Why are liberals so angry and violent?

Why are liberals so angry and violent?

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It's the conservatives that make them that way, with their ridiculous retardation

Gotta be on the right side of history is why.

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you are a special kind of stupid huh? i do not think retard even fits you.

So when they lose an argument or election they just go threatening people?

It’s gotten pretty bad. If “red flag” laws ever go into effect none of the left will be able to buy any guns

(Not that they should..)

Ooo, sorry I triggered you there, bud. People often don't like to hear the truth so directly. I'll try to be more gentle in our discussions next time.

because they are stupid and dumb !!!!!



I donno, we saw 3000 people get murdered on live TV at age 10, and things managed not to get better from there.

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>Why are liberals so angry and violent after being mocked and called a slur?
I don’t know man why are conservatives racist? Why are they causing mass shootings?

you are literally trying way to hard. Nice try, but pretty damn pathetic. you get 1 pity point. Maybe next time.

The last mass shooting was an Elizabeth Warren minion. And the one before was a socialist, just like AOC

Like the Dayton guy? Or the guy that went to a congressional baseball game looking to murder as many republicans as possible?

>half the country is racist and causes shootings
surely this is the strategy dems should go with

Disappointment in our apathy?

i think they already are and that is why the independents find them even more stupid, scary, and more amusing.than the republicans.

It’s a bold strategy cotton, let’s see if it pays off

Because they are fighting for freedom, in a free country.

why do conservatives hate democrats so much. I really mean that, why do they hate our existence. It is more then a difference of opinion it's a actual death hatred.

I dont I love you.
Please learn to enjoy the show, come laugh with us everythings gonna be okay

Is that why FB is loaded with right-wing meme pages about "locking and loading" against "unamerican" invading enemy "Demonrats" who are "destroying america" and that most of the violent terrorism in this country is right wing?

by trying to give the government more power, take away our right to defend ourselves, make us less free every so often.. you totally fighting for freedom there buddy.

We don’t hate you. We elected Trump who is trying to do the best he can for America and keep it safe, and all the libtards do is fight, threaten and harass. Then when a conservative gives them their own medicine (like the altercation with Chris Cuomo the other day) they lose their shit. They can dish it out but they can’t take it, and it’s fucking hilarious.

Libs are fucking stupid. Why are you still hanging out around that ragtag bunch of faggots?

hahaha what has Trump done to keep america safe?

see, this is what i mean. i didn't call you a con-artist. i called you a conservative. you can't even consider our ideas. you can't even work with any solution that may exist. You hate use so much you can't even consider us humans. we are less then that to you conservatives.

Build dat wall

to be honest, we also elected him because we thought it would be funny, and also to see Hillary spaz out, which she did and it was hilarious.

Also he was honestly a better candidate than Hillary. Not because he would be more experienced or capable, just because he would delay whatever the politicians of both sides were up to like a wrench thrown into the gears, instead of going along with everything regardless of what it was.

Completely wiped out ISIS and got funding to build the wall, fought back against China and stopped them from exploiting us and stealing our secrets, imposed tariffs on other countries in NATO to make them pay their fair share

kept us out of war with Russia so far, where as Hillary wanted to jump on that nuclear rocket as soon as she got into office.

Nuclear vibrating dildo rocket*

had to tack that on there, thought of it after posting.

Oh yea I forgot the best one, he stopped a nuclear war with North Korea

we can't know if Hillary would or would not have come to blows with Russia, but sometimes war is preferable to letting the enemy do whatever they want.

you do know what a nuclear bomb can do right? both the U.S and Russia have a bunch of them. War with Russia is literally the last thing anyone wants.

he lost his mind working with a racist black.

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Well you’re really into letting kids know about how dudes fuck each other in the ass and little boys dressing up like girls, so I can’t say you’re normal human beings. We don’t consider you sub-humans but you’re definitely in need of psychological help or possibly criminal investigations

you are not a liberal just because you call your self a liberal. You are not a liberal if you want to restrict choice and opportunity. Liberal is just that, freedom to choice for your self, freedom in general. Conservatives in the states are more liberal then the democrats for instance.

They mad they got small dicks

and to assume we would go to physical war is not likely. it's more likely that we would have a moment where russia blinks and things go back to normal. when did the conservatives become pussies.
you mean how it's ok if you like boys or girls, that you can be who you want to be and that you still deserve respect.

and if you actually don't consider use sub-human debate us.

So you’re saying that if a man cuts his balls and penis off, takes pills and wears a dress that automatically means that he’s now a woman and society should be required to refer to him as a woman?

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i am saying that if a man does all that you shouldn't treat them any different then you would any other individual. you should judge a person for whom they are and not what they have done with there life. if they want to be a girl, just ignore them, don't waste all this energy going after them. you bring far more interest in this trans thing then democrats ever do.

So we should not try to treat severe mental health issues that have a high rate of suicide and suicide attempts?

