I'm a moderate who wants to give Trump a chance

I'm a moderate who wants to give Trump a chance
>then he said video games cause mass shootings
Even hardcore Trump supporters have to question his judgment after that? How am I supposed to interpret this any other way?

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Be careful, the conservative snowflakes are gonna sage you for this

No one talks bad about donny on Yea Forums
even if youre right

After all the batshit insanity that’s come out of his mouth, that’s your breaking point?

>trump says a thing
>1 of 2 outcomes
>libs say he's wrong out of spite
>libs latch on to it and piss off gamers
you're new to this game, aren't you?

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found the kids who still can't get over 2016 lol

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Autism in motion.

>pot calling the kettle black
keep crying, kid. you got 20 more years

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He just can't figure out when to shut up, then he bitches about being ridiculed. Madness.

The best thing to do now is completely ignore everything he's ever done because of one dumb sentence and vote for a socialist who can't tell the difference between a boy and a girl and wants us to pay for the entire worlds healthcare.

They know that the real problem is mental health, but they also know that the solution would mean either raising taxes or pulling money from other cash trees, like defense, so they try to distract the public from the root cause of the problem by throwing something out that is difficult to disprove. Only in this case they through something out that has already been disproved, so I guess they are just running out of ideas. Imo

That's a paragraph long way of "saying ignore it, don't think about it, vote for my guy".

What in the actual fuck are you talking about? You’re a special type of inbred fuck, huh?

You're just talking for him though? This is a theory and I can't just assume this with certainty

Not the guy you're responding to but you need to lurk a little longer to understand basic dialogue

You’re a moderate, so you’re for sure not welcome on the left whatsoever. And the fact you wanna give trump a chance solidifies that

This is one of those questions conservatives just can't answer. Sure they'll give you antidotes about why they think he said it, but they'll never be able to answer the question.

Speaking on behalf of your opposition is like a cat explaining what dogs like

I wanted to give Trump a chance, too, and he's consistently fucked it up. Said the dumbest things on TV and twitter consistently, has no idea about anything, worships dictators, and is in it purely for himself.

I wanted someone that would burn down Washington, instead I got the Kardashian version of a politician. smh

what? it's well known why he said it. he saw it on fox news.

Op here. I don't think immigration is going to curb World poverty so I support the wall but I'm disappointed that there's virtually no progress. He really made me think that there was going to be at least decent portion constructed so far

Why the fuck did you think that? Where did you think the funding was going to come from?

Video games is what did it for you huh? The misogyny, racism, transphobia. The kids in cages covered in their own puss. The lobbyists he’s hired as apart of his administration. None of that
But fucking video games
From a game dev, go fuck yourself

Its boomer garbage, most of them think like that.

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I think its try for all of the politicians. The correlations between mass murders and mental health is undeniable and obvious, but neither dems or rebubes will acknowledge it because of the cost it would take to reinstate state funded mental health programs.

He keeps getting blocked all the time from doing anything.

Most people don't believe/care about those things, witch hunts are big these days and social justice outrage gets clicks.

We are at a point where most consider news just pure propaganda, but this was something trump actually said. I attribute it to him just saying whatever comes to mind at the time. Terrible take by trump.

I’m on the left and I welcome all moderates. The left =\= the radical left.
Both sides have their small but vocal minorities. Trying to put everyone on the extreme ends of the spectrum is stupid, and not how things work in reality.

funny how you wernt outraged when he banned bump stocks.guess your just another moron who fell for liberal donny

>after that
Videos games? You're drawing the line at fucking video games? Please fucking neck yourself.

the fact the left hates a president who has spent his entire day in a democrat city and even gave them gun control shows you how pathetic the left are.if there's anybody who should hate donald trump,its republicans

point in case

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Jew trolls army soldier trying to wash trump image it's too late

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except repubs say nothing when trump runs his racist mouth and does nothing

I'm not saying jews wont find a way to make Israel gr8 again by usi g US might but is I can fuck something I will

Except most secretly hate him.

He said that to get rid of idiots like you.

Do you just defend him out of impulse?

No. Are you an idiot out of impulse?

