Why Do Women Feel Entitled To Any Man They Want?

Why Do Women Feel Entitled To Any Man They Want?

> I'm 6'0", work out regularly and would probably be described as a 7/10 by most. The problem is that women seem to be physically upset when I turn them down.

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>women seem to be physically upset when I turn them down
Duh, for them it's almost everything.
It's like when you would want to impress a group/girl by lifting a rock and not being able to lift it.

Because if you're not prepared to lick our boots then we'll find some other man who will.

They're used to getting anything they want becuase they use their looks and sexuality to manipulate people.
>I couldn't seduce that man to give me stuff???
Well thats my only tool to win life, what now.

They don't. It's an overgeneralization to boost your own ego.

because news flash, women are the only ones that feel entitled. when women talk about male entitlement it's their little robot brains relating everything in the world to their narrow scope of life. entitlement doesn't exist in the male world, women just can't see the world outside of the way they only see it.

>entitlement doesn't exist in the male world

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Because they know they can just slap on more makeup and instantly rise two or three social levels. They don’t even need to exercise or work to get most guys, they just have to not be a fatass.

Ding ding

Not even, guys are desperate enough to fuck even fat women. Even ugly chicks get attention because they believe the lies guys tell them for a quick fuck which in turn eventually leads them to thinking that they're legitimately attractive. Ergo, why even ugly chicks are stuck up now.

It's definitely not you who's the problem.

I mean I have no issue with getting women, I know how to lie to people to get what I want. These are just thoughts of mine that I'm willing to share as an anonymous user.

This is definitely a fact. Don’t let the traps in this thread fool you. Women are mostly entitled and get everything handed to them. It’s easy to brush that off as misogyny, but compared to what men have to do it’s the truth.

guys get upset when girls turn them down just as much. literally people just don't like getting turned down. that's it

Sure but aren't you just fixing an issue with a cheap solution?
I wonder if some user 5 years down the line will complain about people like you are because your cheating made the situation all the more complicated for everyone.

But that's what you are doing right now.
What a time to be alive.

I agree. Honestly though I don't see the need to be so upset as many people tend to get. It's all a numbers game. Even if you're madly in love with someone albeit it being unrequited chances are you'll eventually find someone else who you feel just as in love with and soon forget the former. Once people know this they minimize their hurt after being rejected.

Lol, nice larp, bro.

99.999% of women are sub. I've never met a dom woman, and doubt I would have much use for one.

Patriarchy, baby.

I never said I cheat, quite the opposite. What I meant is that I know how to obtain what I want in life, the challenge is trying to keep it. Moreover, don't delude yourself into thinking that no one lies to get what they want. Literally everyone lies in life, some are just better at lying and spotting lies. It's all one big game really.

>What I meant is that I know how to obtain what I want in life
By cheating.
You say it yourself. By lying. Lying is the easy way, everyone does it according to you.
But in the end it benefits nobody. Everybody feels vaguely cheated.

>I never said I cheat
I know, I did.

>the challenge is trying to keep it
That's where the cheater becomes the pro.

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As I said, don't delude yourself into thinking people don't lie. “There are two different types of people in the world, those who want to know, and those who want to believe.”

>As I said, don't delude yourself into thinking people don't lie
What people? All people? Or just a bunch of them?
Are you lying to me? How could you even answer that question and why would I believe in anything you say?

I know that I am a lie but I am honest about it.
Maybe you even force others to lie to you just to keep your sense of self from going all over the place.

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Of course I lie to myself, who doesn't? It's a part of the human condition. Look dude, I don't know who you are but I'd advise that you start lying real well pretty soon or someone is going to do it for you at your expense. I wish you the best, friend.

Healthy people don’t lie to themselves. Healthy people do exist. Nihilism helps nobody.

The only healthy people that exist are the ones that you haven't met yet.

>Of course I lie to myself, who doesn't?
Someone who is honest I suppose.

>It's a part of the human condition.
Yea but that's a lie too.

>or someone is going to do it for you at your expense
I don't believe it.

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He's right

Because if you're truly a 7/10, women are rating you as 5/10.

>Literally everyone lies in life,


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There's a lie right there.

That graph just proves that there's a LOT of landwhales out there nowadays.

sometimes you have to lie, nigga

You are breaking your own rules and you aren't even aware of it.

>everybody and all the time
There is a slight difference, don't know if you're able to tell.

who said all the time fam? everyone lies sometimes, it's ok my man

Don't fall into the pitfall that is a semantic dispute, it's surely the quickest way for your ideas to lose credibility. I'm not against you at all, just don't fall into that pitfall.

I'm shorter than you and girls day I'm 9/10. Lmao get fucked

you're 5 feet 2 inches tall and I bet you're as cute as a button

>It's a part of the human condition
>who said all the time fam?

Nothing semantic about setting a game and invalidating its rules right from the get go.

Why Do You Type Like This?

when you do find one its pretty hot tho unless she is into cuck shit

And its easy to fuck girls when they think that tbh. Nothing personal lankies. You are basically a living tree if you're over 6'0 and even need a bigger bed and die faster.

This. They regard the offer of sex as a trump card and if they come at a man and he steps aside they don't know how to react and dont take it well.

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How do you mean? It shows how women feel entitled to the top 5% of men.