Will donald trump still support china after they massacre the protestors in hong kong like they did in tiananmen square

will donald trump still support china after they massacre the protestors in hong kong like they did in tiananmen square

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Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=can people hold jobs under communism?
books.google.com/books?id=4y6mACbLWGsC&pg=PA15&lpg=PA15&dq=mao “wash my prick”&source=bl&ots=6bKWWmNdyX&sig=ACfU3U0f8zue3KzN6EQxFZlfxpOomfIyEA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwirje_2wYHkAhVQCs0KHdAnAksQ6AEwAHoECAUQAQ#v=onepage&q=mao “wash my prick”&f=false

Can you imagine how brutal that was?
I heard the blood was ankle deep once they killed everyone.

Wei...trade war calling. (He doesn’t support China. I know that “America first” is a hard concept to grasp, what with it being two words and all.)

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he's not a real person he's just some foreign troll who wants to turn people against trump

Does anyone support China? They are probably the least trustworthy country in existence

Shit he will praise it. He is a child.

FR, how are people still just ignoring what happened

Joe Biden does.

i don't think i wanna live in a world where china is the dominant technological and economic superpower.

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Nobody outwardly supports China but there are many communist sympathizers who would love to have the old Soviet system with them in charge that defaulted to them. Its the reason a legion of bugpeople get as much business funding and pandering shifted to them and why a blind eye is turned to everything they do

he does support china,i know a decent education is something hard to grasp for your average trump supporter.but the only reason he won is because he took advantage of idiots like you

pick one.

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Official body count never released, but presumed to be in the hundreds. These were civilians, however, and the protest was non-violent. China does not duck around, they have no concept of freedom of speech, and they will execute you if you are perceived to be a threat to the government. Curiously, Yea Forums is freely accessible there, but you are not able to post on it, since the captcha servers useGoogle, which is restricted countrywide.

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donald trump does

It's not pushing the homosexual agenda

>being this dumb about the world

typical murican

then again,go figure you have no clue about communist countrys when you live in a country that calls people who dont agree with your political views nazi's and thinks communists actually exist in first world countrys

>>Its not real Communism

Yeah heard that one before faggot

It will never happen. It will be like all those eastern block countries who thought they figured out soccer “Swift, direct kicks” that still got their asses handed to them by pic related.

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keep this in mind

I did not vote for him, dipshit.

It’s a fucking communist country. You need to go back to school and start at the beginning,

>>But that would make me wrong
>>And I'm never wrong
>>This means your racist

china is a totalitarian oligarchy, not communist

it's inevitable

>iit: people who never went to university

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Of course he will. He hates democracy.

>calls me a dipshit

>defends donald trump's support of china even though he didnt vote for him

whatever you say moron,dont you have some more genders to create libtard

He needs to go back to “fake news” school, then. Somehow I am unconvinced, Wonder whythat is...oh yeah, it’s because I live in a country that *does* have freedom of speech, allowing me to make up my own mind and not take everything at face value.

That was perhaps the lamest attempt to put words in my mouth that I have ever seen, Shame on you.

I said he doesn’t support China. It’srightthere In the party where I say he doesn’t,,,

Semantics are pointless because Communist shitholes always turn into that as inevitably as power hungry douches always say "Thats not real Communism" as they try and con people again

which explains why msm controlled by transhuman corporate interests is free to gaslight the fuck out of you
things china doesn't have:
>mass shootings
>racial diversity
why does Yea Forums hate everything Yea Forums loves?

>>Im not wrong im special
>>You sick I win
>>I'm a winner
>>My daddy was wrong

But...it is communism and it is very real. If you don’t believe me, go there and type “Falun Gong” into your web browser. And,et me know when you get released from the labor camp, while you are at it,

Of course. Trump literally gives no fucks about human rights.

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>communist shithole
bro, the democrats are more commie than the ccp

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It's a capitalist dictatorship. Where's the collective property? Why do Chinese citizens have to work jobs?

I literally just bashed China in response to the guy trying to turn the "Man these guys are evil" discussion into a semantic argument about what the name of of thier horrible corrupt system is

Donald Trump supports all kinds of insanity in The Divided Territory of North America (I refuse to call it the USA. It is NOT united). Why wouldn’t he support another human atrocity?

