Hey Yea Forums,If Reddit and Yea Forums went to war who would win?

Hey Yea Forums,If Reddit and Yea Forums went to war who would win?

Attached: Screenshot_20190814-191027.jpg (679x912, 265K)

your mom

ask tumblr

You would lose faggot. Imma smash your teeth in

>ask tumblr
You didn't win against tumble you fucking raging pussy

t.pisscord tranie

Truth hurts doesn't it faggot?
You lost and are still crying about it today

As someone who lurks Yea Forums and actively uses reddit.

Yea Forums is the better platform. So much more entertaining and so much more free speech.

Also OP is gay.

This is why Yea Forums is best. I can still call op a raging faggot without fear of repercussion. Long live Yea Forums.

We already lost.
Proof: /pol/, /r9k/, Yea Forums, and especially Yea Forums.
Go away.

What kind of war?

commie can't ban
commie sad
womp womp

Try me Nigga

Reddit sucks for a reason, too many smug moralfags. At least over here, people can be themselves.

thing is, even the reddit free speech places are just generally lame
as much as the edgy poltard should be able to get on everyones nutsacks so should the easily annoyed liberal

everyone else

reddit would win in the official battle but Yea Forums would be the kind of guy who would rape reddits mother after lsing the battle and send pics of her beheaded body covered in cum

t. doesnt know shit about neither reddit nor Yea Forums

kys newfag


Edit: Thanks for the gold

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