In america at 18 you can't buy a beer but you can buy 10,000 rounds of ammo. Why is that country so fucked?

In america at 18 you can't buy a beer but you can buy 10,000 rounds of ammo. Why is that country so fucked?

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Sounds like a good time to me...

I agree. They should lower the drinking age back to 18.

in america with 18 you're too young to drink but old enough to die in the army

Because they can't drink until it's too late

Raise voting age to 25

Lowering it to 18 was emotional and no longer needed

Just exempt anyone who does military service under 21. Solved the problem

or until you file your first tax return

Yoire welcome for all the aid and support you receive from the US and its citizens. We know you cant take care of yourselves, so we will keep helping. We are a kind and giving people.

If by aid you mean aids and by support you mean rounds of ammo then sir, you're still a fag

If you are old enough to pay the bills, you are old enough to have a drink too, that's how it should be.

What is is like to be dominated by the US in every single way?

You're still welcome for all the aid and support you and your country receive from the US and its citizens. It's a thankless job, but someone has to do it. You're welcome.

meanwhile in euroland,you cant buy a gun but you can get your head cut off by a terrorist muslim.have fun with your gun control

The drinking age should be lowered to 18.

Every day baby!

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>you can buy 10000 rounds of ammo
its 12500 rounds you retard pic related

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If you honestly don't understand the reason, then you are too young to understand. It's like maturity, you don't get it until you are it. Alcohol is a chemical that causes changes. Human brains are not fully mature until around 23 to 28. Even drinking at 21 can cause irreversible changes to the brain. Moderation is key.

if you dont like guns,you shouldnt live in america

he's probably some libtard who thinks everybody obeys the law and underage drinking isnt a thing

your country has a massive deficit, my country has the biggest sovereign wealth fund in the world. We are doing just fine thank you.

What about the right to vote?


>Human brains are not fully mature until around 23 to 28
Why would you want immature people having free access to ammunition?

that kid is a damn patriot, from what i read he didnt actually say anything threatening and theyre just doing the typical life ruining by arrest and media

Because alcohol kills wayyyyyyyyy more people than guns, especially if it was legal at 18!

He doesnt resort to name calling
He didnt imply what you're assuming
He said "in moderation." How is that saying it doesnt happen?



Agreed, we need a much lower drinking age


nah,he doesnt care about moderation.he's just some liberal who thinks banning everything is the solution to the problem

also,i wasnt refering to the guy i was responding to.i was refering to op

If Norway paid it's fair share for the defense bill, you wouldnt. You're welcome, again.
The 1s and zeros in your bank accounts are just as fake as our debt. Its imaginary.


>us and its citizens

lol if you think the us citizens willingly want to help these 3rd world shitpiles out.blame your shit goverment on that

besides,how well did aid work out for iraq after sadaam hussein.even trump,who is suppose to be a republican.bashed bush when it came to the iraq war.but the hillbillys still clapped and cheered with their maga hats on

Sadam loved aid from the US. The US gave him billions in total over decades. He shouldn't have fucked around. Got himself killed.

Fucked here in sweden to..
Fuck legally at 15
Driver licens at 18
Buy alchol at the bar when 18
buy alchol from the store is 21
Epa car at 16
moped 15
send nudes 18

america shouldnt of invaded iraq and fucked the country up more then when sadam ran it.but who cares,the iraq war is another example of how stupid americans are,thought we went there for oil,when we really went there to get rid of sadaam and then replace him with a terrorist caliphate.because i guess thats better(sarcasm)

I do want aid going to foreign countries. We've been exporting little green pieces of paper to foreign countries in exchange for real good for decades. Since Bretton woods, in fact. The more influence we can purchase abroad with little pieces of green paper that keeps my standard of living the same here while having to contribute nothing, the better. Let's keep this shit show rolling for the love of god.

depends on the country,in the example of iraq.i think it was useless sending aid there.because(even though ill admit,george w bush was a good republican president.unlike that new york libtard donald trump)the country ended up worse off then it was under sadaam

>the US doesn't have intimate, although covert, control of the majority of Iraqi oil exports now.
>smashing regimes that dont play ball with the US doesnt intimidate other regimes into submitting.
Iraq wasnt about Saddam. It was about oil exports and reasserting US authority.

>hurr durr,im a left wing retard.even though the gas prices were higher then hell,i believe we went to iraq for oil

We bought Saddam for years. He turned, got killed. Has nothing to do with the people on the ground there. Bush2 was atrocious and should be hanged. When hes dead for sure, he should be hanged again. Then a 3rd time.

Powerful stable Muslim countries make Israel nervous. All involvement in the Middle-east boils down to this.

That's not how it works. That's not what I said or implied.
I'm not left wing, sorry.

despite its problems, still top 2 best countries to live in on the planet.

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In america at 18 you can purchase inhale cancerous fumes aka cigarettes but you cant ingest cancerous liquid aka alcohol (except in some places like commiefornia where they raised the smoking age)

Because this country wasn't made by the current crop of faggot soyboys that we have now.

the country with the most powerful military in the world is never really "in a deficit"

because purchasing resources used in defense of our country should be encouraged above hedonism.

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You don't like it, go back to your shithole country.,

You want them to vote though, huh?

The government knows best. OBEY

Military dont mean shit. Almost all of south and central American countries are in massive debt to imf/world bank or the Fed directly. None of them have militaries. When currency runs out, more is created. The debt is never meant to be paid, ever, by anyone. Least of all the US, considering the USD is the reserve currency. Thank god we can print currency for whatever we want. We trade valueless 1s and 0s for real goods from the rest of the world. Its amazing.

YOUR GOVERNMENT MUST dictate your life, right?

you better be kidding. yall faggots know damn well guns are not exclusively defensive

In inner cities, more people are shot in a week than mass shooters will shoot all year. You're damn right there's a lot of offensive shooting going on in cities. Chicago, Detroit, LA just to name a few. Someone should do something about all those shootings that happen every week in those cities.

By what? A small margin of degenerates? How much more, and more serious crime is done under the influence of alcohol?

In Illinois at you have to be 21 to buy smokes

Fuuuck that looks sexy.
Heavy but sexy.
Just look at those curves.