I'm an American living in Japan and I fucking hate Japanese people, AMA

I'm an American living in Japan and I fucking hate Japanese people, AMA.

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Why are you living in Japan?

Why tf did u move to Japan?

Are you white, asian, black, latino? It's no secret Japanese people are xenophobic. They tolerate whites openly, but still secretly hate them.

OP is a POW

Weaboo nigger

What is Japan?

How disappointed were you when you found out anime isn't real?

How are the clubs out there?

Also what branch?

Financial reasons. Have lived in 3 different counties now due to work. Previous counties paid shit money compared to the dollar so came to Japan.White.
Don't really like anime. Except Evangelion. I like that one.
Clubs are nice. Pussy is easy. Japanese girls will pounce at the opportunity to suck any dick bigger than 4 inches.

Ikeburuko. It's alright.

Fuck. Ikebukuro. Sorry I'm drunk.

Does Japanese pussy taste like fish?

Why don't you like Japanese people?

I always thought it would but not really. Most of the time girls will make you take a shower with them first, and you'll clean each other. After that you'll have sex. But never expect sex in the morning. They think it's "dirty".

1. They are incredibly racist. More than any trumptard from Alabama.
2. They are fucking retarded and have no critical thinking skills. They're basically autistic.

Are you enjoying your time tho?

are you black?

my bad nvm

That's not so bad. At least you know your both reasonably clean. Will they do anal then or is that dirty also? In general of course.

When you say they're racist, do you mean against blacks or whites?

Does self-censorship in everyday conversation make banter almost impossible there?

Did you learn Japanese or is English common enough there?

Same here in Korea. The world in general is very racist, yanks are just up their own ass thinking their problems are the worst all the time.
People push and spit and can't walk in a straight line and openly talk about what "foreigners" do/think/like right in front of you because they think you cant understand. Makes it hard to forget that most people are 1-2 generations away from a rice paddy.

Hows the food?

>Japanese sluts
Sounds fucking hot. You got any pics?

>Don't really like anime. Except Evangelion

Makes sense. Evangelion was made out of pure spite for anime

Not really.
Never asked for anal but I doubt they would do it.
Yes. 100% yes. Every conversation is scripted. Imagine talking to a guy with assburgers. That's what talking to a Japanese is like.
Learned enough Japanese to survive. But due to my extreme hatred for this pathetic race I have quit studying their language and culture.
I don't give a fuck if they came straight from rice fields. 2 bombs wasn't enough.
Same shit everyday. Imagine walking down the street and every restaurant/cafe says "HAMBURGERS".
That's what Japan is like except with ramen. You never escape ramen or sushi unless you magically find an Italian restaurant. And even then, it's basically ramen.

Evangelion doesn't follow the typical anime trope. It's original (unlike most things in Japan). Naruto, bleach, and all that other weaboo shit is annoying. I work in akihabara. So everyday I have to walk by greasy American weeaboo fags. Honestly, if you're a weeaboo, don't come here. Everyone hates you. Even the japs.

>I work in akihabara

You poor bastard. You have my sympathy. Out of curiosity, what do you do for work?

>imagine talking to a guy with assburgers
Actually they make good conversation when you know them and talk about stuff they like. They aren't good at all if you don't knoe them well tho

Medical Industry. All I'll say.
Than I guess japs are more retarded than asspies. Because even if you talk about things they like, they're still completely socially inept.

What are Japanese women like? are they different in romantic/sexual situations?

How about official censorship? How much does local business and government (pretty much the same thing everywhere in the world today) monitor and restrict content? My impression is that, from the point of view of almost everyone in Asia, the world is more or less opaque to scrutiny, and the depressingly humorless, anti-intellectual tone there is most of what makes life there so depressing to born-and-bred Westerners.

