fate is trash
claiming mai poster
I will destroy waifu.
Meanwhile at 7" gang
I love celeste!
I can't fuck everyone at once!
soon enough, but he's obsessed with my dick size
Just give him ur dick size already
Kei has a 3.5" dick
What the fuck did you just fucking say about mai loli waifu, you filthy gaijin? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in The Lolicon Kawaii Corps Army, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on the government, and I have OVER 9000 confirmed loli threads on Yea Forums, specificaly Yea Forums. I am trained in waifu warfare and I’m the top loli collector on the entire Internet. You are nothing to me but just another moralfag. I will b& you the fuck out of Yea Forums with 2d lolita with the cuteness of which has never been seen before on the Internet, mark my fucking threads. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over IRC chat? Think again, cuck. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of Yea Forums users across the Internet and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the flooding of loli to your E-Mail inbox, newfag. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call "Shota-Con". You’re fucking dead, underage Yea Forums& & Yea Forums&. I can DDOS anywhere, anytime, and I can retrieve your personal info in at least one hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hacking skills. Not only am I extensively trained in DDOS attacks, but I have access to the entire fags on Futaba channeru, ni channeru, and Yea Forums and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass out the tubes of the Internet, you little .S.J.W. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will be shiting dick nipples and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead DQN, go back to Tumblr.
Hallo. What's going down?
He's lying about that. I asked his ex gf. He apparently has an average+ size.
Dubs from God himself. Nice.
Sup lord führer.
Nah I've seen it
hey hitler
I actually have
Small like kokichi's would be
I'm good, how are you?
How's it going?
disgusting faggot
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch. I’ll have you know my name is John, and I woke up this morning 5:30 sharp to the smell of wet pussy. I was getting a blowjob from two bitches (Shit was SO Cash), one was trying to fit my humongous 3 pound balls in her mouth while the other was choking halfway on my 18 and 3\8 inch dick. She started to squirt hard, she was convulsing and having 6 orgasms at the same time. I gave it to them and they were on the floor squirting like motherfucking fountains. Must have come about a quart of sperm and compressed air. Imagine your best orgasm, then multiply it by 35. I had to go to base camp so I front-flipped from my 14th floor barracks into my valet parked 2012 Ferrari (I got connections). Pushed my shit to about 4 hundo (mph, mind you) and I was at base camp in no time. When I entered, I became a top sniper and was granted access to the entire arsenal of the USMC. I learned how to kill someone in over 700 different ways and was assigned to be the leader of a squad that will kill 300 terrorists using gorilla warfare tactics. Also did 6000 push-ups, 8000 sit-ups and bench-pressed 30 plates in 16 minutes. After basic training, I met a network of secret spies who will help me trace your IP address, while eating gold plated sushi and 15,000 $ champagne. My unit got the rest of the day off and I became captain of our base’s football team and starter of the basketball team. I got straight A’s on the military entrance exams and received more awards. Meanwhile, you were jacking off to pictures on Facebook and naked drawn Japanese people. Went back in the Lambo to my barracks and now I am getting ready to go to sleep. I am going to graduate at the top of my class in the Navy Seals tomorrow and I want to look pretty much perfect for it. Don’t be a stranger and remember, I did more in one day than you will your entire life.
Meanwhile at big dick gang
I'd rather just send a dick pic honestly
i feel alright, but i do feel a bit sick
Am fine, just woke up, petted my deutschen Schäferhund, read a line out of my favorite holy book, "Mein Kampf" and then had some Sauerkraut from yesterday.
Send it to me!
Post it here.
Fuck off, that whoring french boipussy is mine
I don't have you on discord
If they are a whore they likely will not be only yours.
My girlfriend is around here somewhere.
Jesus christ.. what a gigantic nigger cock are u hiding.. fucking hell..
What's up?
Excuse you?
That's easily fixed. Yumi#5563
I'm gonna tear your entire ass off. Go 69 with fucking kokichi. The faggot needs it.
That's a shame, I hope it's nothing serious.
Sounds nice, I always wanted a whole pack of those glorious beasts. Do you think it's too early for a bit of schnapps?
Forward the pics
Check ur own pic. That's a fat dick in those pants.
This one looks more girly..
Definitely not! Verdauungsschnaps is always allowed.
