Don't leave me here
I can't stand it
If you go
And I won't be surprised
When I open my eyes
And I see what it's like
To realize that we're two of a kind
Don't leave me here
I can't stand it
If you go
And I won't be surprised
When I open my eyes
And I see what it's like
To realize that we're two of a kind
Other urls found in this thread:
dashcams are nice to have though, they allow you to hold others accountable in case you get in an accident which you did not cause. perhaps you should consider investing in a rear view cam as well
I don't give a shit about genders. Ppl claiming to be some other than cunt or dick have a mental illness.
I love celeste!
Good choice fren
I agree. I find that those claiming to be anything other than male or female usually have issues and want people to share in their delusions.
Dogs are best.
this is my waifu and i like her face
and also the rest of her :)!
how you doing?
hey there
i really like the pictures you post
im good, work was okay but im kinda tired. i should probably nap because ive got plans for later tonight.
how about yourself?
She always looks so sad though!
Hello you little muffin of joy. It's me dogguy.
how are you doing today?
i like her sad face too! it makes me want to cheer her up :)
ah, i couldnt tell, sorry, how are you doing today?
i'm well. feeling anxious and excited (in a good way)
FANTASTIC! Got another short story out, working on my bigger works.
I'm doing good right now, though i felt pretty bad earlier
glad things are going alright for you too
son... where did you go wrong? this is not how i've raised you!
-is what i imagine a stereotypical answer to such exotic hobbies like those pursued by yourself might sound like
but i don't mind. quite the contrary even! i find it to be quite hilarious and you never fail to at least make me chuckle with the imagery display on here, proud and strong.
i answered this question so many times by now i even have the feeling i told you this before even...
but no, but you would think that and it is a fairly astute assumption your brain coughed up i would even say.
in the past i posted imagery of myself, proving once and for all, i am, in fact, of caucasian descent.
but i will not be so foolsih to post that image again, thinking back on it it was slight breach of privacy and could've even potentially used against me so you have to believe the words i type on here, on a literal basket weaving forum.
i agree, although it is illegal to operate dashcams in germany as it violates against privacy laws. because of that i did not get a proper one that you would mount down for permanent use, but a "digital camera"-like portable one which turned out to be pretty gud actually BUT only if it's not too dark. as soon as it gets dark it does some HDR, WDR shit and it literally blows out the whole image and is too bright. it really looks better without it and you can't even adjust that in the settings its garbage
i cannot say how muh i agree with this statement. it annoys me to see some of those weird "genders" like for example when you register on a website. there should be only two since gender is in fact binary. maybe in the future humanity will develop in such a way where a legitimate new gender comes into existence but that day is not now... like can you imagine some sicko wit no gender? like a human being for which none of the two genitals has developed? madness...
i see a tsugufren! :3
thats good! i hope whatever it is goes or turns out well :)
got any other plans for the day?
thats great, im glad to hear it! :)
i hope your other works go smoothly
well thats good, im glad you feel alright now, i hope it keeps up as long as possible :)
thank you!
got any plans for the day?
i spot a supreme!!
how are you today?
I don't really have plans for today quite frankly
might hang out with some people in vc
might not
not sure
hmmm well whatever you do or dont do i hope you have a nice comfy time :)
I mean... You aren't wrong. I atleast try to have fun with it.
Thank you!
Finished my trip across town Frenchie.
Sorry for annoying you sometimes I'll start monoluging for much longer than I should.
Thank you!
You don't annoy me
only the irish annoy me
i plan on following my heart~
might play some of that naruto storm game today too, some of the people ive play with have been wanting more games lately
Aegis claimed. At least I got a little more sleep.
you're very welcome :)
that sounds like a great plan :)
oh i bet that'll be a lot of fun, i hope you have a nice time if you do play it
pretty gud!
but i have to say im thinking about work more and more isn't it strange? i have this long-ass holiday and all i can think of is checking my work mail or other work related stuff :(
but oh well that's dying down as i have discovered a new time sink, a interesting modpack for minecraft it's quite fun i even streamed it earlier which was fun too, well only five people but im literally no one so what do you expect :3
only annoying thing is i found that my ISP assigned me that malfunctioning ip with 0 upload again which was why the stream suddenly disappeared obviously :( i had to leave my router unplugged for like 5 hrs and now i got a working one again
man i really need to call them if this keeps happening it sucks
uh huh!
