Can we get a Massachusetts thread going?
Can we get a Massachusetts thread going?
Emily c.
Lexii H.
amherst area
Holly T
Anyone know her?
Everybody knows Kellie G right? Tyngs...
Northshore old fags here? Danvers peabody salem etc. 30ish and up?
Fall river
Shes a cutie. Who is she?
I can only imagine how insufferable a bitch with weed leaves tattooed on her tits must be,
A mass hoe i used to dick down
Yeah she just seems like a gutterslut
There any Massachusetts discord?
Cami from Franklin
Littleton or westford kik me at Cgyyfdf
Marlborough mass - lives in Boston
Pictures for ants for bae
mmm thx for posting. fucked her as have many, worth it tho she's fuckin hot
Alice K needham
Ariel D
If anyone knows her give me your kik
Reporting. Wish I had something to contribute.
Age? Where you from?
Hit678 on kik. In 413
You fucked Kelly G.?
Do tell.
what do you want to know? was at a party a long time ago at one of her friend's house
Susan S
you know her too? any good stories?
Name? Looks like my ex, just skinnier.
Joeybaby18 on kik for Berkshire ma
Hit678 on kik, interested in Northampton area
I don't think I was the only one that night either...
Massachusetts looks like a gun shooting Albany at New York
Nah, not her. Uncanny though
Trading for Weymouth class of 2015. Drop kik if you have some
I got Emily (w)elch and Marisa B(resnhan) from there
Any interest in Heather from the grafton/millbury area
More please
Know her?
This is Cassie. See
Just dyed her hair
Used to back in school
Got kik? Mine is anon0867
Whats this?
Should get a mega out there
Yea nothing to trade with though
Message me
Anyone have that blonde girl with the freckles and nose ring? My pics of her got deleted
Westfield checking in, all the dem fucknuts are in boston
Looking for Ashley b from Arlington. I see her on here every now and again
Disco party. I'd avoid if i were you
Alexandra F from E. Longmeadow? Even stories are good.
jenny malden
Damn i was going to post her but i dont have her on my phone.
Sorry satan take her instead
Aw man
Anyone from the foxborough Mansfield area?
Trish from New Bedford
Anyone know her?
Nah she’s from braintree
This is Cassie there can be only one
Any Worcester/Shrewsbury?
mmmmm know her too?
damn Kellie!
Theresa D from peabody anyone?
Alas no.
too bad, anyone else know her? wow, keep the pics coming!
Anyone know a cheap hooker in northshore
fuck I need some of that
I hope someone else is going to post some pictures as well.
I hope so too, damn, vid?
Why post the pics when the vids are better?
If I were home, I'd make some webms.
There's more than 1. At least 5. Damn near impossible to find when I went on a quest a year and half ago to find them.
shit wish you were home! post some tomorrow morning?
WOW. need these! what's she up to in them? Any group activity as rumored?
And if you're auntie had balls, she'd be your uncle.
This bitch is fat and ugly. Where the hot ones?
damn i want those tits in my face
If memory serves, only mmf in a couple of them.
Wrong pic...sorry
omg wow, gotta see those!!!!
Why don't you show us what you've got?
perfect girl mmmm
Worcester city anyone?
OMG she needs one in her ass there too so bad
Anyone have Viv T from Sudbury? Total freak.
That's from one of the vids.
IF I can find the vids later on whatever drive or USB I have them on, I won't even post webms. I'll just up them to my mega.
Breaks over...back to being a wage slave
anyone know her? 978?
ok thank you!!!
In Danvers now...
More of leff
I know it's a long shot, but if anyone has anything from Wachussett, Marian, Holy Name, or South High (Worcester) from the classes of 07-09 I'd appreciate a dump. It was a time before smart phones but I'm sure some of the sluts I knew had nudes floating around. Just looking for some masturbatory nostalgia.
Peabody 09 here
Any bay path class of 07,08 or 09?
Anyone got anything from Lakeville/Freetown or Taunton? Preferably more recent graduating classes
Besides your mom?
Mmm any nudes? She your girl?
nah idk her i just have non nude pics and know where she's from
Nice, name?
damnnnn keep going man
Shiala, from Lynn
Wish I had more
anyone know a girl named erin from waltham?
That’s pretty fucking great right there. More?
Thanks bro sorry I had to dip out like that
Hot but not worth getting your trunk scratched up from her bag.
Anyone have/know Marie B from Plymouth?
I'm in noho right now
damn she's a hot slut
hell yeah what town?
Id let her scratch up my car for a chance to fuck her throat for an hour
Wow the state look like a big revolver COOL
Tell me you're working up to nudes here
no lol
Emily Peabody
sarah s? weston?
Anyone have Audra on left or Kristen on right?
Any northeastern sluts? 2005-2009?
More audra please
Any cape cod babes?
Nice. Story?
Any Plymouth?
I know a girl named Valerie who went there sometime around then
Just naked at a public beach. You know her?
god damn can you faggots post a BOSTON thread if ur just gonna ignore 90% of the state. Fucking nobody cares about your thots out there. half of them are crack whores and the other half strip anyway. just pony up some dough
Kik me got tons dude
this is now a missouri thread
Last name with S?
I got allll the Berkshires
Naomi Middleboro/Plymouth
Geena from Seekonk
Kayla B (Winchendon)
Yeah, second letter e
Shaylie from North Adams
Amazing body. Nudes?
colleen from swampscott/beverly.
anyone know or want more? i'll dump some if theres interest
looking for her or her sis if anyone is from there. can drop the @ too
jess h - went to amherst
idk if these next couple are her or her sis. i don't like in swampscott anymore so idk lol
live in**** im dumb
interest anyone?
its one of them but i dont remember which pic is which lol it was a big folder.
Greenfield area anyone?
shit Yea Forums is fucking up for me tonight. this webm is the one
She work at bww?
whatever gonna drop it before the thread dies. lemme know if someone has the balls to try and get more, shouldn't be crazy diffuclt