I don't have u either u tard. Or do I?...
I'm upset about a blemish on my lower back. I can't seem to get rid of it. I also have not slept in 2 days. Good morning.
My ass is to stay attached to my body. Show me to Kokichi so I may begin.
You wouldn't
Just post them here
Shouldn't be
i hope
Why are you staring down there?
Good grief man get some sleep! Sorry to hear about your back, I have my own problems too thanks to excessive heavy liftening
Ey u ugly faggot, go fuck this nigger
Dude, u are holding your crotch in my face.
Beg your pardon?
Up late?
I can't sleep. Skin issues?
I see.
No, something about disks in my spine or whatever
i always tend to be. yourself?
Phahaha, I love how you just keep trying to have a normal conversation. Alright, then. How are u?
Gross yourself u aussie trash. I got the pic btw. He actually send it.
this but with me as shuichi
This but me as kokichi
That is not good. Please take care of yourself. Disk slippage and further issues can cause permanent damage from what I understand.
Up for a few days. I will sleep eventually.
Ooookaaay? I'm okay-ish, back is killing me tho
Just the icing on the cake?
not a lot of people
who agree with me
I don't really mind at all
to be
honest with integrity
ah thats probably not good foryou...
Problem is the curvature.. looks like a 14-15. If it was straight, maybe 16-17.
I got hung up with getting dick pics. Whenever I'm trying to do something all my other chats turn into autopilot trash talk.
Dude... ah.. whatever. nevermind.
Oh there you are. Hello. I love you.
You're right.
nigger lover?
So average?
Anyway, I'm gonna sleep
Good, but I'm all out anyway.
Probably it's nothing, yeah. I remember eating some dodgy takeaway once, a really sweet cake that the thought alone makes me gag, combine that with a fever, mann. Fever and food poisoning combined into one, and I had to write an exam at that time.
Nice trips.
so why not try sooner?
i regret to inform you that my heart is spoken for
So I've been told as well.. even advise against heavy lifting but hold habits die hard
Excuse you?
Thank you,Fuhrer
That's fine. I'm glad things worked out.
you cant hide i see right through you life loser!
ah sorry to hear. that sort of thing is always miserable.
god only knows if they have
nigger lover, tfu.
Does it hurt when you lift?
As am I but we must persevere. How are you?
Isn't this your adventure? I may have misunderstood you. Haven't you gotten the girl?
I'm gonna go kill myself now
Depends on how heavy the object is
i wouldn't say i've gotten anything but a bit of back and forth yet
relaxing atm. is nothing terribly exciting i assure you.
I can't help myself. How are those not dicks?
Use common sense. If it hurts in a not good way stop doing it.
That's more than nothing. Don't give up .
It's molestation time.
well good luck with that.
But they're not
I'm only going to lift if need be anyway
Fine.. I still don't trust that crotch
How can a dick even fit in these shorts?
Now u are just fucking with me. That's another dick crotch.
I need your help.
Let's go
What the hell is with that image?
Im just a stranger on the internet tho.
It would be a bit difficult and uncomfortable, but still managable.
Aren't we all?
The fuhrer has spoken!
Just wanted to display how a dick can hide anywhere.
yes more or less.
Squad up.
That's part of what makes it exciting.
i dont feel I could help properly is all.
That has to be a micro dick if you're telling me you're hiding one there
Well then I can help you.
I dont think I require help for anything tbh.
I'm running out of options here. May I service you?
Nah, there isn't one. The sabers use magical, detachable futa cocks.
Fate sure is weird
nope. the only thing i need right now is a good breakfast tbh
I could do that. Eggs, potatoes, maybe some bacon and toast. Nothing particularly special.
that would be amazing. i dont have any tatos tho.
Duh, I didn't just write it's trash into the OP for fun.
Bags of diced potatoes are $3 at Walmart. You can use it to make 2-4 servings of hash browns with 3-5 eggs each time.
i dont have a walmart anywhere near me. that and prices for much of anything are expensive here because cali is cool like that.
its ok. i can starve a little and calling it that is probably exaggerating a bit heh
Seeing this is still better than being blind
That's not good. You must eat.
and you must sleep!
I will try.
Good you need it. more than a day is bad for you.
