Why are so many white incels going crazy?

Why are so many white incels going crazy?

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My guess is that it's linked to Trump and/or Republicans.

another one?

Internet echo chambers.

Because they hang out on echo chambers like the Chans, Reddit, discord, and various forums that validate their extremist views, and the actions of those before them.

That, and a government that is telling them who the enemy is.

>Hurdur radical racists are taking over

It's sad how accurate that sentiment is becoming, considering the recent events. Turns out having a government that bastardizes already depraved minority groups can turn them even further into "enemy" territory.

Violent video games, obviously.

Economic anxiety, or something.

Because being an incel rots your brain dumbass, they were all fucking loser who had nothing to lose and could have their actions talked about by everyone in the country, their " BIG BREAK" so to speak, stop with this trump shit, we get you dont like him fuckin tunnel vision retards.

Let's take a step beyond that. Why are these echo chambers forming? Why isn't this young man out having fun during the summer, partying and slaying pussy?

Its not that theyre going crazy. They already were crazy they just snapped cause mental health isnt big here

You say incels. Rest of the world says muricans.

Copycat syndrome. No one likes to hear it because not enough drama and exaggeration, but it's the simple truth. Human behavior is not all that complicated.

> Why isn't this young [incel] ... slaying pussy?
Because any time he tries to talk to a girl, she picks up on an intense creeper vibe and wisely gets the hell out of there.

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>This predominately

Plus of course not getting out of the damn house, or bothering to try and attain pussy by improving themselves and instead blaming everyone else instead of making an effort

There's no such things as 'incels' that's just a subversive media buzzword. All young people can be awkward, that's just life. Until it's focused, judged and persecuted.

why? cuz subpar league beta males expect to get grade aaa females due to social media.... its not that they can't get any. they are too picky

muh gangsta violence is a whole different thing.

its missing some

Mental health is huge here. There's a pill or therapy for everything and validation.

They've just placed themselves far beyond reach because it doesn't fit their narrative. They want to believe they're right and stick to those like minded people.

Plus he's 21. When I was 21 I was dumb.

>There's a pill or therapy for everything and validation.
kek, yeah ssri and benzos. our mental health sector is fucked... they give you a questionare with 20 questions, diagnose most ppl with bipolar and call it a day after cashing ther check from big pharma

it's also really expensive to get legit therapy along with the meds.

It is not, unless you think black lives don't matter. In which case, turn in your leftist crybaby card.

because of the constant attack in the media.

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Your agreeing with the post then. He could have stopped and talked to someone.

What he should have done is moved. I live near the border of Canada we dont get pissed that they come to America. This kid was just blatantly racist. Why not do peaceful protest.

His mental health isn't the problem, his choices are.

For this guy it was the rampant murder of children that set him off.

another condescending liberals.

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You're based.
Bluepills love to throw the word incel at every chance they get, just because in their inner circles that's a buzzword they use to dehumanize people.

There's a war against men/boys and has been for some time. Part of this is simply a reaction to oppression.

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You're being purposely obtuse. Muh gangsta does not come from the same root.

Gun lessons, shooting lessons/ammo/weapons isn't a cheap hobby.

Which one is this?

which is not what is going on here.

cheaper than therapy

This. The subversive effort to break white dominance in their own countries, is making them go militant. What else would it do?

Why are so many more blacks killed by blacks in inner cities every week than white mass murders kill all year? No one knows the answer to these questions. Oh well.

learn to code

they're not getting laid , pretty obvious

Yeah, says the guy who's getting pumped by a white guy.

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uh huh

Kali Yuga son, juat Kali Yuga.

people have answered this. Really not doing yourself any favors.


All mutts, eh?


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Little tiny wee-wee penises that never grew during puberty.

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Repetitive cycle of revenge due to gang violence? Why are they in gangs? Maybe because white people have had a 300 year head start on generational wealth in America, 250 years of institutionalized violence and lack of opportunity. The US paid reparations to slave owners after the civil war lmao and nothing to the slaves besides freedom. And since the civil war racist whites in the south have propagated an unease and hostile attitude to blacks to this day, which is why there is still racial tensions in the country. Everyone in the world can understand these basic facts and how they correlate except for all the racist insecure white people who are afraid of a physically superior breed of humans they hand bred for hundreds of years.

Crazy people =/= incels.

I don't like the incel culture, and i argue with them often, but to say that every incident is due to ''incels'' is just stupidity on your part. At least learn what the word means.

The narrative is what's being obtuse. Nonwhite shooter/terrorist? We argue for hours over the motive, race, religion and politics of the attacker, until we finally learn he's 'Asian' or we get a washed out picture to make him look as white as possible. White shooter/terrorist? Cop posts his picture in the back of the cop car, we get 2-3 weeks of gun banning bombardment and are lectured about the the 'white male problem'...

