My girlfriend is going away for college in a year. She’s going to be going really far away...

My girlfriend is going away for college in a year. She’s going to be going really far away. She says she still wants to be together and doesn’t care about the distance because she promises to make it work, but i really don’t know. What do you guys think? Do long distance relationships work? Do they ever work? Should I break up with her now before the feelings get even stronger? I do love her. I just don’t know about a long distance relationship, I’ve heard way too many horror stories about that shit. By the time the year is up we’ll have been dating for 2 years.

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I'm in a similar situation, lurking for opinions

The issue is time spent apart, not distance. If you cannot see each other more than every 2 weeks or so, that’s too much. 1/month is pushing it too far. It sounds more like this is the kind of thing where you would need expensive plane tickets every 2-3 months at best.

You’re not going to want to hear this, but it’s not feasible. Even assuming you stay faithful to each other (a huge if), you’re going to miss out on the college experience.

I love my girlfriend more than anything. I’m old and I’ve dated a bunch of girls - no one compares to her. She’s just it for me. But if we were across the country from each other, I just don’t think I could make it work.

How old are you? If you're young you're fucked m8.

she'll cheat on you

Just move in with her and get a job. Presto you don't need to make it so hard on yourself faggot.

It's not worth the headache bud. If you really love her and truly, truly believes she loves you, then consider it. But even then, shit usually doesn't work out even in circumstances where couples aren't THAT far.

I tried long distance and it sucks m8. all we did was text, facetime and just miss each other. then i found out that she slept with her ex while I was away and as you can imagine it was fuckin painful. just break it off for now while you still can, don't put yourself through any more emotional strain. it's really not worth it and doesn't help anyone, long-distance is absolutely awful

In the history of humankind, no long-distance relationship has ever worked.

Sleep with other women until she gets back. This hysteria about fidelity is ridiculous. It's necessary to know how to differentiate between desire and feeling.

end it

I'm an incel with zero romantical experience but by applying common sense I was able to conclude that it won't work out

Not impossible to make it work but I highly recommend you end it. Especially because you guys are young.

your relationship. over.
college is like that, bro. sorry.

get an apartment in the same city and show her you can take care of yourself.

if she breaks up with you fuck her younger hotter college classmates.

Really, this man. Not trying to be a dick or anything, but this is what it eventually comes to in 9/10 situations like yours.

I was the one to leave for college and within a month my gf at the time dumped me. but thats life

I believe if you're faithful enough it should work. As long as you two understand the situation and make plans to see each other it SHOULD be fine. If you love her then why would you leave her? Does the thought of pain outweigh your feelings?

Fuck her when she comes home, fuck around when she's away.
>that's what she'll be doing
>until she ends it - or you do

Tldr: you're fucked. Gonna get cheated on whether you want to admit it or not.
Cheat and find someone better while playing both sides of the field or
>Move on and succeed without her

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It 100% depends on trust. If you’re sitting there worried about her cheating and letting that idea fester in your mind, it won’t work out. But I can absolutely trust my girl so I know for a fact We could manage a long distance relationship. It all depends on who you two are.

I’ve done the long distance thing twice. Both times it was hell and resulted in the relationship ending. You think I would have learned after the first one...

Anyway, I don’t recommend staying together. Having an SO while in college is always a recipe for disaster.

no deal OP. It's not going to work either way in either of your favors. college will change her, she'll be exposed to so many more people, ideas, and things than you or her can possibly imagine, and while she might have temperance for some time, it will be chipped constantly. Parties, alcohol, and drugs will be like unto air and water in her life. The best thing you can do? Sit down with her, and mutually find a way to agree on moving on. In the end this will be best, you and her wont feel temptation and shame when one of you eventually cheats and you can still remain friends in the long run, might even end up back together again some day after shes done riding the cock carousel and you're living life as a wage cuck.

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Dump her
It never works
She will fuck 6 dudes in the first month guaranteed or your money back


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Fuck her brains out till she leaves; then start looking for some new pussy once she is gone. Don't call her or anything once she is gone. Just move on. Then she'll come back to you next time she is in town begging for your cock maybe. This is the best case scenario OP.

99% of the time, she's going to cheat and it's probably going to end. But if it's any consolation, I was close friends with one girl who never cheated and then married and is still with the dude 13 years later now


All of this. End it now OP, before she can. You'll thank us for it later.

Yeah men Just talk to her, tell her that you want to try and see what happens.
Tell her that you dont want your realtionship to just become cheating and not talking about it, try and work it out but tell her to talk to you if she thinks or talk to her yourself if something isnt working out and its better to end it and see other people than to force the relationship just because of time or whatever.
Just saying dont end it so quickly

Unfortunately it's not going to work out. 2 of my friends tried it and both failed. I think in your case you should try to stay with her until the end and then break up when she leaves. If you want you can try to tell her now so it'll be easier but only you can decide that.

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Break up now. Temptations are going to happen, on both ends, but seeing as you guys are here posting on Yea Forums, I doubt you'll have nearly the same amount of chances to cheat as they're gonna have. They're women, men want to fuck them, they're gonna give in, they're gonna lie, they can easily shut off the switch especially of it gets into their little heads that "something is wrong" in your relationships. Idk how your relationships are, maybe they're strong, maybe not, but I'd look at the situation long and hard and think of all the possibilities before moving on. Are you strong enough for this? Is she? I've seen shit happen with long term relationships, I went through some stuff on my own too, but people have made it work before. Just be careful Yea Forumsros.

long distance never works if you can't see each other at least like once a week or so.
>break up
>find girl with bigger tits
>rail her every night
>worship her tits
>thank me later bro

She'll get railed the first Friday she's there. Sorry bro, that's just how it goes.

This shit is gay. Roll

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Long-distance relationships don't work unless you can see each other on a somewhat regular basis and even then it's complicated. Let's make it simple they don't work. Should you break up with her? No. Enjoy each others company while it lasts, but know that life is taking the two of you in two different directions, and that doesn't make you or her a bad person.

Here's a tip. Start looking for girls now. Have a back up.


I give it a month before she cucks you

She'll be fucking someone like me within the first 3 days. She'll lie to you about it for months because she doesn't want to hurt you. When she sees it's hurting you, she'll break up and blame it on you, probably accuse you of rape.


fuck it. rollin


Hell yeah. Got best girl

Man fuck off, monogamy is the way our species was designed.

K selection is better than your beta r selection.