Nearly a week of no sleep and you start to hear and see shit. I've been there
show tumko
my waifu has wifi
never been there.it sounds bad
show tumko queer
Going to sleep was a salvation
Speaking of which, I will go lay down seeing as the thread died down
heh i imagine so!
don't play dumb with me
ive only been polite.
let's drink
no. too early.
i want tomo's tumko and i want it now
u suck
google exists then my friend.
I am aware yes.
[Introduction Nevada]
I'm a right wing man in a left wing land
Capitalizing, blood pressure's rising
its gay Tuesday so lets dance the night away
time to get fruity and pound your booty (OH! OH!)
I'm a fat racist man out here doin' what I can
order me a round of apple 'tinis
[Chorus cirno]
Shoot your cummies on my tummy OwO (YUSS!!)
Shoot your cummies on my tummy OwO (YUSS!!)
Shoot your cummies on my tummy OwO (WOAH!)
[verse-1 Nevada]
I tie my neckerchief
I adjust my hat
see another man's ass
yeah I want some of that
[verse-2 cirno]
Every time you pass by
you make me say oh my
Have some lube in a tube
yeah its lewd time (NO! NO!)
[verse-3 Nevada]
I'm the big gay
No one can take that away
make it rain at the gay bar [x2]
[Chorus Cirno]
Shoot your cummies on my tummy OwO (YUSS!!)
Shoot your cummies on my tummy OwO (YUSS!!)
Shoot your cummies on my tummy OwO (WOAH!)
[Outro Nevada]
I'm a right wing man in a left wing land
Capitalizing, blood pressure's rising
its gay Tuesday so lets dance the night away
time to get fruity and pound your booty (OH! OH!)
I'm a fat racist man out here doin' what I can
order me a round of apple 'tinis [x2]
I'm back, where is everyone?
we need more of this for other waifu posters
8 full hours of sleep I feel great.
Good morning everyone
in my dream i talked with Kei-chan
i hope you're feeling well
was it a nice dream
Feeling like being less edgy today
How have you been?
you dont look to good
yeah it was okay
i liked the part where we talked again and it felt like he wouldn't disappear for another 2 weeks
i've only just now realized it's been 11 days since i last talked to him. i feel like it's been longer
that sounds good
i'm okay. a little tired, but that will pass
i'm OK
o-oh, sounds kinda rough.. well i hope they're back soon and stuff
how're you?
What's wrong?
How much sleep do you usually get?
yeah, it'll be okay. soon enough, something good will happen, i know
i'm okay. i got up early as you can tell, so i'm a bit tired but it's nothing bad.
i've had an average of around 10-12 hours this past summer but i should get used to that not being the case
You missing someone?
10 is good 12 may be a bit much, I've heard too much sleep can be just as bad or worse than too little.
Best to keep it regular and the same every night, that's how I managed to get so far, by having a concrete sleep schedule
any reason you're up early? glad you're feeling okay
Hi pooch pounder
You do anything interesting lately that doesn't involve degeneracy?
>You missing someone?
yes i am
yes, i guess so, but i don't really have anything else to do in the 2 hours of extra sleep.
unfortunately i'm not as free to sleep at good times unlike yourself
i have to go help with something again. thanks
>Hi pooch pounder
>You do anything interesting lately that doesn't involve degeneracy?
Let's see, over this week.
I volunteered at an animal shelter, I help a friend out with his martial issues, I'm working on getting a better job so I can get in a better position in life. If I get the job I'm targeting, I'll probably junk my current car for a new one.
I got a new FwB but she is probably only going to be that way for a few months because her personality is taxing to be around. I've been hitting the gym much better now that I don't have to worry about people coming to the gym armed. Currently doing a bit story writing.
alright, hope that goes well
goodbye, have a nice day
A whole lot of nothing, been doing paper working and calling people to makes sure my student loans are all in order ready to start the next semester.
With my manga I have been stuck trying to come up with a character aesthetic. If incan get the outfits incan do the rest, but I need a style for my protagonist especially, she need to be very recognizable.
Who are you missing?
I wasnt free to do so I just made sure to make my scedual that way. Had to give up some hour and work, but it pays off in the end you can get alot more work done with a good sleep schedule.
I think you might be too focused on something a bit minor atm. What about story boarding your panels so you aren't spinning your wheels atm?
i never understood how people could sleep for so long
New thread?
New thread when?