
Dissapointed edition
(Not vore)

Attached: 1565798443441.png (1024x1024, 77K)

Other urls found in this thread:


requesting a girl being eaten by a frog



Requesting a comic of this girl, completely nude, getting swallowed whole and alive by a giant toad
>She strips down naked
>Grabbed by it's long sticky tongue
>Pulled into its mouth head-first; her lower body still outside the toad
>Toad gulps once pulling her deeper inside; hooves still outside, the rest of her inside the mouth
>Toad gulps again; lower body is in the mouth, upper body is in the stomach
>View of her entirely in its stomach
>From the outside, you can't even tell she was eaten
>Digested alive
>Remains disposed of
The idea originally popped in my head after playing some Fallout 76 and getting attacked by a radtoad

Attached: wg3_hyousi1200.png (845x1200, 1.86M)

Attached: baphomet06.png (432x600, 366K)

>Tfw you actually dream about your request
>Tfw she wanted to eaten alive in my dreams
>Tfw she was more enthusiastic about it than me

Attached: Baphomet6.png (500x650, 373K)

so which one is the real thread?


They're both real threads.

Attached: 1463283995_1445744927_13d2a8404b94.jpg (320x344, 18K)

Attached: 1565799072015.jpg (1080x1259, 427K)

Attached: 1565799094331.jpg (1080x1280, 365K)

"real" as in the one we're going to use, dumbass

the other one was first

This one is going to get spammed by vorefag so people can go to the other so vorefag can delete the thread at 29 minutes

What if not?

Ahh, normally people use "real" referring to a thread I didn't make. I just assumed you meant a non-Vorefag thread because an user in the other thread implied that I made the other one. In which case, they're both real threads since I didn't make either one of them.

We can use this one though since it's got more active IPs in it.

Keep sperging, user.

I don't spam, and I didn't make either thread

Attached: 1448076800912.gif (458x438, 103K)

I'm not vorefag but I made the other threadf

Attached: 9.gif (160x120, 17K)

Requesting Sea from Monster Musume Online being impregnated by a crocodile monster guy lover.

Optionally, have a second image/panel showing the result of her impregnation a few months later.

Note: It does not have to be the guy on the right, he's there as an example for what a crocodile monster guy would look like, and he can be either an adult or a shota (preferred).

Attached: image.jpg (1580x971, 313K)


I don't know about you, but I'm a fan of lose-lose situations.

requesting niggas in trouble

Attached: rider.png (487x773, 189K)

I don't blame you.

Attached: Oracle_Turret.jpg (1024x768, 457K)



ah fucked up and didn't loosen the S'


Attached: 1565572487925.jpg (640x1969, 464K)

i just shidded

Attached: mejikku14.png (1500x1000, 496K)

n farted


What do robots like?

Requesting a conjoinment of Aqua and Tifa like in the reference.

Attached: R4.png (1280x720, 880K)

fuck off I'm never listening to any of your vocaroo links

Mornin’ y’all


Attached: 178FC3C4-E544-48ED-B206-05492C23D0BF.png (800x800, 125K)



Dont be gay.

fuck you tranny

who are you

Draw him taking off his shorts

Attached: dbcfced2712ed1e0a45549b1daa59f787a622c0c.png (600x800, 204K)


How is a robot racist? Are there black robots?

Requesting htese Vulpix and Ninetails girls taking turns massaging each other's butts

Attached: 1565785503354.jpg (4000x4000, 1.04M)


could you draw her being pinned down by roots and penetrated

Attached: tree lady 1.png (1061x1418, 50K)



Attached: rider.png (573x747, 114K)

Mmm... Homemade bounty time

Attached: IMG_20190814_195353__01.jpg (2846x2722, 1.92M)

poka got a tattoo :D

Attached: popopoka.png (700x600, 128K)

Are there jew robots?


I'm assuming that the site just completely froze

I’m not THE vorefag

Requesting Tionishia swallowing a 3 inch person as she lounges around in panties and a bra (or a tank top, or any revealing clothing someone would wear in the morning)

This isn’t required but it’s a suggestion: I think tio sitting on a couch with a jar full of tinies (2-3 inch people) would be hot. Her thick body, covered by panties and a tank top, would become the new home for the little guys in her jar.