In my experience, women can be either really assertive or really timid. For example, I've had women approach me and aggressively attempt to fuck me, and I've had extremely timid girls wouldn't come home with because they were afraid their friends would call them a whore. The latter, I just took their number and fucked them when they were free and not with anybody else. They do like American dick though. One time I fucked a girl and I made her pussy bleed so bad I thought she was having a peroid. Turns out I had just ripped her open. Japanese cocks are so small they can barely feel them. So my average American cock pretty much destroyed her.

Have you tried one of the blowjob bars yet? Man I went to those like every other day I was there.

I fucking hate these weeb fantasy threads

The internet here isn't censored at all. So they have access to information from all over the world. From what I understand, they censor themselves. Japan is a shame culture. The nail that sticks out gets hammered down. So anything that goes against the grain is shameful and is shut down immediately. Japanes have no critical thinking skills. In fact, during my training, my manager said "never give a Japanese person a hypothetical situation, they can't understand them". It took me a while to really understand why he said that. But he was right. Nothing is officially censored, but their robot ideology is promoted heavily.

how long is your standard working day?

No but I've seen them. There are several in my neighborhood. I'm sure it would just be phillipina chicks that were human trafficked here anyway.

Normally about 8 hours. Unfortunately for most japs they work about 10-14 hours a day. So I have it pretty easy.

are you a celery man

Oh, fun fact on this; one bar was advertising "2 free drinks and blowjob" on entry. That was near otsuka station by the way. If anyone is interested.

Sounds decent, so you still have some free time. I wish you all the best in Japan, even though you hate it there. btw this thread is one of my favorite threads on Yea Forums or on Yea Forums in general. Thanks dude

is it true you can buy used women's panties from vending machines? if so, have you bought a pair?

I am now. I wasn't 2 months ago.

What’s the prostitution scene?

If I wanna hire an escort? Cost? Are they really Japanese or one of those flippina immigrants who act Japanese?

How racist are these Japtards towards you as an individual? You made some friends?

Thanks homie. I'll do my best. I'm hopefully transferring to back to America soon. Glad I could entertain someone at least.
That's fake. Only thing I've seen in vending machines is soda, tea and water.


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It's incredibly easy. You'll pay about 2-400 USD for the escort and she'll come to your hotel, fuck, and leave. The cheap ones are Philippina. The pricy ones are Japanese. (If you're a foreigner)

Racist; they're Japanese, so any race that's not their race.

Anything you actually enjoy from Japan? Besides the easy pussy

At least I'm white and don't have to abide by Japan's retarded fuedal mannerisms. I can get pissed on the train and talk shit, because japs are too pussy for confrontation.

Fair enough. I live in Dubai (from UAE) and we have lots of philipinos so I think it will be easier for me to detect fake Japanese girl. I always wanted to make love with a Japanese chick.

Did you have any issues with language barrier? Like going to the supermarket, fast food, restaurants?

How do you order when you can’t speak Japanese? How do you ask them for the bill and even know or understand how much is the check?

Can you drink in public? I have a thing for having a nice cold beer when it’s cold late at night to get a buzz whenever I’m traveling. I know how to stealth it but wanna be on the safe side!

my brother was in japan and said get got racisted. he looks white even though he's pretty black if u ask me.

I LOVE Japan. I love it a lot. It's a wonderful beatiful place. It's the people I don't like.

Tokyo is amazing. Extremely clean. Smells decent. Convenient. Wonderful public transport. Sightseeing. Night clubs. Hot springs. Full of things to do. You're never bored and you're never inconvenienced in Japan. I love the country, but I hate the people.

thought he said he knows just about enough to survive

maybe white guys are an easy target because a fuckton of weebs (also white guys) go to japan? Just wondering

Not really. Most japs can actually understand English because they studied it for 6 years during school. Yet they refuse to speak it. All menus have pictures so you just point to what you want say "Kore" (this). Stores are easy you don't need any language for those. But when I go to the doctor I had to find an English speaking Doctor. I was actually turned away from several clinics because I didn't speak Japanese even though all I needed was my prescription from America refilled. Easily completed by Google translate. One time I walked into a clinic and the staff said "NO!NO! NO ENGRISH! GO!". so yeah. Fuck them. Yes. You can drink anywhere. Streets, trains, stores. I always drink in public.

i was going to go to japan to ask if gundams were real but they didn't let me

Just remember that we nuked them twice, and you'll feel better.