There are many many different opinions and perspectives here. The only common thread is a deep abiding love for trolling and a willingness to say exactly what is on your mind, contemporary norms be damned. China is not kind to its ethnic Uighur population. They do not have mass shootings because the government restricts your freedom, so that you cannot overthrow it. They did have a mass stabbing from angry auighursafew yearsback, though. If you think it some magical Shanghai-La, then you should go there. On my last trip, I saw a cook cleaning a cutting board in the sink of a public restroom...which was filthy, because they have a lot of people there.

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No-one does but everyone has to sort of grin and pretend like they do for trade/economic reasons.
Also the fact that China's heavy investment into African countries has resulted in most of Africa siding with China on anything the UN votes for. China's eventual plan for this is to have majority vote, effectively running the world.
Lastly, China has been sneaking spies and infiltrators into companies, universities and governments around the world for some time now. For years now Universities have had to change their curriculum and distort their subject matter to make it more "Beijing-friendly".
Chinese citizens living or studying overseas are monitored by Chinese secret police, being kidnapped and sent back to Chinese death camps for wrong think.



just some examples of in Australia.
for decades everyone was on about "muh muslims" and "da joos" when really it's been China we should've been worried about all along.

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Imagine believing that Donald supports China.

Do you print that out and shove it up your ass until it's bloody?

All of the members of its government come from this party:


That party plans everything and hires people to view everything that happens online, last I checked, you make the equivalent of 30k USD doing this. I’m sure it doesn’t meet the true definition of “communism” they use in Berkeley, but who cares? The CCP is very real.

Also, nice “no true Scotsman” ya got there.

their economy is running out of steam and now their cost of living and quality of life has gone up they're having to outsource all their labor to Africa to stay competitive.
They're honestly heading towards recession like the rest of the world and they'll probably be hit hardest by it.
And technological superpower will never happen, they still shit in the fucking street and killing "wrong thinkers" will bite them in the ass eventually, like it always does when strict regimes kill off educated people.

>implying you could overthrow the US federal government cause 'freedom'
are americans really this stupid? you literally have one of the smallest federal governments in recent history and one of the largest popular movements against it but i see no revolt just americans being fat on twitter

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>running out of steam
okay, grandpa

their growth is the lowest since 1990. they're not longer the cheap labor of the world anymore and "mei bang fa" philosophy isn't getting them very far in the serious business world.

Yes...I hear their GDP recently fell into single digits. But is still three times ours. Good thing they can’t manipulate their currency to keep their economy humming...

What I'm curious to know is how does a land/civilization as ancient as China not have any of the liberal human values/rights that we see in the west? Like what are the social and cultural reasons for that.

That's why he has tariffs on China. Because he loves it so much.

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That’s because you spend all your time on Twitter, The American Civil War is a historical fact. And you completely missed my point: no shootings in China because the government sees gun ownership as too risky.

Answer the question.

Why do they need jobs? Where is the pronounced collectivism of their communist system? You already know the answer user.

>will donald trump still support china
how exactly is he supporting PRC now?

poor burger, brexit is going to accelerate china's growth even faster as the eu shuns britain and america in favor of chinese consumer goods and russian energy.

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>gun ownership is too risky.
one of the few things the Chinese government got right

The real problem is China is dependent on tech gifted or stolen from other countries. The whole tendency to slaughter intellectuals hack in the day and focus on an agrarian society created a brain drain that they have never recovered from and why they turned into Bug people. Without favoritism from the West they aren't much better off tgan a random middle eastern shithole

yeah well they'll never come close to us as a technological superpower. cray is making a new super computer 10x as fast as their current number 1 machine. 1.5 exa compared to 150 peta. china's "supercomputers" are a billion crappy little ARM CPUs but this is good old CRAY. this machine will only be for monitoring our nukes. it was a new story today.

they're not even allowed to have our best intel CPUs or nvidia cards. they have a massive market of frankenstein computers where they take laptop CPUs and fashion them into new sockets and sell them as desktop CPUs. it's ridiculous.

ya and the rebels got their asses handed to them. people in the north barely knew a war was happening.

You are right, The political party that rules everything there, which we refer to as “The Communist Party” isn’t really communist. Because of some bullshit you pulled out of Das Kapital.

