She's kinda hot though

she's kinda hot though...

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totally agree


No, with her she does have a solid body. But the shit that comes out of her mouth is too damn retarded for me to find her legit attractive

We’re alright though

Its why I voted for her and will vote for her again ;^)

Conservacuck tears are so much more satisfying than libertard tears

obvious b8.

Wish i could have Ilhan and Alexandra. together for a night. They could take my guns away and give me free health care if it meant i could eat their asses.

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yet still surprisingly less retarded than the shit that comes out of Trump's mouth.

not another thread of AOC

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yikes, i think we need to talk about manners sweetie.

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i also totally agree with the people saying "no"

She's only hot for a politician. She's average at best.

Deflection and derangement, nowhere was trump mentioned or included in thread topic yet your trump derangement syndrome is wicked off the charts

I would love to be cradled by Nancy while sucking on her big sagging granny tits.

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I would. I don't know anything about politics or what she does, but I do have a thing for bossy latinas.

My neighbor’s dog looks kinda hot if I’m drunk enough. Doesn’t mean it is actually hot.

Me too user
>tfw no granny tits to suckle

Post dog ass


i would nut in it..

Nah but I'd fuck her in the way you would fuck a triggered feminist, something about them being disgusted turns me on sometimes.

she looks like a horse

Kinda like when anyone talks bad about something your emperor Actually did, you start pointing fingers at the Clintons or claiming witch hunt or derangement syndrome. In real psychological terms (not made up ones), it's called projecting. Get a brain and stop sucking the orange cock moran.

She's cute, but she acts like an annoying politically conscious college freshman. I am happy she dethrowned another white "liberal" and won a primary off of her surname. (She did not debate him, she did not canvass hard, shed did not even crack $200k for her primary campaign.)

Drumpf wasn't even mentioned lmfao, rent free.

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Will you get over your adolescent obsession? Christ...

mmm wow nanci has some big fat juicy hangers. i would def fuck her!


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thres no way on earth no guy has fucked those tities

If I had to screw anybody in Congress, it would be her. She's hot!

My Only Hope IS She makes In to PORN

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>not knowing thats the appeal

Have you not ever seen a mare's ass user?? JFC

Doubling down like a basic college campus Bernie boner

hate her but it just makes me want to hate fuck her even more

nice tits, which isnt nothing, but Palin is still hotter.

Shes so left, shes turning into a whole donkey, starting with her mouth

she's ugly af
look at that huge beak

Shut up taconigger! They said no. Stop trying to rape the unwilling!

She has Republicans shitting there paints. Lol. Its funny.

Agreed hate fucking is the best

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I'd fuck her in the ass first, then finish in her throat.

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Would rather bang this crater face, than that crazy looking bitch.

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What do you think her apartment smells like?

I hope it smells like her cunt

Based Tulsi poster

I bet shes got nice tits...I'd fuck her any day just put her face down


Stale take out, and semen.

> She's kinda hot
Eh. Doesn't do it for me. If you're into that, cool.

> shit that comes out of her mouth

>less retarded than Trump
ehhh.... comparable. They both have their moments, and have similarities in the way they attract attention>She's only hot for a politician
An american federal politician perhaps.

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ffs stop trying to push horseface so hard

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I want to fuck her so bad.