22 and still have it, sorry
age 7, to a 12 year old baby sitter.
Reminder that if you haven't lost it by 19 you're going to be a wizard
14 yrs old at a birthday sleepover. Girl was 13.
Seventeen to my then girlfriend.
Didn't happen.
Most legit in the thread.
19 to a girl I met at university
tell that to her parents after her sister told on us. got my ass wiped good.
haha, wooped
You got your ass wiped?
yeah I was trying to get to that
Same here
23, eh
actually whipped.
17 to gf who was 16
she showed me how girls could pee standing up. she would get on top of me while we were taking a bath. actually had a orgasm, but I only shot air. the 2nd time we did it, her sister walked in. told her parents, we both got our asses beat. I didn't even know what I did wrong.
8th grade 14 yo with gf at the time
17 to this queen
17 to this girl i made get a tattoo about me
15 to a 16 Year old girlfriend.
Ill take your virginity user
30 and still a virgin, my wizardly powers have mostly been worth it.
19 to a hooker
That bitch look like she from whoville
Also on my 16th birthday to asian gf at the time
n/a, 22 years and counting, if somebody wants to come to my house and put a hatchet through my face that would be a-ok
React to this and I will leave newfag thread alone
19 to a 16 year old nympho.
19 to a prostitute but apparently that doesn't count so 21 to my first girlfriend
That's pretty gross. Now begone!
OnT: 16, to my girlfriend at the time.
Very well I leave.
18 to my 16 yr old gf
>not pedo thanks romeo and juliet law
I was molested when I was 5
16, to my first girlfriend. It was fun.
Is was awesome. Girl broke my heart in the end.
17 to my then 18 year old gf. Didn't tell her she was my first and I cummed in about 50 seconds
14to a 19 year old.
>i'm a girl btw ;)
nobody cares you dumb vapid attention slut, now post your tits or get the fuck out
15 to a 21 year old girl that flew to the us when we were edating
How am I an “attention slut” when all or Yea Forums is dudes who fish for (you)s all day
Haven’t lost it. I’m 18.
29. I never became a wizard.
Show tits slut before you pipe up, otherwise no one cares.
Remember you arent a woman on the internet
Game Over.
31, still got it baybee
That's some fucking hide and seek conviction man. Hide like you mean it!
Grade 9, she was 14. We're still together 9 years later.
5/10 chubby girl I met in a parking lot
39 year old virgin here.
Am I a wizard?
I'm male btw
was no big deal
i cum harder jacking off tbh
Yeah no shit
16 although I may have been molested as a child
18, in 1992.
have you given up completely at this point? what's it like being a wizard?
20. I knew the girl for like two weeks, and after another week we never did it again. I regret nothing.
19, still virgin, is this bad?
>have you given up completely at this point?
Yes and no.
I control my autism and I'm not a neet.
I talk in work and almost pass as normal.
But mostly given up, just going through the motions.
>what's it like being a wizard?
The other day a cute girl at work was touching me and had her bare feet on the chair.
That sucked.
That's both the best and the worst, when they are showing off their cute bare feet.
17 years old, back in 1994, in the back of a 1988 Chevrolet Celebrity in the six flags parking lot, with a girl I really didn’t like but who really wanted to fuck so I did. Let’s just say the act itself was a huge letdown, although that could have been due to the fact that we were fucking in the back of my Aunts car in a parking lot of an amusement park and I was a bit paranoid about it being my first time and all. Until I got my own place years later, I would become well accustomed to having sex in cars. Now I’m in my 40s and honestly couldn't care less about sex. Ironic.
12 to the 15 year old sister of a friend. She did all the work because I had no clue.