>has no idea how blockchain works
okay, grandpa.

and if they try to pull any funny overly-violent military shit in Hong Kong investors will pull out of China fearing the worst. Combine this with upcoming world recession again and the greedy couple of rich cunts running the country it just sounds to me like a recipe for "Xi Ping steals half the country's money and retires in the Bahamas leaving the country for broke", or something along those lines.
They're all Chinese at heart, gotta remember this. Not gunna quote the entire 5 page Chinese Steel Industry user here but end of the day they're all rip-off merchants all willing to stab their best friend in the back to make a quick buck.

nah Straya here cunt. Also get a more accurate chart, my dude

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I am right. They aren't "communist" even though they call themselves that.
There is no actual communism in China.

Their leader once declared war on sparrows:


Resulting in mass starvation when the insects the sparrows ate nommed up all the grain that Mao thought the sparrows were threatening. The Government isn’t rightbout this, either, We have freedom here. It comes at a cost.

Yeah this. Kind of how the "Liberal" party in a lot of countries is actually the conservative party.
If anything the Communist party part of the name is just a remnant from Mao's era.
The Chinese govt itself is like 80% Big Oil shills in it for their own gain, last I heard.

>Their leader
Mao died decades ago, please user.
Adults are talking.

The literal irony is that the Chinese govt probably makes more money by being "communist" on paper.

That’s why Lincoln went through five generals before finding one that was a match for Lee (hint: Grant won because he was willing to take massive casualties). Also, the pivotal battle was fought in Pennsylvania. One of two times Lee invaded the North. But keep telling yourself that it was an afterthought for the North.


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>China's GDP recently fell into single digits
Wouldn't you rage pretty hard if you were them, being so envious of us that you would end up hacking into our elections just like the Russians did?

Hmmm,,,could have sworn I waited in line and paid good Yuan to see his bloated corpse. But you are probably right...he has nothing to do with their modern system of government.

Man there has to be a movie made where the cool scene is Lincoln and Grant discussing policy over whiskey and cigars.

God damn it you fucking obtuse shithead shut the fuck up.


I don’t think Lincoln andGrant ever had conversations like these, at least based on Chernow’s biography of Grant, Lincoln only sent letters of commendation infrequently.

History talk here, it fucking surprises me how Mao and his tiny-ass piece of shit land and starved, untrained useless fucking mountain people even managed to over-throw the half a dozen other something independent China states/countries in the 1930s/40s.
Did he just take advantage of the Japanese coming in and fucking everything up?

I mean I hate to go vidya game autism here but you look at what China/Asia looked like in 1936. The blue circle is what Mao had. Only 8 divisions of poorly-trained, poorly-equipped and starving troops and 650k something conscripts to call on.
Still fucking fascinates me that the madman actually made something of himself.

yeah I know. but not much you can do when your govt itself willingly sells itself out to them for short term financial gain.

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he's baiting you. just ignore him.

Pretty much what Americans did to the Phillipines at the turn of the 20th Century. Something they don't teach you in US schools.

Tienanmen Square never happened. It was a left wing Chinese propaganda campaign and was all faked. You fags are arguing about shit that never occurred.

Where are you getting “people can’t hold jobs underommunism?”


lmgtfy.com/?q=can people hold jobs under communism?

China does have some capitalist features. People can own private property, for example. This does not mean that it is not a communist country. Why don’t you answer this question: name a single country, with a formal government that is recognized by the international community that meets your incredibly selective and highly impractical definition of “communism?”

>Did he just take advantage of the Japanese coming in and fucking everything up?

at least you have a huge continent that is basically impossible to invade, you know cause of all the deserts and poisonous shit.

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That shit is fucked up. Aguinaldo took over the government without the US's help whatsoever. The right thing to do would have been to further democracy there. We have some really dark spots on our past that right wingers can't handle.

Nahh thats not true, in fact because of the devaluation of the pound the last 2 years the EU would love to keep trading with the UK.

Until Scotland breaks free from the UK with the 2nd independence vote, and buy from them Instead since Scotland is a source of natural resources and abundant energy.

Communism is a collective society. The people control the means of production.
Neither scenario exists in China. Private companies own things, people work for them for roughly half of what we make here in the US. China is a capitalist society.

>People can own private property, for example
not in a communist country, no
it's a perversion of the concept

He was a great general, but not a great leader. He had terrible hygiene, He often told people aboutthenever-ending harem of women he entertained, “I wash my cock in their pussies.”