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The Dayton guy wasn’t liberal you stupid fucks. He shot his trans brother

i identify as a professional snowboarder but all these bitches on the dating sites keep asking me questions I can't answer instead of just accepting me for who I say I am


are you bringing down suicide by calling them out. are you stopping anyone from being trans and not killing themselves.
if not, you really should stop.

Not everyone is conservative or liberal dipshit.
Most of us are moderates that cringe anytime someone from the far left or far right speaks. I have noticed that more liberals tend to see the political landscape as us or them. Where are the right seems more tolerant of others.

Go figure...

Well we used to live in a society that discouraged that kind of behavior and there were far less suicides because transgender surgery was nonexistent, but the liberals came along and suicide rates have gone up. Back in the day, people believed that God made you a man, so you’re a man. God made you a woman, so you’re a woman. They’re still right because you can’t change your XY/XX chromosomes into the opposite gender but society has turned into a fantasy world now where truth and logic doesn’t matter, only feelings and emotions.

fanaticism is the word you were looking for, fag-bot

This would be nature fixing itself. Let her work, user

suicide rates were higher in the 80's then today.

and yeah lets not bring imaginary people into this debate. i won't bring up vadar if you can please not bring up YHWH, please and thank you.

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Yea well the results will be ugly and detrimental

God’s not imaginary, dude

then neither is Darth Vader.
but yeah... yeah both don't actually exist.

>God and Darth Vader don’t exist

Prove it.

Intervention is what's ugly. Artificially keeping abominations alive...

Nature wants only the best. Give in and let her end the mistakes.

youtube had removed the video?

You want me to prove a negative... fine.

Literally none of this has happened.

Oh absolutely, your logic in infallible. But I get what you’re saying: you can’t see God, therefore he doesn’t exist.

Can you see air? If not, it must not exist. Can you see time? No? So it must not exist. Can you see a star on the opposite end of the universe that can’t be seen by Hubble? It must not exist.

My point is that just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.


I don't know why people think that the only racist are the white males, all races could be racist even with themselves.

actually i never said god didn't exist, because that would be stupid. you could just change what you call god. i said YHWH Didn't exist. that i can prove.
according to the bible YHWH is all knowing and all powerful and all good. the problem of evil means that this is a lie. if it's a lie then the god of the bible, as described by the bible, can not exist.

Well they try but they aren't very good at it. I mean sure a soiboy may sneak up on an old man or pregnant women with a bike lock but when they try to swing those limp faggot wrists against a perpetually angry Redneck with teeth as bad as his attitude and a portfolio of bar fights then to get the get shitstomped

Hasn’t build anything you stupid shit.

Da fuck world you live in? Try turning off Fox News for once, you inbred shit.

Yeah, cuz that would have happened. You’re a special kind of inbred shit, huh?

Well I’m talking about God, not YHWH or whatever you’re talking about. I didn’t bring that up, you did.

You can’t disprove God’s existence, but you can certainly prove it. The universe is full of proof. All the way from the atom to the galaxy, the universe is proof of intended design.

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You would be angry too if you were wrong all the time.

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Interesting coincidence. The transgender suicide rate is about the same as the mental illness suicide rate.

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you aren't very good at graphs are you......
the colors of the lines in your graph represent ages.
The only 2 age groups that had higher suicide rates in the 80's were both senior citizens.

No one was talking about them.
the overall....
ah fuck it.
You just suck

i am sad you don't even know the name of the god of the bible.
also all that proof. prove it has been designed, just one thing that wasn't made by man, i would love to see how it's designed.

Because conservatives are completely retarded. With low IQ’s and neanderthal mentalities...


That doesn't make any sense. Are you saying an all good person cant create evil? Evil is a byproduct, specifically a byproduct of humanity and and complete free will/independence.

You either believe God gives us free will and some people creqte evil with it as morality is not born within us. Or you believe we dont have free will and then I would completely agree with, but thats not what for example Christians believe in.

So how do you say the bible supports that God doesnt exist (or specifically Yahweh) when its not as if God creates evil.

I'm not going to argue if Yahweh is real or not. I'm buddhist so I could honestly care less. However I think your explanation for why the Bible supports that Yahweh cant exist is a really bad explanation. Even leaving off with (which I understand your thought process) that being the bible's version of Yahweh not existing would still be an incorrect way to look at it. Many autobiographies have mistakes about the people who they are written about yet you wouldnt say the person in the autobiography doesnt exist. You wouldnt even say the autobiography version of them doesnt exist. You would just attribute mistakes to the autobiography ans be done.

You can say Yahweh exist, the bible is real/truthful, and still admit there are mistakes, mistranslations, or misinterpretations about exactly what God is. Especially when you attribute a lower level though process (us existing in a lower level conciousness) the what people believe is "God" who more than likely is in a higher level of conciousness. Its like trying to explain a fourth dimensional being if that makes sense.

Did you actually read the graph?

Becouse all people with low IQ is angry and violent, unreasonable violance is trait of stupid people, and what else they could do when they constantly loose arguments...

low iq