Be me

>Be me
>About to be a senior
>8/10 but no solid social skills especially with women
>only 1 gf fat clingy whore
>see all the cute chicks with sissies and trannies
>see all the hot chicks with either hoodrats or “chads”
>all the gays want me for some reason and so do the fat chicks

What do?

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I heard that 7.62x51mm would be a good round for the occasion...

Outsource to other nearby highschools.

Literally. It's better. Become friends with a girl from somewhere else thru mutual friends or smth and make your moves. I'm sure you've busted a flirt or 2 in your lifetime, right? There's hope, trust me.

Stop being an underage faggot and fuck a hooker

Social job. Lowes, Walmart or supermarket.

This isn't a cry for you board, there are people in there 40's+ who are virgins. Go back to Facebook

Hoodrats? Where the fuck are you from

I have a 7.62x39 some crackhead gave me no way to set it off though.

Thanks to the encouraging homie for the advice il try that. “We’re gonna make it guys”

And to the fag (love you user) who told me to fuck a hooker I would but
>be broke
>my pp needs ID
>methheads here look and act like lobotomized shreks hookers are probably either auchwitz survivors or so annorexic their pimps tie them down to the streets so the wind doesnt pick them up and fly them 50 miles away

Probably a spic
Spics use ghetto, and hoodrat
Blacks too
Idk what whites and Asians use to describe their trash peoples
Trailer trash?

5.56×45mm NATO will make it right

Oh come on, 8/10.
Bigger you're not 8/10.

Saying girls are only with shitty guys is you being bitter.
so.. If I can do heroin for 5 years after the end of an 8 year relationship, and bounce back you can.

I read about evolutionary psychology for 3 years, worked wonders. You might not plow thru all the right books and material and put things together like I did... At your age i didn't. But if I could go back I'd master talking to girls.

Treat them normally.
Never talk about a strangers body, I say blue hair is the best hair. Not the best Asian chick saying green. Most romantic meeting of my life. Cuddled on the street. Looked into her eyes. I texted something dumb and took an absence. But I'm going to reach out soon.

If it fails I'll hit on someone else. She lost it cause i wanted to know what she writes "OMG user.. I want to know you... See you so much"

Never come on too strong. It's all cool. Normal thing. Never ever ask permission. Believe you have worth.

Women can smell insecurity.
Their instincts go... Whoa. If he doesn't think he's worthy of me why do I? They also look to friends. And run you thru like a detective.

Be a good, normal person. Don't be clingy or over talk and msg.

Don't be afraid to look up, and look back when she looks and breaks away.

Be sensible and read a lot of actual science on attraction.

Bonus lazy shit. Basedzues on yt is OK sometimes. Don't used canned pickup. Be someone worth talking to that has things to say and has a life.

Pic is a girl who sings to me and sends clips. Lives in HK but wants to love me. Backburner but she's cool.

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Bump knowledge.

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This is what you wanna do OP.

first, you need some confidence. sounds like you don’t have any. girls loves dude with confidence because it means you’ll be able to make all the moves she wants you to do but with out wanting to tell you. it also means you not afraid of risks, which is exciting for her. if you’re timid and unsure of yourself you’ll be seen as weak and unmanly and she’ll friendzone you.

second. i’m sorry but you gotta start low and work your way up. don’t even try and get in their pants, just be their friends. practice talking to girls and pay attention to see if she’s interested in you or not. how can you tell? what kind of body language she giving you? is she looking at your lips and eyes a lot ? does she play with hair when she talks to you ? does she touch your arm when she sees you? if she does any she’s flirting with you and is interested. or does she give short responses, doesn’t hold eye contact, holds her arms together, etc. that mean she not interested. you gotta be able to pick up these social queues.

third. let go of the fear of rejection. you miss 100% of the shots you don’t shoot. you will get turned down. it’s life, don’t let it make you feel like you unworthy. there’s millions of other girls out there that’ll fuck with you. just stay confident.

fourth. appearance. you don’t gotta be wearing the craziest stuff but have a style that looks good on YOU. smell good, have good hygiene.

fifth. exercise. it’s a no brainer. it’s good for your body and brain. it’ll help boost confidence too.

be glad you have looks going, you not gonna have to try as hard. just don’t be a beta and you’ll be good.

>get confidence
easier said than done, you dont get confidence until you see results

Shoot he fuckin place up

i saw you post in the thread yesterday, with the ginger femanon doing requests, and you also mentioned yesterday evo psych. what articles/books do u recommend? online only of course

>Idk what whites and Asians use to describe their trash peoples

We call them niggers

you’re right. it’s easier said than done. but the truth is confidence is not something you get overnight. it’s something you build overtime. it’s all
based off of how YOU see YOURSELF. and not what off of what you want others think of you. when you stop caring about that and focus on the good things of yourself, you can challenge yourself and overcome them and raise your confidence more and more.

Are we on the same page?
Their respective trash
White trash and it's label and asian trash and it's label

That's where your wrong.
No white person is trash.

You still sound like the king of Yea Forums. At least faggots and fat women want you.

I'm conflicted
I am in between disagreeing and agreeing but I am neither neutral nor willing to not pick one but I pick both

You reek of plebbit. Go away, dumbfuck

After high school you will never see those people again user. Get a good paying job and then worry about meeting people and starting a family.
I stuck it out w my high school love and we changed so much as people even just the first year afterwards we had 0 interest in each other.
4 chan is a TERRIBLE place for relationship advice. Fuck even the trap posting here turned me gay years ago and im still pissed about it

OP, I was just like you. Get a job, seriously this boosted the fuck out of my confidence. I'm not good looking, I have recent acne scars so my face is red and scarred the fuck up but I needed a job, applied at a bus boy and all of a sudden my confidence just went up when I started talking to my coworkers. Even though we didn't talk about anything that's not related to work but I still had to interact with them. And after that, with the money i made I bought some new clothes and I started to look good etc. Now op, this is your last year of school I wouldn't suggest trying to get with a girl and trying to get your dick wet. Seriously spend ur senior year with your friends and enjoy it. We're the same age OP and grade and girls now are different from others. Being a whore now is acceptable to a lot of people and if you catch feelings for a girl and she cheats on you, it's going to hurt. Seriously fuck that, focus on your self OP. Work, get money and enjoy life with your friends on your last year.