The biggest RedPill EVER is that the Nazis escaped to Antarctica and still live their today

Most UFO sightings are Nazi technology based out of Antarctica.

Seriously, look this shit up the amount of information is unbelievable.

American Admiral Bryd’s expedition into Antarctica that was obliterated. Many casualties.

The well documented 1952 UFO flyover over the Whitehouse. Nazis, sending a warning.

They are still there and have produced an entire breakaway civilization. There’s so much info on this topic I don’t know where to start which is why my post is all over the place.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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I like this theory. Some old fart from Skunkworks/Lockheed said they sent a colony into space too. Basically no one won WW2

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15+ typesets on one single-page letter?
how would resupplying work in antarctica. its cold there

german bros, what does this say? does it make any sense?

Instructions for flying into the hollow Earth of I remember correctly.

Bump for space nazis

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>Early German Torsion Field Physics Technology

>There’s so much info on this topic

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

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throbbing mangled cocks

they lost in embarrassing fashion and their leader was a self loathing manlet with a tiny, mutilated penis and a dirty sanchez shit stain mustache who killed himself like a cuck bitch. give it a rest you beaver fucking idiot.

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>Do you have a single fact to back that up?
Highjump and its losses
Dönitz saying at trials "we have built a fortress in eternal ice"
U-Boots missing for weeks after war, some found off southern coast of Argentina
During cold war some German (BRD) U-Boots caught on same route
Eisenhower and Stalin both believed Hitler made it out of the Bunker
Video in my last post
Maps that posted

>The biggest RedPill EVER
you're right OP
because every red pill is the mindshit of a delusional retard

dude, you're late for the party!

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>killed himself
Trump released most of the JFK docs.
Showed FBI photo and knowledge of Hitler in Argentina at least as far as 1955.

It's basically an instruction how to get into hollow earth. There is also this letter.

Attached: germanletter.gif (1700x2338, 648K)

That's why the Cold War happened, it's in the name.
WW2 didn't end, it cooled down.

It appears to be submarine maneuvering instructions on how to reach a place called 'Agartha'. I guess one could refer to it as hollow earth.

When you Fake a letter you shoukd look up the Form to write that thay used in the 1933

>No one won ww2
The jews won.

>The Jews won
They are playing the Reichstags game. They will return. Conspiritards will buy into
But really papa Hitler is coming back. Hitler is just letting all the losers see what kind of world they reaped.

National Socialists* Nazi is a Jewish slur

t. rabbi shlomo shekelberg

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How can I join as a 100% ayran german?

>the Nazis escaped to Antarctica
you mean America right? because our CIA is full of nazis

>CIA is full of niggers
>Pushes Nigger Breeding agenda
Press (X) for doubt

100% aryan german here too.
lets make a trip to the south pole and be as loud and as german as we can be. maybe they will have mercy and we can go down there, serve in the ss, colonize a new frontier and share stories of our terrible youth in the dystopian post war germany. at this point i am willing to sell everything, leave this country behind and go for it. reply if you can relate.

Totally based GUID datamining post.
$.5 deposited.

I can totally relate V-Mann bro.

It's a shame what our country has become. One can only hope that it get's better in the future. But I dont think that it will get better.

>still live their today

i saw a real ufo in the middle of the day floating off the ground about 50-100 feet earlier this year. Something about it made me feel like it was human made. Jet Black and Silent just floating there, then in about 4-5seconds it went 0-100 and disappeared into the sky

Grandfather brought us to frozen north after the war.

He fucked up...we should have went south instead

mid 50s

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Oh it won't get better at all. And we will remain isolated islands of solitude in this shithole because of the glownigger meme. Life is great, isn't it?

Sorry, typo.
I meant mid 60s

>still live their life today.
He just left out a word, because it was obvious from context. Brainlet.

wrong head shape

This stupid pic gets reposted as if it's 'proof' of anything other than a larp someone printed onto a posterboard

While it's actual German the document looks too new to be legitimate

Yeah totally.

Yea Forums is infiltrated with glowniggers. Don't really want to land on too many watchlists since one day I could become a glownigger myself.

Divide and conquer laziest way to rule and control

Based and Seranopilled.

hey /vril/ and /sudpol/ broes, where did you migrate?

>Defending a leaf

>said they sent a colony into space too

Imagine where humanity will be now if they had won... :(

Stop replying to meme flags you fucking dunce

From the Hollow Earth, from Agartha, the divine ones invoke the blood memory of the descendants of the Aryans so that they awake and fight for freedom from the chains and tyranny of this world. Destiny speaks to the heroes and whispers the divine language in their ears…and the hero who hears these ancient words in the secret of his heart, remembers, awakening within him the need, the great thirst of the Pilgrims of the Dawn.