Attached: 0C7FFF5F-5DF9-403D-8F79-DDCD28096188.jpg (552x744, 369K)

Um.. It says penis..

/r/ shitting dick

it actually says
l ll
ll l _

Do glados now

Dumb animation I attempted.

Hi thread.

Attached: BJ Test.gif (560x315, 95K)


as soon as you said I'm not the vorefag that made me automatically think you're vorefag


needs more though ... the whole body should be covered

Attached: hero.png (592x626, 217K)



fixed the fuck up post, have another bump


Attached: traps.png (1072x970, 26K)

so hero wants girl Popo now? Interesting.


Attached: 1555905933047.jpg (680x651, 46K)

Attached: 1565547513024.jpg (630x630, 43K)

Attached: 1565548120554.jpg (960x940, 67K)

I am wondering why it went silent, i check the thread and there you are

draw these black dudes in your art style

Attached: 1565641075581.jpg (1536x2048, 402K)

Pretty cool

Nice outfit

Attached: 8791281C-2C9E-483C-A87D-D39838A3D25D.png (800x800, 110K)

wow you're fast, thank you very much!

Requesting hero wear this please

Attached: A6C4C086-BD46-498B-88BB-62F7EB3C10C3.jpg (780x1020, 45K)

/r/ a Vivian James version of the right pic.

Attached: Vivian James Sweaty and Sexy.jpg (991x750, 164K)

Attached: rider.png (332x255, 71K)

Can i request more Hero lewds?

hero, you're a genius !
now poka is really cool :D

pff, no it doesn't, you're just jealous

i've got to make that tattoo next..

since poka is really strong, she added more "strenght" kanjis

Attached: popopoka.png (700x600, 102K)



Attached: sight disdain.png (500x500, 61K)

requesting clyde nervously asking if you're sure you want to ping @everyone, then taking a huge amount of dicks(with @everyone slapped on top of them) in his ass

Attached: 335cc0c0a8e4f68ce6ef6e7eb1d959df.png (1090x1229, 331K)

Requesting Saki Kurokoma getting impregnated by a shota with a similar design to her

Attached: image.png (474x512, 162K)

no u
nah, but why not go all the way~
thx, friend introduced me to some old games and movies recently
with cars ... but still ... kind of inspiring
would definitely draw this, but another time. just want to doodle today
just be like one of this suicidegirls ... cmon, its not that difficult

Attached: hero.png (781x671, 217K)

another one for later. not the OR but seems right up your alley

Why hello there, green girl! I have a request tailored specifically to your interests right here:

Attached: f98f2b0f6268fad1d49a34a2571a3d75.jpg (800x600, 69K)

morning thread, yall ready for todays shitstorm as usual?

Attached: shitstormlol.png (844x490, 23K)


I tried, but I don't think I can make it happen, sorry

Why? You gonna sperg over YV again?

Attached: shoot.png (1072x970, 29K)

>Not lurking last threads
>Furries, drawfag drama, anons, vorefag
Cmon man

oh ok, I'd be happy for any drawing but if you're not up for it that's fine.

Kek! Thanks dude

>YV gone
>sperg over YV
Found the orbiter

Attached: the irony.png (508x365, 64K)

Anyone here taking requests?

Attached: 5240FFB8-72BA-4813-85DD-C575E71529AE.png (800x800, 124K)

what ? i would never draw lewds of that green thing, sorry fam

come on, don't be so jealous, lemme give you a few ones

that's a good plan, you want some tattoos too ?

Attached: popopoka.png (700x600, 156K)

dirty deeds and they’re done dun dun

That's pretty good thanks

yes, maybe another time
sure sure ... but like ral ones, righty?

Attached: hero.png (783x642, 155K)

please Popo, but this time appeal to the bigger audience and do some fox x green stuff.