Mutts, all I can see is mutts, disgusting.

pic related

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or maybe people are just responsible for their own actions, but sure if you can use this against your political adversaries might aswell not let the tragedy go to waste, also good job completely ignoring the dayton shooters motives, and the fact that these shooters target people indiscriminately.

Who is this cutie?

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You sound a little racist bro, tone it down

Who has answered why "mass shootings" happen every weekend in inner cities and are never covered by media, yet when a white guy does it, all whites must hand over guns and hang themselves

>I don't like the incel culture
lol what the fuck does this even mean?

>I don't like crime culture
well yeah no shit, they need help so they'll stop committing crime.

Hmm. Seem like some whiny little faggots then.
Still crying about shit that never happened to them.
I guess that's why they have literal trash culture, zero familial or community responsibility. Oh well, good thing they'll never be organized enough to leave the cities with government handouts.

>physically superior breed of humans

you just couldnt hold back your inner cuck could you?

i owe you nothing nigger

Are you saying.....that its not true? They aren't on average physically larger and stronger?

Not black, or white, or American for that matter. Just pointing out the obvious.

They are not. Most are fat or bean poles.

The brain is the muscle that counts in modern times. Humans have become softer over time because our brains allow us to use tools. Nails, teeth, muscle mass and density, etc.
How are blacks physically superior again? Surely they'd dominate the world, or at least their continent, being so superior? No? Hmm. Must be the white man's fault.

>Maybe because white people have had a 300 year head start on generational wealth
>It's da white man's fault I'm not successful
If it wasn't for white people you'd be living in a mud hut in africa


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Probably religious fundamentals tbh. I bet all these people have strong religious upbringings and are being taught hate as all religions teach.

Personally i blame soph


Why the fuck do you even have an opinion on this then? I don't got out of my way to tell spaniards they owe reparations to south americans nor to i insist the british owe reparations to India. Why is it that you need to go out of your way to insist that I , a person who was not alive 250 years ago, owe black people something? Have you ever been to the inner city of a major american city? Giving these people free money will do absolutely nothing as we already proven with the failure of the welfare state but hey im just pointing out the obvious.

What?! Why!?

There are literally entire communities of incels who self-identify as incels

cos niggers gonna nig

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I'll give you a list. Note, this applies primar1iky to America.
1. Because white men have spent the last 30 or so years being told they are oppressive rapists and nothing more by teachers. Teachers they should've been able to trust.
2. For the same time period they have been demonized by the media. Where they will watch people attack them purely on racial lines with literal impunity, as if nothing wrong was done.
3. Because one political party hates them, and the other is indifferent.
4. Because nobody listens until they start shooting.
5. Because places where they previously felt comfortable existing have been infected by ideologies that hate them for existing.
6. Because the moment they say anything critical about the situation, they're written off as ignorant racists/sexist/homophobes etc.
7. Because their problems and concerns are routinely ignored by the educational and politcal establishment.
8. Because society has given the absolutely no reason to buy in.
9. Because even with a degree, most of them have no hope of ever achieving anything adjacent to success.
Why are we shocked they're lashing out?

I've never seen it, but if that's true it means they are embracing the hate. Where were these 'incels' 5-10 years ago? The word popped up out of whole cloth just recently. There's always been kids that have trouble getting laid, it's a meme condition that's usually humorous and works itself with time and confidence. Labeling it and judging it to be a 'terrorist condition' is peak subversion.

Keep shit like this up.
I can't wait until this is pushed so far that a civil war of sorts breaks out over it.
Niggers better start getting used to saying "yes massuh" again, cause once that day comes and the niggers lose, I'm reclaiming some slaves.

You're being extremely condescending towards black people, as if they don't have free will or any responsibility for their own actions. Instead every action they make in 2019 is the responsibility of the 0.1% of white men in the south, who owned a huge plantation of slaves 150+ years ago.

Obviously this still affects them to this day, but until the left stops pushing the inherited identity politics, where you tell every black child that he was a slave, and every white child that he was a slave owner, which causes a victim/oppressor narrative, this mental was is never going to change.
The gang wars we see today is not a direct responsibility of the white man, or slavery. Its the rap culture and the ''thug life'' that started to emerge since the 90's, single mothers, and the actions of individual people. Wealth is a contributing factor, but not an excuse. Otherwise we would have seen a lot more gun violence from white people living in trailer parks, which outnumbers black people. You have every opportunity to succeed in America, and even oppressed minorities in third world countries don't behave this way.

I'm not going to respond to the rest of your comment, because its obvious that you harbor racist opinions about white people.

You mean the 40 year old that writes her scripts.

her brother is 40 ?

You have a problem with family?


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