My friend is dealing with hard Depression and Anxiety, almost killed herself today. How can I help her deal with this...

My friend is dealing with hard Depression and Anxiety, almost killed herself today. How can I help her deal with this? I don't have these issues so I don't know how to help her.

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> Go to a psychiatrist
> Take a test and get pills for depression
> as for anxiety, quit being a bitch

She needs dopamine. Spank the crap out of her then eat her pussy until she can't cum anymore.

Depression cured.

Try fucking her. She wants attention, give it to her. Right in the pussy

To stop her suicide, commit a homocide.

As someone who survived suicidal depression I nees more info.
Whats her ethnicity, how much does she weigh and how tall is she?

Tell her side to side is for emos and up and down is how you really do it.

I don’t know faggot, we aren’t doctors
Why the fuck would you ask here of all places?

Shes white, in shape, probably about 5'7" ish.

because my IP range is band from /adv/ apparently.

Update for extra info; her and a guy were into eachother but her heart is broken because he isnt willing to help her/ put up with her depression and anxiety.

Does she get along with her parents, does she have any addictions however grand or small I:E cigarettes alcohol etc.
Did she suffer mental trauma growing up ?
The more info the more I think i can help

Its nobodies obligation to be responsible for someone else' happiness so hes right shes wrong
>Advice user here
Theres a small sense of entitlement on her part there.
If she cant have her way its upsetting for her.
Sounds like she has unrealistic expectations of others and or events.

If she’s white, she should try having a child to give her purpose. If she isn’t, don’t stop her.

Almost killing yourself is like almost having sex

Pretty sure taking a ton of pills and alcohol to wake up with shit in ur pants face down in a pile of your own vomit is an Almost died moment.
Not quite the I fucked up the convo with this hot chick and didnt get laid situation.

I dont know about her family situation, but she doesnt have any addictions to my knowledge. I also am unaware of any mental trauma.
I agree. But the point is she's upset that he isnt willing to be in the relationship because of her depression.
Genius user

On another note OP if this is the norm for her to have an anxiety attack or be reclusive after events similar to this she may be just spoiled and over sheltered.
Intensive hands on therapy is required.
My suggestion she needs to be cut off completely from any form of finanial benefit whether it be her family or lover and learn to suffer in the real world.
She may show lack of appreciation for things.
Has she ever worked hard for anything in her life?
She might have no sense of fulfillment.

stop giving a fuck and let her take on her own problems captain save a hoe

I get the concern here, it's not usual for her; Shes always been really cheerful and from what I've seen shown no signs of depression. She is generally not too spoiled and knows the value of working for things.

Just sounds like she has a problem managing her expectations then.
As for the intense anxiety she needs perscription medication for that.
It cant be ignored it wont go away on its own without either cognitive behavioral therapy or less proven methods maybe even hypnosis?

She's going to beg her mother to get a therapist (she's 17 so you know). I think this is probably the best she can do.
Last time I stopped giving a fuck my girlfriend of 4 years/best friend of 9 years killed herself.

>missing the point this hard
My point was that 'almost' doesn't count for shit
>chews a few bars
>gets drunk
>puked and shidded your pants
>ermahgerd I almost died!
Christ, it's like I'm really replying to a 14 year old white knighting virgin. That's nowhere near an 'almost died' moment you sheltered fuck

I found out in this field of mental health if someones going to take their own life, no external factor could stop or change the outcome.
If they are set on their choice they are going to do it.
Do not blame yourself some people just cannot be saved.
People who are "cured" of depression and other mental health.
Have made an internal concience choice to better themselves and thats the first step.
Identifying the problem with oneself and dedicating to gradually changing for the better.
Like the ol' addage you can lead a horse to water but you cant force it to drink.
>Side note shes 17, not to sound like a dick but this is normal for lil girls

well then boo hoo
in your mind, if you stop giving a fuck again, she will kill herself
stop choosing shitty women who kill themselves when people don't care the same way life doesn't care about any of us you faggot

You dont even know who you are replying to or which way is up or down to you at this point.
Your typing pattern suggests you are bored and are just stirring the pot cuz >Yea Forums

>no reply
>ad hom
>not even good insults
Admit it, you really are 14, aren't you?

>choosing shitty women
I never said she was more than a friend lol. I have a gf of 2 years.

If it makes you feel better little troll I will give you what you want your last (you)
Yes i am little timmy from california on my daddys laptop and Im 12 what is this
Girugamesh amarite.
>Pic related its the attention you want

Attached: 5e5.png (501x506, 208K)

both of you are retarded for even arguing about this but is right,

>>chews a few bars
>>gets drunk
>>puked and shidded your pants
Hell that's just Saturday night for me

Still doesn't change how butthurt you are. Keep going

Justin Lowe. Is that you?

alright, let me rephrase what I had said
stop choosing shitty people like that into your life
look, as far as I am concerned the less you know, hear, and see, the better

Exactly, except now I'm older and more mature. So now I just drink and have a little coke

I disagree but understand and respect that. It makes sense.

OP your thread got derailed by trolls so I hope you got insight to your problem other than that good luck

thank you user

Take her to the emergency room. They have intravenous Ativan. She'll forget the SOB in no time. She's old enough to seek psychiatric care.