Gf’s sister sucked my dick, should I try to fuck her? Or is that too far?
Gf’s sister sucked my dick, should I try to fuck her? Or is that too far?
She already sucked your dick the line has been crossed might as Well fuck her better if she already has a man too if not meh just fuck her and tell your wife in the divorce that her sister was tighter
first return the favor you ungrateful bitch
Story? Did your Gf know? Was she there? Did sister approach you or you her? So many questions! Pic related? If so which is which? Need context to answer your question!!!
Pic definitely related. Dating the brunette, sister is the blonde. She’s been flirting with me since forever, then my gf hosted a party. She was oblivious. Me and her lil sis were sitting drinking, then she just grabbed my hand and brought me to her room. Now it’s awkward and I don’t know what to do
you need to hit that shit Yea Forumsro and report back
you need to eat your sisters fucking asshole right now dude
First off you should definitely post more pics, also you should fuck her. Know that the Gf thing will either go down in flames at some point or you’ll have a little fuck buddy for the rest of your life. Worth the risk if you ask me.
>hey lil sis, that was hot and we should keep this up but gf can’t know about it, she’ll kill us both!
Not -his- sister. Fucking Yea Forums
This fucking pasta again holy fuck
Oh, shit, OP. Same thing happened to me! First thing you do is look li'l sis in the eye and ask her if she can seriously keep the secret from the big sis that she loves. If so, you tell her "good girl." Then you just take it from there. You two have a secret and it must remain so. Hot stuff, though.
I love my gf though, but then I think of what her sister’s face would look like when I slip it inside her, I’m torn. Do you think there’s any chance she talks afterwards?
so you are dating the older sister. How old are they?
How much younger is little sister?
the blonde is so fucking qt
Ok that might be how it goes down. If I actually go through with it
Girlfriend is 24, sis is 18
Four years
First of all, you've already gone too far. Second, you're fucking retarded if these pictures are legit and you're not bullshitting us. Might as well try to fuck her before some autist tracks these women down and ruins your life.
so lick her pussy
any bikini pics from both of them?
What do you mean?
Your girlfriend has a sister who is willing to suck your dick at a party your girlfriend is hosting?
Your girlfriend's sister is a shitty, drama-obsessed crazy lady. She is definitely going to destroy your relationship if you bore her, annoy her, or just maybe for no reason at all, because she got you to accept a blowjob from her, and can do it with just that, and a teary-eyed confession to her sister that you *made her do it*.
Basically, if you actually care about your girlfriend you'll try to get ahead of this and save that relationship by confessing first and making it the slutty sister's fault.
If you DON'T, then, yeah, fuck the sister--do insane shit with her, bloodplay, non-con, get her to drop a deuce on you chest, the whole works. She'll self-destruct everything in a few months and you can walk away "clean" since both sisters will consider you radioactive.
How do you know your gf didn't give her sister permission to suck your dick
Good to actually get a sensible reply to maybe not do it. Fuck it’s all I’m thinking about
one side of me wants you to just go directly eat that pussy. The other doesnt want you to be a dirt bag. 1) are you staying with your gf forever, if you're not ... have your fun, its rare to fuck sisters. 2) as of right now your gfs sister is the guilty one, shes the one who carried it out, yeah u played a part in it, but when it comes down to it if the cat got out of the bag, your gf is going to mostly be mad at her sister for blowing you. you might get away with it even if caught. But if you go a step further and initiate sex or something else, you're guilty...not just if you get caught, but mentally. 3) the last school of thought is, you already did quite a bit, you're a cheater, i dont know if theres such thing as being 'more of a cheater', so you're kinda already guilty. You're a guy on death row with nothing to lose. Eat that pussy and tell her she tastes like her sister.
Suck her dick
This dude is a fucking pussy.
You have a guaranteed side piece all lined up. She won’t tell your sister, because she will value the secret and the power she feels holding it over her much more than whatever damage she can cause actually telling her. The fact that she is fucking her sister’s bf provides constant validation for her. Don’t sweat it and enjoy fucking her!
at this point just dump the gf and keep the sister as your knob polisher.