I know he's your guy, but I haven't even decided if I'm voting for him or not. Mindless support makes him look creepy though

Youve never even seen a bumpstock. They are shit. They literally just let the gun flop around in your hand. They should be banned. Im a gun owner that lives in the middle of nowhere

Look up a book written in 03 about the steps towards fascism and tell me how close you think we are
Or look up beau of the fifth

I own a bump stock and I never turned it in. It isn't bad like you say it is. I don't care if you fired your friends shit brand bump stock. You don't know what you're talking about

They are for retards. The only reason to use them is for shooting off a $100 fireworks display. When the fuck would you ever realistically need one?

You don't. Just like you don't realistically need anything other than a pistol or a shotgun for anything

You haven't noticed that shit for brains just makes up whatever he thinks will support his point of view? Pay attention better

so many asshurt foreigners ITT

That's because grown ups are in charge of the budget

disappointed me too. more than I already was. video games don't radicalize people. but, then again, during one of his debates he said "security is the most important aspect of cyber" and look how many businesses keep getting hacked, continuously compromising the identity of millions of voters. he doesn't give any fucks about that. but video games, that's where he wants to take action. i'm actually considering donating to one of the dem candidates if he keeps this shit up.

Rolcon niggers!

orange man ain't even bad, orange man is just fukken retarded tbh

trumps a faggot

Politically its a relatively smart move. Its mostly younger people who are yelling for banning guns. By threatening to ban videogames it creates a "Whoa let's not get to hasty with banning things" reaction. It also serves to point out how poor the gun ban arguments are. When you take away the emotions, banning videogames has just as much "legitimacy" as banning guns. It is a fact that the 9/11 terrorists trained on a videogame flight simulator that specifically allowed you to fly through New York and crash a plane into buildings. And given the nature of videogames it is not a far stretch to say guns may be the means but videogames are the training grounds for mass shooters. Of course a rational person will realize neither videogames or guns cause people to go out and commit mass murder. You could ban either, neither or both and its not going to make a difference to overmedicated, disenfranchised, mentally unstable people enflamed by media fueled rhetoric from both sides.

This is very weak. Try again.

Video games as you said have no relation to shootings, just like millions of other things. Why arbitrarily choose video games over anything else? Should my leader be doing more than holding an unrelated industry politically accountable? He should. Also don't kid yourself about 9/11 antidote having anything to do with a kid shooting up a school because they trained on fortnite

>Politically its a relatively smart move
No it isn't, it's a pro-big government stance that republicans generally don't like.

Shut up, RR

>of one dumb sentence
Everything he says is at best the most superficial take on any given topic, and typically devolves to gibberish.

When he was running as a candidate, he unironically declared "Not many people know this, but Iraq has some of the largest oil fields in the world". Literally anyone old enough to remember the height of the Iraq-Afghanistan conflict knows that it's critics claimed it was a war for oil. Then the moron gleefully said he would have taken the oil himself, which would have confirmed the craziest conspiracy theories surrounding.

He's retarded because he thinks he's the smartest man in the world, and in reality we have to patiently wait for him to understand basic things.

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wtf is this?

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Its not like people are saying eating waffles cause violence. Its not arbitrary. You choose videogames because they have repeatedly been accused of inciting and desensitizing people to violence in the past. Videogame accusation has "emotional validity" to some people in the same sense that AR-15 accusation has "emotional validity" to others. If you take the emotion out you can see the arguments for banning videogames and banning guns have the same level of "validity"

Left holds gun/ammo industry responsible for shootings. How is that any different?

And I'm not saying videogames caused 9/11 or Fortnite causes people to shoot up schools. I'm saying if you make the argument that AR-15s are responsible for mass shootings than its would just as "legitimate" to say that first-person shooters help train a person how to clear a room with maximum efficiency.

have sex incel

still a new thing to science

If you are paying attention to what Trump says you’re doing it wrong.
Pay attention to what he does.

If that's your solution you should be purchasing hooker time and handing out passes for free hours.

Well Trump lost the vote of anyone under 40. But people under 40 don't vote much so it dons't matter. Old people hate video games so he scored points with boomers.

Truth be damed he's getting votes that matter. That's politics. Anyone who voted for trump because "he's not a politician" is a fucking idiot. He's not jut a politician, he's a super politicians aka Demagogue

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>I'm a moderate
>wants to give Trump a chance
You would already love his lefty ass is you were actually a moderate. You sound like a regular Dem faggot that doesn't recognize his own party anymore.

not him but i'm all for legal prostitutes. as extreme as both sides are accused of being rn i'm amazed that's not being talked about at all.

we call -him- Ben

Trump also lost the illegal alien vote. Things aren't looking good.

