Why cant I get a bf
Am I ugly? Rate me out of 10
Why cant I get a bf
Am I ugly? Rate me out of 10
Relatable. Can't get a gf either. You're 8/10 and I'd date you
You again?
Hideous. Your only hope is to whore yourself out to strangers on the internet.
Now tits with time stamp or gtfo
Post tits si we can say
Why you keep asking that? I would surely date you if i could. Not to mention other things. You are beautiful!
This is a larp. This is a man pretending to be a woman.
This is Yea Forums! Tits or GTFO
>source: my ass
You're from /soc/ right?
I think I remember you.
You cake way too much makeup on, it looks weird, you look like some kind of mannequin dummy
Other than that you're a 5/10, you should have no problem getting a BF, either you're way too picky and you reject most of the dudes interested in you, or there's something weird or offputting about your personality that scares them away
shave that beard
Are you a boy or a girl?
Oh my .... Trips
This thread again?
This the fat girl copy pasta again? is that all Yea Forums is anymore?
I hardly have any makeup on lmao but ok thanks for input
I'm just shy that's all.
What part of me looks like a man? LOL
I'm a girl, you've spent way too much time on this board
You are pretty but in my opinion you should wear much more makeup. I imagine you with red lips and blue eyeshadow.. ok. Maybe its my imagination, but you are pretty cute even without it. Althrough i think it would be very sexy and would fit you very
Seems like it.
Post tits or feet with timestamp then I'll rate
>or feet
It's not OR you fucking foot weirdo summer fag. Ttis are obligatory.
tits or gtfo
post your tits with a timestamp or gtfo
Are you there spider-man? it's me, user.
Probably because you’re a dude pretending to be a girl on Yea Forums
You're not that overly attractive but you think you are causing you to have way to high of standards.
Also you seem boring and full of yourself
Rate me Yea Forums!
A man once told me time is a flat circle. You'll post this thread again, and again, and again, forever.
Triggered buzzfeed fags incoming
Poopum Charlie/cock
just like any other trump supporter,a fat loser
Has anyone ever told you you’re crazy?
I mean, all things considered, you’re definitely attractive but it appears you could stand to lose some weight. Something about pretty girls that are overweight usually screams crazy to me.
If you’re shy and expecting the guy to make the first move, maybe a big potential growth opportunity for you is to balls up and make the first move and don’t be afraid of rejection. It goes both ways, guys love a girl with confidence that knows what she wants. If two people both are shy but like each other, they’re doomed if one doesn’t just say something about it.
You’ve got a fighting chance. As long as you’re not crazy.
Your pretty but because your shy and dont make alot of eye contact guys dont think your into them and you really shouldn't come to Yea Forums for Confidence
Indeed! these pics trigger so many snowflakes.
My name is Ben.
Yeah I suppose you're right, can't argue with you there.