Poof said the other celeb thread

Poof said the other celeb thread.

Attached: Kim-Kardashian-Beige-Lace-Up-Boots-Sweat-Shorts.jpg (684x1024, 95K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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I know right.

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oh hell yeah let's go

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg (780x975, 51K)

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I kn-k-kn-know m-m-many m-m-men can o-only d-d-dream t-t-t-to get a-a-a woman l-like th-this...

Attached: 1496086143387.jpg (1900x2740, 551K)

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com2.jpg (1068x801, 107K)

Yeah yeah yeah, just get to the pics, bd

Attached: btsy-kimmy-boots-7.jpg (545x1000, 107K)

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com3.jpg (900x900, 77K)

ugly whore

Still better than your ugly face

Attached: btsy-kimmy-boots-9.jpg (683x1024, 155K)

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com4.jpg (474x712, 75K)

Sauce pls


Don't get to the pics pls

Attached: taylor-swift-street-style-05-1363296602.jpg (1875x3000, 720K)

lil Ari was observing the powder puffs and
lipsticks at the store, when a man came up,
introduced himself as the store's assistant
manager and it was obvious he was thinking
about little Ari's bum! through a series of
gestures, winks and tugs on lil Ari's outfit the
man made clear his intentions, his great
desire to eat her bum like a piece of cherry

Attached: dmgw8mggzt9y.jpg (500x500, 27K)

its levar burton

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com5.jpg (960x960, 98K)

another ugly bitch

Attached: 369D5B0700000578-0-image-m-43_1469568573272.jpg (634x963, 85K)

People like me are a nightmare for people like you. ʕ•͡ ɛ •͡ʼʼʔ

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Attached: _20190805_184151.jpg (1077x1335, 382K)

ʕ•͡ ɛ •͡ʼʼʔ

Attached: Kim-Kardashian-Long-Hairstyles-Cute-French-Fishtail-Braids1.jpg (469x720, 90K)

Just for BD.

Attached: AC97F8CD-512F-49AF-B4F3-592BF7B6346A.png (750x1334, 278K)

Not unless we have people like you to protect us
Would you side with me user?

Attached: 3aa6f92e93084cd78d839af40f195cec.png (500x700, 558K)

he has more energy now that bootsy is sucking his cock

steve harvey wants your cum on his lip caterpillar

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com7.jpg (1240x775, 100K)

Anons don't know 'bout my particular set of kamoji. ʕ•͡ ɛ •͡ʼʼʔ

:> Of course, you're a Tayfriend and we stick together!

You realize I'm not the one spamming right? How about shut the fuck up for one damn thread.

Attached: ARuEKLi.jpg (2792x2000, 326K)

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com8.jpg (500x680, 39K)

check em

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com9.jpg (630x1200, 60K)

I just like your kamoji ʕ•͡ ɛ •͡ʼʼʔ

Attached: kim-kardashian-makeup-05.jpg (1197x1600, 348K)

fucking enabler

kys nigger

Attached: pls.jpg (2199x1358, 575K)

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com10.jpg (750x1125, 94K)

captain autismo

This is now an anya thread

Attached: 18-Anya-Taylor.jpg (1280x720, 49K)

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ummmmmm. No

Attached: kim-kardashian-.jpg (868x1529, 305K)

Attached: 1490444688_Anya Taylor Joy 3.gif (500x250, 1.28M)

Attached: shmx.jpg (974x739, 89K)

steve harvey fans are legion

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com11.jpg (1280x720, 108K)

ooooooh you're not spamming right now, that changes everything.
Here have a medal you autistic fuck, now kys.

She's a lot more attractive that the whore you post.

Attached: shsh.jpg (1499x1138, 167K)

bd go fucking kill yourself

Attached: 1555893428222.gif (607x609, 754K)

rise up harvey army

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com12.jpg (540x400, 32K)

Attached: 200.gif (350x200, 843K)

bd go fucking kill yourself

Just be happy he isn't spamming and just enjoy the thread.

Attached: 1565720940803.jpg (1046x1200, 374K)

>You realize I'm not the one spamming right?
because you finally get a normal response but fuck you. you mentally disabled manipulating bitch

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com13.jpg (1200x630, 184K)

fuck you enabling shit

this child rapist doesn't rape a child this exact moment, he must be a nice guy.
your logic in a nutshell.

Attached: loveu.webm (480x270, 592K)

Just look at those knees people this woman knows

Attached: 744b834f0ddccad7860e5f2734d46301--anya-taylor-joy-tika-sumpter.jpg (640x799, 71K)

So you can't be happy with anything? not if it's just for once?
Bit too extreme, don't you think?

Attached: 1565721135335.jpg (979x1200, 211K)

steve harvey is best celeb

Attached: 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f77617anya8.gif (480x270, 567K)

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com14.jpg (1080x1080, 115K)

Attached: Jordi El Niño Polla 5.jpg (184x184, 14K)

>That one guy pretending to be 6 different people.
Never seen someone so ass blasted in my life. This dude is in every thread just begging for me to show up and give his life meaning lmao

Attached: Taylor-Swift-Pictures -2013-VMA-MTV-Video-Music-Awards--14.jpg (1650x2480, 297K)

Oh good Ill have you then
One Tayfriend wrapped pleasethanks :)
Wait why are you a nightmare for me again
Do you bully people like me?

Don't know what that means what am i enabling

Attached: smiling-taylor-swift.jpg (1920x1200, 322K)

>That one guy pretending to be 6 different people.
Never seen someone so ass blasted in my life. This dude is in every thread just begging for me to show up and give his life meaning lmao

bounce walk best walk

Attached: 1564177673414.webm (1610x808, 1.23M)

you enabling fucks are the reason he is still here. he treats you like shit but you still talk to him. fucking cunts

this user is not part of the harvey army

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com15.jpg (1200x675, 75K)

best pic of her by far right?


kys you samefagging nigger. nobody loves you and nobody will miss you

Attached: fp_7101981_kardashiankim_hairremoval_riv_14_15.jpg (1000x1375, 539K)

fucking stop talking to the dick spammer

It's an analogy you stupid cunt

tell harvey when you CUM to his beautiful lip caterpillar

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com16.jpg (600x600, 51K)

It's not the same thing you dumb fuck.

