Are you racist?

Are you racist?
Were you brought up to hate a specific race or did a personal experience turn you to hate?

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Not brought up to hate, just began hating Indians (not native americans) because they still use the caste system, shit and piss and throw dead people in their holy river, have an awful accent, smell bad, actually shit in the streets, and their women are all ugly.

The end.

Liberal family
Parents divorce
Dad is a business owner and ventures into many things
Literally every nigger he has done business with has burned him

I work as a project manager for installation for one of his business and literally every nigger has burned us

Mexicans work hard... at first and then they become lazy niggers and 50% will burn you.

Literally the only consistently hard working races are whites, Asians and Arabs. In that order.

You forgot that their food is actual dog shit as well.

I just loathe niggers. I mean, what is there to like? Being racist against blacks is just being rational.
>commit crime at extraordinarily disproportionate rates
>every neighborhood they infest goes to shit
>can't stop having babies when they can't even provide for themselves, and the taxpayer has to pay for it
>riddled with STDs (which costs the taxpayer)
>every black country is a mess, and white people ultimately have to pay for it when our dumbfuck politicians decide to give them billions of dollars in aid
>inherently aggressive
>their knuckle-dragging """culture""" infects impressionable white people

Niggers are a scourge on civilization and should be purged.

I hate white people. Just got back from burning a rural rv with a confederate flag. It was an old white guy lolol

There are black people, then there's niggers. we dont like em either bud

>Are you racist?
Growing up in the Mexican ghetto you learn really quickly not to trust Mexicans. They will steal, not only from you, but from their family.

I'd live in a black ghetto any day of the week over the fucking Mexicans.
Black people are pretty cool.

I hate Jews because they own the porn industry and banking system and they got us into debth still they see us as cattles and they hate us bc we are their direct competition.

Of course they will praise niggers and blame Caucasian as racist.

I hate niggers because they don't care about science.

If women were a race it would be close third because they are traitor prostitutes, inconsistent, oportunistic and they constantly shit test your temper in every single detail for no reason other than a game for manipulation without realizing they re sabotaging the relationship.

I hate faggots because they embrace a mental disorder as something normal when in fact they were exposed to pesticides and their brain was feminized in their womb having much more aromatization activity than normal males and females.

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>If women were a race it would be close third.

They're worse than black people.

Women hold a life long childlike naivety.
They also stew in estrogen so they have clouded minds.
They don't see it though, because they've never had the clarity to compare it to.
It's why it's silly to listen to women in any serious capacity.

Are there smart, law-abiding, industrious blacks? Sure, but they're few and far between. Just because every single nigger isn't a subhuman waste of flesh doesn't make being racist against them illogical.

Unfortunately, not only are we stuck with them, they're procreating at an unbelievable rate and will eventually outnumber whites in the US. God help us all.

>that screenshot
Uh oh, looks like she relaxed

Black people in the US are now reproducing at less than replacement rate.


That's the best fucking news I've heard in a while. Last I checked, that wasn't the case.

This is wrong. They're just not growing as a percentage of the US population because of astronomical birth rates among arabs and spics and the unparalleled legal immigration figures along side the enormous illegal immigration figures. The nigger population is growing, it's just being outpaced by other sub humans.

Quit cherry picking, you white, cracker piece of feces.
I moved to a predominately white neighborhood and one white kid opened our garage when we first moved in cause a lot of our stuff was stored in there and I chased the little fucker off.
White people are the scum of the earth as well.

Brought up in a tolerant household, mom got mad when I learned the word nigger. I have progressive views and I like people in general. Anything “racial” started just from observing the people around me in all different types of settings, the way they act is what influences my views and literally nothing else.

After all, the whole “black women are loud” thing is only funny because it’s true.

they will never out number us in the US. any figure that suggest this, do not take into account that black kill themselves off at a much higher rate than other races. not to mention theyre much more likely to contract life threatening diseases. co stop larping nigger

>quit cherry picking
>proceeds to cherry pick

>The U.S.of A. was not a country stolen and built off the backs of slaves
You white people are ridiculous.