Just another British colony that doesn't know its place
Dubs checked. Damn you're getting dubs like there's no tomorrow.
im glad to hear it! :)
no, i understand. you must work a lot normally, its become routine im sure
oh thats pretty cool, i didnt know you streamed at all! i hope youre having fun with it :)
that is super weird and i legitimately dont know what to tell you about it
calling would be a good start though yeah
Eh that was cringe.
But yeah the Irish would be better off a subject again
Hello, Tsugu. How are you?
They would
i have an irish friend and he claims ireland was never truly conquered
he also goes on about how he's ready to fight to get back northern ireland
and yet he never even went to one of the riots in the north
Didn't notice
It was a cringy post anyway.
All digits have to be checked.
im good, work was short and i should probably take a nap.
how about you?
Do they?
We expect a bit of edge from you anyway.
>Off by one
Boy, that's ruff.
6hrs isn't really a lot, im just really passionate to the point that people tell me to go on a holiday lol
well, was my first stream today i was surprised i even got some views at all haha.. but the whole thing was kinda weird and i was feeling awkward at some times im not sure if i will do it again... like maybe just a short stream to show a fren some things but that'd be all
i have newfound respect for streamers... i can't imagine also paying attention to chat at the same time
i mean it's "kinda" fine since i just have to disconnect my router for a while but ya the whole thing is just annoying when it happens... and it only just started this month for some unknown reason
i have now accumulated a total of ~150GB drive footage and i encountered many animals that potentially could've ended up as roadkill it's surprising how lively it is around 2 - 4am
i may do a little compilation of it when i feel like it
The Irish remind me of the a American south threatening to rise again.
It's just laughable. The only reason they are independent is because the UK dont have the backbone to keep their nations from falling to pieces.
I'm a small government person for the most part, but nations should be endeavoring to make their nation better rather than tearing themselves apart. Otherwise we will end up like the Balkans
The American civil was a good example of how that shit should be treated.
Also the US should be a British colony as well.
But why do they matter?
You pun is noted and beloved.
They're rarer than singles.
The world should be divided between france and britain quite frankly
but seriously ireland won't get back the north anytime soon
I just woke up from a nap, so I'm feeling a little groggy. I think I'll make something to eat and play some games for a bit.
>Also the US should be a British colony as well.
This is extremely wrong.
Thank you. I know, I'm a comedic genius.
Not all edge is cringe.
If it is though I dont really care
6hrs a day but how much a week?
and it isnt really about the length its about routine
well i still think its pretty cool to put yourself out there in that way at all :)
yeah it seems really impressive, especially with more high-energy or focused games like rhythm games
i would not put up with that quite honestly, but thats just me
oh wow, yeah animals are not fun to encounter in a vehicle
if you do, i promise ill watch it :)
nice 8s
i see, i hope your meal is tasty and your games are fun! :)
I see. May your search in the meaning in numbers bring you much joy!
Rule Britainia!
I'll take the middle east if you take Australia we dont want it anyway.
I am amused. How is it going for you?
Also nice trips Aegis
Tomotomato is baaaaaaack!
They blocked my ip range, but now I can shitpost again yayyyyyy
I feel newfags
Well no. It can be tasteful, but it can also be Shadow the Hedgehog levels of edge.
Thank you, I hope you enjoy your nap if you decide to take one.
You're just mad that we kicked your tea drinking asses, then saved it during WW2.
I just woke up from more or less passing out. I think I may not be sleeping enough.
Welcome back Tomoko. Were you one that was here before?
Hi Tomo
Australia sounds good
Am Tomoato aka Tomotomato.
Is smug and that japanese tomo still here? Damn I remember how there was 6 tomos at one time
i meant to type 8hrs!
well unlike in the US, you can't work sundays and barely no one works saturdays except restaurants & gas stations, so i work from monday to friday and on wednesday i go to professional school since im still in training
the only time ill be working on weekends is if an emergency occurs that requires quick combatance
which i was allowed to respond to once so far but im normally not allowed to since still int raining but man i like it! being needed feels great :3
but who was the other tomo i talked with yesterday and today
was this not... a tomofren?!?! O_O
&&am out, addicted to minecraft, gotta get some more things done there, bbl!
Hi Dude
You still here tooooo
Did you talk to smug?
not sono.
stop insinuating
aaaand off i go
i haven't seen shitnoa in months, wich is good i stopped liking them at some point
buuut im now in minecraft, bbl
You're still a nigger.
