Which theory do you subscribe to, Flat or Round Earth?
Which theory do you subscribe to, Flat or Round Earth?
triangle shape
I think the earth is more shaped like a giant cock and balls.
Flat earth is a psyop created by Russians in order to self-identify guillible Americans on social media, who could easily be converted to unwitting political operatives.
I think none of us know for certain or can define anything, even a shape in it’s exact value. What we see as round, an insect for example, might see as something else.
the correct one
Both are correct.
Does it matter?
earth is a 12'th dimensional omnisphere. Depending on your IQ, you can see higher dimensions. those that say earth is round and those that say it's flat are both right, it's just flat earth'rs are not smart enough to see in the third dimension.
Another bongloader.
how stoned are you right now my dude
This is an intelligent response.
This is a bunch of mealy-mouthed inanity.
Flat moon or nothing
The earth can be round AND flat.
The alternative should be a spherical earth, you massive faggot.
The earth isn't real.
Bible theory.
I believe the Earth is hollow. Change my mind.
Too fucking compelling.
Can't argue with stupid
It is the only logical possibility.
Get the fuck outta here, you deluded fuckwit.
Football shaped
A ha ha ha haa,.... Aren't you funny?
(Yes, you aren't)
If there are advanced races inside earth why don't they visit the outside? They are clearly capable of doing so if they can travel to Venus and other galaxies as illustrated in your picture.
where's the evidence?
How do you know they don't? Just because we haven't had direct contact with them?
Take this shit seriously, why dontcha?
That depends on the physics you subscribe to. At light speed the Earth is in fact flat. You can see every portion of the globe when passing by it.
Also if the Earth weren't a ball, why would airplanes need a gyroscope instead of a simple tilt switch? Gravity is enough of a constant where a simple tilt switch would keep it in the air. Because of the curvature you need a 3d spinning object to correct for pitch while moving. A tilt switch would send you into the upper atmosphere where the plane would hit a less dense pocket and fall to the Earth crashing down.
That's of course not even accounting for the fact you can set up a time lapse in any camera and record the night sky on a clear night.
If that's not enough you can buy a telescope from the toy section in Walmart and look at Mars and Saturn (rings included). How would other planets be round and the Earth flat?
They think the other planets aren't real, just lights or something.
You need the red pill
What a dumb myth