Japanese people are very aware of who is a weeb and who isn't. Normally the white guys who speak Japanese are weebs and the girls can pick up on that. My best friend has a Japanese GF and she has commented several times about white guys in the bars/clubs that she says "look like they're not cool in America but come to Japan because they think they'll be attractive". Sadly that's about 60 percent of all white guys here.

I feel bad because twice wasn't enough.

They got rid of the panty machines because westerners found them disgusting and paedophilic. My mates brother was in the merchant navy in the 80s and he used them and took photos.

Bit like France. Beautiful country etc fucking awful people.

Actually let me explain why I posted this thread tonight.

I was out having drinks with a friend and we got lost on our way to the station. There was a jap on the corner and I said "excuse me sir, where is the train station?".
He says "I don't understand"
So I say again, where is the train station.
He says again "I dont understand" and then shoo'd me away with his hands. I said it in perfect Japanese.

At this point I became very angry and I proceded to berate him and call him a "japnigger" and a "faggot" several times, and attempted to throw my beer can at him until my friend yanked me away down the ally.

This is actually the 4th fucking time a jap has done this shit to me, and it's the 4th fucking time I ever asked any jap for directions.

Not only the French are shit. Been there several times. The only good things they have are food and drinks

Japan is super fucking pedo. You can go to any 7/11 and buy porn comics of 10 year old girls getting raped. Not even kidding.

Sounds awful man. Luckily your friend got your back so you didn't go too crazy on that racist japfag

Innit. The fact these machines were right out in the open caused "shame". I remember the BBC did a story on them years ago. The whole schoolgirl thing is big there too? Do they have beer vending machines in the street? Do doctors routinely give bowel screening from a very young age? I read it's normal for the Japs to regulary have arse checks from childhood because they're obsessed with preventing bowel cancer?

Now this is going to sound crazy, but are you reallly sure youre asking correctly?

Are they into anime and anime culture as much as the people are in the west?

When did you discovered they were racist? I knew this when I was 12 years old. Only a few people get there residence permit in Japan.

The food was meh. The lifestyle was great. 3 hour lunch breaks with brandy and cigars. The villages were lovely but they all drove like cunts and looked down their nose at you. The sheer amount of angry Algerian and black Africans was frightening and I'm a big guy. The whole countries fucked.

I'm flying to Narita In Oct. Any advice or places to check out.

Also should I go to the bars or Clubs for easy lay ?

Interesting comment. A lot of my foreign coworkers will note how obsessed Japanese are with bowel/anal/shit related topics. They will openly tell you they have diarrhea or how their shits are. No idea why. Don't know anything besides that.
Yes. "Sumimasen, shinjuku wa doko desu ka?". First thing my Japanese teacher taught me.

Rugby world cup?

Lmao you don’t live in Japan. Not every place is fuckin ramen doubt you’ve ever even stepped foot in Japan. Yakiniku? Udon? Chicken nanba? Karaage ? Yakitori? Bento? Tempura? Soba? Hiyashuchuuka? The list goes on faggot

Literally my first night. I walked out of my airbnb and went into a restaurant and the old lady said "GAIJIN! GAIJIN" (foreigner! Foreigner!) and an old man came out and said in broken English "we have reservation, no space". It was midnight and the place was completely empty.
TK shibuya. Easiest sex ever. Nothing but horny college chicks.

he's pretty detailed in his answers, so i'd say its real

Lmao what, you go to torikizoku once and think you know everything about Japanese cuisine? Get the fuck out of here you fuckin wap.