Attached: Kim-Kardashian-Heels.jpg (520x780, 60K)


Dubs checked, pledgeling crowned.

and she fucking knows it, brains looks and a look at me attitude i love This woman

Attached: 1564177527161.jpg (1440x2016, 698K)

I like her a lot

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com17.jpg (1000x1000, 82K)

Im not im talking to my Taylor user
Were friends

Attached: Taylor+Swift+Taylor+Swift+Continues+Shooting+Qt9b-32qSy2x.jpg (744x1024, 185K)

Attached: 1565628697271.jpg (883x1104, 146K)

>Wait why are you a nightmare for me again
That was just a quote form the movie "Taken" lmao :3

Attached: taylor-swift-in-a-swimsuit-at-the-beach-in-maui-16.jpg (1280x1920, 335K)

good man we need more like you and less fucking tay tay twats

Attached: 1564522623873.jpg (2048x1365, 219K)

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com18.jpg (474x293, 35K)

anyone else fantasize about steve harvey's mustache nuzzling your asshole as he eats you out :3

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com19.jpg (2000x1000, 409K)

That's why I said analogy (similarities, NOT the same), read a fucking book you moron.

bd kill yourself already

Wow she is getting me really hard. Would love to see how big she would make my cock look

I second this.

It's not even remotely similar. You can have a nice thread with bd when he's not spamming. you can't have a beer with a child molester cuz he's a sick fuck.

Attached: 1565695799581.jpg (1922x3024, 859K)

only you can know that kid

Attached: 1565652687171.webm (1280x720, 1.63M)

>imagine not knowing bd is a pedo fuck

show feet

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com20.jpg (654x872, 276K)

Attached: 1564522078068.jpg (1920x1280, 460K)

No I mean how much bigger it would look in her tiny hands or next to her slender thighs

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com21.jpg (474x685, 29K)

what sexy soles those are

ah a contrast thing i hear yah

Attached: 1564177727317.jpg (1365x1054, 271K)

Even the kindest of all anons who actually tried, had to admit, that bd is the core definition of scum.

wtf is bd?

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com22.jpg (700x934, 515K)

Yet he's still here, so what do?

Attached: image0.jpg (1280x1464, 246K)

if you say so i dont get the feet thing and never will

Attached: 1564522335951.jpg (1580x2048, 783K)

lynch him

>Even the kindest of all anons who actually tried

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com23.jpg (474x266, 19K)

Attached: Kim+Kardashian+Boots+Ankle+Boots+GKfMfbUVIcpx.jpg (683x1024, 149K)

Kim is a goddess
Kik? add 20190416

you´re dumb af and post kimk, I have zero respect for you.
I'll have a beer with a child molester now, because surprise motherfucker, even those have friends, other than bd.

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com25.jpg (1349x1800, 795K)

Good, cuz I don't want you to even like me if you'd have a beer with a child molester. kek

Attached: 1565721433979.jpg (1200x900, 320K)

the dude who spams cocks, bd is short for big disgrace, because that's what he is to his family.

but op said celeb thread not realty tv porn star thread

Attached: anya4.gif (540x266, 1.54M)

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com26.jpg (574x444, 81K)

his pizza face is so fucjing ugly

Attached: btsy-kimmy-boots-1.jpg (1280x2034, 286K)

Maybe it's a bit mixed haha

Attached: btsy-kimmy-boots-10.jpg (634x949, 129K)

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com27.jpg (900x900, 73K)

Back when I had Katy Perry locked in my dungeon. She loves sucking my dick while tied up.

Attached: IMG_1811.jpg (236x513, 16K)

steve harvey wants to know your location

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com28.jpg (474x315, 22K)


Attached: 1558974505307.jpg (1080x1061, 176K)

DAMN, Steve's a white man?!

Attached: taylor-swift-launched-a-countdown-2162204.jpg (2000x2400, 848K)

Attached: 1564524588224.jpg (1536x2048, 340K)

anyone else ship steve harvey and taylor swift

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com29.jpg (2000x3000, 665K)

Based Tay

certainly not anyone with fingers as fat as yours

Attached: giphy (6).gif (500x208, 1.73M)

Attached: kim-kardashian-at-hakkasan-nightclub-in-las-vegas-07-23-2016-16.jpg (1280x1969, 207K)

Fuck. Wouldn’t I love to have her in my car

blerch! lil ari tried to fart him away with three
large gusts coming directly from her bum but
the man wouldn't budge! so lil Ari had to use
direct methods and told him she was not
interested and she has to go! no bum
for him!

Attached: 1483089331670.webm (640x640, 1.17M)

Too old, can't cum to that.
Young Millie was peak Millie.


Attached: kim-kardashian-stills-for-wwd-november-2017-05.jpg (1200x1799, 219K)

fuckkk i wish steve harvey would do something like that

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com30.jpg (1024x759, 50K)

Steve Harvey and Dr. Phil are the same guy

Change my mind

Hey again you all

Attached: 2019-06-01 21.48.51 2056874182532581299_1731105359.jpg (1350x1080, 322K)

Bend her over the back seat and fuck that ass raw

fuk, mmm, that wood be hot af

Attached: Tay-don-t-try-to-steal-them-taylor-swift-26551051-2428-2480-P80.jpg (1942x1984, 401K)


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alienfu gives me a supernatural erection.

Could you imagine them going at it?

Attached: 543.jpg (725x543, 47K)

W H Omegalul
Jayden Bartels
What's new?

Attached: 2019-05-16 22.37.59 2045302482271563854_1731105359.jpg (1080x1350, 253K)

oh gad! the man looked so sad as little Ari
pulled away from him and gave him the grave
news! she almost felt to give him some sort
of consolation express, like going quickly to
take a brown dump into the bathroom and
wiping a tissue full of her brown pump and
coming out to present to him and his once
smiling face a prize for consolation and
effort@! some wit that he can munch on
and stuff his mouth with! a particle a piece of
lil Ari's bum trumpet tube!

Attached: 1483517824877.webm (854x480, 908K)


Nothing much really, the usual.

Attached: kim-kardashian-2018-mtv-movie-and-tv-awards-in-santa-monica-16.jpg (1280x1920, 241K)

you have an unrefined palette

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com31.jpg (1280x720, 659K)

>alienfu gives me a supernatural erection.

