How much do people nitrous balloons for...

How much do people nitrous balloons for? There's a big Street Festival happening near me soon and i want to make some money selling people hits of nitrous. I've got everything i need i just don't know how much to charge people. I went to a Rave 5 years ago and these guys were selling it for £3 a hit or 4 for £10. But i was wondering if i could charge people more and make more money..?

Attached: Nitrous-oxide-9.jpg (500x500, 24K)


Thats retarded

at most festivals you sell them in boxes, usually like 25 a box or 30 a box depending on how many people actually have nos

if you're selling them individually i guess it depends on how ignorant these people are and how much they're willing to spend but probably like 2 pounds each

How, people make money selling this shit to dumb teenagers. I just wanna know what price i can reasonably sell this shit for without it being too much.

Yeah the thing is most of these idiots won't have a balloon filler thingy and will probs be desperate for a hit. I'm just not sure if they'd be willing to fork up 4 or 5 quid for a hit.


yeah exactly, i mean if you went around with a cracker and several balloons you can probably get away with cracking it for them and selling them the balloon for like 2 quid

Yeah, i was thinking more like 3 quid. But I'd still be making a decent profit at 2 quid a hit.

Those are CO2 cartridges you retarded nigger

i went to a music festival recently (unnamed hick town) some guy was offering them to me for $10, he would not go below $8 and politely told me to fuckoff. if that gives you any estimate. otherwise as the guy said fuckoff.

$10 a hit!? Jesus man i bet that guy made only two sales that entire day.

The canisters look exactly the same wether they contain helliuim co2 or nos. Yer dumbass

yeah you're fucking dumb

no he was mashing it

id give it a go after seeing that if i knew where to get em wholesale.

You can get them on Amazon lol. Idk why people think its hard to get.

what's it like to think you're smart but just spew ignorance like a piece of trash?

I order them online. 12 Euro for 50 capsules. Got a cracker from Ali Express to fill a balloon with it for 10 euro.
Just try cream whipper gas. That's the more common name for webshops

>selling nitrous for people to do as a drug knowing the dangers
just kill yourself
unless you dont actually do it and are just profiting off retards

The worse that can happen is you pass out
Its not a real drug, and nobody is going to pay for it

You've clearly never been to a party or a festival then. People love this shit, everyone in the UK is doing it. I can't say i care much for it myself but i am of the minority.

If there is competition undercut them by a little. No competition than you can charge whatever you want. Start high and then haggle down if need be.

I remember being a teenager too user
Huffing is not a social drug, you space out for a very short amount of time, then need more.
It's cheaper to buy real drugs and actually enjoy the party and the people rather than magical gasland

Shoutout for the eastcoast nitrous mafia. You niggas legit.
I think its three for fifteen

They are usually around £10 to £15 a box but you can get away with selling them for £2/3 each

Your plan is to make money by selling balloons from cartridges? lol. Unless you can acquire and manage tanks, you have a pipe dream. Get real or piss off.

Man this place is teeming with faggots. 99% of people doing balloons are already high, which you'd know if you knew what you are on about. Also its not even somthing i do, i just wanna make money off dumb teenagers.

>these guys were selling it for £3 a hit or 4 for £10
>legal whipped cream cartridges that produce a headrush for a minute or two
>4 hits for £10
>assume 30mg lines of cocaine and £50 a gram
>4 * 30 = 120mg
>4 lines/bumps of coke would cost £12
>or 4 shitty legal balloon hits for £10
people are stupid

>pipe dream
Lad this is literally a thing loads of people already do and make money from. tf are you on about you absolute wanker.

no fuck my maths was off £12 would assume 100mg = £10 = £100 a gram. buying nitrous at those prices is actually MORE expensive than doing coke, lmao

Yeah, tbh the popularity of NoS baffles me. But people seem to love it.

Just go to the welding supply and get a cylinder of propane, way cheaper.

Yeah but then I'll need to buy propane accessories.

Think of the profit dawg


The faggot is you user
Stop getting upset over wanting to sell gas to children

they used to call it hippie crack for a good reason. it's not my thing personally but the dissociation and giggling is kinda nice and it really intensifies most psychedelics so it's pretty fun to do a couple of balloons on an LSD peak but in itself it's royally lame, I agree. at least it's cheap, ethical to produce by drug standards and relatively safe as long as hypoxia from very excessive use or vitamin b12 deficiency and impurity (e.g. lubricants and solvents in the whippet canister) inhalation from long-term use doesn't become a concern.

You done goofed son...

who the fuck does 30mg lines of coke? like 100mg at the very least

Loool. You are the one acting like the know it all badass.
>dis is Yea Forums nd i am are hardcore nuttin peronsal kid
^is literally you pathetic faggo kek

This is getting sad man
You're embarrassing yourself
Soon you'll become The gas baron, and rule over underage festivals

your coke is probably stepped on to hell, you're snorting it too hard and it's being metabolised orally with a low bioavailability, or you're very fat. I don't have any pharmacological sources on this but anecdotally 100mg of reasonably (70-85% purity) high quality coke would absolutely waste most people, especially if it's administered very quickly as in a single line.

>embarrassing yourself
>on an anonymous basket weaving fourm

individual sensitivities and tolerances also vary