Would you?

Would you?

Attached: BD.jpg (1024x1280, 113K)

I would do a 360 and walk away

Fuck her brains out

Nah. The fact that so many thirsty beta orbiters blow their load to this slag kinda kills it for me. Plus, she has hepatitis.

I'd jack off on her tits, rolling my eyes the whole time, bust the nut, tell her to stop making that stupid face and walk away.

any guy who says he wouldn't is a fucking lying faggot. sure she's annoying, but what e-thot isn't? take away the dumb things she does, and you have a really fucking cute chick. and don't act like you faggots jerk off to anything less cringey then her, i know what you do at night, i know where you live, i can hear your shit taste in music through my fucking computer screen i'm coming for you retards fuck you

I have excellent taste in music fuck you.

Yes, but in fairness, I would anything with a hole

Don’t get so upset, little man. You know that there are literally billions of bitches on this planet, right? I’m allowed to swipe left on this harlot. You’re not God, my father or my boss!

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You've seen her without all that makeup right? Cute isn't the word you're looking for.

She wants the cock. Give it to her, she looks fucking crazy, it'd probably be fun.

Assuming I'm not expected to pay, yes. She's cute at least, and stupid rich. What's not to like?

No. I have my own thot to dick.

Who is this? Definitely most passable trap I’ve seen in a while. Would fuck

Kill yourself.

Bad b8

is that bail doplhin?

I would be willing to make her a sandwich.

Lol ok retard, then you'd be going straight forward


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I don't understand what there is to like about her. I just don't find her attractive.

EZ b8

Begone summer

Would pound her butt and then cum down her throat straight into her belly

It never fails

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Is being attractive your only merit for liking someone?

"YoU'rE NoT mY ReAL DaD"

lurk moar newfag


man i said that shit to my step dad, who was an amazing person, still feel bad about it

Not the same and user but how is that hard to understand? Like you could be the absolute best person in the world, but if you're not also attractive it's not happening. I'm not even saying they have to be a perfect 10 but I'm not gonna date a 3 because they have a good personality

That was meant to say not the same user

>looks like a 14 year old boy
>wears stupid anime wigs and constantly does that retarded ahegao face that makes her look like she has down syndrome
>she's british, I hate those fucking limeys
>ugly af without makeup
>also fuck braces
I'd rather set my dick on fire than be within a 10 mile radius of that ""woman""

Attached: 4b6.jpg (400x343, 8K)

We get it, you like her user.

with what i currently know, probably not.

Attached: e82b8b64bcb7de57b6f308d5acb35c8afb2a761fv2_hq.jpg (1024x942, 67K)

pic related shows what "she" looks like without those layers of makeup. sorry, you can't call yourself straight if you want to smash this

Attached: D_eXKK2XUAE9hws.jpg (1213x945, 109K)

balls deep


Google says false

>ugly af without makeup
she look way better without tbh

Incel detected

Like it should be

this is not even her

Sounds like someone's salty about their bath water containing no human DNA.

user is going cowboy mode

Keep telling yourself that, user


mods pls delete this shit