Then, having awakened from the demonic illusion of the world in which they have been trapped, is when guided by their own nature and by destiny the hero realises that he has to reverse the process unleashed at the beginning of demiurgic time. This is the Leftwards Swastika which guides them on the path back to Hyperborea and to Venus, the Star of Origin of the semi-divine.

“Beyond the North, the ice of death, our life, our good fortune… We have discovered felicity, we know the way, we have found the escape from entire millennia of labyrinths.” (“The Anti-Christ”, Frederich Nietzsche).

can you please translate good sir. I have a general info, but need something concrete

Bump for Agarthaian salvation. Anyone have the guide on how to astral travel?

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Ding ding ding

>the biggest redpill is something you can't prove
No. I don't think you understand how this works.

What is the source of this letter?

Also there are found warm oasises under the antarctic ice recently, about which Serrano had written.

After reading about this topic for some time and learning how both the sovjet and the american post WW2 military expeditions into Antarctica had to be withdrawn due to overwhelming attacks, I feel more comfortable commiting suicide. My people seem to have a safe haven after all. No reason to continue this daily tornment.

The hero, when he awakens to the nostalgia for Hyperborea, becomes conscious and must reach Venus to eat the fruit that gives immortality. But for this he must overstep the limits of death, as the Garden of the Hesperides is still to be found beyond…

To reach beyond death and “steal” the fruit of eternal life.

The hero presents himself face to face with death. He knows he can not cede and that the power of his virile will, his Shaivite first principle, depends on crossing the void without disintegrating.

This is the emptiness that lies beyond the ultimate chakra. A leap into the void through a Black Sun, a Black Hole where the light of the Golden Sun (the one of this material world) dies.

Beyond the Black Sun the hero reaches the Green Thunderbolt. There his nature transmutes into the body of vajra, an immortal red material, hard as diamonds, resurrecting as a divine being.

He is Wotan (Odin) crucified for nine nights on the Tree of Terror, Iggdrasil, (or the Irminsul). The Germanic God is delivered to a shamanic test in which he must pierce through the boundaries of death, arriving in the other world, the world of the Gods from which he recovers the runes, the lost power. From thenceforth he is a true Ehrean, a Lord of the Two Worlds.

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Try moving to the northern US. It's mostly Germans anywho.
Quite comfy in the rural areas and we can balkanize.

Sure thing. Son of operation paperclip here..

>due to overwhelming attacks

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We are in the Kaliyuga, the darkest age, or the Iron Age of the Greeks, and experiencing an accelerated involution. If we believe this, it will be very difficult to think about a possibility of a new faith. Politically there is not a solution, unless there is an intervention by the Hitlerists who survived the catastrophe of World War II, and who set up a new science and technology. We, believe in that. It will be the magical phenomenon we await. But, that does not mean that we do not continue to fight to the very end for our Ideals, even if we are very realistic about the darkness of the near future.


Attached: future.jpg (797x960, 138K)

You wish

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Well no shit, some companies here have former nazis as ceos. Also Henry Ford got a nazi eagle of honor the highest thing a nazi can get. The only thing he did was supply engines to hitlers tanks. But you get my point

link to the .gov files please

Probably true desu

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I'll take Bifilar pancake coil technology, pre-cold war era, for $200, Mr. Trebek.

After the "defeat" of the german Führer, Adolf Hitler, in the second world war, a war that was even greater than that of the Mahabharatha, in which the Avatar lost but won, the dominion of the jew has reached its zenith. Although, it has began to decline, without being widely noticed by himself nor the "white traitors". Before they believe it, they will be destroyed by themselves. Their ending will be propitiated by their crimes, their pride and their terrible mistakes. And the power of the Avatar, whose manifestation will increasingly become visible. Because the Avatar has struck the Universe and his Myth has been ablaze, in such a way that today the children are born hitlerists, even in Russia, and no one knows why. Everything that the jews will do in order to make the world forget about Adolf Hitler and his comrade Rudolf Hess, the Prisoner of the Myth, by inventing morbid tales in order to destroy them, won´t have the desired effect, even if they use suggestion and mass hypnotism. Esoteric Hitlerism will triumph. Its return is inevitable. It will impose itself,
supported by the same that the jews do to fight against it. Jehovah and his Golem will destroy each other, in their automatized Universe, along with the society of ants, that they propitiate. It will be the end of the Kaliyuga.


this is just the letter talking about him being in Argentina. Don't have all my files in order. The drops happened but was caught up in several diggs (Antifa, Charlottesville, Vegas and then Q.) I'm a filthy 8fugee.

sooooo they will resurface once europe crumbles and the world turns into brazil, taking over once people smart enough to launch nukes go extinct

Can I maybe have some better sources than some old guy talking? You know, it's quite hard to believe and that kind old guy may be delusional or after money.