I've read they do that because they don't know how to serve someone who they think doesn't speak any Japanese. But fuck that, japs are racist close minded autists fucks.
Who the fuck turns a customer away when the business is empty?

Are the japs decent at preparing foreign cuisines? Like Italian or Greek or whatever

How's that a bad thing? Americans and Europeans are much more retarded and we're not even that racist unfortunately. U deserve to be treated like shit for being a retarded foreigner.

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I heard they turn away foreigners because a lot of bars, restaurants got smashed up by Russian sailors, so to be sure they don't let any whites in. O don't blame them tbh. Japan is still Japanese. Went to my hometown yesterday and it was like Pakistan, Congo, Iraq anything but Welsh. Sad.

That's what they say. Most Japanese will say "oh we're just shy that's why people don't want to talk to you". But in reality they're either just racist or socially inept.
Their hamburgers are shit. And like I said, anything that involves noodles will taste like ramen. Greek I don't know. The do have really fuckin good kebabs though. I love kebabs now. Octopuss has strangly become my favorite food now though. Octopus and wasabi/soy.

Definitely a weeb

What gave u the impression that I'm a weeb? I fucking hate anime and anyone who watches it

>That's what they say. Most Japanese will say "oh we're just shy that's why people don't want to talk to you". But in reality they're either just racist or socially inept.

Shhh. Go back to watching sword art online.

His answers aren’t detailed. Half the stuff he’s saying isn’t true whatsoever.
No cause I actually live in Japan Mr I’ve been to Tokyo once.

Do you hate fuck Nip bitches/fags?

Very well put. Not one who suffers much internalized shame, it literally never occurred to me that it can inhibit the imagination so much that even rudimentary speculative thinking is also lost: Much as I admire Japanese rigor and conscientiousness in engineering practiced by their best corporations, I've also always had a lot of contempt for the weird rigidity of Japanese popular culture: It's all so 2D in character.

Yea buddy you don’t live in Japan lmao やっぱり日本語にも書けないな

How is it going Benjamin

Also desu~

You're a weeb. You might live in Japan but you also live in fantasy land that Japanese people like you. They don't you're a fucking alien to them and you always will be.

If the people of this thread really doubt my authenticity I'll go to the 7/11 and take a pic of the newspapers to prove I'm here.

How about drinks? Can I find johhnie walker and jack Daniels or gotta consume Japanese alcohol?

I like strong alcohol like whiskey as I don’t have to drink much. I can choose whatever % I have in my drink (I mix it with coke)

Arr taste same


that'd be great, go for it user

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>"Sumimasen, shinjuku wa doko desu ka?"
this has to be bait. you're asking where shinjuku is, not where the station is.

Japanese whiskey is good as fuck

Pls give example.

Nuttin' wrong with Suntory whisky. It's certainly at the Johnnie Walker or Jack Daniels level. Better actually.

He is asking for shinjuku station or just "shinjuku" for short.

I really feel kind of bad. After letting out this rant I feel like a bit of a shitty person. There have been some nice Japanese people. The old couple that runs the bath house up the road are always super sweet to me and welcome me like any other guest. The old lady on the corner of the bus stop always smiles and talks to me while she's tending her garden in the afternoon. One guy at the 7/11 is always super nice to me (the other workers aren't). One time a Japanese tried to help me my find my way home when I was lost in asakausa. My new doctor is super nice and loves to ask questions about America even though he's old as fuck and probably lived through WW2 for all I know. The police are usually pleasant. One of my clients is a cop. We talk about judo and shit and he doesn't care when I joke around about the cops being super lazy here (they are). Some are nice. Some are really really nice. But a lot of them are... Well, assholes.