That happens when you take things too seriously
Also the whole world would just be better off with us in charge. All we need to do is enact a right to bear arms in the UK and things would naturally go back to the way they were before 1914
I'm not too sure how to identify them, but I think there are two others around. Probably the two you're talking about.
It's been a few days how has life been treating you?
Considering changing waifus to Nero cuz she came to my Chaldea twice without my consent and Nobu didn't even make a fucking cameo.
Fuck you DW, you've once again betrayed my heart.
>changing waifus
It take Canada and the US while take the rest of the Americas.
I take Japan while you take Korea,China and everything in the south China sea.
I'll leave New Zealand alone because I dont care about it, and well split Africa into a patchwork just like old times.
Considering how terrible the British Empire was at staying together, I somehow doubt that.
Follow your heart friend. Some things just aren't meant to be.
Could she really be considered my waifu if I don't even have her? I wasted 300 sq and about 30 tickets just to have nonconsensual e-sex with nero claudius twice
All i care about is getting back algeria
it's the one colony we shouldn't have let go off
Algeria was never a colony, it's just a part of France.
you know what?
you're right
I would love to talk about how to split up Europe, but I have to get groceries for my mother.
Well, later then!
A almost forgot I also want Hong Kong. They need me
Yeah, of course
It's quiet. Too quiet.
i'll agree it's too silent to be considered comfy by this point
Just made eggs with sausage. Sausage is disgusting, not the usual chorizo I get. Anyone having tea too?
Yeah, it seems like everyone just kind of left.
What kind of tea are you drinking?
I would be drinking tea if i could right now
i'm sure there's a reason
The finest of all, Tetly. Milk is compulsory of course.
What's stopping you?
I've got a machine that heats up the water for the tea and it's really loud
it's the middle of the night and i don't want to wake anyone up
Hey, pretty fag
I wonder why there's tears on those sleeves of yours
Hey, pretty fag
It's funny how you call when the threads get spammed
Netflix and chill?
How about we marathon all your favorite shows?
Hey, pretty fag
It's alright to feel alone
You've got one of these granddad kettles?
Papi, yo no estoy solo (SOLO!)
Las calles del bajo mundo las controlo (YUSS!!)
Yo soy leal, a los míos no los traiciono (NO!)
El que se lamba, con el AK lo descabrono (BRRRRAP!)
Dale, cabrone', vamo' a matarno' que estoy solo (¿ESTÁS LOCO, CHICO?!)
Yo estoy ready pa' guerrear contra todo (YEAH!, YEAH!)
Cada vez que me le engancho me empichono (Y DÉJENSE LLEVAR POR LA RETRO!!)
A los panas míos les gusta dar plomo
Dale, cabrone', vamo' a matarno' (WHOA!)
They probably just had stuff to do, or they got bored.
Nothing wrong with the classics. I'm not really much of a tea drinker, but occasionally it's nice.
Which pretty fag are you referring to? Because there's like a dozen of them here.
Nah, it's a pretty modern thing
don't have anything old fashioned like that as far as i know
without a doubt
you and hitler are here so i guess it's fine
I said you're the only one I wanna talk about
I said you're the only one I wanna talk about
I said you're the only one I wanna talk about
Yeah it's true! you are the fag that i knew
What would you prefer over tea? I enjoy both, though I do like my coffee "spiced" if you know what I mean.
You can always boil the water in a pot.
I don't know
it's just that i live with my parents and boiling water at midnight while everyone is asleep is a bit weird
nigga he be trippn this mf high-as-fudge dayum! look at em!
There's also what's her name that posted Madara before. Even us few are enough to keep it alive.
I assume I know what you mean. I don't really drink many hot drinks, coffee is too bitter for me. Typically, I'd go with something like milk for breakfast.
How's that weird? Sometimes you've got to improvise. Night time is my time, my family has the house during the day, night is when I leave the cave.
I used to dislike coffee too, I always added milk otherwise I'd never even finish it. But now I make myself a cup of black coffee almost everyday. Hell, I'm going to go make myself one right now.
You only need a few people to keep a thread alive really
i'll do make myself one a bit later if i'm still awake by that point
my father is currently occupying the couch, and i would need to walk past him to get to the kitchen
he would probably complain about me going to the kitchen so late
It probably doesn't help that instant coffee just tastes terrible, but I can understand the appeal.
Is it really late for you right now?
Am alive!~
Just give him the eye, like Richie Aprile form the Sopranos. Where do you live? Here in the UK it's quarter past eleven so I'm free to roam the house.
No one in my household drinks proper coffee, so I have to make compromises.
