Do americans actually kiss their kids on the lips? What the fuck? That explains why most of you are closet pedos I guess.
Do americans actually kiss their kids on the lips? What the fuck...
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It seems to be mostly celebrities that I've seen do it, I've never seen it out in the open.
No, stop listening to the Staten Island Fary, OP
>celebrities are pedos
wow I'm so surprised
what the fuck is the staten island fary?
And their adopted kids. Funny that
Good bait... I enjoy :)
A New York homosexual of course
how is it bait when it's true?
lol it's funny you think most of us are closet pedos when in reality most of us want to lynch pedos
the one time in my life when i baby sat a couple kids, the dad comes home and fucking french kissed the son right in front of me...
that was one of the weirdest memories.
>When a Zoomer from Arkansas doesn't know what the Staten Island Ferry is and whiffs his joke
fucking disgusting
That's obviously sister experimenting
I mostly see latinos and jews doing this, although I do see whites doing it occasionally. Mostly europeans now that I think about it. Its always grossed me out.
I see the point of this, but theres a very good chance that he was beating his wife and kids at the very least, if not worse.
OMG you're right. Its much better now
Did I Say that? Im just saying it was perfect paradise back then.
That's a mom and her daughter. And i know for a fact that they sleep in the same bed, nude. No dad in the picture
So you're saying
1) we are moving towards a better world
2) we are getting worse, and I like it
Red bait is best bait.
In some ways its better, in some ways its worse. The "good old days" werent as good as youre so desperate to believe.
So you know about theses thing, do you?
How about, the times have changed, but people haven't. They are doing the same shit they've always done. There's just more people than before.
And then there's America's #1 conservative, with those traditional conservative values...
Imagine defending the Covington racist twerp.
I imagine the wealth, as lawyers get a cut of damaged won
I keep seeing fathers like having wedding ceremonies with their daughters and shit and it's gross as hell. You churchies are weird.
>You churchies are weird.
Orden Ogan
Imagine believing nathan phillips
Beating, like spanking his kids for discipline? Beating, like smacking his wife if she mouths off in a disrespectful manner? What's the problem exactly?
So what's your point? The current days are a fucking monstrous tragedy waiting to explode. You just want a world where everyone is irresponsible so you can be a jack off and fuck tranny fags. You know that's the very definition of degeneracy and cultural decline, right?
your sign is bullshit.
but that's what happens when retards are allowed to post.
be honest, the beatings turn you on
usually it's on the anus, perhaps with a bit of tongue
you puritanical Eurofags wouldn't understand with your body negativity and shame for caring about your family
I don't. Next question.
I think we should lynch priests.
Imagine being this much of a fag that he shits on a chick taking it like a man.
No, the facts are that sleeping around with faggots does this.
As for us homosexuals who choose a life partner and remain faithful, we don't tend to die as much. Yes, including the fact that some of us survive longer by not marching in faggy rainbow parades and just live our lives quietly, like anyone should.
Your statistics represent actual bug chasers and bug spreaders, a disgusting blight among our numbers. I say numbers, because these faggots aren't welcome in our community. We don't want aids, we don't want your kids, we just want to live with the person we love, enjoy sex and companionship (and arguments and the same such) as you do. If it happens that more of my "kind" are criminal child molesters than the average, I'm sorry and I hope you catch the nasty motherfuckers.
I personally plan to love and remain beside my best friend for at least another good forty years, untouched by said STD's, thankyouverymuch.
1000? is there even time for that? wouldn't most gay people know each other from that sort of body count?
>just live our lives quietly, like anyone should
It's a little bit late for that, now isn't it?
>I personally plan to love and remain beside my best friend for at least another good forty years
Statistically unlikely. Self control isn't something you people are known for, however clean houses, and home decor are.
Imagine being the degenerate side of liberalism who still doesn't acknowledge that he did nothing wrong while some piece of shit attempted to goad a young man capable of maintaining self-control.
Most people his age would lash out with a fist. Regardless of his political views, he held his calm. The world came down on him because the aggressor was a minority.
And that world is racist, blindly taking sides, while this kid took deep breaths and controlled the impulses that none of his political opponents could, those gross lizard monkey impulses in the cerebellum that said "PUNCH!" while his developed cerebrum kept its calm and let others film him, with an "oppressed minority" drumming in his calm face. Struggling against that unfair world that judged him, he curled his lips up, smiled, keeping his cool. Fighting his violent nature as a human being and refusing to lash out at the aggressor before him. And so the world, furious that he did not meet their expectations and lash out violently at this minority aggressor, called him a smug white kid, and bullied him further.|
You should be ashamed.