Comedy gold

Now say I'm "cherry picking" again, you pale homosexual.

>Are you racist?
The capacity to be a horrible human being or a great one is independent of your ancestry
Most are horrible.

Imagine being a nigger, knowing that the average IQ of your race is at near retard levels, that your people literally can't survive in their homelands without white intervention, that by & large you've accomplished nothing of any significance in all of history, that just a couple generations ago your ancestors were literal jungle people while whites were out sailing giant ships, inventing & conquering the world, that we need to enact special diversity quotas at jobs & universities because you otherwise couldn't compete, that you're mostly a drain on society instead of a positive, that even your women don't want you because there's a 74% chance you're a ghost once she gets pregnant & if they can trade up for a white man who'd have them they will, that you're dumb enough to fall for shifty Democrats promising you gibs every election season for decades because they just want your vote, that you can't seem to stop stealing, robbing & raping no matter the economic factors at play, that your biggest claim to fame comes from the ability to play on sports teams owned by rich white men because you were bred that way as slaves & from generic rap music owned by rich Jews mumbling on about mah dick, money & hoes over a primal jungle beat being sold to impressionable white youth to poison their minds, that you're purposely being used to destroy entire cities & countries because you're so predictively awful, that you actually think people don't like you because of something as stupid as "looking different " or "mah skin color" instead of all those terrible truths.

Yeah, how dare us. We just must be a bunch of blindly racist assholes huh.

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Because my micropenis has left me an insecure manchild

People say built off slaves a lot.
What exactly do you mean by this?
Do you mean physically built? Because no. It wasn't. Construction is a big umbrella of skilled trades. It's 100-1 the things built by whites vs nonwhites in this country from 1492-1970.
Do you mean governmentally built? Because. It wasn't. Government is a highly intellectual field that negros, especially pure bred negros of the time, simply aren't apt for. A negro with the mental abilities to work out any form of government is one in a million.
Do you mean they worked? Sure they did. But their work was just slave work benefiting a few hyper rich and power individuals. It wasn't like cotton was free to Americans. only the labor to pick it was free* to a tiny tiny minority of powerful men.

>*Free means no wages were paid, housing, food, clothing, education, medical care and supplies, and more were paid for by the slave owner.

Slavery was a tiny tiny part of American history, and it's economic effects ended at the owners. Slaves didn't build anything of substance in the United States. There are simply no valid arguments to say that they did.

Nice copy paste user

It's literally not. Look up the warrior gene.
Also to be a great man you have to have intellect, something that is undeniably rare in some races compared to others. So while there could be a great Australian Aboriginal, there will be 10,000 great White Australians for ever 1 great abo.

And don't tell me "whitey" helped us out with all the technological advancements and all the other bs that's polluting our environment at an astronomical, irreversible rate.
It is kind of funny how you are the superior race when you are basically causing more problems than anyone else from a tepee or a mud hut living simple lives.
You white people are a bunch of fuckheads, lol.

It means they wanna pretend they had a legit active hand in building the country & not just dumb grunt work (which is what it was). They were basically used as farm equipment, so I guess tractors & mules "built the country" the same as niggers did.

They hate it but know its true.

I don't hate Asians....I hate chinks.
I don't hate Hispanics.....I hate spics.
I don't hate Blacks.....I hate niggers.

Genetics only produce a predisposition. All humans, except those who are actually disabled, are capable of making choices and moderating their behaviours.
Someone with a genetic predisposition towards violent behaviour can become a calm, thoughtful person and someone who has no such predisposition can become a bloodthirsty brute, given the choices they make.

Can’t say I hate any race in particular, but all of them have ignorant shit heads that give the whole group a bad rep.

