Other urls found in this thread:
No u >//<
Hi Nymph-chan, how u
Based. Moar cummies the better. :3c
No u times infinity >/////
How was ur day sweetie
-purrs- =w=
Yeah it's best to consume as much cummies as possible
TP is online and I linked him this thread so if he doesn't show up it's because his T has reached critically low levels and he should be bullied relentlessly
how's ur day been erio?
My tummy was upset pretty much since I woke up but it seems to be mostly better now
How was yours? Also who dis?
Either that or he's off doing TP things and not available, that happens
If this thread fails then we have another week or two of sh*tting up other anime poster threads until I attempt one again
We should tell Aki-chan to come bump it so we don't have to disrupt her fragile ecosystem as much
It was alright, busy at work, but overall not bad.
How about you?
where tf do i put trip
Fairly sure it's pretty much destined to fail given there's no reason for anyone outside of the people you've invited to come
In the Trip Jar
Hii, who dis? Oh Grim?
My tummy's been upset uwu But I'm fine now I think
Have ur coworkers been being decent?
U need to install the name botnet again
I sent a good amount of people links but some were confused cos they're newfigs who weren't here during the days of spamming each other links to threads
Lot of coworkers ended up leaving
So we're gonna hire and train new peeps
I'm sure u'll be a good daddy to them
Eat something bad? ;~;
Mostly alright, work was a breeze and now I play vidya
I wasn't aware that those days existed honestly
Nice get
Who dis tho?
I guess I did; maybe just too much spicy stuff ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You have some experience with it :3
That's how it originally was
I guess ur a newfig too then
Originally as in?
Ain't this a crew, tell me bout yourselves cuz I've never seen you around here!
Thank it matches my new license plate
When the Pure Circlejerk™ threads started in 2011, and it was that way into some point in 2012 at least
We didn't have 24/7 threads at first; originally it was mainly just a night thing
This person maybe does cos he's a pedophile
We're kind of a Big Deal
Did u get a custom 666 plate or did u just get lucky
We're just a bunch of old shitposters continuing tradition
I wasn't really a part of the Inner Circle™ at that point so I wouldn't have known about that
-bends Erio over and reams her boipussy-
Neat, I rarely went to Yea Forums in 2011 so it makes sense that I dunno ya guys
Always love meeting fellow oldfags
if this is yan
hi cuck
if not
continue with your day
By the Pure Circlejerk™ threads I just mean these threads (that's what Runs-From-His-Own-Penis called them), cause you know, they started out as a mockery of advice threads, which were alleged to just be circlejerks in actuality and all that
Ahh! >//< -my butthole clenches around your cock in surprise, tightly squeezing it-
Feel free to join and get stuck forever
What Erio said.
Yes, I remember the split well enough I just wasn't PMing people on MSN and shit
You were around in some form in 2011? I thought u started in the AliceCat threads
Lucky for you......
4m do I uninstall the whole shebang and reinstall or what
I watched for a little prior
Granted it was hard to tell what the fuck was going on so a lot of it is me piecing it together later
I really dont though
That person is a trap iirc.
I got lucky. I don't care enough to pay extra $ for a custom plate beyond the special design
We just came back to Yea Forums a couple weeks ago btw; we had moved to 4+Yea Forums but it's kill now. Mainly we've been posting in the waifu threads and stuff until this thread
Feel free to add me: Nachash#8938
What should we call you?
If ur experiencing technical difficulties then ask Erin; she's the nerd
Btw I linked ur mommy AliceCat this thread but idk if she'll post uwu
Didn't you help train people before tho?
I was just answering her question; u maybe follow Madokaism cos ur a pedophile
Cute otter
Oh boy the NamesxColbs reunion?!
And nice license plate get then
Yeah but I aint no ones daddy
Maybe, idk if she even saw the messages yet even tho it says she's there; she takes a long time to response sometimes
Then how are you my daddy? Checkmate athiests
I aint your daddy either, cease this
I am not too fond of using an avatar, but you can call me Akai Ookami, or Red.
Either or is cool
Idk if Yea Forums is quite ready for the 2012 throwback reunion power tho
Red isn't cool enough
I'm calling you King Crimson
So you want to be the sub?
