I am 18 and transgender (male to female)

I am 18 and transgender (male to female)
I everything goes well i'll be done with my transicion when I am 23 or 24.
4 FUCKING YEARS TO WAIT! And 4 of the most important
How to cope with the feeling of missing out on everything?

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That doesn't compare to the feeling when you realize you've irreversibly ruined your body and life. Enjoy the time you have now faggot, it'll only get worse

kill yourself tranny

You can't choose where, when or as who you are born. Your life isn't shit because you're trapped in the "wrong body", it's shit for other reasons. In the end you have ultimately chosen to be miserable

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When you chop off your balls you wont even know why the fuck botber something like this, so atleast keep it. Its a very important organ for a man.

You're 18, and making a decision that will change your life permanently.
Similar to murder, military service, or having a child, if you decided to transition you will NEVER be able to take that back.
Complaining about it taking 4 years (and being 18) is proof you aren't ready to make that decision.

Kill yourself and livestream it please, no point in living with such a severe mental illness

You're mentally ill degenerate. You will never be a woman. You should kill yourself.

> Your life isn't shit because you're trapped in the "wrong body", it's shit for other reasons.

Your math is worse than your spelling.

answer me, OP
>how big are your feet
>how big are your hips
>how big is your adams apple


Transgender isn’t real.
You are just a girly soft guy, you are not a women, grow up and deal with reality.

I'm transitioning into a Jew, and I find this very offensive.

post nudes then kys

Why wait 4 years to kill yourself when you could just do it now?

how do you get the letter of "recommendation" when you go to court?

Does it has to be a MD or can it be anyone?

you need to be man... no woman.. this is wrong in islam... stop now


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Wow some of you are just assholes when you post here

Fuck Islam u goat fucking faggot

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post some pics faggot

Play some video games and watch some anime, that'll make the years just fly by.

You should cope with a shotgun in your mouth. Your mental illness could have been treated in about the same amount of time

Like who?

haha , youve been cucked by the government tranny psyops , good goy

Learn to spell before you make the decision to transition. Jesus Christ.

Kill yourself

I'm currently 24, and spent the last few years running from the law. The lost time will drive you nuts guaranteed.

stop being a retard and just be gay

Transitioning because you're gender disphoric is like liking yourself because you're depressed. Funny enough they end up killing themselves as well, just goes to show what happens when society enables mental illness.

Just kys now get it over with

My dog has more genetic significance than you do. Congratulations, you've failed.

Don't let idiots get you down. Remember that you will be what you always wanted to be. Try to live the way you feel most comfortable.

Start thinking about how to cope with the feeling of missing your dick you tranny fuck

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Promiscuous girl, wherever you are
I'm all alone and it's you that I want
Promiscuous boy, you already know
That I'm all yours, what you waiting for?
Promiscuous girl, you're teasing me
You know what I want, and I got what you need
Promiscuous boy, let's get to the point
'Cause we're on a roll, you ready?

Hopefully you get through your teenage angst and come to your sense before then. There is SOOOO much more to life than feeling significant and fitting in.

you'll be happy to learn the suicide rate drops for the very first year after transition, and then statistically creeps right back up to 42% after the "honeymoon" phase and once reality sets in that you have permanently mutilated yourself.

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I hope you get better, but you shouldn't be post on Yea Forums. We don't really agree with your values. You should find a support group.

shut up faggot

tranny hate thread?

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Oh you sweet summer child

Whatever you do, keep your fem cock OP

I love that picture.

Please kill yourself op. I don't want my kids running into freaks like you when we are shopping for groceries. Then I get to explain to a 7yo why the fuck a man is wearing women's clothes.

Real question, if sex is separate from gender then why do you need to change the genitals you have? Surely if you're female just by the virtue of feeling like one, then that remains true whether or not you have a penis, right?

I'm honestly confused by this sort of logic, and I can't talk to any trans people about it because when I start asking questions like this they assume I'm transphobic and don't answer. I honestly just want to know why body dysmorphia, which is a known symptom of several mental illnesses and can be treated, is supposed to just be accepted as someone's "truth" when it comes to their genitals.

The sad thing is I usually have no problem with people who have this mental condition, but this shoot walks right past the line and pisses on it.

OP, I know you might face a lot of hardship right now and this thread is not helping. But with all your might you should neck yourself so others don’t have to do it for you. Sincere, summerfag

Post nudes

Fucking hell user.
Based Response.

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good luck ruining your body you wannabe


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- Lil B

why not just be mentally ill and not also a retarded freak on top

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the bait is strong with this one

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Do a flip of a bridge, faggot

Kill yourself tranny

Being tranny is illness

Realize that in the future you’ll die if for some reason some hapless man can’t see that you are a post op abomination at first, then finds out he’s been fucking a dude this whole time.

Most of these traits annoy me rather than making me think they're cuter

timestamp tits or get the fuck off a cliff and kill yourself

gas fags

nowadays life starts at 30. you'll be missing nothing. be patient, become the cutest trap you can be. don't cut your dick, tho. and take good care of that boipucci.

Lmao gay fag

You posted this during the day when the b/tards are all here. You lined yourself up for the kys messages

>neckbeards spend thousands of dollars on loli silicon dolls to mimic a love life they yearn to have but never will
>men who feel like women want their bodies to feel as feminine as they can
>somehow a bad thing

If your main concern is missing out that means your gender identity seems to be based off a social identity and not actual dysphoria. Seems like by nurture you were born effeminate and the masculine crowd rejected you so you long for acceptance as a woman. Face the fact that youre just a gay man, its okay.

Lmao you'll probably off yourself by your mid thirties

Well o dont support your decision and life choices the best thing I can say it to repent for your sins to God, or what ever you believe in, because you are a amazing human who's trying to find themselves in the wrong way

You can't wait 4 years to be fucking dead?

obviously bad things