Heres another quirky little tattoo you can get it looks like a leaf silhouette haha

Attached: Spade0.png (500x500, 8K)

You forgot one, user:

Attached: 1563320636660.png (693x966, 569K)


requesting wheatley draw kinda in the same situation of the right image

Attached: penisshadow.png (508x240, 141K)

/r/ this naked and fingering

Attached: c.png (696x1104, 899K)


Attached: file.png (359x709, 209K)

draw conker as a punk slut

Attached: conkm.jpg (500x615, 30K)

hey faded man

/r/ a quick and easy tutorial about turning the human body into parts that are easier to understand and draw. Links work too.

alright, but that's the only one i'm drawing

yeh, ral ones =3 =3 3=3

no, i want ones with meaning, like that "strenght" kanji,
really tells a lot about poka's life

Attached: popopoka.png (700x600, 272K)

Like punk rock punk or just like a punk

that expresion and speech bubble is so real. Thanks.

rock punk, also has to be male

Requesting Sunny Miami having sex with a woman please.

Attached: Sunny Miami.jpg (689x1160, 79K)



Attached: Screen Shot 2019-08-14 at 20.55.15.png (820x992, 169K)

First you gets done. no credit card, no bullshit

Attached: Caol.png (576x701, 58K)

fuck you cunt


Attached: rider.png (598x727, 119K)

>drawfag starting shit again
not in a position with retard art buddy

draw a lewd captcha

ok shitscribbler, you can stop being envious now

Requesting your avatar petting my cat.

Attached: Kitty.png (173x342, 47K)

or here, I'm not much of a fan, but ty

>yeh, ral ones =3 =3 3=3
well .. here is an idea ...
stop staring

Attached: hero.png (748x775, 176K)

Requesting a full body pin-up of Geppetto from Pinocchio 3000, in his transformed robot form.

Attached: Pinocchio 3000 Geppetto-Bot Reference.png (1399x778, 1.96M)



Strange how hero dislikes drawing lewds but now hero sometimes draws lewd what a strange time we lived.


Oh they love to draw lewds, it just they need someone to draw with them.

Attached: DDF76345-F641-4F6C-96B2-71707F537D28.png (800x800, 141K)


Thats hot vik keep up the good work


Attached: 87114cf.jpg (750x1112, 52K)

>even added The lip piercings

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-08-14 at 21.24.06.png (812x968, 210K)

It's MA'AM

Hi, could someone draw my gemsona?
He is a kammererite

Attached: Kammererite.png (372x704, 97K)


Attached: society.jpg (498x400, 25K)


That is some good stuff


You should draw Andrew yang winning the presidency

wspn to HQ wspn to HQ
thread is NOT ready to receive raccoon
i repeat, thread is NOT ready to receive raccoon

Attached: !wspn.png (500x500, 82K)

I'm rude now.

Attached: Dark-.png (500x500, 95K)

thread IS ready for wspn butt though

I spent time on this for no reason

Attached: 5D612C4D-6B4D-481E-ABAA-EAA66E6E2E47.png (748x775, 200K)

wait a second, aren't you dead?

wspn to HQ
package secured
confirmed to be sad and gay as shit.

i got no curves y u gotta bully.

Attached: !wspn.png (500x500, 93K)

>user's staring intensifies


Attached: 1c1eb2766a80ea1c730b696d79b6e5ff.jpg (600x600, 24K)

still want wspn butt

...nah? :>
wspy is secured now as gay

Attached: Dark-.png (500x500, 85K)

Attached: !wspn.png (500x500, 77K)


Attached: heatenings.png (1342x456, 194K)

What did you do?

also this isnt the romance i signed up for. only self insert poka makes my heart go doki doki
it cant be lewd since i drew it
and the piercings that are hidden in that drawing ...
oho, nice job though!
the wispen arrives . .. ?
heey! how you doing today?

Attached: hero.png (666x517, 159K)

oh my ... actually didnt see you staring just now. ironic ...

thank you

>self insert poka
oho, there was some user who claimed Poka is hot, from facebook.

it k, sorry it disappointing.

HEY it doesn't WORK see? only works the other way!!

wspn to HQ
in process of being infected by the gay
tell my nonexistent family i love them

Attached: !wspn.png (500x500, 80K)

Would love if you spread your booty

I didn't say it was disappointing.

More of this please

What other kinds of piercings do you have?

he is actually hot

Attached: Screenshot (87).png (722x827, 655K)

dick move bro, if that's really him.

delet this

Attached: fuk.jpg (417x216, 34K)

lost promos at league of children
got to report lotsa people but who cares It's OnLy A ViDeO gAmE =)
tomorrow's some volunteer work
how about ya?