Nikka, sensei,suntory,habiki
All good Japanese whiskeys, although suntory and sensei are the cheap ones

whisky fag here, karuizawa, yamazaki, Yoichi,hibiki Japanese whiskeys are the bomb my friend

Yea buddy you’re in fucking Tokyo. That’s like going to NY or LA and basing your assumptions of Americans on the people there. You’re in the fucking city full of tourist. You can’t read Japanese Mr “sHiNjukU wa D0ko DeSu kA?” Can’t even write in in Japanese no shit the tourist ass city you live in they don’t like you. 日本語で書けお前。
Go to a real Japanese city dumbass.

If you hear my experience about Australia... 99% were assholes. More like racist scumbags.

But some were nice. But I think that all Japan are good people. I bet all my money on that.

I have relatives who have been there and they liked the place.

Make it simple. Which one is the most expensive and best?

I like stuff like jack no.7 and johhnie walker double black.

Took a screen shot, thanks!

I'm a cheap fuck so I drink these. Also it's a holiday here so I'm off work tomorrow and can drunk af.
Yeah. I was in between shin-okubo and and shinjuku station and we were trying to find shinjuku to get more drinks so that's just all I asked.

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The weeds gloves are off lmao

Nikka single malt is easily my favorite. About $80 for a 750 in the states, has a very similar flavor profile to JW Black
Not as oaky/woody as double black though but it’s smooth as silk and can easily be put down over just a couple rocks. The nikka coffee grain sucks though, don’t waste your time
If you’re on a budget, suntory will do the trick as well at about $26 for a 750
Just remember Japanese whiskey is more akin to scotch whisky than any other brown party liquor. The only difference is you won’t really find a peaty one like an islay, but they certainly have learned to imitate and craft fine whisky

Asking for a station and the city is both completely different.
>Where’s Manhattan?
>guy shoos me away
>posts on Yea Forums “asshole New Yorker didn’t tell me where the train station was” fucking racist Americans

Man go back to /pol/ or Yea Forums or wherever you come from. So sorry if your feefees are hurt cuz I'm talking shit about your Japanese master race.

I've lived in 3 different capital cities in 3 different countries so far. Loved them all except for Tokyo. Yeah it's tourist central but I've left tokyo on occasions and still found myself dealing with even more backward rice paddy fucktards. At least in the big cities they're less likely to gawk and talk shit because they're used to smelling our dirty gaijin BO on the train everyday.

Go to the hub,
It's a chain of British pubs in every Japanese city,
It's full of gajin hunters who crave white dick,
Every time i go there i get laid,
They especially go there because they are interested in speaking English to foreign men and getting fucked by them the same night

Well I mean it sounds like you're a fucking idiot.

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Fun fact. One time I saw a sign in shinjuku that said "Black Nikka, ¥500". Black nikka made me laugh.As I said, I was in between shin-okubo and shinjuku. So I asked where shinjuku was. If you ever actually been to Tokyo for more than a few days you'd know that's a completely reasonable question to ask.

You wap fags really piss me off. Did you just finish your second semester or Japanese at Uni? Good luck. You still won't get laid here incel.

Yeah I've been there a lot. But it's always so smokey and dense that I get the spins within 1-2 hours of being there. Which hub are you going to btw? Only been to ikebukuro hub and roppongi hub but I only saw a bunch of dudes.

Actually never been to Tokyo tourist fag. I’m in chikugo.
“You won’t get laid here” I can post nudes I’ve gotten from girls even better you can reverse image search because I get more bitches than you think.
you’ve yet to post even 1 pic to prove you’re even in Japan lmao.

Akihabara and Shibuya ones get plenty of girls even on weekdays

Big congrats man. Why are you bragging about your sex life on Yea Forums? You're either a larping Incel or a cucklord who managed to get laid in Japan for the first time. Either way, whoop-dee-fucking-doo.

>I can post nudes
>doesn’t post nudes
Wtf man

some fag weeb who is jealous you went to japan

The akihabara one by showa-dori gate?
I always pass there but never go in.