High ranking Russian general
involved with Dugin
member of a monarchist organization
to this day still employed as strategic advisor

Now I at least have a name for that person, still, I would much prefer actual documents on the matter. A quick online search hasn't offered anything

>Turns out the U-209 is still missing to this day from 1943

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>Turns out the U-209 is still missing to this day from 1943
Yes, but it was lost in the North Atlantic, not near Antarctica

Time to shake out bell end anons!!

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There are plenty of oil reserves up there and a vast source of fresh water. I’m pretty sure if you go underground deep enough the temperatures could be more manageable. This might be the stupidest thing I’ve said in a while but from what I understand the temperature of the earth is pretty constant at around 10 ft underground or some shit like that

I meant *down there

Yep, blue light incident in 1950’s where the ufos sat over the top of the whitehouse was basically the Nazi’s forcing the US government into operation paperclip..... the rest was a show.

This is gay

If the Nazis were still around then why are they allowing us to suffer through this poz that has totally infected the west? If they can conquer Antarctica and create UFOs then why not just take over the world and save the people they loved so much? This is why this theory is bullshit, its even less believable than all the sci fi shit.

>Seriously, look this shit up

How about NO! Faggot

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no, Scotty, it was *.gif lost *.gif

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>why are they allowing us to suffer through this poz that has totally infected the west?
Probably because your forefathers fought against them and created this mess in the first place. Only thing worse than an enemy is a traitor, dingleberry.

great post.

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>and then everybody clapped

of course forgot the pic

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This is more delusional than nazism itself


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Post side profile of your nose and a timestamp

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I'm here. I think it could be productive to have these threads here and spread the ideas a little bit while we wait for our home boards to come back

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At least change your memeflag to Black Lives Matters or something, for the sake of coincidence, Shlomo, thought you retards got paid for this shit

>Germans resurface to help
>oh no evil nazis are attacking
>Kiked USA, Russia, UK, France nuke Antarctica to oblivion
>11 supercarriers roll up and set up a new Weimerican military base

Attached: to the communists.png (1995x2048, 1.55M)


Let's see that blue and white jew star buddy boy.

embarrassing self absorbed idiots never gets boring

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actually, they didn’t totally lose. germany bloodied the soviets’ noses so badly - they could never recover. russia is still hampered from the beating nazis gave them. KYS jew

Ivacy VPN's is Israels number 1 provider, show me that flag you fucking kike

Durnas debile, išlįsk iš mamos rūsio, asile

that's what harvey weinstein said before he stuck his big toe up my butt... how did you know?

šikną skauda kad nichują nieko nesupranti, ir iš lėto lenda mintis, kad
>blia, prašoviau
better double down on current "strategy"

Wow just like my Chiss holo dramas.

Jewfied USA vs the restored empire.

Attached: darren-tan-the-sith-the-chiss-da.jpg (1061x1500, 330K)

>Pic related
I'm McTripling down.... with cheese, Herschfeld.

Attached: burger.jpg (229x220, 12K)

jau visai pyzdauskas, pirdūną totaliai išsidraskė net nebežino ką rašyt.
sure sucks when even jewgle translator can not help you :)

Giant swastika at the bottom of lake volstok. Russian also recorded soil temp of 74 degree outside their camp on more than one occasion. There is geothermal vents for power and you could literally farm outside on the surface of antartica in certain protected valleys and feed a pop of more than 20,000.

I'm not using that shit faggot, speak english or choke on a gorilla dick

If I astral project to Antarctica do you think I could get in touch with them

I really hope so, I’d slave in their society. It has to be better than this.

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>When this faggot realizes i'm shitposting with him just to bump OP's thread
He's going to realize, he's still a faggot

>Basically no one won WW2
That is the saddest, pettiest thing I've read today


>when this faggot realizes that I was bumping the thread willingly, his bumps were just added bonus and good bantz
stay mad NipVPN :D


>But really papa Hitler is coming back.
If you close your eyes and believe REALLY hard

You ever go to eat a pork sausage, and find it's got hairs growing all over it?

is that an everyday occurrence in your diet?
must suck being you

Tell us about CRISPR

What would the political implications be if this was real and the world found out about them?

Would our media jump to making them the new north Korea?

If they attempted to reach out to everyone, would self righteous pious upper middle class ugly middle aged white women go to teach them English and social studies and slowly turn them into litterally every other western country in three generations?

