Define Atheism and I will leave Yea Forums forever and ever ;UwU;

Define Atheism and I will leave Yea Forums forever and ever ;UwU;

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the definiton of atheism is when a nigga shids and fards and camededs all over he's daddys yummy ballsack

atheism is being gay and or an yurop.

Lack of belief in any deity.

It means you log logs all gay day.


atheism... a·the·ism
Learn to pronounce
disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.
synonyms: nonbelief, nontheism, disbelief, unbelief, scepticism, doubt, agnosticism, irreligion, godlessness, ungodliness, profaneness, impiety, heresy, apostasy, paganism, heathenism, freethinking, nihilism
"the poet was accused of atheism and exiled"

oxford dictionary. now leave forever bitch

Attached: opwilldeliver.jpg (400x332, 120K)

Anyone claiming to be OP is lying, OP left Yea Forums forever

Atheism is a belief that no supernatural entity or power existed, exists or will exist.

>Lack of belief in any deity.
There exist some beliefs that include supernatural force that escapes definition of deity. Indians are good example, their "manitou" that is not a deity, and they are clearly not atheists.

Atheism is NOT agnosticism.
Atheism is a belief that supernatural is nonexistent (= certainty that it is absent), while agnosticism is a belief that supernatural escapes cognition (= we cannot state anything certain).

So tell me, you're waiting for the op who is supposed to leave Yea Forums forever to deliver on Yea Forums? That's an internal contradiction.

Atheism not being a theist. Theist is a religious person. Religious people believe in gods or a god. Atheist nonreligious people don't believe in god.
Quit Yea Forums.

oxford says you are wrong.

the lack of belief in a god.

peace, holla, one.

And cambridge says I'm right:

> oxford says you are wrong.
You throw claims with no supporting evidence.
It is easy to find contradictory evidence to your claim.
In this case, I assume that you are a liar.

this meme is still a thing in 2019?

No, that's agnostic.

Atheism is the belief that deities don't exist.

>while agnosticism is a belief

Agnosticism is the absence of belief.

>>while agnosticism is a belief
>Agnosticism is the absence of belief.
Ok. I've fallen into a trap of the ambiguity of english language...

What was on my mind was belief as 'something that is accepted, considered to be true, or held as an opinion'.

All the terms: teism, atheism, agnosticism, etc. describe your attitude towards idea of supernatural entity / force.
You might believe that the god is present, absent, or that you can never know. But, by the nature of supernatural = escaping nature, hence unable to be proven, you cannot call this a fact. So this is your opinion / belief.

> (You)
>So tell me, you're waiting for the op who is supposed to leave Yea Forums forever to deliver on Yea Forums? That's an internal contradiction.

That's the joke.....

Fucking true agnostics.
Prefix: A-
Not, without
Root: Theism
Belief in a god or gods.

Atheism is
"Without belief in a god or gods" there is Gnostic and agnostic atheism but it varies from person to person.

Attached: GrilledKambling6.jpg (1280x1393, 473K)

Posted the wrong pic

Attached: atheism-theism-agnosticism-gnosticism-pablo-stanley.jpg (600x927, 217K)

nah man the other one was definitely better

how can you believe that god exists (theist) and cannot tell if god exists at the same time (agnostic)?
this makes no sense