>everyone hyped when hero has piercings
>nobody cares that a "man" elf has like 9 piercings
#metoo #imwithhim #againstsexism

more like a pretty boy, not that hot

Attached: smile3.png (448x380, 62K)

It's too late. You're infected.

Attached: Dark-.png (500x500, 87K)

Would you be a top or a bottom?

but he did post it himself a while ago

now fuck him

No, he didn't


If that's really him, hero you're a lucky motherfucker

here we go again

Attached: caught.png (436x178, 20K)

legs more important than arms fight me if disagree

o... thank

what is. what is happening.
i'm scared.

Attached: !wspn.png (578x591, 106K)

explain, i have no idea what's going on.

>poka photo
>leaked or not
>discussion incoming
pay attention

>"he is actually hot"
>Average looking guy
I guess average is hot around these parts. Makes sense.

Requesting these two hugging each other in a cute friendly way, no homo.

Attached: Hug Request.png (838x499, 718K)

it was a long time ago but i think he did, i deleted the picture just in case


Good looking Popopopopoakoa!
Top of course.. She's under me.

Attached: Dark-.png (500x500, 102K)

Just do reverse image search in the archive
He didn't post them

Wouldn’t know where to start with this, but here’s a ninetails I drew for someone else

Attached: C0240849-0D3B-4093-B352-1BAABE07E3E3.png (800x800, 173K)

All the drawfags here are either 40 year old fat tubs of lard or underage autists with no friends. so yes, that supposed pic of Popo is hot by drawfag standards

Oh wow. Popopopokemon is both a really good artist and a moderately attractive human being. Some of us ain't either. Where's the justice, man?

Attached: yh.png (800x600, 60K)

Can confirm this

unironically this

YV and zander are great examples

Yo what's up

Hey I like you

Attached: Not Ryu.png (457x669, 32K)

Check'd, dont forget


well u did it, i'm gay

even when i'm filthy raccoon?

Attached: !dark.png (500x500, 91K)

Even then

>Yea Forums
even in drawthreads, no

whaddup though?

i'm kinda hyped to go back to school rn

Attached: yesbutno.png (500x500, 73K)

They call me Neckwarts Mcgee, the 40 year old virgin wizard who will respect all the m'ladies. I don't even get friendzoned, I'm so repulsive. I get acquaintancezoned. I am the epitome of the modern drawfriend. An icon, if you will.

Attached: strn.png (800x600, 91K)

my childrens, let us begin the ritual..

mh, actually, the tatoo looks bad, better cut off the affected bits

dude, if ur the guy from last time, did u share it with anyone ?

nono, i never did that

4 u

Attached: popopoka.png (700x600, 123K)

i kind of like where this is going.


Yesterday you confirmed yourself as 37 REEEEEE

edgy man

Attached: fuk.png (844x490, 10K)

Only genuine wholesomeness can make me feel better about myself now. I need to draw like 50 wholesome Bunmoms to get peace of mind. 8000x8000 canvas, here I come.
Just be quiet and enjoy your little harem there. You're missing Hero, btw. It just isn't a proper Popo harem without Hero.

Attached: nonos.png (800x600, 89K)

hey bud, missed ya, can a brotha get a hug?

I'm rounding. 40 rolls of the tongue better than 37.
Max edge.

>dude, if ur the guy from last time, did u share it with anyone ?
I am the guy from last time, but I swear on everything I didn't share it with anyone

Attached: Im sorry if I caused it.jpg (600x600, 93K)

I can't be bothered to actually draw one. Have an ERP hug.

Action: Hug

>Not using this song


Attached: Dark-.png (500x500, 58K)

it's too late, i'm already gay.

w0w gay.

Attached: !dark.png (517x689, 80K)

FBI! hands off of them you sick fuck!

Attached: Raq.png (882x1134, 60K)

Sup', one req?



Oh no...

Attached: file.png (702x714, 70K)


Draw a literal mongolian basket weaving forum

If you're alright with that

uh oh
have this
it's ok to pity yourself some time tho
nothing wrong with a few negative feels mang

do you guys have the infamous wrist pain from drawing?
i've never had one so i wonder do i draw so little that i dont' have it or something....