Red is easiest cos the other one is a long weeb name
Most people call me Erio, btw :3
People are mad about there being too many porn threads so they should be happy about anything else we give them
red wolf
You know what. I approve
I prefer "nipon enthusiast" thank ya very much
Even just seeing some cummies is enough for me. I love a wet and wild show. ;)
That is true, back in the day when people hated us I would always use that argument
The "at least it ain't more of the same endless porn" argument actually won over some anons
It's a good fuckin name man
I used to just straight up go by Red Wolf but there is too many red wolves on the internet so I transposed it to Japanese so I could keep some dignity
Wolves r nice
I wanna get a half wolf dog
Are there any good animes this season? I haven't tried much to find any yet
But how can you see cummies without wanting them on your tongue
People don't seem to hate stuff like this in general anymore
Like a week ago I posted with these images a bunch in some user's thread and no one even got mad
Cutie :3 -pets ur hair-
Oh believe me, there's definitely an urge to lick it all up. Seeing all that steamy hot cream shoot right out is amazing! But knowing it's all gonna go to waste instead of being generously donated straight, or at least cleaned up afterwards is rather disheartening... It's easier to just enjoy things as they are. :)
ive seen a konmei wolf dog before, theyre really well behaved
I don't know what that is
I don't tend to watch anything seasonal unless it interests me enough, haven't really checked up on anything, sorry m8
I can't, I've came 4 times today so I can't cum any more
Well shit they need to make a season 2 of The Boys like right now because holy fuck
Alright, nickname upgraded to King Crimsonwolf
They're too far removed from the days when Yea Forums actually had a somewhat less normie culture of some sort imo
I guess that means that a lot of people are about to be hurt.
Yeah I guess we should just be good little subs and be grateful for whatever degree of exposure to cummies we receive at any given time
I think it kind of depends on how the genes pan out but idk
I guess raising them well is probably the most important
A religion about that pink-haired loli Lexi used to post
Just accepting it like that
I guess u've embraced being the sub
I haven't really gotten very into any seasonal stuff in a few seasons either
What are your favorite anime?
You can do it
Believe in the me that believes in u
F*cking normalfags not bullying me like the older posters did, reeeeeee
Eh, you can call me that if ya want, I know I don't mind, that name giving off Shadow the Hedgehog tier edge vibes and that type of edge is my guilty pleasure
Shadow the Hedgehog is an underrated game
Don't they know you need it to get off?!
It reminds me more of Metal Wolf Chaos and it brings me nothing but joy
Oh. Seems weird.
user I'm sorry, but rules are rules. Handover the dick right now. Pull him out slowly and bring him over. This is your only warning.
Mmm, exactly right. I'm always so happy for them, and I always try my best to let him know, too. After all that hard work he put into it, he deserves to know just how much his efforts mean!
Strong assumptions on your part
The world needs more assumptions. Better, stronger, bolder.
The assumptions shall lift
and get
They'll drive sick hot rods and do donuts in empty parking lots
i think genes are important for wolf dogs more than raising, compared to dogs
Havent really been able to pin down a fave ever, lemme think on it
Maybe if I keep making threads this gay, they'll accuse me of being a joo psyop
At least that'll be progress
Madokaism? It's a meme u silly goose
It is important to show appreciation for cummies
Have we met before or did you just show up cause of the cummies OP post? :3
Well if ur not going to be the dom one, it has to be me
You can't argue with that logic
It's kind of a gamble if that's the case
It depends on which genes are passed on from which animal and stuff
I want a new Shadow the Hedgehog game where it's just Shadow the Hedgehog on his own (no aliums) vs. the entire world military
It can be called Shadow the Hedgehog: World War Hedgehog
theyre specifically bred to keep the good genes though
Mr. Crimsonwolf,
Believe in your own justice!
So what are the rest of us then?
I'm getting hungry; feed me
Now you're just talking nonsense
I guess u'd be assumed to be part of the joo psyop for bumping this le degenirite thread
I call dibs on the first cummie donation tho
Cummies or food
I can't go get food cause this thread is my child and I feel responsible for keeping it alive
can you not cook food or are you in school still?