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kill yourself nigger

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You know what I mean, broseph.
Of course slaves didn't have the intellectual prowess to create and run a country or else they would not be slaves.
Quit trying to sound smart and cut to the chase, faggot

Yes, but I still want my gf to get bbc gangbanged

Some more than others, user.

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Carlton wouldn't fit my criteria unfortunately

Kek talks about working hard as an American.

True work ethics are exclusively found in central Europe.

>mom is a self loathing liberal whiny extremist
>nothing ever her fault its the patriarchy

>dad is pro Trump for pres back in 2002 before it was a thing
>hipster douche "non confirming" anti muslim anti mexican extremist

I hate everyone of every race, I cant say Im a legit racist because I hate the worst of my own race, but I still think of the majority of blacks as stupid niggers

whatever nigger.. just remember you wouldnt even be having this conversation if we didnt buy you from your own people, brought you to civilization and taught you to speak. btw, your free to leave anytime you like

lol a hipster trump supporter. i'd say it's hard to imagine but that's basically ben shapiro

life experience
i don't hate any specific race, but i judge groups of people based on race. certain groups have certain tendencies in certain situations. if i don't know you as an individual, it's all i have to go on. i am racist but it never stems from hate. i just dont know u.

"Semantics" isn't an answer.
Slaves had virtually no positive effect on the nation.
Post Emancipation they have had an unbelievably consistent negative effect, economically, culturally, and criminally.
You chose the word built/build. But clearly you're not using it to any reasonable definition.
What does it mean when someone says "Built by slaves".
I think you're just attempting to inspire anti-white sentiment. I think you're just attempting to belittle and guilt any whites you're speaking to.
I think it's a meaningless engineered phrase.
But you tell me.
What did you mean?

Everyone knows this. Even the SJWs, deep down, know this. It's the reason why you see a nigger in every commercial; it's the reason it's 24 hour news when an unarmed nog gets shot by a cop; it's the reason diversity quotas are largely in place for niggers; it's the reason white characters are being replaced by the shitskins left and right.

Notice how no one gives a fuck about whether Asian Americans are well-represented in various industries or government. People don't pitch a fit about there not being enough Hispanic actors. Remember #Oscarssowhite? Is wasn't about the Oscars not being diverse, it was because there weren't enough cancerous fucking niggers.

The SJWs focus on niggers because they feel the need to coddle them and hold them by their hands. Why do they feel this way? It's because it's self-evident that they are the absolute bottom of the barrel. The lowest form of human.

It all started when this nigger stole my Pokemon cards and then decided to hit me in the balls with an apple. I knew then I couldn't trust their type.

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You ain't wrong. I'm actually forthcoming about most of this stuff if anyone asks & really wants to know, unlike Libs who treat them like they're their retarded pets, speaking for them on what to be outraged about, etc. Its way insulting & I feel much more racist. At least I'm fucking honest & about true equality.

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If a single word can trigger an ENTIRE "race" then maybe there is something wrong with that "race".
It's the prevalent culture not the "race".

I hate whites. Literally had some white kids tell me to check my privileges when I was in pre school growing up. I especially hate gingers the most for these reasons why. Couldn't make friends them either because their parents were the worst of it.

Retail made me racist.

I loved his performance in Fat Albert.

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What all white girls be doing. You mad bro

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Never been laid fag

>What all white girls be doing
Having sex? Yeah.

Look at dating site stats regarding the hookup rates according to race. The truth hurts, nigger.


I'm not racist because I'm not retarded trailer park trash

White sluts love color dick but its still crossing

They usually don't release the name of rape victims.

yes. unabashedly so. niggers are cancer.

t. spicfag

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So, you're retarded in an apartment or house? A cottage, perhaps?

>white americans
>work ethic
choose one

Not true. Americans work way more hours on average than Europeans. In fact, Americans tend to be overworked. On par with Japanese people.

We were the only white family in the school district. Inner city, all niggers besides us. Was constantly bullied for being white. Sister was sexually assaulted several times, once on the damn school bus. They’re fucking animals.