Just in front of the train station

Oh shit nigga. I might drop by this week. There's always girls there you say?

weeb alert


> You never escape ramen or sushi unless you magically find an Italian restaurant.
Stop roleplaying OP, i've been to japan over a dozen times, the diversity and accessibility to delicious healthy food puts north America to shame.

When i was there i got laid every night
Going back next month,
Japan is even better than Thailand if you are a normal looking young white guy,
The big amount of white anime dorks makes you stand out even more if you are a normal guy

>Le "you live in the city, you don't know the true country" meme
Pro tip to you small town faggot: You don't fucking matter. Judging a country by anything other than their most important cities is retarded.

Have you tried traveling around Japan in your free time, to any temples or Mt. Fuji or whatever the fuck? Get away from the people and enjoy the scenery? Maybe that will make your stay a bit better

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I've had my fair share of pussy of here but it really makes a debt on my finances. Considering girls always want the most expensive hotel you can find and plus the cost of drinking and cover charged and all that. So I just keep it to once a month now. Spending damn near 300 USD just to get one night stand is outrageous. My house is far af from any major party area so it's not ideal to ask them to come home with me, especially at 4-5am.

Post nudes or you are a larper

Have a little bit. But I'm an urbanite. Don't really care much for nature.

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One time an Italian told me that. Said he hated there.

your loss faggot

You must be a pretty big asshole. If you are respectful to them, they are respectful to you. I;ve never has anything but good experiences with Japanese people.

Only one possibly legitimate pic has been posted, but no timestamp or anything. Everyone’s LARPing.

Whatever you say mr flyover, the only thing the non big cities have going for them is landscapes and maybe historical buildings and other activities, very good for visiting and releasing stress, but actually living there? Fuck no.

I really don't give a fuck if you think I'm lying or not. I'm drunk as fuck and it's 2:36 am. I'm not going to the 7/11 just for a newspaper time stamp so suck my cock. Also, this.

I've probably spent more time in Japan than you ever will. The people in the city are used to being exposed to foreign assholes like you, so their patience and desire to be decent with you is eroded, so unless you are especially kind and respectful, they just want you out of their face. In the country, they are isolated from assholes like you and love talking and helping foreigners... you now what, actually don't go into rural areas, you'd just taint it.

take a picture of whats on t.v on NHK then faggot.

See your own post

I always get a private karaoke room for a couple of hours and fuck her on the couch,
Even cheaper than a love hotel,
I never go to a normal hotel

not trying to larp anymore OP?

Quit sticking up for Japan you weeb fag.
No one cares about your small podunk shithole village.I said that before I was wasted. Also. It seems only the weeb Fags want proof. I don't cater to weeb fags. So back to Yea Forums.

Don’t offer if you can’t deliver faggot

Sure thing towny

That seems uncomfy though. I would do it but I prefer a bed. Also the doors at the karaoke place are like ... A little transparent so. I like the love hotels in shibuya. There's one with a full private sauna and steam bath. Shit was dope.

hes obviously larping, his intent was obviously to "bait the weebs"

Here you fuckin weeb faggot.

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Got any example of the kinda pussy you pulling?

I have a few pics of me with girls but nothing sexual or nudes

Yeah man I think you are overeating a little. You wrote about having sex. I don't think if most of the people there are racist you could have gotten anywhere with a girl. It's probably that you had a bad day or maybe you are homesick. Sure some people are shit there but many other treated you fine. Also how many hours doctors work there?

Are the used panties vending machines real?

Bout time, ping-pong

I lived in Mexico City, Buenos Aires, and Santagio for 1 year each. Only one time did I face racism. In chile. And it was when some waiter wrote "fuck gringos" On my check at a bar in Santiago. That was the only time. In Japan, I've been kicked out of a few restaraunts, 3 gyms and have been berated or muttered at by japs on a regular basis. Yeah I did have a bad day today, because I'm fed up with these Japanese cucks thinking they're superior to everyone. And sex is sex. Just because I fuck their women doesn't mean I can't be angry at how racist Japan is.

not OP, but yes. They are -very- rare to find though. Sometimes they have worn panties at Love Merci or M's in Akihabara

....how do you that?

