How do you get rid of clingy girls from tinder?

How do you get rid of clingy girls from tinder?

Do i reply to this? She's been at it for weeks

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Block / remove


B just give me her number i will solve it for you, email me at [email protected]

Block and ignore.

Are you and her still in high school or college? If so, deal with it for 5-10 more years then get a real woman.

It ain't that simple. Turns out she goes to the same uni as me and is trying to get into my course

Just fuck her dood

Why get rid of clingy girls? Did she cheat or something?

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What did she do, user? A clingy girl isn't necessarily a bad thing, guaranteed loyalty and she'd probably do anything for you to keep you around

Tell her if she doesn’t stay away you’ll call cops
>she’ll threaten suicide


It's not rocket science, OP. Seems like more of a lowkey brag post tbh.

Ez use her and treat her badly till she dont like u no more. And hope she dont cry rape

Yep suicide threats is definitely the next step for her. I know she's already had a few attempts over the years.

I feel like if I give in and reply then she'll latch onto that and threaten to top herself if I don't see her

Yeah, cut it short then. Lotsa bitches on tinder, this one just ain’t worth it. Unless she’s like Emma Stone or some other minty

Matched with her on tinder. Quickly realised that she was clingy af, accused me of seeing other girls when I didn't reply to her in time. I actually agreed to meet her but she pulled out a few hours beforehand.

At that point I'd had enough and blocked her. She's now found all my social media profiles and is spamming me constantly

Tell her its over or however you want to word it and never reply after that.

Sounds like a nut case but I speak from experience when I say they're the best to date, loyal to the end and have big personalities. Freaks in the sheets too. Yeah shit gets dicey when it's over but I'm sure you're a big boy and can handle that. If she kills herself because of it that's on her yaknow. Dated tons of girls but only one crazy, and I'd take her over any of them in a heartbeat

Post face pic. You should fuck her and then move on. Or ask for nudes and say it's the only way you'll forgive

fuck her then move on

let her see your tiny dick, she'll be unimpressed and move on

TL;DR Story
Got girl pregnant in highschool
Trick her into giving up baby.
Day adoption final dump her.
Go back to fucking 2 months later.
Get with now ex wife.
She leaves town cuz of me.
~fast forward 5 yrs later~
WildBitchAppeared.jpg at walmart back in town
Hit up on facebook that night.
Now married with kid.
Start talking again, two weeks later we fuckin again
Fuck in graveyard, fuck in her bed, spend the entire time her husbands at work at her house, she would come straight to my house from droppin him off, get nutted in, go home, repeat otw to go get him.
She gets pregnant again after us fuckin for almost a year.
No Trap Card this time folks.
Leave state 3 months before she has our daughter
(Cute lil shit might i add.)
Come back a year n a half later
She still married, he knows its mine, he's a cuck.
I now have a fucking amazing girlfriend I wouldn't trade for the world.
I'm fuckin my two time baby mama on thursday and friday.
Cuz i'm "in love with her."
Been on this site since before milhouse wasn't not a meme.

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post tits bro

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use her to the point of her realizing you are no good for her, its win win.... also take some pics and vids of her

how much of it is actually true?

act super insecure and shit. She will think you are a total loser and move on

Not him but I guarentee everything is true

never stick your dick in crazy

Always stick your dick in crazy. I'm telling you OP every person in this thread are fools

The best advice for any stalking victim is to completely avoid contact with her, no excuses, no reactions.

Her and her cuck husband

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OP u still here? Can you post picture kinda showing her face I wanna see if shes ugly which will let me know if your ugly, also
>block and remove


This is her. Her tinder profile looked a lot better. I feel cheated

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Record her and do porn movies with her, degrade her and then post all your porn of her on porn hub for ad revenue.

my ex was like this lmao also with the suicide threats just call the police and say you're being harassed :^)

I wouldn't let my horse fuck that thing

You greentext by typing it in notepad then copy paste the >
fucking newbs.

Tell her she shall send you pics and videos how she fucks herself with a cucumber and such thinks, then tell her that it wasn’t that amazing and that she is no turn on any longer so you can have some fun btw

Fair enough lmao, im also on android, and bout to do a few more bumps of dope so, my bad XD
God i'ma wind up losin my gf as karma i can feel it x.x
And no, i'm not a dopehead, i just take it for work every few weeks. I'm actually a professional 26 yr old alcoholic x.x

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Please go ahead. I am enjoying this thread.


Holy fuckkkk OP move states that whale is gonna stalk you I'd be suicidal bro I wanna help now first question tho why would you do this to yourself 2nd just tell her your gay and shell leave you alone, if shes tryna stalk you and get into your classes start building evidence because you will very much need it , show dean or principal or how ever college works the staff the evidence and say you dont want anything bad to happen but just to make sure you dont have to be in contact with her in classes etc, god bless OP

She looks like

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Fr, i've been on Yea Forums since like, '06 and i've never shared that story. That honest to god was the short version. There's 11yrs of shit to go over lol.

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u can still not respond to her

why do u care if she threatens to kill herself?

Should have never blocked her bro, women can't take rejection it makes them go crazy, not the good kind of crazy either.

Same deal if you show interest in a girl and then right afterwards act like she is nothing, for some reason this just makes them want you even more.

If you want to get rid of her just make yourself look like a beta, give her attention that she doesn't have to work for, when she texts you respond instantly, do any favor she asks for nothing in return and if she tries to tease you take it seriously and look like you can't take a joke or uncomfortable questions.

If you do that you can make just about any woman think less of you.

Tell her you are gay and was just testing the waters on tinder.

Don’t listen to the faggots user. Block, delete, ignore. It’ll only get worse if you reply.

if you dont block/ignore her you're just an attention hungry fag

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This tbh, I made my post before seeing what she looks like.