Redpill me on marriage.
Redpill me on marriage
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Marriage is dumb. Monogamy is dumb.
if the person you marry is a horrible bitch, your marriage will suck. If you are compatible, make each other laugh, and your weaknesses are their strengths and vice versa, it can be really great.
The reality though is that marriage is an institution specifically to protect women. It does almost nothing for the man, except to dedicate the woman more fully to you. If she's already a whore, you're SOL.
Married guy here - just don't do it. The upsides are small and the downsides are enormously bad. People have killed each other/themselves because of divorce. Really, REALLY let that sink in and realize how bad it can be.
Wow sounds terrible.... I'm 24 and not ready for marriage. I have to get married soon though. How old is the norm for marriage?
>I have to get married soon though
You don't though.
Got married at 24, got divorced at 31 (4 months ago), wife was a bitch and I stopped caring eventually. All is better now.
Till death do you part. Incredibly stupid proposition.
marriage was conceived to work in favor of average men. its a tool for tribal societies to guarantee below alpha males that all the women werent being hogged by the most alpha chad around. societies with a lot of young, sexually frustrated men tend to be unstable so a system to peer pressure alpha males into monogamy emerged
Only one good reason to get married.
>To raise offspring in a stable environment.
Anything else is folly.
Chose your mate wisely. She needs to stick with you while raising the kiddos.
stable families being another positive, but yeah that too
A bunch of miserable husbands and divorcees are going to give you bitter advice on how marriage is the end of your life and freedom. That’s because they all married what their dick loved.
Find someone you actually love, even if their looks went to shit. Someone you connect with on a personal level. You need to find someone you always want to hang out with. Someone you could live with and be more than happy to become a hermit couple. Then you know you’ve found someone to marry
Call me a miserable husband.
Been married more than once.
Currently married.
You have to take command of the marriage (if male) or you will be taken for a ride.
That’s how you have been thru so many marriages I’d guess. “Taking command” is the opposite of a good relationship. It should be a partnership. If you feel you can’t trust her or that she’s not your equal, it’s doomed
I've been married for 20 years. My wife is my best friend. We're both faithful and dedicated to each other. We have many common interests and shared beliefs. These things are essential for a good marriage.
Also, we both have jobs and live within our means, and we don't have money problems. We do argue occasionally, but we always come back from it and we've definitely mellowed over the years.
We didn't rush into it. We dated for 5 years before we wed.
Aaaand, we don't have kids. I think that is a huge huge part of our success and happiness with each other. So often when young men cheat, they do so with the idea of escaping a life they didn't really want, typically resulting from children.
Don't do marriage bad. That's fucking torture. Do it right and it's a best friend above all others who would do anything in the world for you.
You do not know what Reds are or how htey can help your marriage?
Lrn2Wikipedia n00b
nice, didn't know that. so what's wrong with millenials these days? marriage rate dropped in almost every western country as well as birth rates
Could it be they don't want to bring children into a slowly dying world?
nah they are just riding the cock carousel
>Aaaand, we don't have kids
Women completely letting themselves go after having kids is a major problem that is never talked about.
I followed this advice and I still regret getting married, which is why I always advise against marriage. It's not like my marriage is horrible, I just feel stupid for doing it, since there's no upside. Like I always say, at it's best, it's ok, at it's worst, it's life-shattering.
Oh, and like everyone else, I also advise to never have kids. Lord knows what would have happened if I would have knocked up some skag. I fear that more than anything.
You’re going to always be miserable
Been together 9yrs
Got lucky married bestfriend
Still fuck like theres no tomorrow
Marry your bestfriend and all is well
Dont marry anyone that doesn't have at least 1 major hobby you share in common that yall are both passionate about.
Like if you love video games. Find that girl that'll wear her favorite slut tomb raider costume to comicon with you. But if she hates that shit. Any time your doing your hobby you'll be "ignoring her"
If yall argue about dumb shit now. You will argue about dumb shit later until someone gets tired and eventually leaves.
Also have the same sex interests even though that might change drastically after marriage but if she's not willing to try new stuff once, after awhile you will get bored with eachother
>raise offspring in a stable environment
>raise offspring
Take the antinatalism pill and get your head out of your ass, user.
I give this advice but technically in the eyes of the law we are not married. But we live as if we are and have been for going on 12 years now. Marriage, legally, can be an up or downside based on taxes and what not. But the act of spending your life with another person? How is there no upside?
>Lord knows what would have happened if I would >have knocked up some skag. I fear that more >than anything.
Before I got the vasectomy I used to be like you.
>in the eyes of the law we are not married
Just speaking for myself, that's a wise thing to do. But keep in mind it also colors your relationship.
As for upsides, I can spin it the other way. How can there be any upside to spending your entire life bound to another?