Attached: hug.png (500x500, 68K)

Attached: 1542002137293.jpg (512x502, 58K)


niggers can't be authority on Yea Forums


your glowing cianigger


Nice meme

No. Sorry


Well, I wanted to spend some time here but meh. Have a nice day people.

i can't believe you've done this..
take responsability now, i expect a daily income of 500€ for emotional damage..

sorry, i'm gonna do the avatarfag for a bit..

dark and poka are both male so wispen's gonna have to do twice the work

join my harem, you know you want to..


that's not gonna save you now =3 3= 3=3=33

Attached: popopoka.png (700x600, 41K)

Human here, AMA

Attached: humie.png (1008x1080, 13K)

>sorry, i'm gonna do the avatarfag for a bit..
ah that's fine

Why are you a human?

Doing a simple lewd req.

are you an animal?

Attached: idk.png (432x477, 48K)

Is your shirt on backwards?


I've failed you.
Good wholesome hug! Thank you kindly, good sir.
You're just not Digby-like enough for me to wanna be part of your harem. You're all fleshy and...not cute. I can't partake in your harem. Apologies.

7 Bunmom doodles was all it took. I feel much better!

Attached: udle.png (600x500, 45K)

...Because that's what i am in real life?

I guess. Are you?

Attached: eh.png (612x730, 7K)

You know, I can't tell. This thing has no tags and it's the same either direction.

Attached: uh.png (612x730, 8K)

i think his whole head is backwards....
can people do that..?
don't have time, going to sleep soon. sry man
you're welcome, i can hug anytime
>Are you?
i'm an elf
too pure to be an animal
is your head turned backwards, though?

Attached: doubt.png (500x500, 79K)

>dark and poka are both male so wispen's gonna have to do twice the work
first, that's a lie, boys can play with other boys, second, there are other girls to invite.

Very cute, I really like this
>head pats

Attached: Raq.png (1250x1061, 98K)

so lol? right? havent played that for so long ... sometimes i miss it ...
>how about ya?
got my stitches removed today and it feels so good. no more foreign things in me. but stuff was still exhausting ...
>nobody cares that a "man" elf has like 9 piercings
your elf is pretty much the cutest and charming oc around ... if nobody else want him ... more for me~?

also sry for the late reply, getting super tired right now

No. My ass is comfortably protecting me from my chair, my tree-dwelling cousin.

Attached: k.png (612x730, 8K)

Cool stuff!

Here to draw lewds.

Attached: 20190812_090925.jpg (1390x2858, 1.9M)


sorry for disappointing you.

Can you draw raccoons?

For your consideration:

Attached: e016814f6ff09bfcc81f8441c47d5b16.jpg (4096x3115, 716K)

sounds like something a GAY RACCOON would say

too bad the police are on you for BESTIALITY now fucker.

Attached: !aiio.png (500x500, 102K)

requesting captainsparklez minecraft avatar being raped by a creeper/or he fucking one

Attached: n.png (483x533, 448K)

I have unfortunate news for your expectations.
I'll meet you in the middle, I'll commission you and conduct business as usual.
That should put us about even
Are we in the thread going to be fortunate enough to see those 7 bunmoms?

Attached: soot.jpg (600x600, 68K)

requesting aiio nudes


Attached: 1565817438042.png (1024x1024, 39K)


Yo I saw you request that earlier lol

Would you mind taking a shot at If the other dudes alright with me rerequesting

day been good?
cute neko lewds

Requesting mei from overwatch only wearing shorts and flashing her tits please

Attached: CF17F896-111D-4134-AF0C-C09181ED87F6.jpg (394x623, 26K)

Indeed, my friend. I request it a lot

I'm not familiar with the recovery process. But wispy will never be the same..

Attached: Dark-.png (500x500, 120K)

Guys? I think I see something in the distance...

Attached: wh.png (612x730, 8K)

What is it?

I'm not a gay raccoon I love wispn pls ;; no bully

trash gang!


Attached: Raq.png (384x351, 19K)

how about i do that if po3ka ever gets in hero's pants.

i'm fucking dead inside. how could this happen to me.

bullying is something that dark would do. sorry, just comes with the job.

