustan son los sudacas tontos y estupidos como tu
Why would you think im OP?

Que va, pregunta en forocoches. Ahí todos se han follado a alguna gorda almenos una vez en la vida

Tengo que ir a Valencia antes de que acabe el verano.

Hey, less slander please. The Spanish do not have micropenises

No, it is not okay to get your sister pregnant.

lmao nigga what are you saying? My grandma is Galician and she's 5'10. You're just short.

Dime entonces una horchatería que merezca la pena, y que no sea la Santa Catalina: estoy ya un poco harto de ir ahí, y da la sensación de clavada.

dont be ashamed for being a mexican

Las que no me gustan son las que van de flipadas

Panchitos go out.

Pinches espanolitos de mierda. Su pais ya se lo llevo la verga porque ustedes son unos pinches maricas.

Mexicanos son, y siempre seran mejores que ustedes. En technologia, en ciencia, y nuestra economia ya los pasó hace mucho. Disftruten su pais bancarrota de mierda. Sus culturas robadas. Sus mujeres realmente conquistadas por monos.

Pero acuérdense. El dia que le hablen mierda a un mexicano de verdad les van a dar en su puta madre. Pinches españoles de mierda, todos son unos prepotentes pendejos. Su pais es una mierda desde 2007 jamas va a regresar. Pinches putos ustedes son los que rogan por entrar a México.

Yes, sticking a fletchette grenade up your wife's snatch qualifies as spousal abuse and the police are likely to arrest you.

you're just mad Taco nigger. It is okay, be mad. Just be mad in Mexico.

Follarse a una flipada es lo mejor del mundo.

Mass migraine :tired_face:

It's true, Mexican's don't understand any technology more advanced than the tech used by Cortez.

I'd have to go pretty damn far south to reach Mexico, euronigger.

>nuestra economia ya los pasó hace mucho
>En technologia, en ciencia
follarse a vuestras hijas no cuenta como ciencia o tecnologia
pero tienes razon, mexico es mejor que España, asi que dejad de venir aqui hijos de puta

la famosa technologia mexicana

lazy arrogant bastards, who don't speak english. Where are you moving anyways? Only Catalonia region is decent.

You aint a giant but you count as a tall man there i woulr say. Being between 165 and 170 isnt a shame for a man there.

i wonder how is behind this post

>Only Catalonia region is decent
Relax your tits, Jordi

You know what.. I was about to say that. All this dumb españoles talking shit about beaners and yet all their women are marrying with dumb and dirty dominicans midnight black.

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The how is a modified version of the the Futaba script

en el momento que he leido su post ya sabia yo que le ibais a dar mil palos por escribir "technologia", kek

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>all their women are marrying with dumb and dirty dominicans midnight black.
not realy, but nice try for a 30 IQ monkey like you

lol I actually know a Barcelona guy named Jordi

Imagine how people see me here in Spain. Protip: I'm 6'2

que puto retraso que tienes coño

Colón, hijo de la grandísima puta, italiano malnacido y maricón, muchas gracias por descubrir ese pozo infecto. Gracias a tí 400 millones de inmigrantes muertos de hambre que hablan castellano. Hijo de la grandísima puta, te podrías haber muerto aquel 12 de Octubre en el Atlántico, pedazo de maricón e hijo de mil hienas sarnosas.

He's Mexican, he can't count that high

175 tall????????? i am like 188 and most of my friends are at least 180

borra, a colon lo respetas

They'd see you as a big, strong man. Powerful, commanding. A natural leader. An ideal representative of a fascist state.

Yo voy a la Xufera, cerca de la parade de metro de Ayora.

Paella and siesta and no jobs

I can imagine Yea Forumsro I'm 6'1 and work out.

I felt like Thor himself.

You are in portugal?

like this

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i am in spain

bueno saberlo. PD: la mejor paella que haya podido probar en casa clemencia (incluso más que en el palmar)

Then u are either a nigger, northern european based or some kind of spanish basketball mutant.(they exist)

This has happened to me today, I live in Spain. Went out for a 20/30 minute walk to the park. 2 regular dudes in shorts and tshirts start following me but I did not pay attention at the time, was too distracted with other shit in my head. Almost close to my apartment the 2 dudes stop me and say they are cops and start asking me weird questions: where I lived, what I was doing, where did I go, etc etc. I asked them to show me their badge and they did, I said I did not believed them and told them to piss off because I though I was about to get mugged. 2 seconds later I see two cops dressed as patrols telling me to stop and empty my pockets. This is in broad daylight and in public with people walking around. Confused as fuck, comply, empty my pockets, had a phone and keys. they go through my phone calls and whatsapp messages. Ask for my ID card, drivers licence. Paranoid I started thinking in my head I'm fucked cause I have a bunch of downloaded shit in my HDD. After about 15 minutes of radio talk with their department or whatever they let me go. Apparently they are tightening their security around here, have undercover cops stopping and frisking people on the streets

And I talked about Portugal

The next time you start wondering how there are so many sudacas you'll realize it's true. I mean they're not working.. how do they manage to stay legally? Marrying españolas

Where in Spain?