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maybe its time to ban americans

we should build a wall around america

It was an easy smoke show. Look how outraged everyone got. Stop thinking people who are richer and more powerful than you don't know how to play your emotions against you.


Interesting graph. If you took into account the ignored 3rd variable of racial homogeneity / level of diversity (ie removed Asian countries) statistically I think you would get a correlation. In addition, I'd be willing to bet if you made the 2nd variable violent deaths rather than violent gun deaths this correlation would appear in a visual representation as well.

He's a fucking idiot

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Reminder that people like OP are paid to pretend they’re not deranged leftists who are paid to post anti-Trump bullshit.

Also, with all this talk I’ve never actually seen a quote. What exactly did Trump say?

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I think its because the "incel" reason for shootings is on par with flat-earth. Plus even if it was "incel" driven I don't think prostitutes would help. I think the anger & disenfranchisement would come more from the idea that nobody wants to have sex with them rather than an actual lack of sex.

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>Video game violence & glorification must be stopped—it is creating monsters!

You're one of those morons that misuses skepticism, so have fun.

>Has to dig up a quote from 7 years ago.
Well there you go. Democrats in action. They’re not sending their best, folks.

saying the same exact shit now
>Here's what Trump told Florida's attorney general, Pam Bondi, at a meeting February 22, a little more than a week after the shooting.
"We have to look at the Internet because a lot of bad things are happening to young kids and young minds, and their minds are being formed. And we have to do something about maybe what they're seeing and how they're seeing it. And also video games. I'm hearing more and more people say the level of violence on video games is really shaping young people's thoughts. And then you go the further step, and that's the movies. You see these movies, they're so violent. And yet a kid is able to see the movie if sex isn't involved, but killing is involved, and maybe they have to put a rating system for that.

Maybe that's because most ppl (not retarded racists who need their safe space) realize a border wall will really help and is just a political talking point to get him votes

“We have to look at how violence in media effects people.”

In the mind of the deranged leftist that means the same as “we need to ban video games.” This is because leftists believe the only way to govern is by taking things away from people. Once again you’re showing how you don’t understand the situation and are resorting to histrionics. This is also not the latest quote about video games, which you still have not provided.

I just find it interesting that you threaten the 1st and 2nd amendments and the under 30's are all on board. But suggest banning a game and shit gets serious. Its like the Parkland teens crying out for gun bans but they start bitching about their freedoms being violated when they're told their school will only allow clear backpacks.

How about giving the same response to people against gun bans, "There, there. No one wants to take away your videogames. We just want reasonable videogame controls"

>Trump is bad
What's the alternative candidate?
>Hillary Clinton
Trump it is!
>Trump hates video games now.
What's the alternative?
Trump wins again!

Remember, dragging down Trump is only as good as your ability to present an alternative, and so far, you aren't.

He's rehashing the same exact republican talk point that's decades if not centuries old blaming the media for violence as if it's something thoughtful.

The onus is on you to justify trump.

He said the same thing about vidya and stopping racism after the el Paso shooting at his first press conference. Brought up red flag laws they would be putting forward soon.

Here's him giving a thumbs up with a baby that survived the shooting because ita slaughtered parents bodies protected them. This was shortly after saying Betos numbers were down. Perfectly normal sociopathic behavior after a tragedy he helped foment.

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No, you just read the headlines and come to that conclusion without actually looking at what he’s saying. The problem is not with Trump, it’s with your piss-poor understanding of what’s going on.

I dunno, my maga hat is feeling like a wearable stale meme these days. There's the typical leftist skree, and that's always gonna be there but there's some real undeniable stuff coming out of the guys mouth that is fucking nuts.

Love how people thing illegals are the reason Trump lost the popular vote, and not because he was unpopular. But that's the typical Trump-Tard logic. If I lost, you cheated.

I know. You feel like going, "the bar isn't set that high people,and with over 20 candidates you still can't reach it?" The only thing that can keep Trump from winning 2020 is Trump. If he could just keep from tweeting for another 15 months he'd have a lock.

Well, first of all, the fact that you think Trump had anything to do with the shootings is absolute idiocy. Both of the shooters hated him. Secondly, if you think the president visiting victims and getting his picture taken is sociopathic behavior then you’re just blindly anti-Trump or a blatant idiot. Thirdly, you should actually look into his and Crenshaw’s ideas about red flag laws and how we can use them with caveats that prevent abuse by people who want to raise false flags to disarm society (Democrats).