Attached: !aiio.png (500x500, 77K)

requesting a dude with a weasel instead of a dick

Attached: file.png (600x503, 25K)

Can u make 40 mins pass by quicker?
Day been good so far.

Attached: 1565817865826.png (1024x1024, 75K)

Attached: ohshit.png (612x730, 8K)

i'm up for this


what's wrong?

>He got caught by medusa

>havent played that for so long ... sometimes i miss it ...
you'll be having better time without playing that shit game, not gonna lie
>got my stitches removed today and it feels so good
that's great
>your elf is pretty much the cutest and charming oc around
o fuc
thank you a lot
your OC is really good too
>more for me~?
there was some guy who said he's the hottest around but i guess he ain't here so
free prey i guess
>My ass is comfortably protecting me from my chair
i don't know enough well what this means
but i think i shouldn't ask for more information

now, good night!

Attached: award.png (500x500, 63K)

I'm afraid they are personal Bunmoms. Quick doodles just to see her adorable reassuring smile for myself and gain peace.

Attached: Shitstaindeluxe.png (800x600, 45K)

Show me your butt, like really strut your stuff and show the world your booty is amazing

I hope you guys enjoy lyme disease like the retards you are

send requests

Attached: mrbugsf.png (482x572, 194K)

Attached: ohgod.png (612x730, 76K)

stop drawing lewds of her. what would she think?

draw this cat eating peanut butter

dick in bum

shit, what does it say?

nothin much, just had a late night snack of pb and j,
currently feelin content


you got a twitter?

a tomboy catgirl riding a dragon dildo

lewd this

Attached: dd.jpg (828x828, 27K)


Attached: curs.png (612x433, 19K)

Its late night for u already huh?
How r u even awake?
Im such a bish about staying up late now.

Attached: 1565818520640.png (1024x1024, 60K)


Attached: retard.png (1383x855, 209K)


Attached: ohfuck.png (612x730, 151K)

They are very personalized Bunmoms, but I'd not lewd her. Here is a snippet. She knows just what to say to me sometimes to give me a good feeling in my belly. She knows exactly what I wanna hear in a one on one setting with her. She's too thoughtful.

Attached: Cheerfulmom.png (350x400, 59K)

I will do it this week though
Will link it when I've done it

Ok now for real gnight!

Attached: mrbugs13.png (376x289, 6K)


Attached: oh yeah.png (1008x1080, 155K)

is all your drawings as messy or are you just that bad

that's perfectly understandable, friend
Bunmom would never say this

Attached: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg (600x600, 147K)

Requesting her topless please

Attached: BDD8C4A3-5F3A-45C4-856E-0393E3828BD0.png (860x929, 367K)

Attached: rip mr bugs ass.png (700x600, 8K)

nighty night~!

New thread


Attached: vore.png (560x556, 8K)

Attached: file.png (750x1000, 516K)

Why do you reply to posts more than two hours later?

Lewd cat girl please

trips checked
also yeah, I try and get to sleep at my usual time but when I'm bored I just keep staying awake till I'm not anymore

It took me a long time of convincing, but I managed to persuade her that I get genuinely happy when I hear harsh truths over pretty lies. She respected it. What else could she have possibly said to cheer me up? "You'll lose the weight and stop being ugly."? Impossible, and she knows it. She's actually the best and most honest.

Thanks looks great :D

My time is like 10pm.
And im mega tired.
It sucks.

Attached: 1565819225416.png (1024x1024, 59K)

Your requests, put em in the bag


Requesting an Asian woman wearing a short skirt and flashing her ass please

Requesting vizelt getting fucked aggressively from behind while in a reverse carry position and getting her tits groped by a human made at her for getting a trade order wrong.

I can provide a pose ref if intrested

Attached: 20190813_112516.jpg (1773x1167, 530K)

Spread your booty reall wide like y'know? Like in a S E X Y kinda way?



its like 3+ hours past that for me, I feel like during the summer time I am more bored, also the sleepiness effects me when I have stayed awake a little and when I have been awake a lot but anything in between and all it does is make me woozy/dumber

a dirt cheeseburger