Ask Yoda a question you must, answer them I shall...MmmmmmMMMMmmMMmm
Ask Yoda a question you must, answer them I shall...MmmmmmMMMMmmMMmm
What do you think about the dark skin people, master Yoda?
what do you think about boipussy master yoda?
13% of the population they are...MMMmmM...but commit 50% of the crime they do...exterminate them all we must....mmMmmmMmmMM...ketamine I shall aquire
Master yoda, where is the best place to get a philly cheese steak sandwich?
What do you think about this Master Yoda?
Why do all the jedi have big gay?
MMMMMM...better then females it is...
Philly of course....mmmMm
lmao based. and I'm in the screen cap too
Disgusting this is...Cleanse world of filth I must...go to my local firearms shop I soon shall...MMMMMM
master yoda, nivida or amd?
MMMMMMMMMM...Nivida of course
trips of truth checked, master yoda, i'm sorry for masturbating, please spare me, i'll be good from now on
No homo they did not say...forgot to wear socks they they are...mmmMmMMmm
master yoda, Coffee, Tea, or Soda?
MmmMMmmmm...unforgivable your grivence is...purged you shall be...disgusted I am...mmmmm
NO! master yoda don't! i'll be good boy, i'll do anything, even allahu akbar myself in a gay parade (in minecraft)
MMMMMm...the chadly water you fool...poisining yourself with these man-made concoctions you are...liberate not only the mind but the body from your corrporate overlords you must...mmmmM
but master yoda, i bought you a cheese burger.
MMMMmMMMM...question me you must not...first on my list you now are...even above furries and the crippled you now are...mmmmMM
Blessed you now are...Good Boy Points you shall recieve...forgive me for my words you shall...mmmmm
Master yoda can you get me un-blacklisted from instagram?
i'm sorry master yoda, when the time comes... please be quick
mmmMMm...powerful I am...but not more powerful then zuckerborg I am...trained him as a youngling I did...mmm...become more powerful then I ever imagine he did...unable to stop him I am....MMMmm
no unblacklist me from instagram master yoda!
MMMMmmmMM...death for you...tortoures it shall be...mmmMMMm
master yoda, heroin or ketamine?
told you the truth I did...feds already at my door already...regret selling ketamine to minors I do...MMMMMMMMMM
fuck you, illiterate cunt, i'll stick me shovel so far up your back end it will come out of your bloody mouth, come at me you green nigger
bro shut the fuck up before i shove a cactus so far up your ass that you have more pricks in you mouth than you do during pride month
mmmMMmm...death I seek...most welcolme for your providence I am...refer to me as a member of the darker races you did...execute you publicly in the streets I shall...MMMMMMMMM
MMMMMMM...thankful for your defence I am
nota prob master, also bejeweled or tetris?
Chad I am..Tetris I play...mmmmMMMM
when I'm done with you, i'll fuck raw your steaming corpse. but don't worry. i'll be gentle.
don't think i didn't get that morrowind reference. you n'wah.
master yoda, morrowind or oblivion?