What practical argument is there against abortion?

What practical argument is there against abortion?

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what do u mean "practical"?

im shocked no1s jumping at the opportunity to pretend sex is pregnancy to avoid the issue u need consent for both, not just 1 and that humans r not allowed to have choice which results of actions they r willing to live with, or wich theyd rather mitigate

There is no practical argument against abortion. Abortion is actually very convenient, just like throwing your kid out of a window if he is bothering you is convenient. The argument is purely moral.

Morality is made up.

whats the moral argument? And is it for or against abortion?

The moral argument for abortion is that the fetus has an intrinsic right to live. It is as simple as that. You may agree or not. Morality is not logic.

I mean, there’s putting him up for adoption if you don’t want to raise the shitter

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i doesnt have rights to violate other ppls rights though
yeah, morality isnt logic, but it follows logical rules

Homosexuality used to be a disgusting crime and now, it is a human right. If that doesn't prove that morality is nonsense, I don't know what does it.

big brained thread you have going here

its not a right. Its a matter of fact.
How bout u go look up a definition of morality, preferably in philosophical literature, not a dictionary


What if the father wants to keep his son but the mother doesn't?
What if the father doesn't want to keep his son but the mother does?

If my baby momma aborts my unborn i'm going to jail

so u r trying to give moral arguments for a position and thats your understanding of what morality is?
Is abortion bad?

>Is abortion bad?
It depends what you think about it. Right and wrong are not real things.

right and wrong r the most real things

How old are you?

these r good questions.
Ultimately its her body thats being used. If u dont want the child, u should be able to leave and not be forced into any alimony or child support. If she cant support a child, she should abort. If she can, she might keep it. If u wanna keep it, but she doesnt, u cant force her to keep it. Not until a womb is a product u can buy in a shop, like an incubator, instead of being exclusively tied to human female anatomy

great argument. Im 30 and im better than u in every way. How old r u?

Waste of perfectly good coat-hanger.


How do you measure scientifically the morality of something if it is real? It is only in our minds.

best one is "don't knock her up in the first place"



Well scraping the walls of a uterus can lead to not being able to have kids for awile or permanently.
Abortion is barbaric in how its performed.

yes keep going on with your egoist thoughts, there is TOTALLY no such thing as good or bad it's merely a spook created by people in power to oppress us, and a sense of right and wrong is totally not something that someone has.

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>consensual sex is a decision whose responsability you should own
>abortion is not contraception

Then the whole urr durr cells dont have feelings, yet a babykiller is not on trial for animal cruelity, even though a 6 month old is basically a dog

Pretty much the same arguments as there is agains killing 1 year old babies.

good thing weve got other methods

>merely a spook created by people in power
lets call it how it is - its jews


>something that someone has.
You said it yourself. It is not something objective. There are some basic things most people agree on(mostly avoiding death and pain), and even that is subjective.

The argument isn't "for/against abortion". It's "for/against choice". No one WANTS to do abortions you dipshit. It's never good.
People should have the right to choose if they want to do it or not.

Doesn't mean I agree it should be legal in most cases..but lying about the basis of the argument hurts the cause. If you give 2 shits about it. be honest and call it what it is - The right to choose.

It's a lot like religious freedom or freedom of religion.
Your right to religious belief should not in any way or form, affect anyone else.
Just like my belief shouldn't affect anyone else.

Consent to sex is not the same as consent to carry your child. If a father wants their child born, they should make sure to do it with someone willing to birth it.

If a father don't want a child, use protection or don't have sex. Or face the consequences.

that's not how abortions work, user

being right is sth some1 has and its objective, retard.
Now sit at the table, your glue is served

Abortion wouldn’t be called abortion if it wasn’t taking a life. Plain and simple, it’s aborting a life

Oh go fuck yourself.

The only practical argument against it is it turns out the Evangelical voters. If you aren't a politician, you literally shouldn't give a shit about restricting people's choices.

its aborting the pregnancy

none, world is a fuck, muh antinatalism
human infanticide has always been around, if you add abortion to life expectancy no one lives past 30 in the modern era either. unwanted and deformed children who were never gonna make it were dumped in a river or left in the woods before modern medicine, modern medicine just keeps invalids breathing on everyones dime

Or kill both mother and son you retarder feminist

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You lack arguments I presume?
It's wiser to just admit defeat than lowerr yourrself to retarded levels when you cannot make a proper argument.

>Muh feelings.

Your argument it's nonsense you are saying the child is a woman property wich is not your argjment is based on a false premise dumbass stop using smartass terms and think for 5 seconds before typing

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>"muh body muh choice"
The baby's body isn't yours

abortion doesn't happen to babies
most abortions happen before there's a body

>delusional fags who have to convince themselves whats going to be a human isnt human

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by definition something that's going to be a human isn't yet a human

oh, u r 7

>humans not developed until age 25
34th trimester abortions for all

Muh concepts

But a baby is a human right, just not an adult. But can a fetus be anything else than an human?

By definition, no.


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a foetus isn't a human either
not until it reaches viability

Imagine someone aborting a girl as hot as OP who would've fucked you.

Guys don't fuck it up

human fetus is a human

It kinda fucks with the reproductive system and if done way too often, will most likely have a negative effect on fertility.
That being said, if the bitch is too dumb to realize that, she deserves the consequeces.

"If you support abortion so much,it's a shame that your parents didn't abort you"

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>because the world isn't already filled with unwanted children

is this an argument? U understand the difference between wanting to have a child and not wanting to have a child?

>What practical argument is there against abortion?
None. The World is overpopulated, plus it's mostly morons that wind-up with unwanted pregnancies, so good to scoop tose fuckers out before they bake.

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> Fetus is a stage of life, not a species or type of life.

> A living being ("life") is defined as:
- Anything capable of responding to its surroundings
- Anything that has a life cycle (birth -> death)
- Anything that can display growth/maturity
- Anything capable of reproduction during it's sexual maturity

> The type of life is categorized by its DNA. When a sperm and egg fuse, the first thing that happens is the creation of a new, unique DNA that defines it as human.

> To say it isn't a human life is fucking ignorant.
> To say it doesn't "count" because it can't sustain itself on its own, is pointless as you would then have to include a fuckton of humanity either below or above certain age thresholds or many of any age with disabilities.

> Making it a matter of "choice" is fucking inhumane and you're basically the worst kind of asshole if you ignore every other "choice" leading up to that point that could have prevented it in the first place. There are a fuckton of options from abstinence to surgery with many more options in between. You have a right to choices for your own body, but after conception your choices end if they would affect someone else, i.e. the body of a new human life.

pro choice doesn't just mean abortion, it also means adoption or giving the father sole custody if he wants it. it also doesn't mean that if the guy didn't want the kid or can afford it, abort it and don't make him hate you for the rest of your life

but it does mean u may choose not to lend your uterus to the fetus and therefore it needs to leave. Pro choice doesnt mean u have to carry the pregnancy to give it away for adoption after

>Waste of perfectly good coat-hanger.
Nup - quick rinse under the tap and you're good for the next 10 redneck 12YOs who got fucked by their dads.

No possible friends/family feud issues.

Yes those are all choices. And I think most pro-choice people support most of them.

I liked when Wilson hosted it

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all u need to do is not tell friends or family u r pregnant in the 1st place