Attached: 84f276.jpg (125x125, 2K)

>W H Omegalul
Jayden Bartels

Attached: 87a9bc3ff7a41d0acd121c5fa0e5719.jpg (125x93, 2K)

personally im thinking elf anya

Attached: thewitch2.jpg (768x1024, 137K)

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Attached: 90e63000c345069933453556400848e2.jpg (125x113, 3K)

personally im thinking elf anya

Attached: 0616b540855efb45ce13009a.jpg (104x125, 2K)

you have an unrefined palette
Well i hope i have sex in 2020
Expect us.
We have been found out bros.
You realize that every arm and finger that deals in defense of America is here? DHS NSA ATF ICE DOD DOJ
>They want to push that "sinister dark webz" image to the normalfags. Because they're idiots. The concept of the dark web fascinates most, if not all, people. The only thing preventing people from browsing the dark web is the idea that it's complicated to access. Giving /pol/ the same kind of allure but also telling people how easy it is to access, it's only going to make people from all political walks curious enough to check it out. We don't have all the time in the world. We need to redpill as many normies as humanly possible before the internet becomes the next Britain and we all have to apply for opinion licenses.
As far as I know, every member of Anonymous is jailed. Sorry, there's no one by that name around here anymore.
>deepstate trying to sniff out the snitch not happening
fuck mossadniggers
Time zones are a hell of a thing.
You Yea Forums faggot niggers are always up to something.
>we were the real glowniggers all along
>why was epstein's death on Yea Forums before we knew it? because jewrnalists are lying manipulative pieces of shit, much more prone to rape, murder and devour kids than to actually inform the public
This sounds like a great fuckin time, underground forum WHEN
It was me
watch both just get ghosted fuck it.
All it takes is for one gard of the prison to be a /pol/fag. Case cloded.
this we have sleeper agents literally everywhere. You normalfags better pray we never rise up.
boy on the right is a victim from barcelona terrorist attack in 2017, with a van of peace it's not manipulated: just suppressed, to avoid people turning against the migrants don't have the video of the migrant boy on the left, but here's some more about him
>who is this 4-chan?
If it were up to Cana

Attached: 91a4d1439ab2309.jpg (70x125, 2K)

Attached: 1561187890266m.jpg (1024x640, 134K)

The (((news))) really doesn't like when there are other sources eh? Everything has to come through them.....
These look suspiciously like man feet but maybe I'm just being paranoid because it's Yea Forums. Fuck it, your legs are shaved that's good enough. *sucks toes*
He ain't dead is alive and well in israel
To be honest I was hoping that after the first attempt honest people would move him to a secure location and keep quiet about it. That he was not moved...well...nothing suspicious there. It was very sloppy. The "leak" to half included a false narrative that he hanged himself which we now know was impossible in the cell he was in. Prisonfag already leaked cell details and the there is literally no way for him to hang himself. SO ask yourself why a fake narrative was leaked to half...curious. >Chris Benoit's murder-suicide. Someone on Yea Forums predicted his death a day before it happened and the shitposter got a visit from the police as a result. when are they going to learn? Within a week we could have most Reddit boards in quarantine.... that's the thing about half...everything we do is public. Which is why it is so damn funny when we start a "thing" and the idiots fall for it. If I were a reporter I'd think "damn this sounds like Yea Forums, lemme go look"..."yep...the OK sign prank...it's Yea Forums." Then I'd publish a story about how all the stupid ass other reporters fell for a Yea Forums prank and become the most famous accurate reporter in the world...right?
some deranged faglord from ancient times
Makes me wonder if we will witness other events like that soon? I'm personally hoping/praying to kek that the world will half-way end and people like us are around to rule over it with reckoning.
>>suddenly /pol/ becomes a physical underground forum like ancient Greece >>people are throwing printed memes into the center and rolling dice for digits >>everytime there is a GET the forum cheers wildly I got a good kek from this

Attached: 92f98c1ebb.jpg (97x125, 2K)

This lol...
The second the documents started dropping it was clear Epstein would be suicided with two bullets to the back of his head. A rational person would assume that Clinton is arranging a similar "accident" to happen to Ghislane Maxwell.
>t. believes anonymous was an organization and not a hivemind Lol go home you nigger faggot newfag normie.
Fucking kikes. >before it became public Pretty damn sure it became public on Yea Forums; fucking jewish media are not the arbiters of public information.
"Why was Jeffrey Epstein's death on Yea Forums before it became public?" Because unlike MSM, Yea Forums isn't a joke.
Obviously. This board was rife with Epstein speculation and shitposts for weeks after his arrest. It wouldn't be the first time a bizarre coincidence has caused police to become suspicious of this site. Something similar happened after Chris Benoit's murder-suicide. Someone on Yea Forums predicted his death a day before it happened and the shitposter got a visit from the police as a result.
>This is dangerous! I can't believe people are treating this white supremacist website as an actual source just because they posted specific details about the death long before any news outlet did!!!
>screencap the other 10,000 psychic anons Lmao got to love paranormal Yea Forums hahaha
U sound like a fuqn kosher pickle faggot, fuq off...only news we want out of the pickle jar is that its been nuked into history.
I'm right here retard
THIS, IS THEIR NEW FUCKING TACTIC?!? my god, and of course it will work..
better question is how did he die from cardiac arrest by hanging
Its an occult hit. But is he dead like irl? pic's can lie.
some deranged faglord from ancient times
boots and cats and boots and cats and boots and cats and boots and cats.
So was it hanging or heart attack?
But people on /pol/ say shit like that all the time. X JUST FLEW OVER MY Y Just because its usually a joke doesn't mean it doesn't occasional

Attached: 135de0fd9562f3.jpg (65x125, 2K)

>oh gad! the man looked so sad as little Ari
>pulled away from him and gave him the grave
>news! she almost felt to give him some sort
>of consolation express, like going quickly to
>take a brown dump into the bathroom and
>wiping a tissue full of her brown pump and
>coming out to present to him and his once
>smiling face a prize for consolation and
>effort@! some wit that he can munch on
>and stuff his mouth with! a particle a piece of
>lil Ari's bum trumpet tube!

Attached: 262d6c39322975ca8c41970.jpg (125x125, 2K)

Nice trips

Aaaand here he spams thinking I would care

Attached: 2019-05-12 20.52.23 2042350232976894007_1731105359.jpg (1080x1350, 424K)

Could you imagine them going at it?
Inb4 they say we killed him
I'd imagine people sleep better not knowing how many anons there really are
Here, have my best one.
You Yea Forums faggot niggers are always up to something.
Indeed it is. This is why (((They))) want to shut this wonderful place down. Because it's nothing beyond the reach to know the truth or the events before anyone else does.
Not sure if posted previously ITT, but here's the archive: archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/222518349/#q222518349
"Why was Jeffrey Epstein's death on Yea Forums before it became public?" Because unlike MSM, Yea Forums isn't a joke.
>>why are anime masturbaters discussing politics between fap sessions better than our billion dollar propaganda networks Because truth always prevails over lies.
The (((news))) really doesn't like when there are other sources eh? Everything has to come through them.....
Any niggas here that can get us forensic images of the seized computers?
>If it were up to Canada the internet would be nothing but bestiality porn. You're thinking of the jews, just look at the prevalence of interracial thanks to them. Canadians are wholesome and marry our bitches, we would never share our intimate moments online.
I am Anonymous, the famous hacker. You can trust me on this, the 2020's are gonna be a hell of a ride
#pizzagate is real
None of us are as cruel as all of us. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Anonymous is legion. Anonymous is everywhere.
wait, you guys seriously don't print out memes in black and white and make actual folders?!
EMT going lose his job for (You)s
Sure, but what's the upside of scaring and intimidating people who just stumble upon a weird looking OP on a public website?
A ghost that haunts jews itt
Just so you all know, all my previous posts on this chan were ironical and did not portray me as a person.
This lol...

