Who's ready for a racial cleansing?

Who's ready for a racial cleansing?
Whoever rolls trips wipes out a race of their choice
Quads eliminates all the rest

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Whites gotta go.

even if you wiped out every race you dislike you will still find some group to hate.
Thats what hateful people do, no matter the body count you'll always want more.

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whites need to die


only one race, i was promised balance. you better kill off half

Black people need gone

fukkk Islam fukk Muhammad




Let's see

Cheerio darkies

Islam is a religious ideology not a race, you fucking weaponised incel

if trips, white women belong to black men

incels first recognized the dangerous ideology of sex and religion and forewarned the "cuckservative" anti-leebrul movement.

Asians but without the ching-chongs. I like them.

Let's get rid of all niggers (that includes sand niggers).



Can I choose to end your bloodline instead? Inbred incels shouldn’t be allowed to populate.

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Tour de France needs to go

Goodbye white people