I'm going to pretend to be the infiltrator trying to break up the op from the inside
i ate all my cummies..
I know lol
send me a gf pls I'm lonely and miss talking to so many people in the group
Why would I have cooking equipment when buying good cooked food at restaurants and stuff is cheap here
Silly boi
Like how Jack pretends to hate Alice2 in exchange for her girldick cummies
Good thinking
Wow, greedy
Share next time
Lol I'll give Name ur Discord since that's obviously what u want
who are you?
I'll be your gf, user.
My plans are always of the highest quality
share..? what's that?
so you dont have to go out to get food?
youve been buying street and restaurant food all the time?
/pol/ look at this image, I am a joo psyop
Bulli me
Lol ur Bebop's gf now
It's when you shoot your cummies directly into my mouth and then I kiss you and give you a little bit of them
Do you cook? Or do u have a maid that cooks for u that your family can afford cos of their war crimes?
oral kinda scares me...
i can give it but i can't receive it..
i have a 13 year old maid obviously
Who? :3
That's cute and would make giving you it more fun
Or maybe ur family isn't even that rich from the war crimes and ur mum just makes u tendies
Wasn't I always, though? Like, we didn't make it obvious but come on everybody knew
And jerking?
good luck trying to go down on me..
i cook for myself and live on my own
Are u just using him for his stock market shekels?
Sounds like a challenge >:3
U'll make a good housewife, then
Every liter of cummies is 0.001 bitcoin
It pays the bills
an impossible challenge....
>breaks over
when you were in america did you not cook for yourself?
I'm gonna go get food
This thread is ur responsibility now; I recommend spamming everyone with another round of links
Yikes. Its you faggots again. Feels like fucking 2010 in here or whatever
I guess ur my son now
hi son
Again? But son, we never left! We always lived in your hearts
AH, now we are cooking with GAS
Cant wait for eightchan return and yall insolent curs with it.
Always! Haha I actually don't know what's happening in here. Like you said, the OP just seemed interesting, demanding cummies like that. :D
Welcome buddy
Nah fuck that I'm never going back and Erio's with me. You're never getting rid of us again, ever.
yeeyee, never used this shit before, decided to bite the bullet on this shit
time to up my faggotry game
Name uwu
don't deny your dokis for us spicer-kun uwu
Honestly both sites are awful.
AOL Messenger when?
Niggers and nigger enablers.
It's a rabbit hole that has many outcomes, good luck
Appreciate the support friendo, I'm not as good at this as I used to be :(
Kill yourself when?
You forgot niggerfaggots and nigger lovers
feel ya, also nice choice in Wolf O'Donnell's
Not until after I see the fabled tri balled man.
Hey just got some stuff from right outside so I'm back
Glad I'm here to help with Colbs' confusion and inability to recognize his own mommy
Hi btw, glad to have you here
You might want to generate a real trip for yourself lmao
That bold text looks a little off
Never happening
Hope you've been well though Name
how do
newbie to trips, remember?
Well, do you at least know how to generate one or do we start there?
well, i went here to do the og one
Anyway I'm done eating so I think I might have e-sex with a cute random user who added me now
Embrace ur roots
He's a silly boi
That's self-evident cause Name is ur mom
>Discord circlejerk
Okay so that just tells you what your tripcode will display as, you need a trip first
Start here and read: tripcode.50webs dot com
Naw that's my e-mom they don't overlap
>being this much of a faggot
you ever feel like it is literally impossible for you to pick a favorite anything
cool, ill have a trip in no time
Jack Spicer, which monkey did you marry?
I hate captchas though.
its simply the life of a man too cheap to pay for premium Yea Forums me guy
I refuse to give Nagasaki-chan my sheckles.
Who are?
Join the cavalcade of shitposter supremes
It's your destiny
new boi in town, Akai Ookami/Red/King Crimonwolf.
At your service
Are you a dog fucker?
I'm not fighting someone for my crown.