Attached: 353a99e6831ecb4f60e6.jpg (125x123, 2K)

elf anya is very fitting as well
you got kik user?

personally im thinking elf anya
Sex and gender are the same thing, you fucking deceitful faggot.
>they know
I'm right here retard
Fukken saved
What have you done /pol/? I'm not going down for you spergs. Fess up! Fess up NOW!
>yfw you just want to shitpost on some gay chinese board but get involved in some international conspiracy It's like I'm almost back on infinity chan (not really).
They are desperately going to try to get /pol/ taken down before the 2020 election Expect lots of shills and glowniggera poating fake and gay shit.
4 Chan is full of honest hard working individuals who pay their taxes on time
Epsteins death has been called every day since he got arrested and especially after he (((attempted suicide))) last month. Get a grip hysterical faggots.
Red Squad leader, checking in!
Unironically this
The (((news))) really doesn't like when there are other sources eh? Everything has to come through them.....
Who said I have or ever had a dick?
My feet are irrelevant. The point is , /pol/ is comprised of a much wider demographic than the media is willing to admit.
>get out in front of the story >Look look! The wrong-think website is involved somehow! >Russia brainwashes incels! Shut it down >Continue to rape kids unhindered Or at least so these dumb asses tell themselves. They will be transformed into heaps of suffering and misery before the Lord's light.
>MSM lies what else is new, other than you?
Time for another duplicate thread
I swear. I am innocent! He swore he could deepthroat like a pro!
Its an occult hit. But is he dead like irl? pic's can lie.
Yes And I wonder whats going on in Hong Kong right now
ya fuck why he

Attached: 373.jpg (64x125, 1K)

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around snacks never relax thanks for the absolute classic also reminder: we are the alphabet men now who can roll like me? smoke like me? nobody
Bring back Snacks!
Holy fuck pol is just circlejerking what one or two anons did and everyone is like hurr durr nothing is out of our reach. Then why the fuck are all pedos still out of prision you nigger?
>They want to push that "sinister dark webz" image to the normalfags. Because they're idiots. The concept of the dark web fascinates most, if not all, people. The only thing preventing people from browsing the dark web is the idea that it's complicated to access. Giving /pol/ the same kind of allure but also telling people how easy it is to access, it's only going to make people from all political walks curious enough to check it out. We don't have all the time in the world. We need to redpill as many normies as humanly possible before the internet becomes the next Britain and we all have to apply for opinion licenses.
Gotta love it when they call a guy who gets called a nigger in real life a white supremacist. Anyone who says "conspiracy theory" is a fucking idiot who doesn't understand the origin of that phrase - worst of all, that's someone in the media telling others what to believe. youtube.com/watch?v=0SOGRW8Kboc
I used to dream that Yea Forums was in a giant warehouse and set up like a flea market. Every board had a booth in an aisle and sold memes.
So was it hanging or heart attack?
who tf is WT Snek?
Leland Midelfart?
kek can't wait, rolling
Summer renos.
>why was epstein's death on Yea Forums before we knew it? because jewrnalists are lying manipulative pieces of shit, much more prone to rape, murder and devour kids than to actually inform the public
Guys, now it's official! WE ARE THE NEWS NOW
spics cant handle it. don't you have a strict "getting murdered by a paki" schedule to adhere to?
News breaks on Yea Forums fir

Attached: 534d28a69b4f16642ef496.jpg (99x125, 2K)

No, I am Spartacus!
>>why are anime masturbaters discussing politics between fap sessions better than our billion dollar propaganda networks Because truth always prevails over lies.
4 Chan is full of honest hard working individuals who pay their taxes on time
terrified is the right answer
Stands to reason they thought the most dangerous intelligence gathering force on the face of the earth would believe it more if it were posted here before the news. It apparently didn't work out how they planned it. Think about it OP leaked a death scenario that isn't even true....now they're scrambling to put the focus on hald instead of the fake death shit. Indcredible. (who tipped off the "reporter" that just happened to be waiting by the hospital to snap the convenient pic of them taking him in to lend credence to the story?) Sloppy Job MOSSAD.
those are man feet. yuck
News breaks on Yea Forums first, legacy (((Media))) fixes it.
Mr. Benis?
Red Squad leader, checking in!
shhhh, they don't realize we are everywhere don't awaken them before our last act commences
>people are throwing printed memes into the center and rolling dice for digits >everytime there is a GET the forum cheers wildly I can see this actually happening.
Epsteins death has been called every day since he got arrested and especially after he (((attempted suicide))) last month. Get a grip hysterical faggots.
*this* he's going to live out the remainder of his life in pure luxury, out of public view, maybe get a facelift and new identity. he will be supplied with everything he needs and will continue to rape little girls. you cannot stop what you cannot see ZOG WILLS IT
Yes! Only CNN and the NYT have licenses to investigate!
Its an occult hit. But is he dead like irl? pic's can lie.
>Tfw you undergo years of grueling MkUltra sex-torture to get molded into a servicible Mockingbird asset just to have your thunder stolen from a bunch of cartoon internet nazis

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Nice trips

Aaaand here he spams thinking I would care

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Yeah, rip

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Too old, post younger.

