Hey Yea Forumsros, I need advice

Hey Yea Forumsros, I need advice.

A friend of mine is a medium level criminal. Smuggler, extortionist, tracker/detective. Makes around 250 grand a year.
Im a bit jelous, and im intrested in the life style, so I asked him to teach me his art.
He said that he is willing to do it, if I give him one good argument on why it's a good idea.
He said that he thought of the correct answer allready but wants to test me if I can find it. If I can't then im hopeless to begin with.
I allready thought of a few arguments, but apperantly none were the correct one.
Any ideas Yea Forumsros?

Attached: pepehead.jpg (1700x1133, 124K)

"i want to make big money xdddd"

Fuck laws, get money.

Because taking on an apprentice/employee will be good for his business?

Because if he doesn't, you're going to turn him into the authorities.

He would bury me. Alive. Stop being retarded, thnx.

Because morality is subjective. Laws mean nothing in the end.

tell him you'll figure it out without his help if he refuses

sounds like you're not really cut out for the life

He might just be fucking with your mind.

As soon as you get in the game, you won't be his friend anymore, you'll be potential competition. He'll probably set you up with small jobs and later on, things too risky for him, using you as a proxy. If you try to go solo afterward, he'll see you as a threat, and will have no problem bumping you off and screwing you over, or worse.

Entering the criminal life and trying to go legit again is like trying to get your peanuts back after making peanut butter. If you aren't prepared for a lifetime commitment, don't do it.

tell him to stop being a autist and just say yes or no lol

fuck the poh leese

Because you can make him more money if he teaches you.

Stay free stupid. If he's smart enough you're a snitch on him that isn't going to take the heat.

Protip. Don't.

"I have nothing to lose"

Basically they're jokes over small business.

You had me at competition and neighbor. Fuck that shit. It's nigger shit before the big house. Hell no.

Yes you do kid. Your freedom or your organs before you even think about your friends and family.

What do you want to know?

Other anonymous can answer.

I can make you even richer. 250k is peanuts compared to what I can teach you to make. Interested? Lmk.

3 things:

1: fat cash, money is everything
2: extortion; blackmail him if he says no
3: fuck law, in this world, playing by the rule just fucks you in the end

To be like him and his mindset, you gotto act like him, he aint about to help some pussy, if you basically say “listen shithead, help me make the money or non of us will”

P.s if he is your friend he will know you mean buss but also bluffing

Did you happen to know Epstein?


You fucking idiot, that was a test.

next time you see him and he asks that shit, before he even finishes the sentence, drop down to your knees and tug his pants and boxers down in one go, wrap your hands around his hips and squeeze his ass, and deepthroat his cock until you're gagging and crying like the little sissy faggot you are.

He wouldn't have time to react or say anything while you're sucking the nut out from his sack like a fucking possessed vacuum cleaner.

After he nuts in your eyesocket and you catch your breath like a dumb little cumslut, get up and kiss him on the forehead and say
"You silly nigger, I can make you more happy than any amount of shekels ;)"

Threaten to call him the n-word if he doesn't

"I'll stop going to Yea Forums"