Should universities give refunds if they don't get a job in 6 months...

should universities give refunds if they don't get a job in 6 months? i got completely fucked after getting a business degree and i have no idea what i'm going to do?

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A business degree doesn't get you a job. It's gets you a Promotion. Use it like that and you won't feel so foolish.


Just don't be black, idiot

I hope this is bait

You didn't go to a university, if that's your AA.

So next time try not being a retard

>i passed all my classes, wheres my job >:(
Commit reverse antidote OP

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Universities don't teach how to get jobs and I doubt they help you look for jobs or recommend students to companies. Trade schools are more for that.

As a hiring manager for a medium sized company, if you can't find a job in this economy right now, you should probably take a look in a mirror. Either that, or knock your expectations down a couple pegs. I'm sure your professors who never worked a day in their life in the private sector filled your head with all sorts of wild ideas, but you fuckers coming out of college right now are almost completely useless.

You got a degree outside of STEM.

Youre a fucking retard. Why would a buisness ever fucking hire someone with such shit buisness sense they dont even understand what an investment is vs what a scam is.

Kill yourself. If I ran a buisness the last person id hire is the fuckwit who thought taking a shit ton of debt for a usless peice of paper was a good buisness decision

Why does it seem like nobody wants to hire men that were born in the mid 80's? All I ever see is older men getting jobs with their years of experience and younger kids getting hired for entry level jobs. You know the ones that were never f'n available for my generation.

That's tough. A lot is based upon what you have been doing for the past few years and how far you got at your former position. We do take people around that age, but a lot of the times, salary expectations are always higher than what we have available. The problem is we also have a fair number of older people 60+ staying on and that is not freeing up upper level management jobs for the 45+ year olds who are in the positions that you would probably be looking for at your age.

Because somebody who has been working in the industry for the past 5 years is infinitely more useful than a dumbshit who wasted $60,000 going to classes for the past 5 years and doesn't know how to do a god damn thing.

I'm a realtor and I don't need a degree to have a job lmao really all this job consists is screening faggots and getting drunk. Also fucking chicks while pretending to do a "showing".

>should someone pay me if I am a failure?
no, are you retarded?

Oh and I get paid a shit ton of money just for signing contracts. College is a waste of time.

University's historic role in society is the dissemination of information to the masses. It is not a tool to get a job.

University degrees are fundamentally mis-sold to people these days.

U wanna learn something? Go to university.
Degree's are worthless for the overwhelming majority of careers.

No, they shouldnt. it's your fault youre in this mess. But uni is fucked, no doubt.

AHHAAHAH ARE YOU RETARDED? You are jobless because you are a fucking retard, meanwhile most smart people are earning $$$ and fucking pussy while you jerk off in your moms basement to tentacle porn and cheeto crumbs. Ironic how you blame your 'university' for your own personal failures. Fuck off faggot.

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>AA degree
>an idiot and their money are soon parted

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not you because your on Yea Forums. everyone on Yea Forums is a failure.

it's not payment its a refund. i was promised a degree with a purpose. it turned out to be worthless so i deserve a refund. i was duped into uni with false aspiration and now have no career prospects. the least they could do is give back the money i was swindled out of.

You're an idiot. There is no refund for being an idiot.

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Your fault home slice, shoulda tried figuring shit out before going into debt

as a naive 18 year old, i was. it is partly my problem but i think universities should have to give refunds for exploiting dumb, naive, 18 year old out of their money and an actual future. you're promised a useful degree going into uni. that's not what i got after all the effort and work i put in. it should be refunded because i got lied to.

as dumb, naive kid? sure.

All salespeople are scum

STEM is no longer any guarantee of a job.

No. But they shouldn't be allowed to count jobs outside of degree field when they list post-graduate employment statistics. That's part of the fraud that they sucker people with. There's a heck of a difference between engineers employed as engineers and engineers employed as corporate flunkies and burger flippers.

Nigga I just wanted cocaine and hookers n sheet and all I got was debt and an Adderall addiction

-Marketing Major

Whats your GPA? Did you do any internships? What kind of degree do you have (4 year or MBA)? Why specific field of business did you major in? What college did you attend? Those all play a role in determining how easy it is for you to get a job.