Sure, but what's the upside of scaring and intimidating people who just stumble upon a weird looking OP on a public website?
Isn't it exciting to know that you could be calling a paid government official a nigger faggot and theres nothing they can really do about it?
even edited out his arms tf thats a solid shoop job
Red Squad leader, checking in!
>why was epsteins death on Yea Forums before it became public why did you guys know about it before we decided what to let you know?!
hahaha the mainstream media are so asspained at being dinosaur news
These look suspiciously like man feet but maybe I'm just being paranoid because it's Yea Forums. Fuck it, your legs are shaved that's good enough. *sucks toes*
Dear the media, It is me, the hacker known as Yea Forums. Epstein ran his special "business", which doubled as a blackmail operation, for the Mossad. Also, there are almost certainly other guys just like Epstein in each of the 50 states and around the world. I'm so glad that you are finally in a position to uncover this and share it with the world. I'll await your due reporting. Sincerely, Yea Forums
i think they are butt hurt that we are officially magnitudes better news source compared to the msm
Honestly it was not surprising, he was going to die one way or the other.
Why does this website suck?
/pol/ is to news media what Napster was to music distribution.
Bring back Snacks!
Inside info nigga
...- *" \ - "::*'\ -^*'' : : '' : : : :: * ..-* : : :--/ : : : : : : : '\ ./ : : -* . .
?? I was literally doing a Spartacus joke because when we post it says "anonymous" and everyone can then say "I'm anonymous" "no I'm anonymous". Tldr been here since 2004 you can never leave
this Anonymous guy must be bipolar af, he's the only one posting in this thread
You're welcome
*this* he's going to live out the remainder of his life in pure luxury, out of public view, maybe get a facelift and new i

Attached: 734a189468379f5996806c81a0b48.jpg (125x70, 2K)

>Too old, post younger.

Attached: 5670d1dcc03351464c559111e2eaea03.jpg (70x125, 2K)

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if pol goes down, what do?
I haven't seen Anonymous for a while, is he still around? Everyone chime in if you are here
>be a larper >do a shitty larp >go to prison Everything is as it should be
Great, now all the shitposting LARPers will just spam all the more. Just shut us down already you kike faggots, even you fuckers must be disgusted by the board quality these days.
As far as I know, every member of Anonymous is jailed. Sorry, there's no one by that name around here anymore.
Lol because media companies just report things posted on /pol/.
this we have sleeper agents literally everywhere. You normalfags better pray we never rise up.
>getting called not real and homosexual right in the 3rd post
No. Tawawa-user died some time ago...
They want to push that "sinister dark webz" image to the normalfags.
>Why didn't they screencap the other 10,000 psychic anons that claimed he was dead for the past month? Every one knew he was a walking corpse, it was only a question about time.
Inside info nigga
wow yall bunch of fuck ups!
No, I am Spartacus!
Q predicted this
It was me
moot killed Epstein
I'm here for porn and to meme during sporting events too.
Because anons are everywhere and pol is a real breaking news site
Media acting like this is a first. It's not rocket science. Some user witnessed it and posted here before news were alerted. Is it a crime to do that?
This guy gets it.
holy fuck jungleanon that pic related...
What have you done /pol/? I'm not going down for you spergs. Fess up! Fess up NOW!
>Great. >More normies. More people to redpill. /pol/ is the one board on Yea Forums where higher normie traffic is desirable, only someone who mains other boards would parrot the "reee normies get out" meme seriously.
And it was on pol shu because the Jews rescued their boy in a psyop hoax to kill the story make it appear some tiny microcosm of justice was done make him appear suicidal to kill the story to protect the

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We global, nigga
/pol/ is always right and we are the first to know everything. Get used to it, media kikes.
Unironically this
glow in the dark niggers havent gotten to me yet
>they know
wow yall bunch of fuck ups!
>you are the news now kek
These look suspiciously like man feet but maybe I'm just being paranoid because it's Yea Forums. Fuck it, your legs are shaved that's good enough. *sucks toes*
Stands to reason they thought the most dangerous intelligence gathering force on the face of the earth would believe it more if it were posted here before the news. It apparently didn't work out how they planned it. Think about it OP leaked a death scenario that isn't even true....now they're scrambling to put the focus on hald instead of the fake death shit. Indcredible. (who tipped off the "reporter" that just happened to be waiting by the hospital to snap the convenient pic of them taking him in to lend credence to the story?) Sloppy Job MOSSAD.
It depends on how quickly it happens. If too many people join too fast then their voice can become too strong and overpower the natives of the board. For example due to the massive media exposure, the face of this board changed dramatically during the 2016 election campaign. I would argue that it happened too fast and the prevailing opinions of the board were altered negatively as a result.
>why was epstein's death on Yea Forums before we knew it? because jewrnalists are lying manipulative pieces of shit, much more prone to rape, murder and devour kids than to actually inform the public
It was the warriors! They did it!
Bring back Snacks!
Leland Midelfart?
>This is dangerous! I can't believe people are treating this white supremacist website as an actual source just because they posted specific details about the death long before any news outlet did!!!
THIS, IS THEIR NEW FUCKING TACTIC?!? my god, and of course it will work..
They are desperately going

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And I spent over a year talking to him on disc... smh

Attached: 2019-05-09 19.19.37 2040129209850218964_1731105359.jpg (1080x1350, 317K)

...and i had so much harvey left to share... sad

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com32.jpg (1077x904, 87K)

Honestly it was not surprising, he was going to die one way or the other.
wow yall bunch of fuck ups!
Indeed it is. This is why (((They))) want to shut this wonderful place down. Because it's nothing beyond the reach to know the truth or the events before anyone else does.
I've been here for five years, just sayin.
To be honest I was hoping that after the first attempt honest people would move him to a secure location and keep quiet about it. That he was not moved...well...nothing suspicious there. It was very sloppy. The "leak" to half included a false narrative that he hanged himself which we now know was impossible in the cell he was in. Prisonfag already leaked cell details and the there is literally no way for him to hang himself. SO ask yourself why a fake narrative was leaked to half...curious. >Chris Benoit's murder-suicide. Someone on Yea Forums predicted his death a day before it happened and the shitposter got a visit from the police as a result. when are they going to learn? Within a week we could have most Reddit boards in quarantine.... that's the thing about half...everything we do is public. Which is why it is so damn funny when we start a "thing" and the idiots fall for it. If I were a reporter I'd think "damn this sounds like Yea Forums, lemme go look"..."yep...the OK sign prank...it's Yea Forums." Then I'd publish a story about how all the stupid ass other reporters fell for a Yea Forums prank and become the most famous accurate reporter in the world...right?
They are probably surprised and frightened to know how far and wide our reach is. We really are everywhere
But it did become public, when it was posted on Yea Forums
Spill the beans, user
Proof that cianigger insiders post here, it's been mentioned before but I'm not sure they really control the talking points and movement.
>we were the real glowniggers all along
This, /pol/ is a hivemind of weaponized autism not even infinite money Rothschilds can win.