Yah I think the thing is if I think it’s the real thing with her or not. I’ve fantasized about fucking her sister forever though.
She’s young though, what if like she gets drunk one night and tells her? I don’t know. I would go to town on her though.
Probably true
oh,'s this fake post again
Just cum in her pussy. Then she definitely won’t tell
How were her blowjob skills?
At this point she already could tell her sister and you'd be fucked. So i feel like the risk is not changing much. I'd say the worse thing that could happen is the sister refuses your advances and says "what the fuck u doing user, i'm telling my sister", she could play psycho and act like she never did anything before or blame it on being drunk, but hold you liable for what you do from this point forward.
They were meh. She didn’t have much experience. Mostly just bobbed up and down on it. Swallowed though
That’s not how a woman’s brain works. She won’t tell because fucking you constantly reaffirms to her that she is hotter than her sister. And to a woman, this constant affirmation of her value is worth gold. Fuck her 18 year old pussy and enjoy!!!
Alright you may have just made my mind up lol
Good job. Enjoy.
Also: take pics and don’t forget to share with your user- bros.
Lay into her. Save up your cum for weeks. Drop as much of a load into her as possible
If it happens, I’ll post pics here
Dont do it Yea Forumsro. If youre having a good one with gf, the leave it by that. Also storytime:
>be me
>hang around with the boys and gf of a buddy
>all get nicely drunk
>gf is like "can we make out pleeeeeeeease"
>he rejects
>i just offered to make out with me in a abviously jokingly fashion.
>bf told me to "just go ahead"
>yeah was fun
Well could you possibly convince your gf to a threesome ? Lol
if you think that somehow her fucked up mind is immune to guilt that she likely will face with her sister. You're on eggshells, she can tell her sister at any time, she can give into guilt, or maybe she'll blurt it out when she gets mad at her sister "well i sucked your bfs dick". thiis is always the risk of doing this stuff with people who know you. They can fuck you over directly, or you can be collateral damage of them fucking someone else over.
You're thinking with the wrong head.
You know the trick, go have a fap then think about it again.
Beta bitch
Have I already fucked myself over by letting her suck my dick though? Will this actually make it worse?
You should have just fucked her in the first place
Ya I’m starting to think so
Ask her for nudes
shes got fucking beautiful eyes
in a way yes you did fuck yourself over, you're definitely "at risk" right now. so one could argue that you've already fucked it up, so why not go balls deep in it.
is this where the trolling comes to an end. Engagement ring? are we throwing in a plot twist?
Yes she does
HOLY FUCK the LARPing in this thread is autistic levels I’ve never seen. This thread is copy pasta you fucking retards
Sex is so much more than a blowjob though. I feel like it would mean so much more to her
So gorgeous! OP if you don’t put your dick in her I will
I don't really care that blonde is fucking hot and he keeps posting pics so I'm here
If you can, definitely. I wish I could!
Did you fuck her face? Or just let her go at her own pace?
You should definitely ditch her sister and stay loyal to your gf. Only because she is 10x hotter.
I let her go at her own pace. She hasn’t seen many cocks before mine so she was pretty inexperienced
I think she is too (hence why I’m with her) but still can’t get over her little sister
that is just more reason to fuck her mouth
I tried but she started tearing up. She had already started gargling the whole thing a few times, so she was trying.
If the little sis is willing to let you inside her do it. Your gf can’t be worth not feeling that pussy
Her sister isn’t even that good looking imo. Your gf looks really attractive and seems fun to be around.
People here saying that she wouldn’t tell your gf have no clue. Simply because they don’t know her, and neither do I. Women aren’t a fucking hive mind and not all are the same.
Judging by her character alone she looks like she enjoys having the secret. But in my experience karma will always find a way.
It could be a year from now. It could be when you’re happily married with 3 kids. The best bet is to always keep the secrets to a minimum.
Rail your gf and if you want different pussy just break up. We are men so it’s easy for us to lead with our dicks instead of our logic. We are more prone to temptation.