Most people don't even think about Indians until they work retail.
Anyone who has worked retail will want to genocide all Indians.

Might wanna take a look at the top CEOs and fortune 500 list, nigger. Hint: it's mostly white people.

Elaborate. You worked for them, or they made shitty customers, or what?

Facts man. Look at crime statistics. Blacks and Hispanics in the US are hugely over represented in murder, sex crimes, and theft related crimes.

> implying being rich or successful means you have good work ethics

Get a retail or food service job in a largely black area. You’ll be KKK levels of racist within a few months. Source: worked Walmart in a coontown

So you think a person born elsewhere or with different colored skin is inferior because of crime statistics.

Generally speaking, yes. It does. White people dominate practically every industry, and it's not because they don't have a good work ethic.

Indians are the cheapest stinkiest rudest biggest wastes of time.
Indians constantly buy expensive products, come to return it, then bitch and moan. Then the product they returned smells like curry.
They're a haggling people. They cannot get it through their thick skulls that prices are prices and no we do not haggle in retail here. No we can't get you a deal. They're brainless idiots too who will fall for any information gathering schemes a retailer will put in place as long as they think it could possibly save them a cent.

I never said I was racist towards every nonwhite. No problem with Asians, East or South. Blacks and Hispanics though? Fuck em. We have hard data showing they’re scum.

This. Along with the fact that Euros take many more days off during the year.

This: I also wasn't at all racist until I worked with the public in a primarily black area. I apologized to all the racists I scolded my whole life after that.

Mom is hyper liberal
Dad is fairly conservative, but never knew growing up.
His dad was more conservative, but other than his stance on guns, I never heard his political beliefs growing up.
Was less than a half hour's drive from a reservation.
Native Americans are worse than niggers. They are a step beyond lazy. Like, they will put effort into doing nothing. And the shit they do is gang related. Bunch of them broke into a 90 year old woman's house and stabbed her fifty times. She died from that.
Had to go on field trips to pow wows all the time in elementary school. A fight broke out, every time, without fail. Every surrounding school who went had the same problem. Those schools interacted with us and were just fine. What's more likely, that every school district in the surrounding area was hardcore racist, or the native kids looking to pick fights?
Some of them had a pretty cool sense of humor, though. I knew one of them who was blind. He, and several others were out drinking when a complete white out blizzard came out of nowhere. They decided to have the blind guy drive them home since he could see as well in the blizzard as any of them. Yes, that has a punch line, but it also actually happened.

you tell'm you morbidly fat white slut, your boyfriends wuz kangzz

Burn the coal, pay the toll.

>They decided to have the blind guy drive them home since he could see as well in the blizzard as any of them

what data again? Crime statistics in segregated US?

> evading huge amount of taxes generally means you have good work ethics

aight bruh

I can't even get through threads like these anymore, because my utter hatred for nogs literally makes my blood boil.

Disgusting feral apes.

The US has not been formally segregated since the 60s. And please explain how being segregated causes rape and murder?

My brother wasn't the least bit racist until he worked at a Red Lobster in Tallahassee. A Red Lobster... in Tallafuckinghassee. He said the niggers rarely tipped at all, and some would just come in for the free cheesy rolls and then bounce. He also said they were obsessed with Shrimp Scampi (or, "scrimp scampi").

All my life problems are because of your nigger race at least %75 of them
BTW you should blame Noah and his fuckn nigger son Ham

>they try to pay as little as possible in taxes, so that means they don't work hard
Nigger logic

lmao, then what happened in every other country in the world where they ARE the majority in population? lemme guess, thats whiteys fault to huh?


I legit laughed at this. Red Lobster, them cheesy rolls, lol. That's such a suburban baby's first red pill moment its almost cute.

But I agree. Fuck niggers.

I’m racist because the world has made it clear that whites aren’t wanted. There racist towards me, so I’m racist towards them.

Are you me?