You may notice that there’s still no direct quote from Trump. Just a liberal filter of what he actually said.

Frog people have no problem rolling with all the other irrational and objectively false bullshit he pulls out of his arse, what's stopping them from accepting with this nonsense? Of course, its always others who have a problem with video games. See, I only drink on weekends and a beer after work.

I love seeing the leftists who loved to shit on games and gamers leap to their defense once danger donny says something. I don't like Trump, like at all. But the Democrat party has shifted so far to the insane left that he is the only logical choice. Policy wise, he's pretty much a 1996 Democrat.

Black hole sun won’t you come.

What did I say that was different than what Trump said?
He was presented with a problem, mass shootings, and directed the conversation to violent media. That says he thinks that's the root of the problem.

No. Red flag laws are just bad all around. They won't just be used by political entities but will also be open to a variety of abuses for personal vendettas. Look how often false accusations of domestic violence or child abuse are used as a weapon in divorce. Just the fact that "swatting" exists should tell you its a bad idea.

You mean the cages that have existed since long before Cheetopatine? Are those the cages you mean?

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BS the El Paso shooter hated him. He just wrote that shit in his manifesto as a point of deniability. Dehumanization and calling immigrants rapists and invaders is one thing when your average Harlan KY stormfag does it and another one when the ostensible leader of the free world does it.
He isn't telling these people to do it but he's doing the exact same thing the military does to get soldiers okay with killing the enemy.
We'll have PLENTY more chances to debate this because shits about to get real in the US. About another 4 of these popping off against Latinos and your gonna see some serious protests and Latinos setting up civil defense groups. It may get violent. Then El Presidente Trump decrys the violence caused by invaders and more of this shit pops off.

We may have already seen the first shots of a civil war. It ain't gonna be Republicans owning the libtards. It isn't going to be the other way either. It will be a messy conflict with white supremacist militias, latino defense groups, anarchists, Christian Dominionists, rural right wing militias, sovereign citizens, libertarians and urban blacks all vying for power as the state slowly crumbles.

Well, you framed it as he was trying to ban video games, which I still have yet to see any proof of. Now you’re saying that violence on media has no effect on people and shouldn’t even be looked at? That’s ridiculous, especially when you try to blame Trump or gun ownership. You’re just looking for reasons to hate Trump. You’re a petulant child who can’t understand how infantile you sound because the media has spoonfed you your opinions.

This is one of the craziest/dumbest takes that I’ve read in a while. “The shooter didn’t really mean what he wrote in his manifesto and there’s gonna be a bloody civil war.” Nice Trump fanfic.

>Well, you framed it as he was trying to ban video games
I did not.
You're fixated on your retarded talking point of conflating gun control with video game control.
>You’re a petulant child
A far less important one than the one in the White House.


Trump is a retarded but at the same time he is literally making america great again. He always comes up with dumb shit but maybe he just has really good advisors who only let the good ideas pass.

Any moderate that has any sort of knowledge about trump would know hes at the very least incompetent and ignorant of how laws and society works.

No this isnt some "all smart people are liberals" trash either. You can hate liberals and still look at plenty of evidence that shows trump to be a fucking idiot.

Fuck off retard

He clearly is a fellow traveler on the path the Trump has chosen to walk to get power. I dont think Trump really has many deeply held beliefs about anything besides Trump.

As for the war thing there are clearly plenty of people champing at the bit for this. Recession looms. If the election is close or at all contestable EITHER WAY this can all go tits up fast. If you are here a lot you know that if even .001% of the keyboards warriors decide they've had enough there will be blood. I'm not saying its going to turn into Syria in 2020 but remember that conflict took nearly a decade to go from protests to total war.
I personally believe we are much closer to that being a possibility than people are comfortable admitting. It may start from right wing or left violence it doesn't matter it scares the shit out of me and it should scare the shit out of you too.

It's true, video games cause violence just last week my grandma killed grandpa, her dog, and went on a mass shooting spree that took 12 cops to stop, all because she played one game of candy crush

In all fairness P2W and DLC can do that to the best of us

This thread just made me realize that most liberal memes are either direct copys of conservative memes with a maga hat glued onto it or a paragraph long

repeat after me
ne go cia ting
it's 2015, time to understand what trump is really about

Simplest method to stop the sjw leftist is to look for word salad.