Would there be a war? Would the US see it as a perfect opportunity to seize Antarctica's resources, and get basically everyone to be behind it, because Nazi's are supposed to basically be the embodiment of anti Americanism?

Would they join the UN?

Would we try to force them to modernize?
Or let them live as they please?

Would it basically be like attack on Titan for them?

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genetical stuff really isn't my field, you should consult your local medical practitioner about your conditions. besides, getting medical advice on internet is pretty darn dumb

Can you source this?

But he had a micropenis, user. Are those just huge balls?

Germans were in the race to build advanced aircraft well before the Nazi's. They had secret clubs and groups all over the world. Dig into:
sonoma air club

Attached: sonoma-air-club.jpg (1932x1560, 730K)

I've had this itch in my asshole for like 3 weeks now, you don't think you can help? Can you recommend a cream or something?

Don't listen to jews.

How about a raid

actually, now that you mention :DDD

Attached: Butthurt cream.jpg (640x640, 55K)

Eat lots of garlic instead of basedsauce

No. Because astral projection is just from your head. Did it work for u? When i tried it my heart started pumping so hard when i was in trans stage.

Was thinking more like this, what do you think memeflag doctor? You ever try it?

Attached: asscorn.jpg (477x572, 44K)

checked lol, gotcha boss.

>is actual faggot
>and probably a furry faggot
>and probably a pedo furry faggot
>and quite likely a kike pedo furry faggot

Attached: Vomit Biorobot.png (856x1340, 255K)

you have to use "The Phase" Methode not just meditation.


all of the above, chief. i've learned to embrace it. what else do you got? By the way, I heard your momma so fat, I took a picture of her last Christmas, and it's still printing

OK, the bantz level is so low I'm gonna leave. enjoy your victory

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One more before you go.... Your mom is so fat, she tripped and fell... no one was laughing, but you bet your ass the fucking ground was cracking up

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Not easily lol, Its from /sudpol/ a few years ago.
Look up lake volstok giant swastika, you'll get a fuckload of hits on it and it seems the russian gov had a pretty serious reaction and kept it under wraps lending credibility.

As for the warmth and ability to farm, I have not been able to confirm soil temp measurments. My memory says that it was russian again who did the tests. There are also all the warm caves with geothermal vents, it is easy to find hits on those. Not sure why I cannot find it and I didn't save the sources on this laptop. Didn't expect /sudpol/ to explode.

>ITT: bunch of absolute newfags discover Agartha, nazi UFOs, Hollow earth and operation Highjump.

dont forget the cover page

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lmao lets not forget user

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yup. In a couple months they'll realize we need an expedition and then it'll sputter out like all the other times.

so where's the photo?

>have fun

seriously every jew in America will be locked up or dead due to pedo crimes and you will still be searching for Nazis

Ohh thats why i saw balls of light more times in my life from my childhood

Did you help Anne Frank write her diary, or were you an extra cast member for Spielbergs "Schlinders List"?

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And global warming is a plot to warm it up a bit

The autism is coming from under the poles, the waves are very strong today.

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No, they live in the Hollow Earth

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the theory is completly retarded. Some Nazis went to South America or USA or Africa some joined the CIA, some joined the French Foreign Legion. Nobody can live in Antartica without special tents and coldproof houses and ship who deliver them food and other neccesities. Do you think they lived in iglus and hunted penguins and whales?

I saw a shit like this about 10 years ago

I'm a 70%
Guess when they finally come from the ice caps they'll shoot me on sight thanks to my retard father

70% what? Don't you guys ride Alpaca's to work in Peru? Do you even have white people there?

Lmao I've never tried it but if it's legit. I'd love to fly over there and find out what we have to do to save the west

i'll save you the trouble... There's people with big noses trying to take over what's left... you gotta stop em, not too fucking hard to devise that plan is it

Fucking kek
Also alpacas are common in the mountain regions, not the capital. Brownies are exclusively low class. The capital has so many kinds of brownies, niggers, chinks and whiteks youd be surprised

the letter mentions a submarine U-209 that made it into the hollow earth (New Germany)
Fun thing is that the U-209 (launched 28 Aug 1941)
was never confirmed as sunk, and is considered as Missing since 6 May 1943.

Holy shit!

Attached: probably true tbh.png (550x412, 514K)

wow, suprising. I didn't even know that, thanks for the (You) bud

You're welcome Masato

I can already see the new memes about raiding Agartha.

>>Nazis escaped to hollow Earth
>>Hitler survived

This letter only supports one of these theories.


Your momma's so fat, her baby pictures were taken by satellite..

Its fake

Meme flaggot.

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Imagine it sunk somewhere but nobody knows where.

Such a mystery

y-yes rabbi, sir...

Boomer glowingniggers are the worst