>how racist Japan is
The result, a thousand years from now, will be a Japan that is still Japanese, and where their children study about the extinct race of White people.

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Japanese population is on the decline though

I go to japan at least once a year for my weeb pilgrimage

Lmao right except Japanese are literally a dying race because their birth rates are so fucking low they're actually due to be extinct in 300 years. Nice try fag. Do more research next time.

doesn't mean they will go extinct or even need to maintain current levels in order to secure their way of life, it just means in terms of GDP and national economics that benefit global bankers that i matters.

the whole thing about declining populations is a kike trick in order to push for globalization and the destruction of all the worlds races in to a global race for which they can rule over...as stated by the talmud ..this isn't a secret, it's a core tenant in their belief system goy.

Flyy me to the mooon~

Have you done soapland?

lol, bulllllllshhiiiittttt.

somehow you only need 98 people to carry on the entire human race but somehow the japs numbers are in such drastic decline that they're just going to die out.

you're actually retarded for believing that shit.

No doubt Latinos are friendlier than Japs in general. How long have you been living in Japan OP? and how old are u.

this here is the most retarded comment in the thread.
>ignore half the people, than you can get a decent picture of the place
Not only that but you've proven you don't understand how civilizations work. Why do think they always need to expand? To make more capitol cities?

Implying you above 4in? Living the gaijin stereotype eh? Lets see it.

Ah fuck we got a /pol/tard on the loose. Don't you have some puedo intellectual conversation to partake in about the Jewish white genicide conspiracy?
Latinos are much friendlier. Speak fluent Spanish now and hope to return. Loved the Latinos. So warm and so friendly and don't give a fuck what color you are. They just wanna dance and drink and have a good time.
Been in Japan 1 year now and I'm 26 years old.

How's Buenos Aires?

Being a virgin at the age of 35 on the majority of the population is not an option, it's a culture. Extinct I wouldn't dare say but it will have it's toll on the nation.


Beautiful women everywhere. Everyone's beautiful actually. Foods meh. But then lifestyle is nice. Very relaxed. But they have a lot of wild dogs that scared the shit out of me.

So that's a no.

tl;dr it's prostitution under the guise of giving the person a bath.

Have you figured out that the highly isolated Japan is full of racist assholes who want you to go back?

arguing against basic logic with insults, classic tranny move.

Actually I did read a study that said something like 60% of Japanese people aged 18-30 are virgins

truer than most people would want to believe.
Beauty products are pushed so beauty becomes a commodity rather than a preference. Now anyone of any race with implants can be pretty if we all believe big butts are desirable, for instance.
It's all about making the ideal consumer so we're prepared for the age of automation in an overpopulated world. The more homogenous it is, the less it takes to maintain. There will be owners, managers, and a very very broad base of consumers who don't produce much. Individuality is on its way out.

In all fairness, it's the only way to go into the future without wrecking the planet or killing off 3/4 of all humans. Unless you got a better idea, but the powers that be seem content with this seeing as they'll be at the top when it hits.

Oh then yes I've heard of it! My coworker told me about it. He said it was nice.
Your logic is flawed. Go look up the studies about Japan's population decline. Too drunk to give af. You're a faggot nigger cunt and I'm a tranny. Fuck off

>la la la I don't want to hear you

Anything that even resembles something from /pol/ I steer far away from. /pol/ is a pozload that I definitly don't want anywhere near my neghole.

Maybe u will

>Make love
Kys faggot

you don't actually have to kill anyone to get world population in decline, civilized countries reach an equilibrium and level off and start to decline, countries who are in the process of becoming civilized tend to have population booms.

the problem with global population isn't coming from western countries or even the japs, it's coming from places like Africa.

if we didn't support places like africa with aid they wouldn't be able to do what they are doing, we are fostering this population problem and by migrating one group of people to another part of the planet where the population is in decline doesn't solve anything, it just makes it worse.

