If you were given the chance would you take me on a date and fuck me ?

If you were given the chance would you take me on a date and fuck me ?

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Many many times of guk I give to you I will duck your dock from the back so much fukk

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Put your glasses back on.


How do I look topless ?

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like you should kys


What the hell are you supposed to be? But no.

a boy? or a girl? or a trap? seems like alien weirdo :V

In this pic the scarring and the swelling went down

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Fuck no. You look like a weird lesbo.
Why would i fuck a tranny when i can fuck my gf

I fucked worse in the can. Mut's still there?

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ok that:
explain everything

You ignorant motherfucker I am trans gendered. do you have a problem with that ? If so go fuck yourself

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haha fucking retarded and probably aids poluded weird thing...

I feel bad for you. You're clearly mentally i'll.

You're fucking disgusting go kill yourself you dyke cunt.

No your ugly as fuck and everyone who isn't trans hates tranies

Looks like a mastectomy. So you had breast cancer or something, considering the no hair. I never seen what that looks like exactly so, sucks you had to go through that.

It's a tranny. The only way to get rid of the cancer is with a gun in this case

the fuck is wrong with your smile op,its like watching a fuckin psychopath

Don't look into Yea Forums to give you anything worth of value. That being said, I don't agree with the above. You look great and worthy of a date. Just ignore these idiots and find your person!

Grow some longer hair, then maybe. As long as you were born with a vagina and still have it.

You disgusting toxic pigs. You are ignorant and retarded. What’s wrong do you feel intimidated by me ? You can’t except then I’m trans and I don’t fit in what the rest of you fuck holes

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>I don’t fit in what the rest of you fuck holes

Exactly. Fuck off to r/lgbt and suck some dicks over there.

Oh. You know, I'm pretty liberal and generally support trans individuals but sometimes seeing it so explicitly makes me uncomfortable. Like, their life is so privileged they have the money and resources to suck out their titty fat or redesign their genitals?

You do not look like, nor will you ever look like a guy. You will always be able to tell.

With some trannies it can be REALLY hard to tell a difference.

>look at all the traps.

But with you i doubt there will ever be any doubt that something is off.

Top fuckin kek

Copy and paste function in the tit editor is fuckin broken

What are you going to do for a face when Trump asks for his arse back?

literal retard smile

What the fuck are you? I normally got no problem with transgendered people, but holy shit you creep me the fuck out

I know you're just a troll posting some trans persons pics, but, she don't look like a dude. She just look like the typical lesbian running around on softball fields.

It's so disproportionate. That mouth is 3/4 of its face.

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Fucking Yea Forums losers. there is no more gender we are proud of who we are and you bottom feeder cocksuckers can’t do anything about it

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Not even straight cis people smile this hard. What the hell is there to be so happy about?

I hope this thread is bait

dont smile so strange, just look normal. Girls dont like guys who are always too smiley

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course it is. this thread is just an iq test and everybody who continues to reply failed it

I know I look good stop talking shit . Suck my dick you motherfuckers. you people are absolute garbage. fuck you and fuck Donald Trump. I hope you motherfuckers die !!!

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No one is born gay or trans they are mentally ill. This wouldn't be problem right now if the Nazis had gassed all the jews.

Or maybe it makes me rock hard to make fun of minorities. Just like a real gamer.

Porn isn't you fucking. But you still get off to it.

Bet you do not have a dick. You do not look good. If this is not bait and you are a real person thinking you are looking good. You are as delusional as the singers in X-factor that claim they are good.

I hope you lose someone close to you maybe they will catch aids and you will have to watch them die.

Let's see your dick fam

I think you're trolling, but just in case you're not, let me let you in on something: I'm black, Bi, have no problem with lgbt people until they start shoving their ideal down my throat or other stuff like that. But i must say, from what i've seen so far, if i were to meet you out in the stress i would turn away so fast and walk he other way just to not having to look at you. Just a heads up, just be a normale person and don't fall on this lgbt victim blaming shit, it's what makes people dislike you and your attitude

Jews are the cause of mental illness?

Thanks OP haven't seen a decent rekt thread for a while.

