Girls you've fucked

Girls you've fucked

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Other urls found in this thread:

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her. unbeliveable pussy

Attached: anni.jpg (960x960, 135K)

19yo like a pro... over 80 gues has slept with

Attached: sade.jpg (746x746, 52K)


married 24yo I banged last weekend.
blond hair is soft...

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Wow nice. MOAR? Nudes?

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Keep going

Her stepdaughter walked in on us

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What did you do? How old was the stepdaughter

Attached: 2019-07-21 04.58.25 1.jpg (850x1161, 867K)

Color of nips?

Really nice


Didn’t even noticed till we finished. She quietly snuck in but when we saw her she was playing with herself, age 14 I think never asked tho.

So she actually watched you fucked and cumming in her?

Yes, she was riding me on their couch (pic her and girls dad)

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fucked this fat redhead last night

not great not terrible

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Wow. And nothing was said when you finished and realised she was in the room?

Nice try. Only Jamal gets to fuck her

Mmm. Show dem tiddays

i fucked melanie and then posted her nudes online for the world to see

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I just waved and she (stepmom) took her away, apparently she asked more about how it felt than who I was

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That said she’s “snuck” in after that but we don’t bother telling her to go away

Offer to show her

After what? What did she see that time?


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Nice. I wanna go balls deep in this chick’s ass


Her stepmom has offered but the closest she’s gotten is touching her stepmom

The other times she’s seen us do different positions and me cumming on her stepmom

Touching? Explain

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multiple times

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Apparently she lets her touch her tits and pussy but never seen it so can’t confirm

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Holy christ. moar

Whoa. Anything else? Any toys etc?

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I think she’s let her borrow toys but one time she did kiss her after I finished in her mouth

She'll get drunk and just let guys cum in her in a tent, leaves the flap open and everything.

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Wow she's amazing. MOAR and name?

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Nobody seems to mention, but this is the stepmom cheating on the girls Dad with you, right? Hence, why it's odd she didn't ask who you were. I say this is bait and lies, and maybe a passive PA request.

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This refers to this


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What gave it away

The ugly trap?

her body

what a crazy coincidence....I've fucked all these girls too

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Tight ass

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Her tits look great


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They certainly were

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Any vids?

She’s 4’11” 85 pounds

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God I love me a small girl

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Afraid not

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Best head ever

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Dick sucking lips for days!

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So tiny

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it's her

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slut from school

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Any nudes? How old is she?

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Has potential

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O shes a beaut for sure

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Congrats to you sir

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She’d get it


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girl who took my virginity

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girl whos viginity i took

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Looks like a mexican with a dye job.


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Very nice

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Not bad! Age?

Ex gf, perfect body

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girl i got pregnant but she got an abortion

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Probably the cutest girl in this thread. Would also go balls deep in her ass.

we were 16 at the time

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more girls here in discord

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isnt she hot as fuck

She’s hot. More

Any of her at that age?

Gimme more user

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Chunky hoe but rode me like a equestrian 7/10 would bang again

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Im sorry for the horse

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Wow. How’s the body?

I’d bang

Butthole, plox?

Attached: ciao (2556)..jpg (1599x899, 126K)

God Tier. Moar.

Got me a soft spot for white trash girls

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Oh fuck

Oh my god. Got kik??

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More body? I’d love to knock her up

same, especially with this kind of ass

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Drop your name



The right

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Lucky. More?

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Wow. Keep going


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went from tightest to loosest pussy ive ever fucked after first year of college

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Hoping it was left

fucked this one in the ass once
i knew there were a bit of shitten nuggets in there
took it out and she immediately started sucking on it

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More ?

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Wifeanon, Interest?

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Ass up in the air, please?

So sexy

Wow she look great I have a thing for Pregos

Mmm I want her


Yes very interested

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First week of uni. Bloody tight and loud bitch

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Milf? Can’t tell


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Is now

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this one would eat my ass for hours extremely deep
big loss

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cuck's gf

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Ya she was great

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Like this fat bitch?

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this one was just fucking filthy
shed do everything you tell her

Attached: xxx.jpg (720x1280, 79K)

one of the last 10 girls used to have her asshole fisted while she was doggiestyle on the floor, licking it

guess which one



She was real good. Had a kink for being bossed around and slapped and spanked, then she'd act a brat and refuse, but only to make you do it harder

Attached: 60493720_1985179384925950_4462227757891321856_o.jpg (1200x1200, 405K)

Got any where’s she’s nude while Oregon?



She’s incredible. Kik??

Dubs decides what you want to see

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Lol at catbox, never noticed that in the pic

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Yah more

Good girl


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Attached: 5871C353-C11F-40DE-BFF8-8A09B69F4F32.jpg (960x960, 97K)

Show those tits

Butterface. Body is fire

Not a 10 not that face at least

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neighbors wife

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her face is a 7 at max
looks like a guy


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More nice ass

MORE?? Kik?

>being mad

yeah, could fuck too

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Keep posting user. You have our attention

no actually im getting rid of it

More pics?

Attached: 31791230_189631371687650_6348650949904433152_n.jpg (1080x1350, 1010K)

ill give you this one tho
shed love having her ass eaten
she literally takes your head and pushes her ass around your face

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Nudes please

>implying I'm mad


Let’s see that ass

this one i turned out to be way less kinky than expected
big disappointment
perfect ass and tiny tits tho

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Let’s see that perfect ass

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i mean are you aware of what it takes to get that type of pics? both were 1-2 weeks sorta things, not that trivial. i might have some shots of the second one somewhere tho.

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So hot more

last one for now i gotta run for some irl shit

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Nice thanks

So thic

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So much wishful thinking in this thread.

Hnnggg. Kik?

im fairly sure you are referring to some of my descriptive posts

all real, and if you dont get to experience this sort of things, i feel sorry for you

Working in London and fucking this girl at least once a week. Tightest and softest pussy I have ever had

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I believe you. Tell me moar.

Have you seen her boobs?

Her name Amber?