Maybe those statistics are true? I don't know. I love him, he loves me, and we vowed not to have any others. If we could all do that, would it be good enough. I guess I should have started with a disclaimer like, fuck this guy, hashtag-gayprideparedephoto. Those are honestly gross. I mean, the pink tank was kinda cool, but the rainbow dude with dildoes glued on his body is the stupid piece of shit we don't want.
They do, they call it Gaydar
I'm not saying all, but most gays are constantly and actively recruiting. That's why all the fanfare and attention. No straight people do any of this because the attention is not needed, as conversion and recruitment doesn't occupy our minds 24/7
Based AF
50 kids where manifesting for white pride mysteriously at the same time at the same place has natives doing a peaceful manifestation hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. That's just a coincidence for sure
Im not recruiting. I'm not part of a group that needs members. I fuck a guy, yes, not the worst thing you've seen typed out on Yea Forums, but I don't make that other people's business. Just like I don't care about another guy talking about fucking another guy in public, nor do I want to hear another guy talking about fucking his girl in public. In general, why can't we all keep it on the down low and not judge, arrest, prosecute (laughing at Texas.) I dream of a world where sex is no one's business and no one's bigotry. Well, only on these boards, by the time I log off I won't care cuz I wont get arrested for it. All laughing aside, I've merely considered my gayness a social evolution to reduce overpopulation. I don't care whose genes advance, and if you do, I wish you the best, I won't stand in your way. It's all a laugh to me. I want to be with my love, and you to be with yours, and all of us to have a long happy life. These recruiters? If they exist, fuck 'em. They should act more like un-"oppressed" down-low heterosexual couples.
Use some punctuation. As for your actual argument, present some evidence.
Fuck off Diane
Sorry, you know what? I'll do you one better. I'll do my best to translate.
>> Fifty kids were manifesting ((gathering)) for white pride ((to attend a white pride rally)) mysteriously ((coincidentally)) at the same time and place as native Americans performing a similarly peaceful political rally.
And you can't accept that mainstream media news as well as amateur phone cameramen captured one clash out of thousands across America in those years that involved groups motivated politically by one of two sides?
Get ten people. Make signs. Scream that you hate X or Y. Do this ten times for two hours at a time in ten major cities in broad daylight and see if you don't wind up on the news. See if you don't run into political opponents in this massive country of diverse opinions.
Why is this summeredge everywhere now?
>Do Americans actually ______?
Doesn't wait for an answer
>Fucking Ameritards suck, they're all fat, pedo, and shit themselves--all 380,000,000 of them.
Fucking bait is weak and pathetic.
>I'm not saying all, but most gays
But like most gays, you're self centered, and "feel" like you MUST represent people that you "claim" to have little in common with.
You are arguing my point for me. Thanks
At least we're not creepy eurotrash like DSK that goes around trying to rape minimum wage chambermaids in USA hotels.
Dominique Strauss-Kahn lookup that eurotrash creep. You euros pretty much coined creepy and trash.
770 here
You make a fair point, even if an easy one. I'll attempt to respond to fewer chan posts that set me off like yours.
You eurotrash might want to look into those creepy FIFA fucks and olympics fucks like Sepp Blatter while your at it before bashing the USA every chance you get.
Addendum, thank you for pointing that out. I don't need to represent anyone. For the sake of our discussion, I'll keep all that in mind.
Eurotrash fucks are really no one to take the high ground in anything.
The fact that they exist is the reason no one bothers to take the high ground on anything.
Hey, Germany! Let the Muslims fuck up their own countries. Keep up with your beer gardens and shit. I'm looking at you, France. You wanna make flags out of soiled white undies, fine, but knock it off with the desegregation of your culture. The Arabs can have their Arab culture in their Arab world. Stop letting them impose foreign law on your soil just because America laid you you out 75 years ago!
Hey no problem. Just worry about yourself and your partner. It's best to let group mindsets go. You and your partner are the only "group" that really matters to you. Don't get suckered in with other peoples BS.
I was best man at my friends wedding. He and his partner had a simple wedding, but I was really glad to be a part if it. So I know what you are saying. But just consetrate on each other, the red of the world will unfold on its own.
Good luck to you
Most of us don’t. I find that weird too.
>other, and the rest of the world will unfold on its own.