Her sister is hot and it’s dope af to be getting pussy from every angle. But if you’re putting on a front that you’re “loyal” it wi bite you in the ass.
The drama will be horrid. She will hate you, her mom will hate you, her dad will be disappointed. And meanwhile her sister will be left smirking off in the distance. Because she was the one to tear it down.
Yes, you should. Stop thinking of sex outside a relationship as being a bad thing. You're just putting more love, happiness, and pleasure into the world.
Besides, guys aren't built for monogamy like women are.
Damn one of the most logical opinions I’ve seen on here
You should fuck her till she goes blind and then confess to your gf that she got you drunk so you have to do the "honorable thing" and break it off, "because you could never lie to her". If she doesn't want to break up, then you'll have a million opportunities for more strange in the future with random women
It’s your choice man. All in all it’s a gamble. Gambling rarely pays off.
How would she go blind?
I'm not entirely sure of the medical mechanics of it. It seems to be a common trend after the 12th hour or so unless they drink water sometime during.
Dude, I’ll tell you right now. You’re gf is gorgeous and you are making a big mistake fucking around with the other thot. Don’t fuck this up for yourself.
I was giving you my advice before. Now I’m begging you not fuck it up
fuck that, it's already fucked up he might as well enjoy the ride while it's burning down around his head.
Hmm. Interesting, but I don’t think anyone could last twelve hours inside her
She’s tiny eh? I’d last about a minute
It’s not fucked up though. There’s still time to turn it around. The moment you make 1 more move on her though. You’re finished.
Put it behind you and move on with your gf or I promise you it will burn down in the future.
If you want this girl end the shit with her sister. If you don’t care then go to pound town. But if I where you I wouldn’t waste this
OP is a FAGGOT!!!
No one cares you fucking retard
Been fucking most of the GFs sisters if they had any. I thought everyone did?
Remember in HS. I was 13, friend told me she was at home on the couch and her 21yo sisters bf walked in and frenched her.
Knew from then on what an Alpha needs to do.
This thread is copy pasta. What a waste of my time.
Very tiny. about 5’1, 105 lbs
Punk pussy silly ass bitch posting stale copy pasta. Get a life nigga. Go get a bitch, or get a boyfriend if that’s what you like you gay son of a bitch.
Ok thanks for the advice!!
Fuck You and your stale copypasta OP. Faggot
Holy fuck. Split those legs no matter what the price
i love that. i'm 6ft8 250lb and there is nothing sexier than railing a tiny chick. I once did a girl who was 4ft11
Fuck off OP. Samefagging punk bitch. Find a better copypasta.
I’m 6’3”, so I know what you mean. She struggled with it in her mouth, I can’t imagine how she would try to have it in her vagina
Cum inside her OP. Prove dominance.
You’re 5’3” neck beard.
I had a friend that did the same, he fucked the litle sister of his gf, after that the lil sis told the bigger one what happened and the bigger sister started fucking somethink like 10 boys while she was still gf to my friend, and after that they broke..
I literally posted that for the first time??
Lots of time and patience. work it in slowly, then ram it home.
yeaaahh i feel like you like small chicks cuz they are the ones that are not underwhelmed by your dick
although in fairness my dick is tiny lol
i just said that lol, my dick is tiny. i've been turned down before
No, no you wont. Larping faggot
ahhh ok. women talk shit about small dicks but most of them suck at taking big dick so they dont know what theyre talking about
That’s what I’m worried about
yeah cheers man, i think it also depends on who you go for. problem is that there aren't too many sensible, sexually mature girls on campus...
Of course you did. Of course....
this is weird. sorry dude
I hear ya man!
I would pay millions for this girl to slob on my dick. More???
It was amazing
Could she take it all? Story OP
OP’s only story is being a raging faggot
No, she was really inexperienced. She tried but ended up choking. Wasn’t even ready when I came, even though I told her I was about to, she was so new to it
She’s fucking gorgeous
I can only imagine these girls’ disgust if they knew some pudgy, smelly, neckbeard was fapping to them, posting their pics and making up stories about them.