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I just experienced this the other day. I work at Costco and this off the boat Indian woman could not understand why she couldn't shop there without a membership...

>the world has made it clear that whites aren’t wanted

kek yeah those pesky fuckers. it must be awful having all those white people scrambling to invade your glorious civilization all across the globe because they cant take care of themselves.. oh wait, lol

It's not my fault that you need more time for the same shit we do. Be more efficient.

> thinking any white american CEO works hard

Bruh CEO’s work like 70 hour weeks, tf are u on about

I second this, i work in fast food, and the only 2 times ive seen a parent place their child on the table to eat were both indian couples. No one wants to clean up your dirt off the tables that people eat off. And no, we dont serve black beans you dont have to ask 3 times, just take your water cups and leave

Burn you?
I don't understand what that means
When I'm done with a place, as nigger ish as it sounds I just walk out
Nothing personal sometimes it's just ay, if I gotta walk out of a shitty job I'll just walk out

if golfing = working then yes I agree

>when you hate niggers but you are one

well said, brother. well said.

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i hate most of thw whites, and almost all of us germans too.

I hate humans in general, but can tolerate around 50-60 people at most.

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People actually believe that CEOs work hard, hilarious

I'm low-key racist. I can bottle it up, keep myself from making a scene and be amicable but inside I'm like "YOU FUCKING MINORITY." My sister's nignog ex, one of the first minorities I really got to know, used to abuse me and her so that's probably got something to do with it.

>my sister's nignog ex used to abuse me and her

>one person was bad to me so they must all be like that

My old friend used to tell me he hates gay people because one of his buddies got raped by one. It really is fucking stupid to think that way

>Not honor killing your sis for being a filthy coal burner


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is that why Europe loves its universal income?
Literally millions of Europeans not working because they get free shit.

Don't have a job? Don't worry you'll still get everything for free, free house, free food, free drugs, free healthcare.

Europeans at lazy. Bec they get rewarded for not working.

>the world has made it clear that whites aren’t wanted
No because we fucked them up really bad with invading their lands then we gone soft no karma is hitting us back

You have white guilt.
You disgusting virgin

that is one disgusting lil nigga

I don't disagree but the brain just be like that sometimes.
When did I say I didn't honor kill her?

We didn't do shit, nigger.

Mutts are beautiful, user. You should race mix immediately.

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Did not think about race whatsoever until enough loud brown people began insinuating whites are the cause of all their problems around the mid-2000s. After that was only a matter of time before learning of the disproportionately large violent crime rate, lower IQ, and federal dollars spent on their demographics. Anyone with a brain or not being willfully ignorant would have the same response.

I wouldn't advocate extermination or anything but a demographic that is a public burden should not be growing in size let alone cultivated to grow in size.

>would fuck brit tho

I honestly think everyone is slightly racist but I try not to be. I don't go out of my way to not offend people, though.
Just try your best to recognize it and don't beat yourself up.

>tel aviv
are you even trying?

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Are you me, fellow Costcobro?
I work in majors and it's a fucking nightmare dealing with then. Where I used to live we had a dense indian population and they COULD NOT understand set prices. "Oh my friend, yes, lets...lets you show me whats best and cheap. I want best for cheap".
Fuck you Chandar. And stop crawling around under the steel looking for displays to drag out and try to buy...

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The most sad thing is, that little niglet will most likely perpetuate the cycle

Somehow my mutt ass was spared an ape face

Thank black jesus

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NOTE you have to reach a certain intelligence to understand that tgere is trash in every race. Even asians, so its not a racial issue but more likely being educated or not and how you been raised. There a cool niggers so there are white trash. Its more of a class of citizens and the poorest class is mostly the nastiest because of habits or just being stupid.

Russians, most slavs actually. They make african americans look like saints.

Dude pictured isn't the father. He doesn't know or care to know cuz white baby mama is his trophy

ok but *2013*

>Thinks niggers all of a sudden decided to act right

Sure, user. Try any recent year & get back to me.