*King Crimsonwolf
No, I AM a dog
internet a shit, won't let me go to the site to download the generator or whatever
How is your internet that bad? Jeez it's not advanced technology
There is a major outtage right now with some ISP.
well, its a bit of a story, me and my family moved into a new house with another person who lived in it before, the guy who we are living with hasnt updated his router in literally forever, not shitting you, the thing is from 2006
dont wanna tell all the specifics
Which ISP?
Holy shit what the fuck who even does that
Get a new one man
will soon, not my house though
Buy it for whoever owns it as a gift from yourself to everyone including yourself
We're not in the dark ages anymore KCW
ii already said we are, and i also have no income as of now, so no dice on the buy
Oof. NEET or looking for work or...?
looking for work, fresh out of HS
Oooohhhh, ur a babby gotcha
No college then?
not yet,but eventually
i do not intend on being a neckbeard
Well good, glad to hear that!
Any long term plans?
not yet, that is what i am figuring out first
besides, i am baby, until i am not baby
If I say ur baby, ur baby
Got any vague ideas?
no, just alot of ideas
But are any of them vague? This is important.
Where are the rest of you sad faggots?
The two of you wont last long.
Given that it's past midnight on the east coast of America on a weekday, I'm going to say bed.
I would be there too if I wasn't watching something. Will go when it's done
\_ ( -_- ) _/
I'm getting my throat fucked by a dommy mommy who added me cause I posted my Discord earlier in thread
That alone makes this thread a win
Oh also the fact that we entangled a new soul in our web (i.e. you)
Since when do you jobless vermin even sleep?
I regret asking.
Actually the fact that I have a job is the reason I'm not around shitposting with Erio during the day, chief.
Okay but what is this
What's what
The 7th circle of Hell
Or maybe the 4th, it's kind of hard to keep track
Hello people
I'm not sure anymore
How do I leave?
Hahahahaha. Take a seat over there, can I get you anything?
I've been here for like 10 years
You don't leave
jk just go stage left, then navigate the hellmaze.
after that go inside the mcdonalds and flush yourself down the toilet
How are you
I'm getting to do laundry
and if you survive that (and you will not) it is free sailin
Good good, finishing up watching Endgame since I finished watching The Boys earlier then going to bed.
Laundry is a luxury on the road, no?
why do you avatarfag as steven colbert?
Back when I started posting him he was actually good and I liked him and he has a lot of expressions for reacting to things
ah, i feel ya.
used to watch him back in the day
I was watching him before he had his own show, even. He was a big part of my young life tbh
idk what this thread is but yall seem cool, anyways i have a question. ive been seeing a lot of things that arent really there and i think it's because i work an 8 hour job and play a gacha game for 14 hours straight after it because of a current event. if i keep this up for the next 2 weeks, how fucked will my brain end up?
> cums out of fear
i watched him back in his comedy central days
i aint a psychiatrist, but i would have to guess it would be fairly screwy
I'd hazard a guess that your brain will suffer from lack of sleep. Your eyes will probably be very strained from all that screen watching
Like his Jon Steward Comedy Central days or his Strangers With Candy Comedy Central days?
John Stewart days
i watched John more though
Both good, but for different reasons. Miss the both of them
Same here
i really want to stop but i cant, my eyes burn and i get at most 2 hours of sleep but my head keeps making excuses for why stopping now is going to lead to regrets.
idk what to do, id get laughed to the next state if i said i have a gacha addiction to a psychiatrist. life is such a pain sometimes
You know that feeling of shame you get after you cum to certain things?
I don't get that feeling and can't relate to it
Anyway good job with keeping this thread alive while I got my e-throat dominated online by a stranger
-pets u-
Well, nice meeting ya buddy but I'm going to go to sleep so I'm not dead for work tomorrow.
Have a good night, see ya around
A psychiatrist's job is literally not to laugh at you when you say stuff like that, anything can be a legitimate addiction. Get help if you need it bud
Bye m8
There’s you cummies now please let me go
Sorry I missed this post btw, got distracted
I try to reply to everything cos I have autism like that
Cute boi
Sure you don't wanna avatar? :3
Sure u don't wanna join the other new person in staying forever?