I'm glad you're happy with your arrangement, it's nice to see. But I seriously don't think that anyone appreciates the magnitude of getting married, so it's better just to not.
Should have when I was younger, for sure. Good advice right there, get yourself snipped at 18, lol!
Except it doesn’t work out that way now. Women can still have their cake and eat it too which puts average and below men in a hell of a bind.
We are on the same page. We both knew that marriage wasn’t important to us and we’ll probably stay legally unwed until a financial or legal reason to get married pops up
>bound to another
A pessimistic choice of words but still, I see no downsides. A partner always there for you, understanding and caring, respectful of boundaries. Never facing loneliness or anything alone. A best friend for life
Here are many retards who think that marriage is meant to benefit woman and destroy men. Here is the red pill - marrieage is meant to benefit children. Children who grow up with both of parents overall are more sucessfull in life than single parent children, that is a fact. Since woman are those who carry children and breasfeed, they can't or it is REALLY hard for them to gather all of needed resources and security that is needed to suport growing child, it is mens resposability to give finansional support. That is also why divorce is so crippling for men.
>it is not the marriage that sucks, it is divorce!
And divorces happen beacouse people nowadays are fucking selfish to the core, think only about themselfs and not the partner or children. I am married and have children. And I am happy. Those people who are divorced discust me cus it shows how weak and/or dumb they are.
She still can get half your shit dude that's a common law marriage
>Redpill me on marriage.
I'm married. But no, I won't
This. holy shit
I grew up without parents and there isn't a day where i don't feel hopeless, alone in this world, scarred and scared of the world, useless and ugly
This is a bunch of bs my man
Luckily I’m not worried about us ever splitting. And even in the rare case we decide to, we’ve talked about how we’d go about it. She is my other half and we’re in it for life man
You like someone
Then you date them
Then you really like them more
Then you marry them.
IMO marriage isn't important, unless the other really wants in then you discus it with them and see where that leads.
Yup, pretty straight forward. Not hard to figure out at all.
Women nowadays think that just because they're married to you they deserve your things when they leave regardless of the reason for divorce
AKA if a woman cheats on you then leaves she still gets (at least) half your shit
marriage seems like a bad idea because most people are stupid and marry the wrong person for the wrong reasons and then act surprised when it doesn't work. marrying the girl you met in line to enter a club after dating her for 6 months because she has a booty and both of you like netflix can only mean a bitter divorce in 5 years. if you have a minimum of emotional intelligence, maturity and you take time to get to know the person, then marriage is good
I agree it's annoying because they'll constantly complain about their looks while doing absolutely nothing about it and then blaming you for it
It really depends on who you marry, but it's a edged sword
So there's always a 50/50 chance you either marry a bitch who makes your life hell or you marry someone who makes it paradise
Best advice date someone for a bit of all works out after a year or so then marriage is maybe something to consider
If it don't drop that bitch like a hot potato, and stay single
That's just how I've heard/seen it
So again no in between either it's the greatest thing to ever happen to you or it's a total shitshow
Aren't you that guy from 'Whose Line is it Anyway?'
Don't be afraid to completely drop someone with little to no notice. If you have doubts bring them forward if nothing changes dip the fuck out.
Depends. Are you in a no-fault state? Sometimes the wife pays the alimony. Some states, cheating in the relationship forfeits your “half” in a divorce. Depends on the state. Don’t just blurt out non facts and fake news cause your angry some bitch might take your money. Don’t marry a bitch then
In my state (head-up-its-own-ass Ohio) women are almost completely protected by the state. She could be abusive or belligerently unfaithful and the court will almost always side with her unless you can prove excessive drug use
How many times do I have to tell you marriage is bad?
>puts average and below men in a hell of a bind.
Hollywood propaganda of untrue representation of
>what Love is
>what marriage is
>how family life works.
All the fairytales and with happily ever after, but real life is not like that. I advice everyone who is merried or who would like to get married, go see a marriege consultant. Even if your marriage is great.
>Day inconsistent spelling
But you're not wrong
Ohio is fucked anyway, you got way more issues than how the courts treat divorce
Your state dessert is green jello. Ohio is so fucking lame
B-b-but my gf and I are SPECIAL and will be together FOREVER
You're not fuckin wrong
Just wait until you're 30 at least and the tables have turned, good luck finding one who doesn't have kids yet though and is still a keeper. Basically it's a bad idea for most people today unless you are very very lucky to have a reasonable woman
Alright man how?
cups of tea and sex whenever I want.
got to get the right woman though.
not to ambitious and rather insecure and sign a airtight prenup.
you want the kind of woman that starts to cry if you threaten to leave her and promises to do as she's told.