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ya, cause england is really gonna let scotland abscond with all that offshore oil...

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Who let a high ranking official in the Chinese Communist Party in here?

Exactly. Get back to work.

citation needed

Mao used to used green tea as a mouth rinse every night before bed. Cavities, dude? Lol?

i mean you're right on the invasion thing but there's more than one way to take control of a country; the one that China's going for just so happens to be this shit.
Eventually get enough people into govt positions and high positions of society in general and they can basically just straight up run the place as a puppet state or sign it over to them. No military needed, just pure cultural and govt level take-over.

I'm from a small country town in Australia and fucking disgusts me the amount of Chinese in the 3 major cities now.
At least Japan has strict immigration laws and bans foreigners from owning land or operating business in their country, but even they've had problems the last few years with massive influx of Chinese tourists.

>“I wash my cock in their pussies.”
fucking based madlad, if true.

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you idiots still shilling western propaganda. there was no massacre.


It never happened. Put your head between your knees under your desk.


Blame NIXON. He opened the door to china. I would have let it stay shut, so it would have collapsed on itself after the fall of communism.

They have no choice if independence vote goes through as a majority yes, the oil fields would be in now Scottish water.

In fact last independence vote they told oil rig workers to not tell anyone that new oil reserves were found in the north sea, as it would make more people vote yes.

They all fed them Chinese McDonald's. Did you know the patties are died red btw? Not even trolling.

js, it's big enough that you could disappear off the grid and survive on common dog fuck

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books.google.com/books?id=4y6mACbLWGsC&pg=PA15&lpg=PA15&dq=mao “wash my prick”&source=bl&ots=6bKWWmNdyX&sig=ACfU3U0f8zue3KzN6EQxFZlfxpOomfIyEA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwirje_2wYHkAhVQCs0KHdAnAksQ6AEwAHoECAUQAQ#v=onepage&q=mao “wash my prick”&f=false

yeah man telegraph co uk says all sorts of shit
but im pretty sure the still born revolution that took place in china in the late 70s was a nationwide thing not just in that one city and as far as i know it's still happening as many chinese political dissidents refuse to go back to their homeland

Well, if you really knew your history you'd know that during the 20s and 30s China was in upheaval.
The Japs invaded Manchuria and took it over. The KMT was trying to establish control over the rest of the country.
The Soviets were establishing control over the north-west of China.
There were at least 3 uprisings among the vassal states that previously paid tribute to China.
Add to that the US tinkering with the KMT, trying to regain the lost power they had in the late 1800s.
Then there was corruption in the KMT itself. The New Life movement was an attempt to fix that but became a source of trouble.
Then there were the missionaries preaching their assorted versions of Christianity.
Any wonder Mao's Communists were able to take over. They fought the Japanese alongside the KMT and stabbed them in the back. The KMT strategy was to wait for the west to rescue them. We didn't.

>died red
did you know salmon is dyed pink?

All that good Chinese food we got to eat because of that. I lubs me the Presidential Peking Duck.

My penis is. I wonder if that's just coincidence.

>died red
weird, when I'm stoned I notice I make a lot of spelling errors
but I can drive a car just fine

For one, China isn't going to do that. That's like saying America is going to bring back slavery. Lol like come on guys, let's not be so damn arrogant...

I know a lot about ancient history but after 1900 shit gets a bit fuzzy for me and everyone seems to casually ignore what happened in Asia for the most part.
Thanks for filling in the gaps, user.

From an outsider's perspective, it does sound like they're commenting on how the current government represents a trend to eliminate minimum wage and slide this country into feudalism as automation becomes commonplace.

That was a special, their burgers are the same as everywhere else. Even in Japan there is specials like Black buns etc.

>but I can drive a car just fine
famous last words.

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>black buns
I'm sure they had them on hand at Tienanmen.

So she was high
drove a car
someone found out
and executed her?

Actually right now there is specials with Silver buns in China.

reminder: this thread was created to distract you from the true enemy

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>silver buns
I knew a Chinese girl with those

speaking about mcdonalds in china, a christian cult about 4 years ago killed a woman in a mcdonalds because she didn't give the guy her phone number.

>mcdonalds in china
Do they have General Tso's McChicken?

probably fucks a fat Inner Party Member

Someone is cranky and need a nap....

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Dude, I had that and it was great. And on the Yuan menu too!