Well, i dont really have enough pics of the specific thing i would avatar as, pretty niche thing imo
What would it be?
i cant just stop is the problem, i constantly tell myself to keep pushing because itll be worth it even when i know i have never hate life so much before than now
its hard to think that a psychiatrist would take this seriously, i mean i sure as hell would think i was being fucked with but i guess its worth a try. goodnight btw
You’re draining my balls, I am powerless
You should try to find other stuff to keep yourself occupied rather than just focusing on NOT doing a certain thing
Also see a therapist, I'm not a real therapist, just an internet therapist who ends up telling you to see a real therapist
Donate to my Patreon
Silly boi
The truck broke down a few days ago and we just got put up in a nice hotel instead of a roach infested shithole
And they have a laundry room
konig wolf, from the zoids series, literally a giant sentient mecha wolf
not full body, but you get the gist
theres really only pics of models, not any good and expressive art so it leaves me dry
Imagine receiving a Discord invite from someone with "fashy" in their name after u posted ur Discord ID in a gay thread u made and thinking they're going to yell at u for being a le degenerete but then they just start hitting on u
Yea Forums is funny
Also Revy don't miss my reply; Colbs went to bed and I'm the only person u know who's left in this thread
Hmm, not sure where exactly to find fan art of that but I'll try a few places and see if stuff comes up
Also u could always cap episodes; a lot of people used to cap anime. I'm posting caps I took of a manga and made pink with Photoshop
that could work, maybe ill find some scans and work from there
Here are two normal images of it and five images of it as an anime girl
fuck anime.
didnt know peeps did gijinkas of it
haha le funny sarcasm
i just put the game down for the first time this week ill try to take matters into my own hands first and fix shit myself.
maybe now i can fap for the first time this month, ive been living in hell without it
>in a gay thread
WTF i thought you guys were cool. I don't grandmas ghost to see me around you.
They do that of everything
How's ur day going sweetie
U can always join our eternal circlejerk community; it's a good distraction
I'm (basically) a boy who made a thread asking for cummies
Would you consider that gay? :thinking:
I thought missed spelled mummies.
true, its like porn
everything's got some
i might stick around since i have nothing better to do now that my 2nd full time job is gone. ill just be that autistic gacha addict or w/e
Nice, we've almost made it to the image cap
Complete success, everyone
Ur joking right? Normally I'd assume this is a joke but with u I'm not sure
Such a silly fash
Yeah I bet there's porn of ur zoid thing too
I actually built a model of one of those when I was really young; I don't really remember anything about the show tho
>How's ur day going sweetie
fine how ab urs
Oh nevermind ur not that person
Pretty good, my tummy was upset for the first several hours of today but it's better now
Grazi to us
also i checked, and no
no porn of konig wolf
I'm not the flash. He also sucks as a super hero. Oh wow your super power is running fast, talk about laaaame.
Sorry missed this reply
Feel free to add me :3 Nachash#8938
what you playin tho?
Girls Frontline?
Everyone else can feel free to add that too btw
U can fix that
I'm talking about the fascist who added me cause I posted my Discord in this thread and started gay flirting with me
But yeah Sanic can probably run faster anyway
aint no artist, and i dont wanna pay money until i get money........
maybe i can flex my aspiring writing skils....
You added a fashionist? Sounds kinda boring talking about the next gay clothes line coming out.
Please, we all know starscream can run way faster.
soundwave wins on coolpoints though
no worse than those 2, gbf, i have a very love hate relationship with it, on one hand i want to quit already on the other hand i dropped 7k on it
Hello how are you
I’ll give you my cummies you have to swallow them like a good girl tho
My man now we're talking.
oh nooooo.
im feelin bad for ya man
best decepticon
right next to shockwave and megatron
Next thred when
it hurts when you remember constantly that the game wont be around forever and that youre never getting your money back when it dies effectively meaning yoi spent a ton of money and got nothing at all by the end of it yay
my heart goes out to you my friend
I got surprised with a new game update and it was SMOOTH
Missed all those replies though
i just realized that i posted without a name for a bit
But where's the new thread
if someone doesn't do it in a bit, i will make one
Okay here
Well I'm not gonna do you do it
you'll never take me alive