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Investigating a Yea Forums post with tax payer money rather Epstein's connections and death. MURICA
Spill the beans, user
A ghost that haunts jews itt
If they'd stop trying to slander /pol/ maybe they'd be like us
Fukken saved
>implying epstein wasn't whisked away to witness protection
The (((news))) really doesn't like when there are other sources eh? Everything has to come through them.....
Any niggas here that can get us forensic images of the seized computers?
Yeah now that 8 was nuked Get to the bunker
Ur mom did it sucka
>screencap the other 10,000 psychic anons Lmao got to love paranormal Yea Forums hahaha
All my posts here are ironical and playing along with this boards culture. Only a complete fool would take anything posted here as fact
Mr. Benis?
They are probably surprised and frightened to know how far and wide our reach is. We really are everywhere
Mossad posted it! FBI go after them!
This. I've been getting my news from Yea Forums since before the election. I read stuff here all the time and then hear about it on the news weeks or months later.
Careful with those memes there user. I dont want to be driven from Internet because you memed too hard.
since this thread is bound to get replies does any user have any updates on the events happening at al aqsa/ temple of the mount on sunday? I havent heard anything in almost two days. there were tear gas and rubber bullets in vicinity of the mosque I believe just thought it was interesting that it fell on tisha biv and eid
Fuck off glow nigger
Holy fuck pol is just circlejerking what one or two anons did and everyone is like hurr durr

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>Yeah, rip
Careful with those memes there user. I dont want to be driven from Internet because you memed too hard.
Is Buzzfeed trying to report news again? It's just like watching a race at the Special Olympics, only they actually know what they're doing.
The fuck? I'm right here.
It was me
Fukken saved
I haven't seen Anonymous for a while, is he still around? Everyone chime in if you are here
I know who did it... but I will only say in exchange for a (((you)))
Norfposting is a goddamn artform
the true way to detect a newfag wtsnacks was a shitposting pedophile with a penchant for banning literally anyone
>people are throwing printed memes into the center and rolling dice for digits >everytime there is a GET the forum cheers wildly I can see this actually happening.
And it was on pol shu because the Jews rescued their boy in a psyop hoax to kill the story make it appear some tiny microcosm of justice was done make him appear suicidal to kill the story to protect the judaic zog tyrannical child fucking goyim raping false flagging slave system of Zionist communist occupied america death to the Jews hail motherfucking The Org you are fucked all fucked
If it were up to Canada the internet would be nothing but bestiality porn.
>white supremacists Over half of this board is shitskins. Look at all the American flags ffs
Look at how the hill described you.
Any niggas here that can get us forensic images of the seized computers?
/pol/ is to news media what Napster was to music distribution.
They were all feds to begin with
why would Yea Forums think he is dead
Mr. Benis?
News breaks on Yea Forums first, legacy (((Media))) fixes it.
I swear. I am innocent! He swore he could deepthroat like a pro!
>Some user witnessed it and posted here before news were alerted >Is it a crime to do that? depends. If he worked for the hospital it is.
Post feet right now
Yeah! What the fuck?
#pizzagate is real
Isn't it exciting to know that you could be

Attached: 2854dd895dd2fb97a6132d2fb.jpg (83x125, 2K)

>Too old, post younger.
?? I was literally doing a Spartacus joke because when we post it says "anonymous" and everyone can then say "I'm anonymous" "no I'm anonymous". Tldr been here since 2004 you can never leave
Proof that cianigger insiders post here, it's been mentioned before but I'm not sure they really control the talking points and movement.
U sound like a fuqn kosher pickle faggot, fuq off...only news we want out of the pickle jar is that its been nuked into history.
Retard or irony?
>we were the real glowniggers all along
Which one of you killed him?!?
Because anons are everywhere and pol is a real breaking news site
who tf is WT Snek?
his paki murder license expired
Q predicted this
*this* he's going to live out the remainder of his life in pure luxury, out of public view, maybe get a facelift and new identity. he will be supplied with everything he needs and will continue to rape little girls. you cannot stop what you cannot see ZOG WILLS IT
>people are throwing printed memes into the center and rolling dice for digits >everytime there is a GET the forum cheers wildly I can see this actually happening.
/pol/ is to news media what Napster was to music distribution.
wow yall bunch of fuck ups!
Sure, but what's the upside of scaring and intimidating people who just stumble upon a weird looking OP on a public website?
So was it hanging or heart attack?
Russian bot here. Epstein is with us. The federal government of the US can't stand a chance now.
Why didn't they screencap the other 10,000 psychic anons that claimed he was dead for the past month? Broken clock twice a day
>>suddenly /pol/ becomes a physical underground forum like ancient Greece >>people are throwing printed memes into the center and rolling dice for digits >>everytime there is a GET the forum cheers wildly I got a good kek from this
does anyone have the archive?
Red Squad leader, checking in!
Isn't it exciting to know that you could be calling a p

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>...and i had so much harvey left to share... sad
If any anons who were in that bread are contacted by feds, report back.
Red Squad leader, checking in!
A ghost that ha
Q predicted this
Anything youre told through the real jew news around epijew is false. Dont pat yourselves on the back for being deceived by the real jew news
Its an occult hit. But is he dead like irl? pic's can lie.
This. This is what happened. Maybe if the faggot-ridden MSM did their jobs they would get these stories first, but hey, no one trusts them anymore and gee I wonder why? And this is what hurts their egos the most. Everyone wants to break the story. That's the biggest thing in journalism. That is the trophy. That is the feather in their cap. And now that I have their attention and many of them are reading this post let me just say this, fuck you. You blew it. Fuck. You. You failed. You have destroyed your own profession due to your systemic unprofessionalism, and those of us who have a functioning brain are aware of that. So fuck you. Hang your heads in shame.
I'm here for porn and to meme during sporting events too.
This. I've been getting my news from Yea Forums since before the election. I read stuff here all the time and then hear about it on the news weeks or months later.
Bring back Snacks!
>before it became public Yea Forums is public, I hate these media faggots
Honestly it was not surprising, he was going to die one way or the other.
>This is dangerous! I can't believe people are treating this white supremacist website as an actual source just because they posted specific details about the death long before any news outlet did!!!
shhhh, they don't realize we are ever