100% would take you out for a nice dinner and wreck that booty afterward

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>in case you're not
your post is the reason i left Yea Forums forever (:

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Do whatever you wish but in the end we all know including yourself that you will just fucking kill yourself

Why? Because i won't respect you as an lgbtq person? Or because you think you're so entitled that you automatically deserve respect and be the center of the universe when in fact, just like myself, you're nothing more than a grain of sand. Tell me again, how am i wrong?

What the fuck is wrong with you ? We are victims. people discriminate against does every single day. All I did was come on here and ask a simple question who would want to go out with me and everybody jumps down my throat and says hateful comments. This is why the gay community hates straight people

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Jewish Hollywood is responsible promoting homosexually as normal when it is a mental illness that is why the Nazis should have gassed them all.

If you had a dick I would tell you to go fuck yourself OP.

Do you have a fake not working dick? If so gow does it feel to give up having orgasms

The world is mean, what a surprise, boy. You really thought life is fair? The world of men doesn't give a shit about hurt feelings.

the thing is: You could have just posted normal pictures of yourself, because, atleast for me, what you posted meant that you were outing yourselves as a "weird" type of transgender person, the kind that makes me immediately think of "equity now! femminist to power" and that put me immediately off.

It's why i am always skeptical as soon as someone announces "i'm lgbtq" becuase i think "oh god please no..i've been bombarded the last few years with this kind of stuff".

Just be a respectable person and you'll find happyness. But don't flaunt you being transgender around like a hipster going to starbucks.

Oh and btw, i'm not straight but psssst, don't tell anyone, lol

Oh. So it's the logic of like, if we kill all gay people, gay people won't procreate therefore they won't exist. Makes sense.

Who said we were straight? I have no issue with faggots or trannies. But i have issues with people that makes it their personality and act like they are victims. One of my good friends is a faggot. So is his boyfriend. We hang at parties and they are great. They are like normal people and not all fucked up like you are.

I wouldn't even wanna be friends with a person like you. You are sick.

Fucking kek

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Wrong. People like me that are trans gendered we get shit on every day if you’re a white privileged male nobody discriminates against you transgendered people like myself struggle every day just to fit in to society and to live a happy life there is no equality when you are different

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Or you could just act fucking normal and nobody would know you were a freak and then there is no way for people to discriminate against you.

If you run around in latex and ask everyone if you can suck their dick. Don't get offended when you get weird looks.

I will never understand why on earth youd choose to be a guy
A filthy stubborn toxic angry troubled antisocial weirdo that needs proper grooming above everything

Its like willingly getting into a horrendous car accident

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Au contraire, boy. You think being lgbtq is bad? Try be a white straight male in an era where they're demonized and put down because they don't want to conform to the new "normal". You think you have to struggle? You might, but don't discard the suffering or struggle of the other side just because you want to push an agenda. Otherwise it'll sound just like 3rd wave femminism which we all know is bullshit. Be a kind and respectful person and people might warm up to the idea to actually have social interactions with you.

Oh and speaking of getting shit on, just to give you an example: did me getting shit on, because i'm black, stop me from being respectful to other people?
My way of thinking it is more on the line of: Respect is earned, not a given.
I abide by this, and my life until now has been ok, i don't plan on changing it.

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> You ignorant motherfucker I am trans gendered. do you have a problem with that ? If so go fuck yourself
I don't understand well, you was a woman before and you become a boy to be gay, wtf...

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The stinky vagina brigade YUK

I'm a dyke so I wouldn't take you on a date or fuck you but I think you're plenty cute. Would hug. Like your smile.
Good luck with everything

bro you posted this on Yea Forums, what did you expect, honestly?

No, she's a woman who mutilated her body, and is most likely injecting it with toxic levels of chemicals to poorly approximate a boy's physique. She will always be a woman though

Show us your pussy

transwaht??? transalien? you do not even look human


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Fkn desttoyed

I wouldn't fuck you with someone else's dick.

This. Only way to know if I'd date.

Kys tyrannie fag

Nah, sorry

holy shit

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damn that's fucking nasty

so entangled in your own delusion you mutilate your natural body to prove to others what you know to be true. We are pure consciousness stop fucking living your life based on perversion of your mortal meat prison.

how old r u?

got a timestamp?

but I'll remind you Epstein was murdered and the security footage will circulate after the government lies out it's ass about it as to show the American people another reason why we can't trust our government.

I'm an American. I'm a patriot. I'm a soldier. and we need to take the power back