Ahora que lo dices, iremos algún día. No suelo comer paellas de fuera, solo las de barrio/vecinos/familia.

are you a nigger or sandnigger?


¿Cuantos por aquí tenéis novia, anons? Yo llevo un par de semanas saliendo con una pava a la que le saco casi diez años. Feels good man.

there is no diference between spain and portugal in that matter, so i consider my exaple valid

how can they search your phone without a warrant? spain has gone to shit as I see

I'm a slav with portuguese passport and dual nationality.

If you're a sick sexual deviant cunt maybe you'll get the chance to take part in a feminist "empowerment" demonstration where nude ugly women stand on your bare chest.

>how do they manage to stay legally
because our inmigration law is a joke, in two years you are already consider spanish, has nothing to do with marring spanish people
And by the way, it make no sense that marriages are lowering while inmigration is increasing thanks to the marriages, i hope that you understnad that, even if you are a 30 IQ monkey

A real spaniard would never consider himself and portuguess as "no difference".

And in average u are both small. Sorry 2 tell ya. Maybe u and ur friends arent.
Didnt mean to attack u. But in Average southern europeans are smaller.. it's how it is.

If you live/go to Catalonia, ask for a dish called "Mel i Mató". Trust me: you won't regret it

kek pure shit

I worked at a train station, that's pretty normal If you don't look Spanish at all

smaller, yes, but not small enough to consider 175 tall, the average must be aruond 180

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15 años con mi primera y única novia y mujer, y no la cambiaría por nada del mundo

Que envidia, user. Que dure toda la vida.

But being followed by two undercover cops? Just weird. I'm in my mid 20s and have never ever been stopped by a cop or had any interaction with them.

que bonito

You know you need a job to stay those 2 years right? And it's not 2yrs, since all you know how to do it's take naps all day by the time you application goes through at least 5yrs would have passed.

The average spanish man today is 175. U can google it.

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175 is the average height for most men.

Aúm sigo sin creerme la suerte de tenerla a mi lado, sobretodo en los malos momentos. Porque sé que suena a tópico, pero llega un momento en el que te das cuenta que el sexo no lo es todo.
PD: esos dubs

Yessss, Spain is full of undercover and secret cops but you don't have to be scared, lol. The cops are your friends, especially the Civil Guard.

lol, werent you saying that we were small
there is say that we are taller than the average european
and you are right, y wasnt taking into acount older people, that are shorter

The average man in portugal is even smaller..

So he would be a little over average in portugal. And that would be called tall there.

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Los dubs de la fraternidad. Es lo que dices, el sexo es genial, pero encontrar a una tia con la que vivir y compartir la vida, eso es otro nivel.

>You know you need a job to stay those 2 years right?
no realy, the goverment pay you
>And it's not 2yrs but it is 2 years, that is one of some requirements for the nationality, others are have some level of spanish and passing a test of spanish culture

OP here, fuck dude.

I am from germany bro and am 185cm almost anybody around there felt dwarfish.

Get rekt! It's a shitty language that nobody speaks!

user.. the pay you for doing what?

I'm legit curious, I recently saw a French movie where the first scene was a guy from African getting paycheck from the goverment because he didn't want to work.

because you are comparing yourself with sandniggers, true germans wouldnt look dwarfish to you, even if you are above average

True germans dont look dwarf to me, but most spanish do, is what I said.

Cheesus Chrust

It depends in which region you are, but in mine(Catalonia), inmigrants are paid around 650€(more than many retired people get) until the 24 years for not working, plus centers to eat and sleep

Do you mean they get paid 650€ for 24 years?

No, until the 24 years, from that point on i believe that they dont have more help that a spanish

Does this also count for european Immigrants?

Do you speak Spanish?

not sure, but is likely that is only given to back/moors


Bien porque no puedo entender tu inglés.

Don't you have to be a legal resident at least?

En una respuesta el thread se mete en autosage. ¿Que hacemos, hispanons?

>Don't you have to be a legal resident at least?
no, as long as you have your pasport is ok

Creo que ha sido más un bien "thread derailed" todos han hablado de los que les a dado la gana ignorando la pregunta del Op

Pues si, pero ha funcionado mejor como Españita que todos los Españita de las ultimas semanas.