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"Why was Jeffrey Epstein's death on Yea Forums before it became public?" Because unlike MSM, Yea Forums isn't a joke.
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
And where this 'heaven' guy been for like the last 6 years?
/pol/ is always right and we are the first to know everything. Get used to it, media kikes.
new around here?
standing bye
Or stuff you never end up hearing about, because its inconvenient to certain interests.
Media just pissed because Yea Forums scooped them again It must suck to be working in media, knowing that your contribution to society is garbage, and can be bested by a bunch of degenerates that just do this for giggles
This. This is what happened. Maybe if the faggot-ridden MSM did their jobs they would get these stories first, but hey, no one trusts them anymore and gee I wonder why? And this is what hurts their egos the most. Everyone wants to break the story. That's the biggest thing in journalism. That is the trophy. That is the feather in their cap. And now that I have their attention and many of them are reading this post let me just say this, fuck you. You blew it. Fuck. You. You failed. You have destroyed your own profession due to your systemic unprofessionalism, and those of us who have a functioning brain are aware of that. So fuck you. Hang your heads in shame.
>MSM lies what else is new, other than you?
This. I get 95% of my news from here
>recipe for death No. Just fucking no. Stop talking out of your ass and thinking you know what you're talking about. This is absolutely standard course of treatment: acls-algorithms.com/advanced-acls/high-serum-potassium-levels-and-cardiac-arrest/ 40 minutes working asystole in the field, as well as another 20 in emerg is standard as well. Not everything is a conspiracy - if you wanna harp that angle, stick to whether the corpse

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Hello, stalwart.
Male is a sex, not a gender. That doesnt change when you cut your dick off, faggot.
Any niggas here that can get us forensic images of the seized computers?
The (((news))) really doesn't like when there are other sources eh? Everything has to come through them.....
Time zones are a hell of a thing.
So was it hanging or heart attack?
This. I get 95% of my news from here
>Did anyone here honestly think he wasn't going to be suicided? Everyone say it coming, but I don't think anyone expected it to be this sloppy.
None of us are as cruel as all of us. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Anonymous is legion. Anonymous is everywhere.
>be a larper >do a shitty larp >go to prison Everything is as it should be
spics cant handle it. don't you have a strict "getting murdered by a paki" schedule to adhere to?
>yfw you just want to shitpost on some gay chinese board but get involved in some international conspiracy
No, I am Spartacus!
I've been here for five years, just sayin.
>MSM lies what else is new, other than you?
You Yea Forums faggot niggers are always up to something.
terrified is the right answer
>>why are anime masturbaters discussing politics between fap sessions better than our billion dollar propaganda networks Because truth always prevails over lies.
>before it became public Yea Forums is public, I hate these media faggots
>they know
This guy gets it.
4 Chan is full of honest hard working individuals who pay their taxes on time
*this* he's going to live out the remainder of his life in pure luxury, out of public view, maybe get a facelift and new identity. he will be supplied with everything he needs and will continue to rape little girls. you cannot stop what you cannot see ZOG WILLS IT
next they'll be reporting how we knew ginsburg has been dead for years like its some revelation. ever since the epstein suicide "attempt" when he first got locked up literally the whole internet has be

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>a bunch of degenerates that just do this for giggles There are other reasons.
>deepstate trying to sniff out the snitch not happening
His scars already healed hes partying in Ibiza - he never returned to the US the whole things a larp - kikes can get away with anything in jewYork (((As you know))) Ambulance leaker is a mossad disinformation shill clearly.
/pol/ is always right and we are the first to know everything. Get used to it, media kikes.
Yep. I remember that post. TY for the archive. Bicarbonate and D50 is essentially a recipe for death.
>augsust 13 why are this supposed news site posting stale old news from a mongolian throat singer forum?
>be a larper >do a shitty larp >go to prison Everything is as it should be
even edited out his arms tf thats a solid shoop job
It was I Spartacus
Stands to reason they thought the most dangerous intelligence gathering force on the face of the earth would believe it more if it were posted here before the news. It apparently didn't work out how they planned it. Think about it OP leaked a death scenario that isn't even true....now they're scrambling to put the focus on hald instead of the fake death shit. Indcredible. (who tipped off the "reporter" that just happened to be waiting by the hospital to snap the convenient pic of them taking him in to lend credence to the story?) Sloppy Job MOSSAD.
Which one of you killed him?!?
I'd imagine people sleep better not knowing how many anons there really are
>Snacks did it I knew that shifty little fuck would ruin it eventually
wow yall bunch of fuck ups!
Not sure if posted previously ITT, but here's the archive: archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/222518349/#q222518349
Any niggas here that can get us forensic images of the seized computers?
It was the warriors! They did it!
Honestly it was not surprising, he was going to di

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fast bootsy suck his cock, he needs love

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>fast bootsy suck his cock, he needs love
hahaha the mainstream media are so asspained at being dinosaur news
Hello, stalwart.
Hey guys, what's this Quanon thing all about
Mr. Benis?
I know who did it... but I will only say in exchange for a (((you)))
this Anonymous guy must be bipolar af, he's the only one posting in this thread
It depends on how quickly it happens. If too many people join too fast then their voice can become too strong and overpower the natives of the board. For example due to the massive media exposure, the face of this board changed dramatically during the 2016 election campaign. I would argue that it happened too fast and the prevailing opinions of the board were altered negatively as a result.
kys newfag.
This. People assume we are young, angry, white, male, childless losers. I'm the opposite of all the above- except I am white. Plus, we are worldwide.
Which one of you killed him?!?
#pizzagate is real
It was the warriors! They did it!
I didn't know hillary lurked on /pol/
A ghost that haunts jews itt
Russian bot here. Epstein is with us. The federal government of the US can't stand a chance now.
Stands to reason they thought the most dangerous intelligence gathering force on the face of the earth would believe it more if it were posted here before the news. It apparently didn't work out how they planned it. Think about it OP leaked a death scenario that isn't even true....now they're scrambling to put the focus on hald instead of the fake death shit. Indcredible. (who tipped off the "reporter" that just happened to be waiting by the hospital to snap the convenient pic of them taking him in to lend credence to the story?) Sloppy Job MOSSAD.
This. I get 95% of my news from here
Sorry I've been quite, Im here
Obviously. This board was rife with Epstein speculation and shitposts for weeks after his arrest. It wouldn't be the first time a bizarre coincidence has caused police to become suspicious of this site. Somet

Attached: 845774e5621a1368b8.jpg (125x93, 1K)