Hello everyone
It is very late
it's a fair bit past midnight by this point
I'm in France, so i'm one hour ahead of you
my father has odd work hours so he's up in the middle of the night usually
Happy bday to me, and fuck you bitches.
Congrats! Here I thought you died of boredom.
Well, a lot of people say any coffee is better than none at all.
Do you usually stay up really late?
You know any good anime
I havent found many I actually wanted to watch
I managed to get through years of this, it would take a bit more than a nice and comfy day to have me die~
Happy birthday to you then
It depends
i go from periods of stable sleep at good hours to periods of whatever this is
I don't really watch anime believe it or not
It has to be about 2 am for you right?
Hey there, Helsing.
Happy Birthday! Let's have Birthday Sex!
That's good. I hope you have something to entertain yourself today.
I can understand that. Sometimes it's just difficult to fall asleep. Hopefully you can get some rest soon.
Thanks! Let's drink!
Phahaha, let's do it! Get over here and fuck while blasting mega loud music.
skip to 1:50 it's a masterpiece
Hey hey French comrade!~
Mm, today was comf and ehhh it's already past midnight lol
How are you.
I prefer night over day when I'm stuck at home. That's nice, I've recently started learning French alongside German. Very nice language and so far it has a normal sentence structure.
Indeed. If you don't have what you'd like, you like what you have, as the old saying goes.
Name's Alucard,
Dont blame you though it's written on almost all the fanart, he/she is basically the show's mascot
Only alucard is the Castlevania one. The others are just cheap knockoff trash.
0:27 AM
I think i won't stay up for too long anymore
Never read a single manga
Would love to, but no alcohol and it's too late
How have you been doing?
French gets quite hard to learn after a while
German is way easier in my opinion
though yeah, french is a very beautiful language
i actually speak both german and french
Just act like u do u horse ^^
Not much of a fight tho. This stuff bores me
You love me
Ok, I'll fly to Switzerland now.
You Europeans and staying up super late.
That sounds like a very military mentality.
I thought you also posted Seras and Shrodinger's Trap, so I figured it'd be easier.
That's good, I think.
No condoms tho, I want the real deal
You on the left
Doubt that Hellsing came out only 6 months after Symphony of the Night.
Great game tho
yes pls
Who cares about those ancient games. I'm talking cartoons and anime
That means you get to choke me
Hoe exciting.
Ehh? I never go to bed before 1am, ususally I goa round 2-3.
Pretty well, how are things on your end?
Well the sentence structure already makes it easier, but pronounciation is the weird part, an, au, ou, etc. But I do like a challenge. I've done a GCSE, a highschool degree, in German. I can speak a bit of it though I got rusty over the years.
Just a saying from the old country. Why does it sound military? That thought never came to my mind before.
Wait, no. Why are those hair brown? they are supposed to be pink. Cheap knockoff!
Yeah But he has a penis
I like the Hellsing Characters
Pretty much all of them are fun to RP as
Oh.. that isn't pinky? Some cunt cosplaying her or what.
Then you have even less of a case Hellsing came out in 1997
Ultimate programmer from first game who is a girl(male)
I'll drink this weekend, i swear
It's good on my end as well
i do have a headache but apart from that it's good really
Yeah the pronouncing things in french can be a pain
especially with all the different ways to write the same sounds
I also got a bit rusty in german, i haven't really used it in years so i'd probably have a bit of trouble in an actual conversation in german
Wait, am I the top or bottom? Because I don't do bottom.
That's still pretty late, though I'm kind of the same. So, what are you up to?
It's just that the military is used to eating food that isn't exactly quality, but you eat it anyway because you have to.
To each his own.
It's the trap from the first game.
What came out when?
Cooool. So brown is dick, pink is cunt. Gotta remember that. Might come in handy.
Awwwesome. You are a great fren
We can just 69
Ehhhh just playing a bit and probably some youtube too.
Oehhh that's good, hope your headache will be over after a nice long sleep
An alright day, even with the headache
goodnight everyone
you are pretty nice as well!
Sleep is probably the answer here, so that's what i'll do
Now you are just being obstinant
II actually have no idea what you are talking about. I'm just talking trash. Watched castlevania on netflix and it has alucard and he's cool. That's all I know.
wanna 69?
I would agree agree with you, but I would be a hypocrite if I did
Exactly, I see the same set of letters pronounced differently and it can get annyoing.
Well the saying is more about being grateful for what you have and not being greedy.