Im drunk off of this cheap beer

Im drunk off of this cheap beer.
It's not that bad after the first can.
Ask me anything

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dude that shit is completely undrinkable

its moreso that the 2nd can is cold, so you cant taste it as much

Enjoy your violent dysentery in the morning.

you should be smoking weed instead

Well, not completely user.
It gets the job done.

These are both true hahahahahhaa

not really gonna ask you anything but tell you next time you drink this beer, try adding a a small dash of plain salt to it.. makes it way less rough on the finish...

I usually choose weed over alcohol, but its a fuck it kind of day.
Why dont you bring over some smelly smelly

>OE high gravity
>Colt 45
>Steel Reserve

40s and king-cans, yeah I remember high-school 2002!

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I actually do this, with some salt and chile packets.
Protips brother


Nah my name is Angel

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Mickeys taste waaaaay better.
But i have to drink three 40 oz to feel the same I would two and half Steelies.

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True, true. High gravity always stronger.

Would drink this bullshit way back in the day when I was hard up,. 99cents and it's something like 8.2~8.4 %
Nastiest shit, but you can get trashed for cheap.
BTW, I'm down with the camels, I like yo style so far

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Thanks user.
Its good to know someone on the internet isnt a little bitch

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Steel Reserve is my jam dood. Me and da bois used to put 40s down the beer bong. Now its your turn. March 14 is Epic Beer Bong Day. Go bong a beer of this magical malt.

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Shit beer bongs bring up some interesting memories to say the least.
But ill do it just for you, user

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Another favorite of mine many moons ago, slightly better taste than SR but equally as good.
Nowadays I can't drink normal beer, just gives me a headache. It's gotta be 'Ice' or hg malt liquor. Yah I used to have a problem

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I drank it once, and only once.

Saw grandmas boy and decided to give it a go. Never again.

MOAR of this! Please

fuck yeah, i drink 211 exclusively. never seen anyone else buy or drink it irl, but im a loser so idk.

Wow i barely am realizing there was steels in that scene
I am too user. Cheers