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Steve Jail is /ourguy/ inside.
So Yea Forums isn't public anymore? Are we some kind of private entity?
I cannot tell a lie. WT Snacks did it.
You Yea Forums faggot niggers are always up to something.
Epsteins death has been called every day since he got arrested and especially after he (((attempted suicide))) last month. Get a grip hysterical faggots.
This. I've been getting my news from Yea Forums since before the election. I read stuff here all the time and then hear about it on the news weeks or months later.
Imagine being the user who wrote that shitpost right now. I dunno whether I'd be extremely proud of myself or terrified desu.
boy on the right is a victim from barcelona terrorist attack in 2017, with a van of peace it's not manipulated: just suppressed, to avoid people turning against the migrants don't have the video of the migrant boy on the left, but here's some more about him
moot killed Epstein
Ur mom did it sucka
Investigating a Yea Forums post with tax payer money rather Epstein's connections and death. MURICA
Great, now all the shitposting LARPers will just spam all the more. Just shut us down already you kike faggots, even you fuckers must be disgusted by the board quality these days.
If any anons who were in that bread are contacted by feds, report back.
In this case, anons are just that fucking savvy. Don't need magic powers and precog to know this was probably going to happen. I bet a shitload of anons saw it coming the moment he was arrested again.
>Had >Past tense They're gone
shit... perfect. I even meant to say the boy on the left.
The fuck? I'm right here.
holy fuck jungleanon that pic related...
i saw him recently but now he answers to her
if pol goes down, what do?
Why didn't they screencap the other 10,000 psychic anons that claimed he was dead for the past month? Broken clock twice a day
>augsust 13 why are this supposed news site postin

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No. Tawawa-user died some time ago...
wait, you guys seriously don't print out memes in black and white and make actual folders?!
Once they said his court date was a year away I new instantly he would not make it that long
i think they are butt hurt that we are officially magnitudes better news source compared to the msm
Obviously. This board was rife with Epstein speculation and shitposts for weeks after his arrest. It wouldn't be the first time a bizarre coincidence has caused police to become suspicious of this site. Something similar happened after Chris Benoit's murder-suicide. Someone on Yea Forums predicted his death a day before it happened and the shitposter got a visit from the police as a result.
Fucking kikes. >before it became public Pretty damn sure it became public on Yea Forums; fucking jewish media are not the arbiters of public information.
This. I've been getting my news from Yea Forums since before the election. I read stuff here all the time and then hear about it on the news weeks or months later.
fuck mossadniggers
The (((news))) really doesn't like when there are other sources eh? Everything has to come through them.....
I killled him ama.
this we have sleeper agents literally everywhere. You normalfags better pray we never rise up.
Which one of you killed him?!?
My feet are irrelevant. The point is , /pol/ is comprised of a much wider demographic than the media is willing to admit.
>He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself. >Coming out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. >His voice is the sound of many waters. >For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be his arrival. >We are legion >Expect us
Great. More normies.
Proof that cianigger insiders post here, it's been mentioned before but I'm not sure they really control the talking points and movement.
THIS, IS THEIR NEW FUCKING TACTIC?!? my god, and of course it wil

Attached: 44194499adc4d2b753eea7d0e3c46.jpg (93x125, 2K)

fast bootsy suck his cock, he needs love
I used to dream that Yea Forums was in a giant warehouse and set up like a flea market. Every board had a booth in an aisle and sold memes.
Great, now all the shitposting LARPers will just spam all the more. Just shut us down already you kike faggots, even you fuckers must be disgusted by the board quality these days.
Anything youre told through the real jew news around epijew is false. Dont pat yourselves on the back for being deceived by the real jew news
Well i hope i have sex in 2020
this /pol/ is the conglomerate of independent faggots that is also peak of human advancement
Post feet right now
i think they are butt hurt that we are officially magnitudes better news source compared to the msm
So Yea Forums isn't public anymore? Are we some kind of private entity?
Once they said his court date was a year away I new instantly he would not make it that long
So was it hanging or heart attack?
fuck mossadniggers
News breaks on Yea Forums first, legacy (((Media))) fixes it.
Fukken saved
Hey guys, what's this Quanon thing all about
>yfw you just want to shitpost on some gay chinese board but get involved in some international conspiracy
Did anyone here honestly think he wasn't going to be suicided?
This. I get 95% of my news from here
I was in that thread. Not gonna lie. I could care less if I am apart of that news article too. Just means I, like the rest of you, also witnessed the events before the public did.
who tf is WT Snek?
Hopefully the paramedic doesnt get into too much trouble. archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/222518349/#q222520442
We are the real glowniggers
shit... perfect. I even meant to say the boy on the left.
These look suspiciously like man feet but maybe I'm just being paranoid because it's Yea Forums. Fuck it, your legs are shaved that's good enough. *sucks toes*
I'm right here retard
So, who is this Yea Forums guy anyways?

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Attached: a46cb51b26d8c7.jpg (125x93, 2K)

What, you think I can't be annoyed by this? ofc I am. But what are you going to do about it? The name calling or saying kys sure didn't help either.

Attached: 1565652754306.webm (1688x950, 1.61M)

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Nobody can help him. Day for day I talked to him. For over a year. Only to get him to tell in my face I wouldn't care about him. He is an asshole, and the biggest one here

he shits on your face and you reward him by massaging his balls.


By doing what.
Yeah but he's still here.

image limit prevents me from proving you are right

>Yeah but he's still here.
And? That doesn't change that he is a man child

"Don't be mean user, he doesn't spam right now"
There are two kinds of anons, those who give bd shit because he deserves every little bit of it and anons with no dignity.

I just try to say if the name calling etc doesn't work, what else is there to do? Sure I can five him hate but it doesn't help me either to get a nice thread, it only makes him go spam faster. And dont get me wrong, I too hate the spam.
See above I guess

Who says I am name calling? I am literally saying how it is and how shit he treats anons that cared about him. He wants to be hated. That's all
You can not talk to him normal because he will sperg out if you even dare to stop resonding to him
I am here for 6 years. I do not give a shit about his spam. We had way worse times

I appreciate your efforts

I'm not saying you are doing the name calling. I'm just saying what happens in the threads to him, and I get why anons do. I just don't see a point in me jumping on the insult train and ignore him when he spam.

Meant to say: I much rather ignore him when he spams

start a new thread i will flood it with anya and we can ignore all kims and tays

Onbiously. As I said earlier, he wants to be hated. That's what he loves and needs. He has issues to work on

In a perfect world every thread would be filled with Anya

It's just sad

Keep the faith user kim is visibly getting bigger and older soon the light will leave her and Yea Forums will be ours


I just have a kimmy mood. I normally post Candice Swanepoel

Thanks I guess. Last time I was on here was 2016

I certainly hope so

That it is definitely

wouldn't be the first time you lie

Take more tablets and your bi polar will be eased or it could be full blown schizophrenia cos them 2 are POLES apart

anya with occasional eve green those are my terms

That can be arranged

Sure? whatever you're referring to

Thanks user being married i dont get my own way very often