Lost mine at 20. She was 19
I think it was 5 ;-;
i lost it to our filipino housemaid at age of 4 years old
>i did not like it becuse i did not know what is going on and the sex odors /breath smell
>she put me on my back and she was on the top humping my body
>she squirted on my stomach
>my reaction "ewwwwwwwwwwww you pee on me am calling mom
>she fixed me a glass of milk with extra sugars and i forgot about it for years
19 to the girl was later married to for 20 years
Are you at university or in full time work?
i was in university last year and in september i am moving to other university
14 to gf that was 14. And it was all her doing that it happened. I’d probably been a virgin another 10 years if not for her
The worst is she was comfortable around me and behaving like I was not a smelly ugly loser almost 40 virgin.
She was smiling, touching, joking and showing her feet.
This difference on who I am and how they treat me and how I'm unable to ask her out is killing me.
Isn't this a scam?
I see these ads all the time. I always just assumed it is a scam. Like Ashley Madison.
im sheltered lol
As long as you're at uni it should be easy to get laid. There tons of people in the same boat.
like 14 I think, that's shits gone for sure :(
18 isn't too bad imo
18. The second I landed at college and away from my overbearing parents. To a 6/10 chubster, but sucked dick like there was no tomorrow. Dated for over a year, and the blowjobs only got better. Never had anyone blow me like that since.
I was 20, she was 18. I was maybe a little late, but it was a good experience.
21. That was 21 years ago. Hahaha
So many of my friends followed this formula
Lost it at 16
Was a complete nervous wreck but girl told me I did fine and told me it's okay to be nervous
Until you break up and suddenly she tells all of her friends you had a small dick. Not very epic of her.
18th birthday too my 23 year old chub boss.
Lasted about 3 pumps.
Unironically 7 years old.
After that i have never had sex am 20
Could it be that's why I stayed virgin for 39 years?
Because I stayed in my parents house during uni?
13 with a boy, 14 with a girl.
>13 with a boy
you started with faggoty
If this actually happened you have larger problems than losing your virginity so late
got my first blowjob at 18,and had real sex the next year because i was too afraid and nervous
If bjs count then I did too. 13, with a friend.
19 for girl.
>losing your virginity
I'm still a virgin @ 39
more pics?
Omg you poor.wizard.
what a coincidence. im 19 and just lost my virginity 3 days ago
Night of my 17th birthday
>aim right
Oof you dodged a bullet right there bro
i am still thanking god for saving me
I hope so... lel :)
>what did he mean by this?
12, with a plastic bag and baby oil
17, girl I lost it to was/is batshit crazy.
3, the aunt was very drunk and horny and I took advantage of her. I spent 5 years in prison for rape
aim to your lvi not higher
Let’s get that corrected son. Get on a treadmill, start pumping steroids and lifting shit. Take a public speaking class.
Pussy is so good, and there’s plenty to go around.
Sage. And you can start lower and work your way up. You’ll know what your level is when you get rejected by anything better.
By this chart I'm a 7 because the majority of my ex's fit that description
I can't even pick up ones
Almost 15 to End-13
I was 8 and he was 25ish
16, on Jerry Garcia's birthday
Can you do complex spells, or only simple things like turning a toad into a frog?
Same. never got to cum on her face though
i was 14 and he was 19, we fucked in graveyard
Same dude, just slipped in before 20 wizardry
What you did wasn't wrong. Hope you don't actually think that.
19, lost my virginity to a girl who i later found out was a slut. we were FWB, told me she only slept with 3 guys(spoiler:it wasnt). Also found out later she sucked one of my old friends dick right after fucking me the next day. We both laughed our asses off when we found out.
24. Not cool at all. Well unless you count the time when i was like 9 and my uncle made me "take a bath" with my cousin while he watched and jerked off.
16 to a 15 year old
>I didn't even know what I did wrong
you did nothing wrong they just trying to teach you that this is wrong and cut the circle of abuse
>the 12 year old babysitter learned that from her molester
see this is mei learned that at early age and from that time now PUSSY AND BOOBS is everything to me i even remember the housemaid pink hard nipples fuck they looked just like strawberry candy