>Oh then yes I've heard of it! My coworker told me about it. He said it was nice.
It will remain on my bucket list then.

Sounds like my kind of people

i have looked at the "problem" it's not really a problem. you're trying to predict populations 300 years out based on a trend that's lasted for all of 20 years.

i don't just read shit and accept it as fact you fucking mistake.

Bet you take everything trump says as fact though

Not OP but I like Buenos Aires my grandmother lives in BA. But you kind of have to adjust to being in south america. they are not so well of down there.

Every Native American is Mexican now, in a few hundred years all Japs are going to be mixed or gone

Hows the weed game up there? i like to smoke when i drink or fuck and cigs are for figs

Arent those table baths usually dont by men tho? At least the ones ive seen have, they even gave happy finish, maybe that cost extra idk.

For me it seemed natural. Something about Latin America is just so joyful and pleasant.

The weed is so so but expensive. 50 USD a gram. Coke is amazing tho. But crazy expensive.

Holy shit $50 a gram?! You know how easy it would be to corner the fuck out of that market if you had a steady supply? Very easy.
Same could be said about food, JP suck at fusion foods, so if somewhere were to bring mexican food or foreign deserts like malasadas to japan, itd sell like hottucakes.
Better credit me if you steal my ideas, faggots.

Attached: D8EA2162-96EE-43AE-B7AB-E27CFD33CE30.jpg (236x483, 79K)

I already have been thinking of that idea. Im a mexican with connections in mexico so ill probably import straight from the source. Whats the food selling process like. Do i need all kinds of permits?

Is it just whites(and presumably blacks) tho? Like im majority white but also quite mixed. Can pass as hapa. So curious if the prejudices would be as blatant.

fyi detailed stories is actually an indicator of a higher likelihood of the story being a lie.

Yeah bro post your dick haha that would be so gay of you haha

Yea, im sure japan has like health inspectors and restaurant licenses too, so just gotta jump through the standard hoops i presume, besides the extra step of importing the food supplies.
Id suggest trying out a food truck, there arent that big of a thing in Japan and for food in Japan, its like either good cheap food or expensive higher class shit, with the in between being a vast wasteland of good but not outstanding food.
So gotta have a catch that hooks people in and food trucks are definitely a big hook for the gooks.
simple shit like tacos, burritos, quesadillas, empanadas etc will sell well.

In fact that just gave me another idea, japan is big into crepes and quesadillas are similar enough to crepes that an inbetween could easily be made.
Savory cheese crepes made with tortillas, but served like JP crepes.

Inquiring minds want to know.

>Medical Industry. All I'll say
So drug dealer. You know this place is anonymous you don't have to hide

Hell you don't even have to tell the truth. I'm a swole at German with a 6 1/2 inch dick, perfect Aryan genes, and am fluent in 3 languages. I have secretly killed over 60 Jews

actually no, i don't follow mainstream poltics because i know it's a waste of time, i only vote to subvert the system.

for a faggot you suck at pegging people. kek

that's my point and it sucks, they won't go extinct because they aren't fucking each other, they will go extinct from being bred out, a tactic that's been used for centuries.

how do the japanese view otakus, especially westerners that are into anime?

i assume the young people are cool with it, and the old people hate their guts

also, how are the arcades? if i ever visited japan, i'd play a lot of street fighter/tekken in arcades. i've only been to small/medium sized arcades here in the US

This is my favourite thread of the i myself have spoken with a jap guy in Arequipa peru , he didnt like the question i made if he was from tokyo actually he was more interested in the andean food and looking new ideas to cook than being questioned about japan , and he spoke perfect english my english is garbage , i thank him and say 'lots of luck' lolol

Lets just say otaku is not a term of endearment, especially when said otaku/weeabo is a gaijin.

I learned this from Tae Kim!

Mt. Fukujima yourself