As soon as you get married you are fucked in all the ways that are of no benefit to yourself. Don't do it. I'm married to a 8/10 and I want to off myself. If I get divorced then she gets everything. If I stay, she gets everything anyway.
She gets what she wants, you don't.
You get no space from her and the amount of money towards Bill's and children come from you.
Bjs stop, sex goes from a few times a week to a few times a year.
Do humans ever know what they really want? We're such an asshole species.
You have no idea what you're talking about, like most on Yea Forums.
I call BS. Women show you who they are once you marry them. Until then you have no idea who the fuck she really is.
This is the only way to have a happy marriage, no kids and bother partners have good jobs. Otherwise, you're fucked.
You don't need to worry about it, clearly spend your time thinking about chicks with dicks given that picture OP
You must live in Ohio
Those are called bitches and whores. Don’t marry for your dick
Whores are easy to spot but bitches hide their true self really well.
As an ohioan the only thing he's wrong about is the lame part considering we got theme parks galore
Other than that Ohio is fuckin trash
I also lived in New York, New Jersey, Virginia, and Connecticut. Now I live in "dumbass" Ohio and I love it. The house I bought I wouldn't be able to afford in the other states. Taxes are low and I live five minutes away from Lake Erie. I'm sitting on my friend's boat as I write this.
Yep. With the faggot son
English not my native, sorry.
Married men in healthy relationships live on average 7 years longer compared to uncommitted men.
As for women, marriage has no affect on their life expectancy.
Redpill: If you are a man, you should really marry and commit to someone at some point to increase your life expectancy.
You can commit to someone without getting married
Research has found tying the knot with marriage was necessary for men to receive the full health benefits.
research has also showed that about 1/3 of kids are not related to their dads.
Depends on who you choose.
Have you been in multiple roommate situations? Have you noticed you can move in with your best friend from childhood and seriously consider slitting their throat by the end of the lease, and you can move in with a stranger and get on great?
Co habitation is weird. As one relationship psychologist I watched do a lecture out it "humans give themselves too much credit in terms of sophistication. Co habitating is shoving two wild animals into a closed space".
That's kind of where people go wrong I think. Your perfect ideal mate who checks all the boxes could still be a nightmare to live with. Or you might be the problem.
Starts getting down to little stupid things like which cupboard you prefer to put the flour.
Anyway you can't decide what marriage will be like for you based in opinions of people on the internet, no less Yea Forums, home of the incels. Choose a good partner.
I've also heard some married couples are living apart these days and it makes their marriages amazing.
Source, and sample choice.
Its a misleading number if not properly defined.
Many states have theme parks. My state has a theme park
Ohio is lame and for old retirees
Guess what you sound like
Sexual prison for men.
Legally binding contract .
Can’t get away from her without needing a lawyer...
Women always win
So why wouldn't you legally marry and get the tax benefits? Every downside of marriage is present in your common law marriage, but no benefits
Beta as fuck. Why get married if you dont have kids? Go fuck something else
But do many states have record breaking theme parks?
Marriage was once an institution meant to unite two wealthy families for tax benefits. Retards took this concept and made it about love. Now because of court bias, the favors are in for the woman only.
>no kids
Then why the fuck even monogamy? Do vesectomy and just fuck everthing.
With that kind of claim you should put source. But don't bother, I already know its untrue and u are fag.
there are few strategies that animals adopted for conception. first form life time bonds, second female has upper hand as her egg is expensive to produce so she selects the best mate possible and choses to stay with partner to raise kids, third female sleeps around and the best sperm produces offspring, fourth male seduces female impregnates her and runs for it etc. etc. Humans have rich culture and each culture has more or less different view on relationship and tries to mould the society into that view. I chose a long term relationship because I prefer to be with a female who can help me correct my behaviour but she is also open for feedback. We form a good couple who want to survive in the society and the world. I meet a lot of people but quite a lot of females are emotionally immature even when they in their thirties. I also don't like the lack of cooperation between people, often people don't want to cooparate but one the other side and this in long term rots the bond. Oh well.
>marriage was conceived to work in favor of average men.
the key word is conceived because it's definitely not in the favor of the average man now
>No man who has been married and divorced married a woman he loved
Ok i thought Yea Forums was just about the letter b but no.
>Are you in a no-fault state?
All states in every first world Western country are no-fault. No-fault by itself has nothing to do with the men or women paying.
Red pill for marriage
>just talk to anyone married about marriage and look at the despair in their eyes
>Married men in healthy relationships live on average 7 years longer compared to uncommitted men.
Animals in zoos normally live longer live the animals out in the wild
The meme was good but the grammar was eh
Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner! I also want to add that martiage is used as a tool of oppression by the church. Because the church gives the blessings for a couple to have sex they can control, manipulate and extort society.